How to Learn English in 2019

get ready to share this video dude okay

we’re on hi hi Internet my name is

Alicia welcome back to our weekly live

stream this week our topic is how to

make an English study plan for 2019 so

this week I’m going to do a little bit

of review from our first live stream of

this year where I talked about goal

setting for your language studies and

then because many of you have asked

about this I’m going to talk about how

to make study plans so I’m going to

introduce a couple of sample study plans

just very simple for a beginner goal and

for an intermediate or an advanced

English study goal for the year so if

you’re kind of looking for some ideas

for how to approach your studies your

English studies this year maybe this can

give you some ideas as always please

make sure to send your questions in the

chat I will try to check I see many of

you are already here hello everybody

thanks very much for joining us Facebook

and YouTube are up great hello YouTube

Jorge Youssef one someone in Russian I

can’t read your name Spencer

rouhani China Manuel David Kolya hello

mind games oh my goodness there’s some

mysterious names in there Alex Mendoza

hello Santosh Shi wakil D hello hi

everybody and on Facebook Saddam and

sahrin and Cub D and Mars and Bernardo

and Alex and Mohamed and another

Bernardo and teach hello everybody

all the comments are coming in hi thank

you very much for coming if you missed

it today we’re going to talk about

making a study plan for English for 2019

so as i said i’m gonna talk about goal

setting we’ve spoken about this before

and then we’re going to talk about some

sample goals some sample study plans you

can use if you are a beginner and if you

are a more intermediate or good

level student so join in send a message

hit the like button share the video to

as you join us we really appreciate it

other people will find the video and can

join us live good morning from Cambodia

Wow hi I saw that on Facebook Maryam

you’ve watched our videos for a while

cool thank you cool cool

ok also if you are joining and you have

not joined our live before make sure to

check out the link or even if you have

and make sure to check out the link

below the video if you’re watching on

YouTube or above the video on Facebook

for these free things these free PDFs

I will show them to you later in the

lesson but you can download them now if

you want to while we’re waiting for some

other people to join so check this out

we’ll check it out later in the lesson

as we wait for a couple more people to

join us live I want to share my update I

tweeted about this on my way here this

morning there is a new video on the

YouTube channel this is a new like

grammar focused lesson I made a lesson

about the word only so only it’s an


but native speakers make mistakes with

this like putting it in the wrong place

in the sentence and so I made a lesson

about this and I showed some sample

sentences about like the positioning

where to put the word only in a sentence

to change the meaning this just went up

like 12 hours ago so please check this

out this is a really good grammar lesson

for native speakers and for non-native

speakers so please do check this out you

can find it on the English class 101

YouTube channel I was I’ve been waiting

for that one I’m into that topic okay so

with that I think we’re about five

minutes in so I’m going to start but I

am going to share the video myself as

hope you do and then I am going to begin

with a grammar grammar with a review of

a goal setting so if you joined our

first live stream this year I talked

about this SMART goal setting concept so

this is something we’ve talked about a

few times on this channel and I’m going

to slow down my speaking of it for goal

setting I’ve talked about this this idea

so it’s called SMART goal setting

because the first letter can we see it

there the first letter of each word

spells thanks spells smart smart SMA R T

so to review like why is this important

so I know I’ve seen your comments a lot

of you writes like I want to speak

English fluently or how do I speak like

a native speaker and so on like that’s

my goal but the problem with goals like

that is we can’t track we don’t know

like am i fluent do I speak like a

native speaker I don’t know that so

that’s not a very good goal to have a

SMART goal however is a goal that’s very

clearly defined so we know when we have

achieved that goal so I want to review

how to make a SMART goal and how to make

a study plan for a SMART goal so let’s

begin these are key words for this

lesson the first word for a SMART goal

is a specific goal a specific goal is

not I want to speak English fluently

that is not specific a specific goal for

example is like I want to learn 500

vocabulary words that’s a very specific

number that’s a clear number 500

vocabulary words I want to give a

presentation in English that’s a very

specific goal give a presentation in

English I want to order a pizza

in English if that’s your goal cool

that’s a very useful skill so choose a

very specific

go what is the thing you want to do so

I’m going to go through each point here

some of you are already asking all of

these I’m going to get to it we’ll go

one by one so this make sure your goal

is specific it’s clear there’s a number

