English Accents American Australian Pronunciation Differences

Hello! I’m Emma from mmmEnglish and in

this lesson, I found an American all the

way down here in Australia and I thought

that I’d use him to show you some of

the pronunciation differences between

Australian English and American English.

You don’t mind if I use you, Allan?

Use away!

How long have you been in Australia Allan?

Two weeks now.

Two weeks! And what do you think of it so far?

It’s beautiful. Yeah. Actually this is our

first rainy day but for most days it’s been

really, really nice out here in the west side.

Rainy days are good for filming actually!

Oh! That’s good, perfect day.

Hey, what’s one weird thing that

Australians say? Australians say a lot of

weird things with slang words. What kinds

of things have you heard that have kind

of just weirded you out?

Maybe if someone said, you know, “Go to the

boot and get some bush chooks and

we’ll crack a tinnie.” And you’re like, “I have no

idea what you’re talking about!”

Nobody knows what you’re talking about!

What he actually said was can you go to the car,

the back of the car, open it, get out a

can of beer and open the beer. Drink it.

And drink the beer. So we can drink beer.

Boot is actually not that weird, that’s just

you know, you have a different name in America, right?

We just call it a trunk.

A trunk. The back of the car in America is called a

trunk but here in Australia and in

the UK too it’s boot. Yes. You also say some

really weird things actually, this

morning you said to me “I’m going to go

and pet that horse out there.” and I

was like “what?” because pet is just like an animal in

Australia, like a dog or a cat. Right, right.

But you’re using it as a verb like you

would - like we say pat, pat the

animal and you say pet. Yeah, yeah pet.

Yeah. Pet the animal.

But my point is that even native English

speakers have, you know, sometimes we have

words or even pronunciation that we

don’t quite understand about each other

and you have to sort of piece the puzzle

together and that’s definitely what

we’ve been doing the last few days, right?

Since I met you. Definitely. Piecing it

together. Yeah right, piecing it together.

Figuring it out. I’m going to, I’ve got

some words actually written down here

that I want to, I want to test your

pronunciation on because I think that

the way that you say these words is

quite different to the way that we say

them here in Australia. So I want to test

that out and I want to demonstrate to

you guys what that actually, what it

looks like or what it sounds like. The

different - the difference between the

American accent and the Australian

accent. So the first one is this one, Allan.

How do you say this? That’s hot.

Hot. Hot. OK, so we would say hot. So

more like oh rather than ah. Yeah so it’s a

little bit different - that’s an easy one

to start with. What about this one?

Going to be very different. We say car. This one,

Car. Car. Car. So the main difference there

is that Allan pronounces the ‘r’ at the

end of this word. You say car. We use

the ‘r’, yes. And we just dropped that ‘r’

sound, it’s kind of silent. It’s just ah. Car.

Yeah! That’s like, that’s proper Australian

accent. Car. All right, what about

this one? Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. Now the

way that I say bottle is - with T’s. Yeah

but it’s not, actually, lots of

Australians have the same pronunciation

of these two T’s like, like you do and

often I say bottle as well. So you

instead of pronouncing that T, it’s like

a ’d' sound, like a lazy D sound. Bottle.

Bottle. Yeah. Bottle. Bottle. Yeah that’s

pretty good, it’s pretty close. But that’s one

similarity between the Australian accent

and the American accent - is this double T or

even just a single T in the middle of

words like a bottle of water. A bottle of

water. Yeah, like someone from the UK

would say a bottle of water - in a better

accent than me.

OK, how about this one? Burger.

I think the way he says this is hilarious!

We say burger but you pronounce this ‘u’

in a different way. Burger. Yes. Bur- Burger.

Burger. And I just say burger. OK!

Sometimes we’d drop the ‘a’ there, we’ll say

garage. Garage? Oh, like that’s

really, really soft. Yeah, sometimes it’s

garage or sometimes it’s just garage. So

the main difference between the American

and the Australian or the UK British

accent pronunciation of this word is

that we would put the stress on the

first syllable

and we would say ga-rage, garage.

And you would say garage so the stress

pattern is different for this word.

Garage. Garage.

OK. Bought. That is not

how you say that! Bought. Yes. Bought. It’s pretty

similar! Bought. Bought. Yeah it’s pretty similar.

