Confusing English Words HOMONYMS Fix Common Vocabulary Mistakes Errors

Hello! I’m Emma from mmmEnglish!

In this lesson I’ll be talking about some

confusing English words. Words that sound
exactly the same but are spelled

differently and they have different
meanings, different uses.

Words like bare and bear, raw and roar.

These words are called homonyms. So quite a few of you

have been asking me to create a lesson
about these types of words, about homonyms,

to help you to understand the difference
between these words and how to use them.

These pairs of words or groups of words
have different meanings and often they

are completely different types of words.

One’s a noun, one’s an adjective, one’s a verb, one’s an adverb.

So, usually the context will help you to understand

which word is the right one to use but
you need to remember the spelling - which

is the tricky part!

So it’s especially important when you’re writing,

when you’re speaking it doesn’t
matter so much because they sound

exactly the same right? But as soon as
you write it down, that’s where you’ll

run into trouble - especially if you’re
writing an exam, you’re writing an

important email or an essay that you
need to submit.

So in this lesson you’ll

learn some new words (hopefully) but more importantly you’ll learn about some

pairs of words or groups of words where
you need to be extra careful about your

spelling and your use. Please note that
you’ll be hearing these words in my

Australian accent. The pronunciation of
some of these words can be slightly

different depending on where you are
hearing them. If it’s American English

or British English, in England or
in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa

or anywhere else where English is
spoken. As always, I have lovingly

prepared subtitles for you. If you can’t
see them now, you just need to turn them on.

Press the little button down there
that has two C’s on it.

OK, now we’re ready to get started!

Let’s start with raw and roar. Now, both of these

words have the /ɔ:/ vowel sound,

the same sound that you’ll hear in words like door and saw.

Raw. Now there are a few
different uses for this word but you’ll

most commonly hear it used as an
adjective, particularly describing food.

So when you’re talking about food, raw
means that something is not cooked.

I like my steak raw! Raw vegetables are good for you.

And sushi is often made from raw fish.

It can also mean that something is
natural and unprocessed. So for example

the table is made from raw timber.

Now, roar can be a noun or a verb for a very loud noise.

A person or a crowd of people
can roar in anger or excitement.

If you think of a football stadium that is full of football fans and they are all

roaring when their team scores the goal, it’s very loud.

You might hear the expression that
someone’s roaring with laughter which

means they’re laughing really loudly.

Roar is also the noun that we give to

the sound that a lion makes. The lion roared.

Now, there are more English homonym pairs

that use this same vowel sound.
It’s quite a common one, actually.

Words like your and you’re, saw and sore. Poor and paw and pore.

Flaw and floor. Sure and shore.

So you must be careful about
how you use these words.

OK let’s move on!

Bare and bear. Now both of these words
use the /eə/ diphthongs sound.

The same sound that you’ll hear in words like air and care and compare.

Now, bare is an

adjective that describes when there is
nothing covering something else.

Bare walls, for example, have no pictures on them.

Bare land has no trees on it.

Bare skin is skin without any clothing

A bear is - of course - an animal, a noun.

A teddy bear or a koala bear or a panda
bear. Again, there are more English

homonym pairs that use this same vowel
sound, such as stare and stair, pear and

pair, flair and flare, wear and where.

There, their and they’re.

These ones always used to drive me crazy
at school! I was always confusing there

and their. They all use the same
diphthong sound again. /eə/

While these words all sound exactly the
same, they have very different meanings

and different uses. There is commonly
used as an adverb to give more

information about where something is or
was or will be.

I’ll meet you there after school.

So there is a place.

It’s also used as a pronoun.

There’s someone behind you.

There is someone waiting for you outside.

Their is the possessive form of ‘they’ and

it’s always followed by a noun.
Their car, their company, their bad luck.

Note that it can also be the possessive
form of a single person if you don’t

know if it’s a male or female person. So
for example.

Someone left their jacket behind.

They’re is the contracted form of
‘they are’. Words are often contracted to

make them easier to say and quicker to
say. So ‘they are’ becomes they’re

pronounced in exactly the same way.

They’re hungry, they’re moving to Sydney.

Here and hear. Now, both of these words use the /ɪə/

diphthongs sound. /ɪə/ The same sound that you hear in words like

ear and beer and year.

Now, here is mainly used as an

Wait here, I’ll be back in five minutes.

But it can also be used as an
interjection like

Here, hold this.

Hear is a verb,

of course you know this one.

I can’t hear what he’s saying. Can you hear that?

Again, because these two words are

different types of words they’ll be used
quite differently in sentences.

Did you hear that announcement? They told us to wait here.

Another homonym pair that uses the same
sound is dear and deer.

So dear has quite a few different uses as an adjective

and deer is a noun, also the name of an animal.

Which and witch. Both pronounced
in exactly the same way. Which.