or there’s like one action you want to

achieve okay

second point measurable measurable so

let’s break this word down I’ve talked

about this before here we have inside

this word measure measure you can hear

it so that means like when we measure

something we see how long it is or maybe

how much time it takes and we have the

suffix Abel Abel Abel means something we

have the ability to do we can do that


so measurable means something we can

measure something we can track so for

example 500 vocabulary words this is


I know I’ve learned like 200 words 300

words 400 words 500 words I can measure

how many words give a presentation I can

measure the parts of a presentation if I

want to I can say okay I made the

beginning to my presentation I made the

middle of my presentation I finished

like the end of my presentation my whole

presentation is finished so we can

measure our progress so your goal should

be specific and measurable those are two

points the first two points okay let’s

go on to the next word achievable

achievable so here again we have the

same suffix by the way suffix I’m using

this word suffix these are called

suffixes suf sorry

su FF IX a suffix I made a video about

this on the YouTube channel a suffix is

a group of letters that comes at the end

of a word and it modifies it changes the

meaning of the word so Abel is

Suffolk’s it means can were able to do

something so achievable something

achievable achieve means something like

we can do it’s possible it’s attainable

we can get it

that’s what achievable means so

achievable here means we need to choose

a goal that is possible for us to do so

like a non achievable goal is like for

example I want to speak English or I

want to give a presentation in English

tomorrow that’s not achievable for most

of us unless we’re native speakers and

even then maybe not but an achievable

goal needs to be something that it’s

possible to do it is feasible so make

sure your goal is achievable next point

realistic realistic so a hint is here in

this word real real so this is something

that we can imagine and is also like

useful for you I feel like it’s

important to make sure your goal is

actually useful in some way for you so

don’t just give yourself like a crazy

goal that’s not going to help you or

that’s not going to be useful for your

life make sure it’s a realistic goal

lest someone wrote what does timely mean

timely timely means what is like what is

your your schedule or your time frame

time frame let’s plane what is your time

frame so a timely goal means you decide

you choose your goal yes but you also

choose a time period to finish your goal

within so timely means you can finish

the goal within like six months and it’s

a reasonable or a realistic amount of

time to do your goal to cook like to

achieve your goal so you need to

consider all of these points when you

set your goal somebody said I’d love to

rewatch Pokemon EE

English episodes three three Oh Dublin

left sorry dubbed in English three

episodes a week so that’s a very

specific goal nice one that’s good so

yeah send your goals in the chat maybe

you can give other people some ideas

that’s good so this is the basis this is

the foundation the basic points of

making a smart goal so I’ve said a

couple already like learn 500 vocabulary


that’s pretty achievable then we can

choose a time period to do that so like

learn 500 vocabulary words in six months

for example that’s a very realistic

achievable goal or give a presentation

in English in 2019 learn to do that so

I’m going to talk about study plans for

achieving goals like these in the second

part and the third part of today’s

lesson so with this in mind try to try

to send your goal I think that’s a

really good idea send your goal in the

chat and we can take a look and see what

your goals are and maybe we can talk

about how to make them even better so

I’m going to take a quick break and then

we’re going to continue to talking about

sample plans so I talked about that

first goal 500 vocabulary words so if

you are a beginner if you’re just

starting your English Studies or if

you’re not sure about your English

Studies we have so many things that are

perfect for a 500 vocabulary word goal

like if you want to pick up vocabulary

words for your everyday life I show

these all the time are we gonna okay so

I show these all the time these are the

PDFs that you can find there’s this

banner here you can find these below the

video on youtube or above the video on

Facebook these these are free to

download but these have vocabulary words

for everyday life this one is about


and phrases to about your hobbies so

like shopping for example there are some

words you can use in the office relating

to business and so on I don’t like that

one for this lesson there’s others about

food I’m a big fan of food so these are

some great free resources you can check

out if you are interested in bumping up

in leveling up your vocabulary and it’s

not just vocabulary there are phrases on

these PDFs to each one each topic is two

pages so you can take a look at the

topic that’s interesting to you and

start there and then download all the

others as well so please check those out

you can find these below the video on

youtube or above the video on Facebook

