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helicopter helicopter

so a helicopter is similar to an

airplane it flies but there’s one

propeller on top of it the ceo travels

to work by helicopter

the ceo travels to work by helicopter

the ceo travels to work

by helicopter black

black black

black is a color or rather black is the

absence of color it’s the darkest color

that we have

i have a black cat i have a black cat

i have a black cat

brown brown

brown so brown is a very natural color

it’s very common

on hair color and an eye color my hair

color is brown for example

my uncle has a new pair of brown shoes

my uncle has a new pair of brown shoes

my uncle has a new pair of brown shoes

gray gray

gray so gray is a very neutral color

it’s between

white and black gray is not a very

flashy color gray is not a very flashy


gray is not a very

flashy color

rest rest

rest so rest

is a verb that means to take a break you

can use it anytime you need to stop what

you’re doing for a short period

i’m just resting i’m just resting

i’m just resting

here here

here so the verb here

is used for any time you need to use

your ears

to receive information so this means

you’re not

focusing your attention but information

can enter

your ear i can barely hear you

i can barely hear you i can

barely hear you

want want

want so the verb want is used to express

a desire for something we use it to talk

about the things we would like to


i want to eat cherries i want to eat


i want to eat cherries

disgusting disgusting

disgusting disgusting is an adjective

we’d use it to describe things that we

think are really really terrible

especially food or maybe even comments

things that we think are really

unacceptable cockroaches are disgusting

cockroaches are disgusting cockroaches

are disgusting

eleven eleven

e le ven eleven is the number that comes

after 10.

this department store has 11 floors

this department store has 11 floors

this department store has

11 floors

twelve twelve

twelve so twelve is the number that


after eleven twelve can also be called a


when we refer to a dozen of something we

mean 12 of something

it’s 12 o’clock it’s 12 o’clock

it’s 12 o’clock

  1. 13

13 13 is the number that comes

after 12. for many people 13 is an

unlucky number so you might hear people

having suspicions

around this number she’s 13 years old

she’s 13 years old she

is 13 years old

email email

e mail so email is a very common part of

everyday life

email comes from electronic and mail


what’s your email address what’s your

email address

what’s your email address

cellular phone cellular phone

cellular phone so a cellular phone is a

very common thing that many people have

we often shorten this expression to cell


with a cellular phone you can make calls

from almost anywhere

with a cellular phone you can make calls

from almost anywhere

with a cellular phone you can make

calls from almost anywhere

text message text message

text message so a text message is any

message that you send

by writing text we commonly shorten this

expression to just

text she contacted me via text message

she contacted me via text message

she contacted me via text message

mouth mouth

mouth so the mouth is part of the body

it’s this part we use it for eating and

for speaking

you may also hear mouth used to talk

about the part of the river that

connects to the ocean

watch your mouth watch your mouth

watch your mouth

cheek cheek

cheek so the cheek or cheeks

refers to this part of the body this

part of the face so we have two

cheeks it’s a countable noun her cheeks

are very red

her cheeks are very red her

cheeks are very red

nose nose

nose so the nose is another part of the

body it’s this part of the body

right here the nose my nose is stuffy

my nose is stuffy my

nose is stuffy

notebook notebook

notebook so a notebook is usually a

small book we carry around

and we write notes in it hence the name


i have a separate notebook for each


i have a separate notebook for each


i have a separate notebook

for each class pencil

pencil pencil

a pencil is something that we use to

write this is a

common analog tool that we use to write

lots of school children use these

the pencil broke in half the pencil

broke in half

the pencil broke in half

eraser eraser

e ray sir so an eraser is a tool that we

use to remove

pencil marks in some cases you might

find pens that also have erasers which

can remove

pen marks can i use your eraser

can i use your eraser can i

use your eraser

white white

white so white is another very basic


the color white is commonly associated

with purity

it is difficult to keep white furniture


it is difficult to keep white furniture


it is difficult to keep white

furniture clean red

red red

red is a very popular color this color

is associated with passion and also


a glass of red wine please a glass of

red wine please

a glass of red wine please

green green

green the color green

is very commonly associated with nature

and the environment

he painted the wall green he painted the

wall green

he painted the wall green

finish finish

finish the verb finish

means to do something to the end to do

something to completion

did you finish your homework did you

finish your homework

did you finish your homework

start start

start so the verb to start

is the opposite of finish it means to

begin something it means to do the first

thing in a process

my new job starts tomorrow my new job

starts tomorrow

my new job starts tomorrow

become become

become so the verb

become is used to refer to one thing


into another thing red mixed with yellow

becomes orange

red mixed with yellow becomes orange

red mixed with yellow becomes

orange 14

14 14

the number 14 is the number after 13.

i have 14 students i have 14 students

i have 14 students

15 15

  1. the number 15

is the number that comes after 14.

i will be in thailand for 15 days

i will be in thailand for 15 days

i will be in thailand

for 15 days

16 16

  1. the number 16

comes after 15. 16 is considered a

special age in the usa because it’s the

age at which people can get their first

driver’s license we have 16 minutes

we have 16 minutes we have

16 minutes

telephone telephone

tele phone so the telephone is the

machine that we use to call

people we commonly shorten this word to


the telephone is ringing the telephone

is ringing

the telephone is ringing

i i

i so the i

or our eyes this is the part of the body

that we use to see this is a countable

noun we can talk about one

eye or two eyes my eyes are dry

my eyes are dry my eyes

are dry teeth

teeth teeth

so your teeth are the part of the body

inside the mouth that we use to chew

things this is the pleural version of


one tooth two or more teeth did you

brush your teeth

did you brush your teeth did you

brush your teeth

lip lip

lip so the lip is the part of the body

that is at the edge of the mouth lips

are very important for making proper


you have something on your lip you have

something on your

lip you have something

on your lip copy machine

copy machine copy

machine so a copy machine is a

very common machine that you have in an

office we use a copy machine to make

copies of documents

can i use the copy machine can i use the

copy machine

can i use the copy machine

desk desk

desk a desk is a piece of furniture that

most people have in their office or in

their schools

and we use it for work we use it for

work or for study

the books are under the desk the books

are under the desk

the books are under the desk

book book

book so a book is something that you


it’s a story or other kinds of topics

on paper you might also have many

textbooks in your home

there are some old books on the table

there are some old books on the table

there are some old books on the table

pen pen

pen a pen is something that we use to


unlike a pencil a pen uses ink

it’s a pen it’s a pen

it’s a pen

post office post office

post office the post office is the place

where you go

in your city or your community to send

mail to someone else

the post office is open until 5 pm

the post office is open until 5 pm

the post office is open

until 5 pm

library library

library a library

is a place where you can rent books your

library might also

have dvds or other media available to


the library is over there the library is

over there

the library is over there

supermarket supermarket

super market the supermarket is the

place you go to buy

food you might also be able to find

other daily goods like cleaning goods at

a supermarket this supermarket is very


this supermarket is very cheap

this supermarket is very cheap

hi everybody my name is alicia in this

lesson i’m going

to introduce some spelling tips these

are a few tips that i hope can help you

to improve your spelling i prepared

these tips with

english in mind but i think some of

these tips could work for

other languages that you’re studying too

so let’s get started

okay the first tip and the most


tip for improving your spelling is to


reading is really really important

because you can actually

see the words on the page so

especially in english there are many

words that are pronounced

differently from the way they are


reading can help you familiarize

yourself can help you better

understand the correct way to spell a


not just listening to the word but

actually looking at the word

so reading is very important when you

read however

there’s one thing that’s good to keep in

mind there’s one thing that’s good to

think about

so choose books or newspapers or

magazines for reading

but what you should do is make sure you


and listen to things as well i’ll talk

about this

read things that have been edited

edited means someone checked the text

to make sure there are no errors there

are no mistakes

so make sure that you are reading things

that have been

checked a lot of native speakers


on like social media such as facebook or

twitter or instagram

they’ll post messages sure but they’re

not checked

like the english is not properly checked

or they’re using

very informal english so when you read

and when you’re practicing your spelling

paying attention to the words when

reading make sure you’re choosing things

that have been edited

so that you can be sure you’re reading

proper english

sometimes when we’re speaking casually

or writing casually we don’t think very

much about our grammar or our spelling

so please make sure to use materials

that have been

edited for your spelling studies i

mentioned also

listening if you like another thing you

can do

as you read is choose a book that has an


version so that means as you read the


you can listen to the pronunciation at

the same time

of course if you’re busy too you can

just listen to the audio

and learn the story but if you want to

practice your pronunciation and

listening skills in addition to your

spelling and reading skills

you can consider trying an audio book so

you read along

and listen at the same time so this

could be another interesting way to

practice a few skills

at the same time but this is the most

important tip for this lesson is to read

read read lots and this is something you

can do every day as well

if you find an online magazine or a

newspaper or something similar that you


you could read it on your way to work

for example or maybe during lunch for


just a few minutes here and there each

day to practice your reading

skills and to boost your spelling skills


let’s move along to the next tip the

next tip here

is to play word games or to do word

puzzles we have a lot of these in

english i’ve given a couple

examples here so word games and word

puzzles are similar

i’ll introduce first what’s called a


puzzle so this is what a crossword

puzzle looks like

a blank crossword puzzle this is a brand

new one a simple one i made

is made from boxes the boxes go from

left to right

and from top to bottom when you play a

crossword puzzle or when you try to

complete a crossword puzzle

your job is to read clues that are next

to the puzzle

each clue matches with a row

or a column of boxes so your job

is to find the word that matches this


and you have to spell the word correctly

to put the letters into the boxes so i

prepared a very simple one here

so i’ve numbered these as one two and


going down so here i have hints one 2

and 3.