Which is a determiner or a pronoun.

Which one do you want? Which design do you prefer?

Which car is the fastest? Which of you wants to go first?

A witch is a woman in stories. A woman
who has magical powers.

She was accused of being a witch because she always wore black.

Again, both of these words are

used quite differently in English
sentences because they’re different

types of words. In fact, they can even be
used in the same sentence!

Which witch scares you the most?!

Flour and flower. So the pronunciation
here, we have a diphthong sound and the

schwa sound /aʊ/

/ə/ /aʊə/ flour.

Both of these words are nouns
and they’re pronounced in exactly the

same way but they’re quite different.

Even though they’re both nouns, they’re quite different.

One is a countable noun. Flower. So if you hear this noun in a plural form,

flowers, you’ll know that the
speaker is talking about flowers.

Flour is uncountable
because it’s a powder and generally

powders are uncountable in English.

Because one is countable and the other

is uncountable, these two words are used
quite differently in English sentences.

To learn more about the different ways
that countable and uncountable nouns are

used in English sentences,
check out this lesson up here.

I’ve created a whole new lesson about
uncountable nouns for you!

Threw and through.

Now both of these words use the /u:/ vowel sound, the same

sound that you hear in words like do and

Watch out for the unvoiced TH sound here,

it’s a little tricky when it’s next
to the R. Make sure that your tongue is

coming through your teeth when you
pronounce that sound. Threw.

Threw is a verb, the past tense form of throw.

He threw the ball over the fence by accident.

Through is used in a few
different ways. For example, as a preposition.

Push your tongue through your teeth to make this sound.

As an adverb, there’s water coming
through the ceiling.

And as an adjective,

I’ll call you when the day is through.
I’m really busy right now.

So there, through means done or finished.

Assistance and assistants.

Now assistance is a noun. It’s help or support that’s given to someone.

It’s an uncountable noun so it can’t be plural,

there’s only one form, assistance.

Can I have your assistance lifting this box into my car?

I asked her for some assistance, because I couldn’t find my seat.

He needed financial assistance to
start his business.

Now assistants is also a noun

but it’s a plural noun, the singular form is assistant.

When there is only one, it’s assistant.

But when the S is added the T softens and most of the time

you can’t even hear it. An assistant is
someone whose job it is to help someone else.

A shop assistant is someone who
works in a shop and helps customers.

A personal assistant is a person who helps
someone else to do their job.

And again, we can use these words in the same sentence.

The shop assistants will give you assistance if you need it.

As always, I’ve made a worksheet for you so that

you can practice using these different
words together in sentences.

You can download it right here.

Now these words are so similar that it’s easy to make mistakes,

even for native English speakers! Every native English speaker

who’s watching this video or who’s not
has confused these words at some point

in their lives. It’s nothing to be
ashamed of!

These mistakes are silly little mistakes

that often you don’t mean to make but it happens!

It’s just frustrating that sometimes it does happen

in an important email or when you’ve
just submitted your assignment and

realise you’ve made a mistake! Before I
finish up this lesson I want to tell you

about an awesome tool that I use to help
make fewer mistakes with homonyms and I

always recommend it to my students
because it’s so good, it’s also really

good with spelling and grammar! It’s
going to be your secret weapon to make

sure that you don’t make these mistakes
again. It’s MY secret weapon sometimes!

When I’m trying to write an email really
quickly or I’m writing YouTube comments

or Facebook comments or I’m writing a
blog post, you know, sometimes I make

these mistakes - especially if I’m typing
really quickly and that’s life!

It happens! But now I’ve installed the
Grammarly app onto my browser.

Grammarly tells you when you’ve accidentally made
one of these mistakes and it tells you

why you’ve made that mistake, if you’re
not sure. Now, Grammarly tells you when

you’ve made one of these mistakes
accidentally, it will help you to check

your spelling and tell you when you’ve
made an error!

Oops! That is exactly why I use Grammarly
just to make sure!

I use it to help

me while I’m writing emails, blog posts
and essays to make sure that I know when

I’ve made these mistakes and I can feel
confident when I’m writing that I

haven’t made these mistakes.

The great news is, this app is absolutely free!

Just click this link up here, I’ve made a
blog post to help you understand why

this tool is so useful and a video on
how to use it.

Really important tool for English
students because if you don’t have a

teacher who’s sitting next to you and
telling you why you’re making these

mistakes, Grammarly is the next best

Anyway, this is the perfect tool to

help you make fewer mistakes in English
with homonyms or with English grammar.

Well I hope that this lesson has been
helpful for you. If you would like to

keep practicing with me,
check out these lessons right here.

If you haven’t subscribed yet to my channel
come and join us!

You get a new lesson every
week here on the mmmEnglish YouTube channel

so that you can keep practicing and
improving your English!

Click the red button just down there. Bye for now!