everything is at English class

okay great if you’re just joining today

we’re talking about how to make an

English study plan for 2019

so I started today’s lesson by talking

about SMART goals how to make a SMART

goal now I’m going to go to some sample

goals first I’m going to talk about a

beginner goal then I’m going to talk

about an advanced or an intermediate

goal so some of you are sending your

goals fantastic good idea someone said

my goal is to watch you every Wednesday

to learn more cool that’s pretty

specific nice and once a week great and

thank you for watching others I saw

another one someone wrote 31 up to get

over 900 points on the TOEIC test whoa

good luck that’s a challenge other ones

oh I’m on on Facebook ask is this a

worksheet no this is not a worksheet

it’s not something to write on this is a

vocabulary of like a vocabulary

reference sheet so here it’s hard to see

there’s vocabulary words on each one

vocabulary words and phrases there to

check so this is just for reference like

you could

this on a wall if it’s like a topic

that’s important to you or just put it

on your phone to study from time to time

okay good so send your goals throughout

the lesson we can check it out all right

with that let’s continue to the first

sample study plan so I want to begin

with a beginner sample study plan so

let’s imagine as I said your goal as a

beginner is to study 500 vocabulary

words in like six months or something

like that so you’re just starting so

this is your goal learn 500 vocabulary

words and let’s choose six months in six

months okay so if this is my goal the

next question is how do I do that like

what do I need to do I know I need

vocabulary words but how do I get the

vocabulary words so a couple of ideas

these are not the only ideas just a

couple first you could check out our

videos I enjoy them but you could use

our videos if you like watching videos

watching media on YouTube or other

things our top word series is good for

vocabulary we introduced 10 vocabulary

words or phrases in each lesson so you

can choose a topic that you’re

interested in and pick up those

vocabulary words but make sure if you’re

using videos if you’re using top words

for example for your studies make sure

that you are using the words yourself so

don’t just listen to me like listen to

me I hope but at the same time like make

sure you like are writing down the words

so pick up the words the new words write

them down make your own sentences with

them so don’t just listen to the words

you need to use them as well

so if you’re watching the video pool

that’s great but make sure that you are

creating something with those words

that’s an important stuff so not just

input but also output

second idea is to choose things in your

everyday life choose things in your

everyday life and check a dictionary so

check a dictionary to get the word in

English so for example if I know that I

need to use the word marker in my

everyday life

a lot I can check a dictionary and find

the word in my native language or the

rather the language I’m studying and

then I know that this is a word for me

to study so I choose 10 objects or maybe

10 actions every day and I check those

words in a dictionary and those are my

10 words for the day for example so

these are a couple of ideas that you can

use there are of course like flashcard

options you can just choose a deck a

deck means like a group of cards a deck

of flashcard pre-made already prepared

flashcards for your studies so there are

many different ways you can choose your

vocabulary words so yeah this is kind of

step one then after you choose your goal

where are where are my words going to

come from so these are a couple of ideas

for that then after that how do you

study how do you study so here’s a

sample study plan so I said in my

example there in my example just now

like I’m going to choose ten words a day

or like in top words there are 10 words

per video so I’m going to watch one

episode every day so if that’s ten words

every day and I decide to study five

days a week that gives me 50 new words

every week so this is another point make

sure you’re studying new words don’t

only like review so make sure you’re

putting new things into yours like into

your studies

so if top words is too easy for you

start looking for something that’s a

little bit more challenging

so if I’m studying 10 words every day

five days a week

cool also inside the study plan maybe

like one time or two times a week you

review the things you’ve learned so

don’t just study one time make sure

you’re reviewing things regularly to

keep them fresh in your mind so ten

words a day times five days a week

there’s fifty words in one week so this

doesn’t seem like a lot of work it’s

like it you just have to continue doing

that for a period of time for example 50

words a week times 10 weeks is 500 new

vocabulary words so 10 weeks that’s it

to learn 500 new vocabulary words our

goal was six months so this should be no

problem 10 weeks for 500 words so if you

break down your goal in this way like

500 words seems like a lot but if you

break it down into smaller pieces it

becomes much easier to understand and to

approach those small parts so this is

just one idea if you’re if your goal is