again this is very simple usually

crossword puzzles are very big

and they have lots of clues but just to

show you how a crossword puzzle works

the first clue here number one this says

a yellow

fruit a yellow fruit so a yellow fruit

is a lemon

so we place each letter

in the box l-e-m-o-n

we know the spelling is correct or we

can have a pretty good guess

at least that the spelling is correct

because it fits in the box

then we look at the next clue number two

down here

number two oh sorry i made a mistake

number two should actually be here

number two is i accessories i


so an accessory is a small piece of

clothing or like jewelry for example

in this case it’s for your eyes so eye

accessories that’s

glasses so we write glasses

with one letter in each box glasses

and it fits here it also fits with the l

from lemon from our first clue so

glasses is here

finally the last clue down here the clue

is something

that costs no money something that costs

no money so a word we can use

to describe this is free f-r-e-e

so this is a very simple example of a

crossword puzzle

but your job is to fit the different

vocabulary words together

like i said this is simple but there are

lots more

challenging ones out there if you’re

interested in crossword puzzles you can

do a quick

google search and you can find beginner

crossword puzzles

more difficult ones and there are some

extremely challenging ones that you need

to know a lot about like history or

science or pop culture

to find the answers but this is a really

fun way

to improve your spelling because you

have to make sure to have the spelling

right in order to

finish the puzzle you can do this alone

or with friends

it’s fun another thing you can play

word games word games so this is kind of

a more general thing

i’ve listed a couple examples of word


there’s one very popular and very

well-known word game

called scrabble it looks similar to a

crossword puzzle

but the difference is there are no clues

there are no hints

you play with a group of people and each


has to make words from the letters so

imagine you have a lot of little single


and your job is to create words from

those letters

you put the words on the board and your

friends make new words

from the words that you choose so this

is a fun way to practice spelling

and to kind of think about other things

that you can do with the letters that

you have

so this is kind of a fun way to practice

spelling i think

if however it’s difficult for you to get

this game

or to play this game you could try this


words with friends this is a free


so if you have a smartphone you can find

this online it’s called

words with friends it’s basically


but it’s online and it’s free so you can

find a partner somewhere in the world

you don’t have to talk to that person

but you can play this game building

words from the words your partner makes

and so on

and you try to compete you try to get

the top score in the game to win

so if you want to practice word games

you can try these

there are other word games as well if

you do a quick google search you can

find some other examples of word games

but these are quite popular

okay finally there is spelling contests

i included spelling contests here

because this is something that we do

in the usa at least we have a spelling

contest for

kids that’s called the spelling bee so

you might have something similar in your

country or you might be interested in

participating in the spelling bee if you

are a young person

in the usa so with spelling contests

each contestant has to spell a word


however the person has to rely on his or

her knowledge of words

so that means maybe the root of the word

the words history like where did the

word originally come from

how the word is used in a sentence the

part of speech

and so on so this could be an

interesting way to practice your


and to practice the history of words so

spelling contests can be fun

of course if you don’t have an official

spelling contest you can just create a

spelling contest with your group of


okay let’s move along to the next tip

the next tip i have here is to memorize

some basic rules some basic spelling


so i’ve included a few examples of just

basic rules here for example words that

end in a

shun sound we often use this t-i-o-n

spelling to spell that sound shun

another example is words that end in gh

like enough or rough so this is an


where the spelling is different from the

way it sounds

you might think we should use an f to

spell this word

but enough actually ends with a gh

there are words that end in able or the

similar ible like possible for example


capable so remembering these kinds of


endings can help you because they’re

very very commonly used

and if you understand how to spell the

word roughly

like this you at least have this sort of

rule in your mind

it can help you when you’re reading and

when you’re trying to spell the word

however there are some cases where you

need to remember that the rules are not

perfect so i marked it rules here

because it’s not

like 100 a rule so a great example

is this really common expression i

learned this in school

but this is actually not 100 true it’s


sometimes this rule is i before

e except after c this is a very common

spelling rule which means

we should always put i first i

before e however when you’re spelling a


and c is in the word we should not

follow this rule

that’s what this means so it’s kind of

helpful in some cases

but there are some situations where this

rule is not

effective it doesn’t work so examples

where it is okay

here receipt so here we have a c

and the e comes first the i comes second

which is the opposite here

that’s correct in this word fried it’s

correct there’s no c

so the i is before e i e d

we see the same thing in this word here

cried as well

so in these examples it’s correct


here are a few examples where this rule

is not correct

like weird the e comes first the i

comes second in this word weird means


another example the word height

referring to how tall

something is the e is first the i is


here the word science there’s a c here

but the i still comes before the e

so remember if you hear a rule like this

or some kind of

you know expression to help you with

your spelling try to remember that it’s


always a perfect rule they’re very

helpful sometimes

but you need to consider that there are

some exceptions some things that don’t


fit the rule okay let’s go on to the


spelling tip the next spelling tip is to

watch english media with

subtitles to watch english media with

subtitles means

like movies tv youtube videos as well

so read and listen to the pronunciation

at the same time so the words appear at

the bottom of the

screen in english that means not

necessarily watching in your native


but you’re listening to the person

speaking in english

and you’re reading the subtitles in


so you can find a new word perhaps that

way or you can better understand the

spelling that way too

so this can be a fun tip if you know a

movie very well for example

you’ve seen it many times you might try

to watch it with english

subtitles to pick up some new things

that you never noticed in the movie


so this is another fun thing you can do

and you can enjoy media

while you study okay so those are a few

spelling tips remember the most

important thing to do here

is read read i really recommend reading

it’s fun too

but those are just a few things that you

can do to hopefully improve your


if there’s something else that you like

to do that you think has helped you to

be a better speller

please let us know in the comments

section of this video if you have

questions or comments or just want to

share something as well please feel free

to write it in the comment section too

if you like the video please don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe

to our channel if you haven’t already

and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies

thanks very much for watching this

lesson and we will see you again

soon bye-bye hi everybody my name is


in this lesson i’m going to talk about

the differences between

must have to and should i’m also going

to talk quickly about the negative forms

i’m going to focus on comparing the very

similar meanings of these words so

let’s get started first let’s talk about

must must in the negative we say

must not so must or must not

in british english you may hear mustn’t

mustn’t but we don’t really use this in

american english

we usually use must not when we want to

use this pattern

so we use must and must not

first for official rules official rules

means for example rules at a company

or rules at a school rules at the


uh police so law related rules

like things that are related to your

society so

official rules we use must and

must not to explain these rules

for example passengers must

show passports at immigration passengers

must show passports at immigration this


it’s an official rule all passengers


show they have a responsibility it’s the


must expresses this it’s a formal

rule-like statement

must not then visitors must not

wear shoes inside visitors must

not wear shoes inside so that means

visitors must take their shoes off

before coming inside so must not

wear shoes inside means not allowed it

is prohibited

you may not it’s not allowed so may not


it’s like less formal than must not must

not is much

stronger i’m not going to cover mei in

this one

so must not is more formal it sounds

more rule like official rule-like

the second use of must and must not is


strong personal advice strong

is the key here i’m going to talk more

about personal advice

later in this lesson but when you want

to express

strong personal advice you can use must


must not for example like visiting

a doctor’s office or maybe some other

kind of health related issue or

something that’s very important to

someone’s life

you can use must and must not to express

advice in those situations for example

you must stop smoking you must stop


so this might be advice strong personal


for a very heavy smoker someone who

smokes a lot

you must stop smoking or you’ll die or

you must stop smoking

or you’re going to get much more sick

for example another one you must not

forget to take this medicine

you must not forget to take this


so that means you have a responsibility

it’s very important

to take this medicine you must not

forget to take this medicine

so we use this for strong personal

advice so strong

is an important key word here we don’t

use must

for like everyday general advice i will

talk about that later

so official rules strong personal advice

this is how we use must and must not

let’s continue to the second point for

this lesson which is

have to in the negative don’t have to

for different subjects doesn’t have to


in the negative and in the positive has


the same rules will apply to need to as


need to also have got to in british

english so

let’s look at how we use this we use

have to and the negative don’t have to

to talk about responsibilities


so this can mean school responsibilities

work responsibilities

like relationship responsibilities

family responsibilities

the things that we have some kind of

obligation to do so in many cases

we don’t want to do these things but

there’s some

need there’s some responsibility for


i have to go to work i have to go to


have to shows it’s a responsibility

i have to go to work she has to

leave early she has to leave early she

has a responsibility

to leave early she has to so

as i said when she or he or it

is the subject we conjugate the verb we

change the verb from

have to has she has to leave early

these show a responsibility of some kind

so many learners ask like can i use must

here i must go to work

she must leave early it’s not


incorrect to say must i must go to work

but because we use must for official

rules and for like strong

personal advice it sounds kind of

strange to use

must hear like i have to go to work

that’s an everyday

regular responsibility when we make like

a sentence like

i must go to work it sounds like there’s

a very like strong reason

or there’s a very official reason i must


so you might hear that in movies like in

epic big scale like fantasy stories

there’s someone fighting a war

for example or there’s someone with a

really big responsibility they might say

i must go in those cases and when

they’re using like an old style of


fine but in everyday english using i


before some of like your

responsibilities sounds

pretty strange so i don’t recommend it

in most cases

if you want to sound funny you can say

something like

i must go to work but in most cases i

would not recommend it

i have to go to work sounds much more


or she must go or she must leave early

it sounds way too formal so please use

has to or have to to talk about your

everyday responsibilities

now let’s look at negatives

negatives so again don’t have to

is like the i subject version i don’t

have to we don’t have to they don’t have


if your subject is he she or it it


doesn’t have to he doesn’t have to she

doesn’t have to

so examples he doesn’t have to come he

doesn’t have to come

this means he has no responsibility

to come it’s okay he doesn’t have to

come no responsibility

he can but he doesn’t have to that’s

what this communicates he doesn’t have

to come

same thing here we don’t have to leave


so yet shows it’s okay now we don’t have

to leave

yet maybe later later we don’t have to

leave yet

again we can but we don’t have to

there’s no responsibility there

so an important point about the negative

with have to uh or need to

is that when you make a negative with

this pattern

make sure you’re talking about a common


irregular responsibility we use

these patterns we use this have to this

negative have to

pattern for things that we can


be expected to have a responsibility to


so an example i have heard from students

from learners

is something like this i don’t have to


alcohol at work i don’t have to drink


at work so for grammar this sentence

is correct the sentence is grammatically


there’s no communication problem it’s a

great sentence but this sounds

strange because for most people drinking

alcohol at work is

not a regular responsibility i mean


unless you’re like a bartender or you’re

someone who works with alcohol

like a wine sommelier whatever but for

most people in this example

drinking alcohol at work is not a

regular responsibility

so it sounds a little strange to say i

don’t have to drink alcohol at work

we typically we often regularly use

have to in the negative i don’t have to

to talk about our

everyday responsibilities so like

i don’t have to get up early on the


means i have no responsibility to do

that on the weekends or if you have a


i don’t have to go to work today that’s

a much more common way of using

don’t have to so please keep this point

in mind

make sure you’re expressing a regular

like a reasonable

expectation when you use the negative

form here

okay so with that in mind let’s continue

to the last point for this lesson

the last point is about should should

in the negative it should not and we


should not to shouldn’t shouldn’t

should should not and shouldn’t we use

should and should not for general advice

general advice this means every day just

regular life advice so compare this

to must and must not which we use for

very strong personal advice in most

cases in

everyday life we use should to talk


general advice a suggestion a


we use should to talk about that we do

not use

must to talk about that unless for some


it’s very very strong examples

you should go home you should go home

maybe you look sick

you should go home or he should take a

day off

he should take a day off maybe he looks


so using must in these cases would sound


because these are kind of everyday small

suggestions like

you must go home that sounds very


or he must take a day off again sounds

very serious

why did something happen so use should

in these cases also using have to in

these cases

kind of sounds a little strange too if i

use have to

here you have to go home you have to go


like why do i have a responsibility to

go home

it’s kind of strange same thing here he

has to take a day off

why like maybe there’s some company rule

he has to

take a day off i don’t know but be


make sure if you’re giving just advice

your opinion

just use should of course there are some


where you can use have to in place of

should to make a stronger recommendation

this is useful when you’re giving like a

restaurant recommendation

and it sounds like this you have to try

this restaurant

so that sounds more like excited than

you should

you should try this restaurant and you

have to try this restaurant

have to sound stronger because it’s like

you’re saying

you have a responsibility to try this


you have to try this restaurant or you

have to try this recipe

it sounds a little stronger than you

should so you can use it in that way

but if you’re giving advice like based

on something you can see

or if you’re trying to give someone like

career advice maybe

be careful with your use of should and

have to

so have to shows like you’re putting

responsibility on that person

so should is more like general advice

okay let’s look then at using

shouldn’t shouldn’t so as i said should

not reduces to shouldn’t shouldn’t

we shouldn’t talk so loudly we shouldn’t

talk so loudly so in this case we

shouldn’t that’s like advice for

our group maybe we’re talking very


and one person says oh no we shouldn’t


so loudly so that’s giving advice to the


we should talk more quietly so we

shouldn’t talk so loudly

another one she shouldn’t worry so much

she shouldn’t worry so much so it’s

general advice

don’t worry so much is another way to

say that she shouldn’t worry so much

so again using something like must not

sounds way too serious here like we must

not talk so loudly

it’s for strong personal advice so using

must hear

sounds very strange same thing here

she must not worry so much again very

strange because this is a very strong

sounding expression she must not worry

so much

similarly using have to here we don’t

have to