to learn vocabulary words this is an

idea for how you can do that so I know a

lot of you are working on improving your

vocabulary and your grammar so you could

do this for grammar too like I want to

learn 50 grammar points you can do the

same thing so this is a good plan I

think for a beginner some of you are

writing my goal is to speak like a

native again we talked about these SMART

goals at the beginning of the lesson how

do you know when you speak like a native

like it’s really hard to know that make

your goal specific make your goal

measurable you can’t track whether or

not you speak like a native so make a

goal that is clear to you that you know

you can achieve start by making a good

goal okay other goals I’m looking in the

chat I don’t see someone says how many

times a week do you have this class we

do this class this live class one

a week nine p.m. Eastern Standard Time

that’s New York City time of course we

have many other lessons on YouTube and

Facebook throughout the week nice one

Andre on YouTube wrote one of my goals

is to learn one phrasal verb every day

nice one that’s a good goal that’s a

good goal that’s a lot of work for sure

great good luck with that nice okay I

will take a break and then we’ll go to a

more advanced goal idea study idea

rather so if you missed it I talked

earlier about the free things that we

have the banner is here and you can find

the link for this stuff below the video

on YouTube above the video on Facebook

but as I just talked about if your goal

is to learn vocabulary words this year

if you want to improve your vocabulary

or if you want to even just improve your

language in terms of more natural

phrases picking up some everyday phrases

not just words you can check out the

PDFs the free pdf that we have on the

English class 101 website so I showed

some of these before

but I know lots of you are working on

improving your English for jobs or for

jobs and for travel so the travel one

this says USA but on the back there are

phrases you can use for english-speaking

countries in general especially this

middle part here I know it’s hard to see

sorry but this could be a good one if

you are traveling to an english-speaking

country and you want to pick up a few

extra vocabulary words also good for

travelers is this one for the airport

so there are airport related vocabulary

words here but on the back is this Q&A

section this is a sample

question-and-answer session with an

immigration agent so I know some people

worry a lot about that so this is a very

quick sample

that you can reference so please check

this stuff out and other things this is

all free from the link below or above

the video check the description not the

chat box though I think in the YouTube

chat our chat desk is sending links too

so please do check that out it is free

ok onward I don’t see other goals yet if

you have one send it

okay let’s move on though let’s move on

to the third part of today’s topic if

you’re just joining today we are talking

about making sample study plans for your

English learning in 2019 so the point

here is to review how to achieve your

new year’s resolutions I’m going to go

now to a sample plan for like an

intermediate or an advanced goal so I

know many of you are working on

improving English for career

opportunities so for this goal I want to

imagine that we want to be able to give

a presentation in English so I know that

this is challenging and makes you feel

nervous in many for many people so I

want to look at how to approach your

studies if this is your goal for the

year so here similar to our beginner

goal after you choose the goal think

about then what do I need to do so what

are the things I need to be able to do

to give my presentation in English so I

need to learn words learn vocabulary

words about my topic so maybe if I’m

going to give a presentation about

finance for example or if I’m going to

give a presentation about my research

topic I need to learn those words in

English so that means I need to create

my own vocabulary list in

English for those specific words I need

for my topic so that’s one to-do item

second I need to learn presentation

vocabulary so what are the words we use

to introduce a topic what are the words

we use to go to the next topic smoothly

in a presentation

how should I finish my presentation so

these are small points but too smoothly

and clearly give a presentation they’re

quite important so this is point two

third step after learning these

vocabulary and phrases we need to write

the presentation so I think this is a

really good idea to help you organize

your ideas of course and also to give

you a chance to check the way you have

like written your sentences is it

correct or not and maybe at this step -

you can ask someone to check your

presentation to see if there are any

errors this is a great step I think

finally practicing so you need to

practice your presentation before you

give the presentation so there are these

I think maybe four main things to do and

inside each of these are smaller goals

so let’s focus on these two right here

for this lesson because we don’t have a

lot of time so if we need to learn words

about the topic and learn vocabulary

words about presentations then we need

to create a plan for our studies of