talk so loudly that expresses lack of


we don’t have to talk so loudly but we

can is kind of the idea there

so this doesn’t sound natural same here

she doesn’t have to worry so much this

could be used perhaps she doesn’t have

to worry so much

like you could say in for example a work


you have a colleague a co-worker and she

worries a lot

and you want to express to your manager

or to your team member

she doesn’t have to worry so much i can

do it

like in that case maybe it’s natural

but if you’re giving general advice


sounds much better so keep this in mind

should and should not for your general

everyday advice for recommendations

have to and don’t have to for your


must and must not for official rules

and for very strong personal advice

so i hope that this introduction to

these three expressions

helps you understand the differences and

the different feelings and situations in

which we use

these so if you have any questions or

comments or if you want to practice

making some sentences with these

please feel free to do so in the comment

section of this video

of course if you liked this lesson

please don’t forget to give it a thumbs


subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies

thanks very much for watching this

lesson and i will see you again soon

bye bye hi everybody my name is alicia

in this lesson i’m going to talk about

how to describe

large amounts in english let’s get


okay for this lesson there are a couple

of points that i want to

remind everyone about first is the

difference between

countable and uncountable nouns in this


most of the expressions i’m going to

talk about can be used for either

countable or

uncountable nouns but some of the


we’ll need to be careful about so i’ve

marked those

with a star i’ll come to these near the

end of the lesson

but if you want to know more about

countable and uncountable nouns

please take a look at the videos we have

on the english class 101 channel

okay with that in mind let’s get started

first i want to talk about these very

very commonly used expressions

a lot of and lots of a lot of and lots

of they have the same meaning they

communicate the same idea

you can choose whichever one you prefer

we can use a lot of

and lots of with countable and


nouns remember countable nouns take an s

to make the plural form uncountable

nouns are not used in this way to create

the plural form

for example uncountable nouns are words

like money

air time beer wine we can’t count these

individually we use counter words for


so we can use a lot of and lots of with

both countable

and uncountable nouns for example

she won a lot of money in las vegas

money is an uncountable noun i’ve used

it with a lot of here

you can use this with an uh or rather

with a countable noun too

you have lots of friends you have lots

of friends

so reminder when you are using a

countable noun you need to use the

plural form of the noun

in this case friends you have lots of


don’t forget that s i could swap these

if i wanted to

she won lots of money in las vegas is


or you have a lot of friends also fine

these mean exactly the same thing you

can choose which you prefer there’s no

difference in nuance

no difference in meaning just whichever

you prefer they mean the same thing

let’s look at then the next pair a ton

of and tons of again just like a lot of

and lots of these mean the same thing

the difference between these is the

level so if we imagine

uh on a scale a lot of is maybe here

tons of is here it’s a lot

more it’s a lot more so tons of or a ton

of is a lot more than lots of

or a lot of so on a scale tons of is


a lot of or lots of is down here so

this is for when we want to express a

much higher

amount of something so if you need a

hint you can use

ton ton is a measurement a measurement

a very large measurement so remember

that tan refers to

very very big heavy things some examples

we have a ton of work to do we have a


of work to do work is an uncountable

noun no s

we have a ton of work to do or they have

tons of pets they have tons of pets

pets is a countable noun we need to use

the plural form

pets here again i could swap these if i

wanted to

we have tons of work to do is okay and

they have a ton of pets is also okay

so again this pair and this pair follow

the same rule

you can choose whichever one you prefer

okay let’s continue on to this next

group there are actually three here

because i feel that these expressions

are all about the same

level so we have a lot of a ton of or

tons of

and then a bunch of or bunches of or

plenty of for some people

it might come this one might come


tons of and a lot of for some people it

might be a little bit

further down it’s kind of you have to

feel for yourself what this means

i like to imagine this expression

bunches of or a bunch of

like a bunch of flowers we use the

expression a bunch of flowers to talk

about a bouquet

of flowers like that group of flowers we

give as a present

so we can imagine there are many there

are lots of

flowers inside a bunch so in my mind i

imagine like a bunch of

kind of that’s sort of the image i have

in terms of quantity like how many

flowers are in a bunch of flowers

that might be helpful for you plenty of

sounds like a lot of something and it’s


there’s a relaxed feeling about that so

let’s look at some example sentences

that use these

first bunches of money were stolen

from the store bunches of money were

stolen from the store

so money is my uncountable noun i’ve

used bunches here

to compare this with a countable noun a

bunch of

my co-workers went out for a drink a

bunch of my coworkers went out for a


so this means a lot of people or maybe a

group of people that had many people in

it went out for a drink

so the idea here is that there’s some

kind of group

i feel that’s kind of the image of a


so plenty also has this this feeling of

a lot of something yes but there’s also

kind of this relaxed casual feel we tend

to use bunch and bunches when there’s a

little bit of a casual feel

too you will often hear plenty of

in this expression we have plenty of


we have plenty of time you might hear

lots of time too we have lots of

time plenty of time sounds like don’t


it’s nothing to worry about we have a

lot of time to do this thing we need to

do there’s plenty of time that’s often

the voice that’s used

so it has this idea behind it of like

relaxation or being able to do something

at an easy

pace we have plenty of time so we do not

have this form for plenty of

but again we can use this with countable


uncountable nouns okay so let’s move


then to the next part as i said this

next part will

include some differences some important

differences between

countable and uncountable nouns the

difference is in these words here

actually first i have this

this pair a large amount of and a large

number of something so when should we

use these

this word amount we use this when we’re

talking about

uncountable nouns a large amount of

uncountable noun

we use number for countable nouns a

large number of

countable nouns so this is the

difference between these two

let’s take a look at some examples first

a large amount of the population got


a large amount of the population got

sick so here we’re talking about a

population we’re not talking about like

one person

we’re talking about the whole population

of a city

so an entire group of people so we use


to do that a large amount of the

population got sick

we can compare this to a large number of

students improved a large number of


improved so here i’ve used number

because students

is my countable noun in the plural form

a large number of students

improved so please keep this difference

in mind

we’ll see the same thing down here a

huge amount

of or a huge number of follows this same

pattern the difference here is in this


huge versus large so large means big

so we don’t say big really in this case

we use large and it tends to sound a

little more formal

these sound a bit more formal than these

do these expressions are fairly casual

here however huge means very very very

very big

so for like an animal it would be an


is very big that’s a huge animal

maybe a large animal would be a horse

for example a huge animal is an

elephant so that’s the difference in


here so when you’re thinking about

concepts you can kind of use that as

like the guideline for your vocabulary

decision making

so we follow the same uncountable

countable rule here

a huge amount of count sorry uncountable

nouns and a huge number of

countable nouns so there was

a huge amount of interest in our project

so interest is uncountable we don’t say

one interest to interest

there was a huge amount of interest

uncountable noun

in our project on the other hand a huge

number of

illnesses are treatable illnesses so

illness means a sickness a type of

disease a huge number of illnesses

are treatable so here the plural form

illnesses shows it’s the plural of

the countable noun illness illness a

huge number of

illnesses are treatable able to be

treated or cured

finally then is this word several

several this is special because several

is used

only for countable nouns only for

countable nouns

we do not use several with uncountable


so several is more than just two or

three or four

i think a good hint is here several

sounds like seven but it doesn’t mean


it means like a good number of ideas

in this case or a good number of

something so it’s not a small amount

but it’s not quite a lot either it’s

kind of

near the middle the bottom middle of a


so in this case she has several ideas

again countable nouns so we need to use

the plural form here she has several


so this is only for countable nouns

please be careful with that

okay so this is an introduction to some

common expressions we use to talk about

large amounts so i hope that this was

helpful for you

again if you want to know more about

countable and uncountable nouns

please search the english class 101

channel for some information for some


about those topics of course if you have

any questions or comments or if you want

to practice making sentences with any of

these points

please feel free to do so in the

comments section of this video

if you enjoyed this lesson please don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this lesson and i will