those items so for example if I learn

five presentation words a day and I

learn oops I’m sorry I wrote this twice

if I learned five presentation where is

a day and five topic words a day sorry

everybody five topic words a day by five

topic words I mean five vocabulary words

that are specific to my topic so in this

case if you are topic for presentation

is very like

very specific to you then you might need

to take some time to check a dictionary

or Google to find exactly the correct

word Google is your friend for this I

use this a lot for translation and it

can be super useful for checking the

correct way to make an expression so

that’s the reason I thought maybe five

words five topic words a day would be

good maybe for a beginner ten words a

day is a little bit easier because there

are some content or there is some

content on the internet already like we

have some content to refer to but if you

are researching your own words it might

take you some more time so I thought

maybe five topic words a day and then

maybe five presentation words a day so

if you’re looking to do a presentation

if you’re planning to do a presentation

we have some videos now on the channel I

did a live stream about presentations

last year and in February I’m going to

do an updated refreshed bigger one too

so if you need to look at a presentation

related words you can check the content

on our channel look for business or for

presentation and you can also try to do

some google searching of your own and

look for look on YouTube for sample

presentations so there are great

resources already online for you to

check and pick up some new words so

these are a couple of examples for your

vocabulary study plans and then writing

your presentation too so consider it

like a draft so you write the first

draft and then you review it look at

some problems find some problems write

it again maybe give it to someone else

write at a third time so take each item

here step by step it’s like a draft so

you’re always drafting making a rough

version of something so this is kind of

a quick idea for how to approach

studying for a presentation in English I

know it’s not everything but there’s a

limited time so someone said are you

going to do a class to prepare a

presentation yes on February 20th I

believe is the date near the end of

February yes I’m going to do a live

lesson about giving a presentation I

can’t remember the date off the top of

my head

phrases to use yeah that’s it is that

the Wednesday huh oh 20th yeah 20th 20th

February 20th will be phrases to use

when giving a presentation so yes please

join that livestream I will be doing a

refresher a big one last year I did a

presentation about presentations but it

was very small we had a very small board

so this year in February I will do one

so please join us for that one in

February okay um we are oh my gosh we’re

out of time so I guess I have to stop

there for today

but I hope that this gave you some ideas

about how to set your goals for English

whether you’re a beginner or whether you

are a more intermediate or advanced

student I hope that you found some ideas

or at least got a little motivation to

study even a little bit every day

because just a little bit of study every

day adds up quickly so it’s hard to

track your progress sometimes ah one

more tip just for beginners or her

advance people sorry I can’t resist is

if you record yourself it can be super

helpful like if you record yourself

speaking when you first start your

studies and like record yourself in

every practice session after that and

compare like compare yourself now to

when you were like a beginner it’s

really really amazing so that’s

something kind of fun I like to do when

I practice anything

okay I’m gonna stop talking now because

I’m always late I talk too much okay

we’ll finish there for today so thank

you as always for joining us live this

week we’re going to be back next week of

course next week I guess next week’s is

actually a little bit about

presentations next week’s topic will be

about how to support an idea so this

means like when you give your opinion

how do you give more information to

support your opinion so this will be

good I think for discussions if you like

having discussions or debates or if you

just want to be able to express yourself

more deeply someone said can you provide

a phrasal verbs list for us that would

be very tough there Julianne’s and

bajillions of phrasal verbs check they

know your verbs series if you want a few

phrasal verbs for each verb okay can I

change the time I cannot the good

question the schedule of the class we

will be here at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard

Time every Wednesday that is New York

City time if you do not know your local

time please google it

next week 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

so good luck with your new year’s

resolutions please make SMART goals so

that you set yourself up for success I

wish you all the best thank you very

much for joining us don’t forget to get

your free stuff from below the video on

YouTube and above the video on Facebook

thanks for sending your messages thanks

for sending your goals and I hope you

have a great week a great weekend we’ll

see you again next week bye bye