see you again

soon bye-bye okay the first tip is

learn words through phrases so learn

words through phrases what does this


this means instead of studying one

vocabulary word at a time

and having that be your only way to

study vocabulary

it means study entire phrases study a

group of words at a time

so for example don’t study like

morning only study good morning or

how was your morning those kinds of

expressions so you’re not just studying

one word at a time and thinking about

how you need to link

that word to other words instead set


up to know how to put those words

together by

studying a few phrases at a time okay

the next tip is to watch your favorite

video with

subtitles so when you do this choose a

video or maybe a movie that you like

and turn on the english subtitles for

that movie

so while it might be difficult to catch

everything that’s happening in each


you can at least check the subtitles you

can check the information

as it’s being said so if you can’t catch

everything by listening

you can at least read the words on the

screen and understand these as kind of

units or as sentences that you can study

so again you’re not looking just at one


or maybe even two words together but

you’re studying things

as a phrase or as a question or as a


okay let’s go to the next tip the next

tip is to

think in the language you want to learn

think in the language you want to learn

this is a really really tough one

especially when you’re starting out and

it will take time so don’t worry

if you can’t do this right away but this

means as you go about your day

as you wake up and eat food go to school

go to work whatever

try to think spend some time thinking in


think in the language you’re studying so

this can be really really boring stuff

like thinking about what you’re doing

how could i express that in english so

think about those sorts of

everyday actions and activities and try

to express them

in english you can do this out loud to

work on improving your speaking skills

okay let’s go to the next tip okay the

next tip is to use

available learning applications use

available learning applications

so that means if you have a favorite


and app that you like to use to study

make sure you

use that so maybe you’ve downloaded our

application for example thank you

you can use that to work on your

speaking you can do that by reading

dialogues by

trying to shadow conversations that you

hear you can also

just use your phone’s recording function

and record yourself

and then listen to it later that might

sound like a really simple tip but it

can help you a lot

so we sound very different when we’re

talking and we often don’t hear that

unless we kind of step outside our body

a bit and listen to ourselves from


and recording your voice is a really

really good way to do that

so make sure you check out the apps and

the functions that you have on your

phone or your computer to do that

the next tip is to expand your

vocabulary by reading expand your

vocabulary by reading

so a common complaint from learners is

they say i don’t feel like i have the

vocabulary i need to express

myself i know lots of basic words but i

don’t feel like i can say the things i

want to say

when the time comes in a conversation so

one way to do this is to work on

building your vocabulary

reading is a really great way to do that

so choose

things to read that you have a

connection to

they’re related to your hobbies to your

work to your studies whatever

choose things that are relevant so like

they’re connected to your life

and read those things and find the key

vocabulary words that people use

within your daily life activities and

try to remember those try to make those

the vocabulary words that you study and

practice so that you’re able to use them

when you speak in conversations

the next tip is to talk to yourself talk

to yourself

like talking to yourself sounds a little

bit crazy sure

but this is a great way to practice

speaking when there’s nobody around

you can just practice making the sounds

that you’re working on you can practice

saying sentences and questions you can

practice talking about your day

so for those of you that maybe don’t

have somebody to practice with this can

be an excellent

tip and again as you talk to yourself

you can also record yourself and listen


and i know a lot of people say i hate

the sound of my own voice i hate the

sound of my

own voice it’s only you you’re the only

person who is going to listen to that


and it’s to help you study and it helps

a lot actually this is something that i


when i need to improve my own speaking

skills so i highly recommend

this tip if you want to work on speaking

and improving your speaking so talk to


sounds weird but it helps okay next tip

is to

listen to recordings and repeat listen

to recordings and repeat

another word for this is shadowing


so that means basically you listen to a

lesson for example like if you want to

listen to this video or you want to

listen to one of our lessons

you can listen to it and then quickly

try to say

the same thing that the speaker is


right after them so if you’re using this

video for example

it just means you try to repeat the same

things i say

now in just a moment so shadowing like


the point of shadowing like this is to

try to match the intonation and the

rhythms of the speaker in addition to

the pronunciation

so this can be helpful if you’re having

trouble like linking words together

on your own if you’re having trouble

building your own sentences

by shadowing after a native speaker you

can kind of get

a better feel sometimes for the rhythm

of how a language is supposed to sound

and how you can produce that language

yourself the next step is to prepare for

daily routine situations prepare for

daily routine situations

so that means like think about your day

and think about the things you need to


in your day and how you would express

those things in

english so for example when you greet

your coworkers or you greet

your fellow like classmates or whatever

how do you greet them how would you

greet them in english prepare something

for that

or when you want to ask about dinner how

would you ask for dinner in english

so think about these things you know

you’re going to do

in your day and just prepare them ahead

of time it will save you time

and it will also make the other person

feel more comfortable right because

they’ll be ready for a natural question

the next tip is to try to practice your

speaking with a native

speaker try to practice your speaking

with a native speaker

this is challenging for many people i

know because they don’t have a native

speaker in their community

or they don’t have a native speaker to

connect with online

it might take some time to find that

person but this is of course

a hugely important thing to do so a

native speaker

does not mean a teacher so just because

a person is a native speaker does not

mean that they are a teacher

in fact most native speakers probably

don’t know

all of the rules of grammar and they’re

not prepared to answer all of your

questions which is fine

but a native speaker does know what


and sounds natural so they can help you

to make more natural choices with your


they can also help you to address any

questions that you might have about

pronunciation or maybe like vocabulary


within a specific region so it’s

important to remember

that not every native speaker is a

perfect speaker but

they can help you a lot in helping you

sound more natural

the next tip is know your audience know

your audience so what does this mean

to know your audience means to think

about the person

to whom you are speaking so that means

don’t just think about you think about

the other person like

when you’re talking to someone else what

are they looking for in the conversation

are they talking to you to get

information are you study partners are

you co-workers

are you classmates what are their needs

so how do you meet their needs

how do you match their manner of

speaking so

please try to remember to think about

the other person in the conversation

as well the next tip is to ask for

feedback and

reflect on it ask for feedback and

reflect on it

so try to think of someone in your

community that you can ask for feedback

about your speaking skills if you don’t

have a teacher you can check out the

online options that we offer of course

or maybe you have

an online exchange buddy that you can

practice with but make sure to ask for


and when they give you feedback don’t

take it as criticism

so if someone says for example oh your


of this sound needs some work don’t feel


like that feedback is intended to help

you improve so when you receive

feedback like that think about how you

can focus your energy on improving those

points so that means

please reflect on that feedback and

think about what you can do

to integrate it so to integrate it means

how do you put that feedback

into your mind and put your energies


improving that point all right the next

tip is to avoid

reading directly and try to use an


avoid reading directly and try to use an

outline so

this tip is specifically if you need to

give a presentation

or if you need to like share some

information like a report

in a classroom so instead of just

printing a piece of paper and reading

directly from the piece of paper

like this in a classroom setting or if

you’re giving a speech or a presentation

try to print just an outline of your

main points

and then practice talking about those

things before

your speaking presentation before

whatever presentation you need to do

this will help you sound a lot more

natural it’s really

unnatural and it’s not very much fun or

and it’s not very interesting

to watch someone just read a report in

front of a classroom or to read a report

in a business presentation so instead of

doing that try to refer to an

outline throughout your presentation so

your outline

might be something like introduction uh

main points i want to talk about

and then you move on to the detailed

points you want to talk about and just

write a few words

so that you can remember the things that

you want to make sure

you share with your audience so again

this goes back to that point about

knowing your audience in our earlier tip

think about their perspective too the

next tip is

shadow language cds and then repeat what

you heard

shadow language cds and repeat what you

heard so very very similar to the

earlier tip about repeating quickly

after a native speaker like when you’re

watching this kind of video

if you’re not comfortable using a movie

or using a video like this one

you can try using language learning

audio so maybe you have cds or maybe

you have podcasts or other lesson


that is at a slower pace and that is

easier for you to understand

you can practice shadowing with these

things too

you don’t have to practice with a native

speaker that’s

talking at fast pace you can also use

these slower practice

cds and practice audio files to do your

shadowing exercises so don’t feel like

you have to speak

super super quickly to practice your

speaking efficiently

practicing slowly is also okay keep

practicing regularly otherwise your hard

work will be wasted

keep practicing regularly otherwise your

hard work will be wasted so this one i

think is pretty clear

but it’s important for all aspects all

parts of learning a language keep

practicing regularly so that means

practice your speaking a little bit

every day if you just try to speak for

like an hour

one week it’s way too much so try to

practice speaking like one minute

today and then a minute and 10 seconds

tomorrow so keep building

keep working on things every single day

and you’ll see much better results in

the long term

all right let’s go to our last tip the

last tip is don’t give up and stay


don’t give up and stay positive so that


please be kind to yourself so if you

make a mistake in a conversation it’s

not the end of the world

if you forget a word or if you say

something funny that’s

fine it’s all part of the learning

process please don’t worry about those

sorts of things you’ll get over them and

you’ll learn

how to improve so make sure that you

always continue moving forward and you


a positive attitude but 10 pairs of

commonly confused words so

let’s go claim complain

the first pair is claim and

complain first let’s talk about the word

claim to claim is like to accuse someone

of something to complain is to explain

a problem in a negative manner so

example sentences he claimed he was

harassed by the police

she complained about the food effect

effect next pair is effect and effect

so this is a pair that even native

speakers make mistakes with

there are some deeper meanings to effect

with an e

when used as a verb however when used

with an a

affect although the pronunciation is the

same effect effect

when used with an a it means a verb it

means to cause

something to happen effect is a result

you can think of it as the

outcome the result of something so in


my job change is going to affect my


the weather has a big effect on my mood

accept accept the next pair is

accept and accept so they have the same

pronunciation you can hear it except


but the spelling is different except a c


so accept and accept to accept as a verb

means to

allow something or to permit something

except however is a word we use to mean

um to mean excluding something else

so please accept my apologies

so please allow me to apologize he gave

me everything

except his wallet so he gave me

all of his things but not his wallet so


but his wallet everything except his

wallet so same pronunciation

different spelling lead lead

lead the next pair is actually three

words that i want to talk about i say


because the first word can be pronounced

in two different ways

uh there’s lead and then there’s lead

and then

lead so let’s start with lead and

lead l-e-a-d we can read them um

so we can read the word l-e-a-d

in two different ways the word that’s

spelled like that first let’s talk about

the noun the noun form is pronounced

lead lead so the noun form so this

lead means it’s like a type of soft

metal if you’ve ever used a pencil

that’s the material that the pencil is

made from that’s the writing material

that’s called

lead a lead pencil however

the same spelling is used for the

present tense of the verb

lead as in like the word leader for


so leader has that word we can also use

it as a verb

to lead something like to lead a group

to lead

a party to lead an expedition into the

mountains i don’t know

so lead as a verb in the present tense

and lead as a material have the same


you need to pay attention to the

sentence that you’re reading and the

grammar of the sentence to understand

which is the true meaning in that

sentence now though let’s talk about

l-e-d lead this is the past

tense of the verb lead so please be


lead l-e-a-d the verb the past tense of

that verb

is lead l-e-d l-e-d

lead has the same pronunciation as the


form of l-e-a-d lead as a pencil

material and

lead past tense of the verb lead it’s

very confusing i’m very sorry but that’s

just the way it is

so please be careful with lead lead

and lead okay example sentences now

my pencil is made from lead he wants to

lead the presentation

she led me to the restaurant scary

scared okay all right next pair

uh actually this is a very common issue

that i want to talk about but i’m going

to explain it with two

common words scary and scared

so both of these refer to fear

scary is a word that we use to describe

something outside us a ghost is scary a

movie is scary a monster is scary

my next door neighbor’s cooking is scary

i don’t know

something that is scary something that

causes fear

outside of you is scary with a y

at the end scary scared however refers


a person’s emotions he is scared she is

scared the dog

looks scared scared is referring to an


scary refers to something’s quality its


so if you’re trying to remember like

which should i use scary or scared go

with the ed

one that ed is always going to refer to

an emotion

so um you you’ll see similar patterns

with other

uh with other words so for example like


i don’t know like a word like shocking

and shocked so one of these two words

ends in ed shocked in that case so


should apply to you your emotions so if

you’re ever in that situation which do i


there’s the scary scared go with the ed

one so

example sentences that movie was really


he looks really scared challenge

try the next pair is challenge

and try challenge and try so we can use

challenge both as a noun

and as a verb when we say

when we use challenge as a noun we’ll

say it in a sentence like

i i’m interested in a challenge this

year for example something that is


but not impossible to do the trouble

with these two words comes when people

try to use the word challenge to mean


we don’t have this meaning for challenge

in english

so if you say like i want to challenge

uh this test

it’s it sounds odd we have a word

uh we have a verb meaning of challenge

which means like to

um it’s it sounds like to initiate a

fight with someone like he challenged

his boss

it’s like it sounds like a very

aggressive situation to challenge

someone or to challenge a

verdict in a court case for example it

means like to make an appeal for

something or to try to change the

opinion of someone else

to challenge as a verb to try

on the other hand means to make an


so it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the

nuance really of a

challenge necessarily it might be a


task it might be a challenging thing to


but it doesn’t necessarily mean a

challenge the word i’m sorry the nuance

of challenge

isn’t really always included in the word


try just means attempt so let’s look at

some example

sentences this recipe is going to be a


as a verb challenge yourself and then


i’m excited to try making this cake

every day every day okay the next pair

of words is

every day and every day so the

difference here is there’s a word with

no space

every day and then there’s two words

with a space every

day there is a difference between these

two words

every day with no space is used this is

an adjective

so it means something that is common

something that is a regular behavior or

something that is kind of expected an

everyday behavior and everyday activity

for example every day refers to

something that

happens regularly but it is not an

adjective it’s like it’s like we use it

as an

introduction to a phrase every day i

brush my teeth

every day i take a shower every day he

goes to work however when we use

every day we use it as an adjective so

for example

going to work is an everyday activity

taking a shower is an everyday activity

we can use these two words to describe

the same things to describe similar

activities and similar actions

however grammatically they have

different functions so please be careful

everyday adjective every day refers to

a series of activities each day all


example sentences i study every day

it’s an everyday task for me then

then next is a common spelling error i

think even for native speakers

it’s then and than t-h-e-n

and t-h-a-n then is like a connecting

word we say

first next then after that for example

or then meaning like it leads to where

it connects to another idea in a


van however is used typically to make

comparisons like my hair is longer than

her hair for

example or my

rent is cheaper than donald trump’s i

don’t know

i don’t know why was that the first i

don’t know

but van is used to make comparisons then

is used to make connections so please

try to keep these two in mind that

that vowel does make a difference that

sounds very similar i know but then

then then and then example sentences

i took a shower then went to bed he has

more time

than me borrow

lend the next pair is borrow

and lend borrow and lend are so

confusing i know and actually i mix up

these words in like other languages and

i study them too i don’t know

why they’re so difficult to remember i

feel your pain

okay but let’s review so to borrow

something from someone

when you yourself use the word borrow it

means you

want to receive something so

let me borrow your book i want to borrow

your car can i borrow your

dog i don’t know what i’m gonna do if i

borrow someone’s stuck

but to borrow something means you’re

going to receive something when you make

a request

can i borrow blah blah blah or

my friend let me borrow his

dvd player i don’t know borrowing to

borrow means to receive that thing

lend on the other hand means to provide

something to

give someone something so the confusion

i think comes in with an expression like

will you lend me your car because the


is asking the other person to take the


of giving something but we use the word

lend like lend me

your car um in american english

i think i i tend to say can i borrow

i’ll i’ll put myself as the subject

there can i borrow your pen

for example is it okay if i borrow your

pen i typically don’t use the expression

lend me or pen that’s just not a word

that i tend to use

however i think it can cause confusion

because i’m using the word lend

however i want to receive that thing so

i’m i’m using the command form for the

other person

i’m telling them lend me something

so i think that’s where the confusion

comes in so

if if you use an expression depending on

the kind of english you’d like to use of

course you can use borrow you can use

lend either of these patterns are fine

but just keep in mind if you want to

borrow something

you should say can i borrow if you want

to use the verb len you should say

lend me you can say will you lend me


um but just keep in mind who the subject

of the sentence is like will you

lend me this thing will you lend me your

pen is correct

and can i borrow your pen is correct

keep in mind who the subject of the

sentence is

so if the other person is giving you a


you can use like i want i want to if i’m

the subject

i want to borrow that thing if the other

person is the subject it’s

lend me that thing so quite confusing i

think but

i think in this case this could be one

of those times where it’s better to

try to think of it as a set phrase and


less on the individual words so maybe

studying them

as uh set questions studying them as

a pattern instead of focusing a lot on

oh is it lend or borrow

i think trying to repeat as as a

question um or

as a statement could be more useful if

this is if this is difficult for you

so let’s look at some more example


i borrowed a lot of money from the bank

hey can you lend me your car for the


loose lose the last one is another

spelling problem and pronunciation

problem i suppose

the last pair is loose and lose

loose and lose you can hear maybe the


difference in vowel sound loose and lose

uh so loose is an adjective so loose

means something that is not

the opposite of tight so if your bag

comes together you pull a string your

bag becomes

tight the the opening in the bag becomes


if you relax the string the bag becomes

loose perhaps and you can put items

inside it so

loose is an adjective which kind of

means like relaxed or open

so the opposite of tight lose however

is ever so to lose something like i

don’t want to lose my wallet or oh my

gosh i’m going to lose my job

not true but to lose something means it

disappears it goes

away so loose and lose have very

different meanings

however there’s one o that is different


example sentences okay i lost a lot of


and now my pants are loose be careful

not to lose your keys

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language



where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources

by the way all the lessons and bonuses

you’re about to see can be downloaded

for free on our website

so click the link in the description

right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account

okay today’s topic is the first step in

your language learning journey that will

guarantee your success

if you have trouble sticking with your

language learning goals it’s probably

because you’re skipping one specific


it’s the step you need to take before

you even start any learning

and doing it will help you stick with

the language not get overwhelmed and

reach your language goals

so today you’ll learn one what solo

language learners need to succeed

and two how to do self-assessment and

set yourself up for success


but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources

be sure to download these now before we

take them down in a few days

first the giving directions conversation

cheat sheet

do you know how to tell a taxi driver

where to go in your target language

you’ll be able to with this pdf cheat

sheet you’ll learn must know words and

phrases for giving directions

second the most common verbs pdf ebook

you’ll learn over 90 common verbs with

this bonus pdf picture ebook

download and review on any device third

how to talk about what you do in your

free time learn how to say

video games phishing and much more

you’ll pick up over 25 words for leisure

activities with this vocab bonus

fourth how to learn from home learning


want to learn the language from the

comfort of your home this one minute

lesson will give you all the best

tactics for learning languages

fifth the top 35 adjective for


can you describe your personality this

next bonus teaches you the 35

must-know adjectives for personalities

so you can talk about yourself in your

target language

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

first step in your language learning

journey that will guarantee your success

here’s a question for you when you want

to learn a language how do you usually

get started with that goal

you might say the inspiration comes

first and that motivates you to start

then you get a textbook or an app and go

from there right

that’s a pretty standard answer but how

does that tend to work out

most people end up falling off a week or

a month later

why do you think that happens leave a

comment with why you think people tend

to lose inspiration quickly

more often than not it happens because

you pick a goal a learning routine or a

resource that overwhelms you and just

isn’t right for you

here’s a typical example let’s say you

work an 8 hour day and you want to try

to start learning

most people would try to squeeze in

learning for one or two hours at night

or you could try and wake up an hour

early and usually that doesn’t work out

because you’re trying to do things that

you’re not used to

wake up earlier and study earlier it

doesn’t fit your current lifestyle

so what should you do differently well

let’s take an example from language


before you start learning language

schools force you to take an assessment

test on the first day

why so that they make sure the language


fit your level and put you in the proper

class the goal of an assessment test is

to find out where you are

and meet you there that’s something most

solo learners don’t do

and the problem is if you’re a solo

learner no one assesses you

and you yourself don’t know what routine

works best for you how much time you can

set aside and how much studying you can

comfortably do

we all imagine we can do an hour a day

but realistically speaking it’ll be a

lot less than that so

that’s where self-assessment comes in

before you start learning a language or

do any goal for that matter

it’s important to know where you are in

life what your daily schedule is like

when you’re busy and when you’re free so

you can set your expectations

know how much time you can put in and so

you can start learning at a pace that

works for you

now how do you actually assess yourself

there are three assessments you can do

one a life assessment

two a routine assessment and three

language assessment

language assessment will only be helpful

if you already have some experience

if you’re brand new you won’t need this


life assessment here the goal is to see

how the language will fit into your life

and how you generally deal with goals as

in if you succeeded with the goal before

what helped you succeed you could take

that and apply it here

if you failed before find out why so you

can avoid it this time

so you’ll need to answer the following

questions why are you learning this


how will it help your life what current

connections do you have to this language

for example listening to music watching

tv you have a relative

you have neighbors or friends that speak

it what have you been doing so far to


have you learned languages before have

you failed any goals before

how or why have you succeeded with any

goals before

how or why write these questions out and

answer them

next the routine assessment write out

your daily routine for a whole week

for example wake up at 7 a.m breakfast

at 8 a.m

commute to work at 8 30 am arrive at

work at 9 30

am lunch at 1pm and so on

do this for every day of the week the

goal here is to see what your daily

routine is like so you know when you’re

free when you’re busy and where you can

fit in language learning

that way if you’re super busy on mondays

and 5 minutes is all you can do then

that’s good enough

you won’t feel bad about doing only 5

minutes if you see that you spend

30 minutes on commuting add language

learning on top of that existing routine

if you take walks or go for a jog play

an audio lesson there

or even if you’re cooking at a certain

time play an audio lesson in the


remember look for an existing routine

that you already stick with like


and where you can multitask don’t try to

create new routines

for example waking up at 7am to learn

will set you up for failure

if you usually wake up at 8am waking up

at 7am will be even harder

and then actually trying to learn a

language at 7am makes it

even harder this is where new learners

start having trouble

you’re trying to do two things at once

trying to learn the language and trying

to stick to a new routine

one is hard enough trying to do two can

overwhelm you

so piggyback off of your existing

routines first so you can build momentum

and finally there’s language assessment

if you’re an absolute beginner you won’t

need much of an assessment

just start with our absolute beginner

recommended learning pathway

but if you have experience and want to

assess yourself there are two things you

can do

first if you’re a premium plus user then

you’re asked to do an assessment test

when you join

but you can always request it again from

your teacher and second if you’re a

premium user

check our recommended pathways we assign

these pathways level 1 to level 5

based on your learning level from

absolute beginner to advanced

at the start of each pathway there’s a

diagnostic test you can take that to

assess yourself

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about when routines

grow stale

how to learn more language with a new

routine if you enjoyed these tips hit

the like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a language and subscribe to our


we release new videos every week and if

you’re ready to finally learn language

the fast fun

and easy way and start speaking from

your very first lesson get our complete

learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the


see you next time bye

what are some surefire ways to stay

motivated when you’re learning a


in this video we’re going to talk about

10 sure-fire ways to stay motivated and

stay on track

all right we asked our premium and

premium plus members for their tested


you’ll find out what worked for them

number one

you must see your progress

in other words you have to see it to

believe it there’s nothing better than

seeing your results firsthand

it’s like seeing muscles in the mirror

after working out

how do you do this with language in

order to see it you have to start

measuring it first

and you can do that with the dashboard

on our website with the dashboard you

can see how many lessons and how much of

the language you’ve mastered so far

so review the progress you’ve made with

the dashboard on the site

number two use the daily dose of

language app

with this you get free daily mini

lessons but that’s not all

this app keeps you on track because it

actually sends you daily reminders

if you need that extra push or reminder

this app does it for you

and the daily dose lessons are quick and

easy they take just one minute of your


number three learn with somebody better

than you

a tutor a friend and you can even learn

with your own teacher with a premium

plus subscription

simply having someone better than you by

your side is enough to help you improve

and motivate you

it’s like having a coach number four

set a small measurable goal

for example finish 10 lessons in one


or learn 20 words in a week most people

give up because they have a vague goal

like i want to be fluent that they don’t

know how to reach but if you aim

small and make it measurable you’ll have

a much better chance of reaching it

your goal is to learn 20 words and you

know 17 already

because you know how close you are

you’re more motivated to close the gap

and reach your goals

number five watch movies and shows in

your target language

first of all we recommend this because

it’s fun but more importantly

when you understand what you hear it’s a

clear sign of progress

and you’ll feel good about it number six

listen to music in your target language

music is enjoyable and if you make it

part of your routine you’re giving

yourself a nice break in between lessons

but you’re still immersing yourself in

the language so if you enjoy this

routine you’re more likely to stay


number seven do the lessons that you


just like with music if you enjoy our

audio and video lessons then stick with


if you have any favorite lessons

remember you can always download them to

your device

and review them as much as you want

they’re yours to keep

number eight understand that language

learning is a marathon

learning a new language is not a sprint

most people think they can study for

hours and suddenly get better

but when they realize that it takes time

this can hurt their motivation

so understand that it’s a marathon

remember that it’s better to study for a

few minutes every day than pulling a

five-hour cram session that will burn

you out

number nine keep the big goal in mind

imagine yourself being fluent

small measurable goals are definitely

important but when you just don’t feel

like learning which is completely

natural by the way

remember the big goal having the big

picture in mind will remind you of

what’s important and put you back on


number 10 invest in the language make a


whether you buy a book or a subscription

enroll in a class or join a study group

by investing and making a commitment

you’re much more likely to go through

with it

you’ve paid for it so you value it more

you want to make sure you get your

money’s worth

plus other people expect you to show up

this can be extremely helpful when

working towards your language goals

and that’s it there are so many ways to

keep yourself motivated do you have a

favorite way

leave us a comment let us know so to

make sure you stay motivated in your


just check out our complete language

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description get tons of resources

to have you speaking in your target


and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time

bye want to speak and understand more of

your target language

you’ll need to know more words and

phrases to really make new conversations

and ultimately connections

in this video you’ll discover six ways

to master new words and phrases fast

number one use our free vocabulary lists

here’s what makes this study tool so

powerful this is your free library of

vocab and phrase lessons you can learn

words and phrases for current events

like halloween or new years

there are also many useful topics like

the top 10 ways to say hello

conversational phrases and more in other

words you learn phrases that you

wouldn’t normally find in textbooks

and if you want to learn extra fast you

can use the slideshow tool

just tap on or click on view slideshow

then sit back and review the words and


find the vocabulary list in the

vocabulary drop down menu on the site

and yes these vocab lists are free for

all users

number two take the audio and video


one of the best ways to learn new words

is through conversations

you get to hear how the words are used

so in every lesson dialogue you’ll come

across some words you don’t know

but don’t worry because our teachers

translate everything

so when you hear the conversation again

at the end of the lesson you’ll know

them all

number three learn with our 2000 most

common words list

here’s a question for you how many words

do you think you need for conversational


3000 5000 actually language experts say

you need only about 1

500 to reach conversational fluency and

with this steady tool the 2000 most

common words list

you get the words you need for

conversational fluency right up front

that’s what makes this study tool so

powerful it’s all here for you

and they’re broken down into simple

categories such as adjectives

nouns verbs food drinks numbers and


now 2000 is quite a lot to learn do you

have to learn at

all well you don’t have to learn it all

at once

you can go category by category you can

also start with the top 100 words then

move on to the top 200

300 and so on until you get to 2000

so if you’re an absolute beginner you

can start with the top 100 words

once you’ve mastered those you can move

on to the next category

you can also use other study tools to

learn these words faster right

such as number four study with spaced

repetition flashcards

now we’re not talking about paper flash

cards we’re talking about the smart

flash cards that you can find in our

premium study tools

picture this think of these as a teacher

inside of your computer who quizzes you

and sorts the words for you

so words that you struggle with you’ll

be quizzed on more and more

and words that you know you’ll see less

and less so they display the words as

needed so you never forget them

in every session they’ll refresh your

memory on the words you learned last


and introduce new ones that’s exactly

how our smart flash cards work

and because you get drilled on the words

you struggle with you have no choice but

to master them and improve

you have no choice but to succeed you

can also study the words from your

lessons and vocab lists with the very

same flashcard tool

number five create printable word lists

with the word bank

the word bank is a study tool that lets

you save words and phrases from lessons

and vocab lists

think of it as your extended brain if

you come across

a new word that you want to review later

you can save it to the word bank

but the word bank also lets you print

out your word lists

so click on the printer friendly option

inside word bank

and print out your collection of words

you can use that sheet for writing


number six use the words

after you learn a new word using it

right away is crucial to remembering it

so when you’re done with a lesson or a

vocab list leave a comment

make up a sample sentence and post it in

the comment section

write it down in a notebook or shadow it

meaning listen to the audio

pronunciation and say it out loud

you should do this because it’s the

actual practice that gets you to

remember it

so say it write it listen to it again

doing this will help lock the words into

your memory

so if you want to take advantage of any

of these tools for yourself

just check out our complete language

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description get tons of resources

to have you speaking in your target


and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

are you studying a language but starting

to lose motivation

in this video we’re going to talk about

the halfway point and how to keep going

with language learning

after six months to a year of studying a

language you might be feeling like

you’re losing a little bit of steam

maybe you started out strong and now

you’re feeling a bit low

maybe you aren’t seeing the results you

wanted or you think your efforts aren’t

paying off

but the reason for that might not have

anything to do with your studies

it might be more an issue about your

reviewing and your goal setting

one why you should review your past

language goals

when you set goals do you ever go back

to review your progress

it can be a reminder of how far you’ve

come and help you keep your motivation


let’s say you started learning a

language and you’ve been at it for a few


in month 1 you’re excited and motivated

in month 2 you’re still going at it but

maybe the motivation is not as strong

and you want to make sure that you don’t

fall off unfortunately as most people

do so you work hard to keep at it by

month three you’re kind of on autopilot

and learning with whatever has been

working for you

that sounds like a good place to be

cruising on autopilot

well it may seem like a good place to be

but the problem is by month 4

5 or 6 if you’ve been coasting along for

too long and haven’t had any significant


you may start wondering if you’re

actually learning or if you’ll ever

master the language

you might start losing motivation and

worse you might even quit

if you’re learning by yourself it’s hard

and if you’re not tracking your progress

by month four or five you might realize

that the textbook you’ve been using

isn’t helping you increase your fluency

you might think you’re going nowhere

so the reason to review is to check your

progress maybe you can speak none of

your target language in month one

but at the end of month three you can

speak three minutes

so that’s in progress and if you’re at

eight minutes now for example then you

can definitely say that you’ve improved

since the start

it’s good for motivation just knowing

that you got a return on your time


so reviewing is good for progress and


also it’s natural to lose motivation

with anything you’re trying to learn or


so it’s something you need to keep up

something you need to keep in mind

what do you do when your motivation dips

you can stop take some time to review

and reflect

is your motivation dipping are you

studying less do you feel like you’re

not making progress

and if you say yes to these questions

then you can work on boosting your

motivation to help you keep going

how do you boost your motivation well do

you remember anchor points

anchor points are things that connect

you or anchor you to your goal

such as a language class or program it

could even be relatives or friends who

speak the language

tv shows in that language you like or an

upcoming trip to the target country

all of these things in one way or

another keep you anchored to your

language learning goal

so if you’re watching a tv show in your

target language then it’s natural for

you to want to understand it better and

your desire to learn goes up

if you’re taking language classes where

a teacher expects homework from you

that’s another connection to the

language so you do the homework

you attend classes you learn more


if you want to boost your motivation and

keep going you should get more anchor


but how do you do that let’s jump into

the second part

two how to review your progress and

maintain motivation

how do you review your progress first

you always set

small measurable goals and always track


the study resource you’re using can be

used for your review

as well it’s easy to get demotivated and

think that you have learned nothing

but if you’re using a textbook for

example you can set a number of pages

and that can be a really good motivator

something to reach for making sure

you’re getting through and then testing

yourself on material is a little

harder if you’re not actually using your

textbook though so make sure that you

actually stick to the plan you set for


again the tool you’re using is not so

important but just make sure whatever

you use

you measure it and track your progress

reviewing is as simple as looking at

your past goals and results

you can also do it the old school way

and look through your notebooks see how

much you’ve written out

in fact we have something called the

dean’s date with our premium plus plan

where our premium plus users send in all

of the work they’ve completed with their


the writings the recordings the

assignments and you can see it all

everything that you’ve done then you can

see your actual results of your three

months of work

everything you’ve accomplished is in one

place do you ever run out of motivation

of course you do occasionally and it’s

natural for everyone’s motivation to dip

after some time

then if you lose motivation how do you

keep going

just as we talked about earlier add more

anchor points

more connections to the language whether

that means enrolling in in-person

classes at a real language school

planning trips or signing up for a test

those anchor points

help you stay motivated your main ones

need to be things that will keep you

interested in your target language or

the people in your life connected to it

these are the things that will keep you


but it’s also important to remember

whether you’re struggling or you’re

progressing rapidly

that you have to keep your learning

adaptive as humans we are adaptive

we adapt to environments and this is the

same thing your language learning path

has to adapt as you progress

if you’re progressing faster there’s a

way to adapt if you’re progressing

slower there’s also a way to adapt


how you can keep going past the halfway


if you’ve been studying the language for

a few months it’s normal to start losing


if you’re not losing steam when you’re

progressing then great job and maybe you

can share some of your tips with us

because it’s one of the hardest things

ever to stay motivated long term

if you are starting to lose steam

remember that this happens with

any goal it can happen to anyone at any

time so you need to learn how to adapt

to it

by being aware that these dips are

natural and that they happen

you can expect them so when one does

come around you’ll know how to boost

your motivation and know how to keep

yourself going

here’s what you do when a dip does come

around 1.

review your learning progress if you’ve

been setting small

measurable goals every month then this

won’t be a problem

the goal here is to see how far you’ve

come and this will help you maintain


if you can see that you learn 50 words

in january 50 in february 100 in march

and so on

then you have measurable progress and

this lets you know that you’re improving

even when you don’t feel like you are

second if you’re a premium plus student

you can also participate in the dean’s

date and submit your work on the


be sure to ask your premium plus teacher

about it third

if you’re a premium or premium plus user

you can also check your dashboard and

see how many flash cards you’ve studied

and how many lessons you’ve completed we

track your progress for you

but of course it’s best to set goals

like learn 50 words

or speak one minute of conversation

because completing a lesson

may not mean that you’ve mastered

everything inside so

if you’ve not been setting goals and

tracking them now is the time to start

otherwise do you know how much of the

language you can speak or how many words

you’ve learned

if you don’t know then you’ll feel like

you’re floating around and not learning


so be sure to set small measurable

monthly goals

fourth create more anchor points to

boost your motivation

anchor points are connections to the

language that keep you anchored to the

language and your goal

it could be friends or relatives who

speak the language tv shows in that

language you like

an upcoming trip to the target country

language classes or language programs

all of these things in one way or

another keep you anchored to your

language learning goal

so if you started learning a language

because your relative speaks it

that motivation may not last forever it

may help you in month 1 or month 2

but by month 4 5 or 6 your motivation

might wear off

but you can decide to enroll in a class

or start watching a tv show in that


that will give you some new reasons to

keep going to the language

in a way you give yourself more reasons

to learn

a lot of the time the reasons why we

start something are not often the

reasons why we continue them

so don’t be afraid to adjust your

motivations as you go along

if you’ve reached a language milestone

and are starting to feel a little less

motivated just take a look at these tips

thorough reviews setting anchor points

and reviewing your study methods will

all help you keep going in your studies

for more strategies on how to keep

studying just check out our complete

language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time

bye great work here’s a reward

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