Bought. What about this one, then? Daughter.

Daughter. Daughter.

Daughter or daughter. That’s another good

example of that ’t'. Daughter.

How about this one?

Aunt. Or aunt. But it’s mostly, I think you

hear people say aunt more. Aunt.

We say aunt. Aunt. My auntie. Do you say auntie?

No, we just say aunt. We don’t really use

auntie as much. OK so that’s quite

different! Aunt and aunt. How about this one?

Entreprenuer. OK so the main difference

there is in this last couple of

syllables. We say entrepreneur. Oh really?

Entrepreneur. Yeah. Now I don’t even know

how to say it! Entrepreneur. So you

kind of do two syllables at

the end here, where we just go entrepreneur or

entrepreneur. Entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur. That’s a weird word. Entrepreneur. What

about.. this is kind of related, this word.

Yeah. There’s niche or niche. What do you say?

I say niche but maybe I’ve been saying

it wrong for a while but I think people say

niche though. It’s your niche. Everyone, lots of

people in America say niche but everyone

outside of America says niche.

Is that true? Did you have to look that up? No that’s true!

I want to make sure I’m not the only one here.

It’s not just you! Lots of Americans say

niche and add a ’t' sound in there

but the rest of the world, the rest of

the English-speaking world, says niche.

Find your niche. Interesting, very interesting. OK.

Caramel. Sorry what?

Caramel. We’ll say caramel, caramel apple!

Caramel, caramel apple! Yeah.

Caramel. Yes it’s very different. Caramel. And I

don’t know why it’s caramel, but it’s

caramel or people will say it both ways.

It’s caramel or caramel. Yeah and even then,

  • caramel - if you say caramel, you put

like a stronger stress on this third

syllable, don’t you? Caramel. Yeah -mel.

Caramel. OK this one.


Mobile. Mobile. Mobile.

Very different. It’s quite different. But this is like -

  • you say it correctly. You would normally, you

would normally say just cell phone, right?

Yeah, we say cell phone. When

do you use this word? Like a mobile home, like

to move things. Yeah, not like a phone?

Right. Right because we would

use this for a phone. Even, well actually, I

jumped in the ocean with my mobile.

You did too! and I went to look for cell phones

and it’s like in Australia it’s not

really, they just always use mobile

phones so I was searching for what’s the best

cell phone plan and it’s not how they

say it. Oh like you were Google-ing that? Yeah yeah.

But if you said that to someone

here though, they’d know exactly what

you were talking about.

Cell phone, mobile phone. Right, right. But if you did say

mobile or what do you say? Mobile? Mobile.

Mobile. They’d be like ‘what?’. Actually

that’s like the petrol company. Yeah we

don’t use petrol either, we call it gas.

It’s just gas or gasoline. So these are like

loads of vocabulary differences between

American and Australian English. We’re

trying to focus on pronunciation but

there’s a whole other lesson in

vocabulary for sure! OK what about

this one? This one is one of my favorites!

It’s very simply said. Aluminium. Aluminium

is what we say but actually when I when

I looked this up, you guys spell it

differently - That’s why! Because I’m looking at it,

I’m like I don’t think that’s how we

spell it, right. You actually have changed

the spelling so instead of aluminium,

aluminium. You, you just write it

aluminum. Is that right? Aluminum. Yeah. Yeah.

Aluminum. Just the -um at the end.

Stop knocking that plant! Hey buddy!

OK how about this?

Leisure. Leisure. Leisure. Leisure.

But I can see why leisure, that would make

probably makes more sense but American

pronunciation, leisure, with the ‘r’ and

Australian pronunciation, leisure, bit


Turmeric. Turmeric. Yeah turmeric.

Here, turmeric. Yeah, yeah. This is like - maybe I’m wrong but I

think I’ve called it turmeric for all that

I can remember. Don’t doubt yourself that’s

just totally how you -

Try not to doubt myself. Don’t doubt yourself in everything

you’ve known for thirty years!

Yeah yeah. But this is the spice, the yellow

spice that’s used a lot in Indian

cooking and Malaysian cooking. Very, very

tasty, delicious spice.

So are you kind of surprised by how many

differences there are or did you already

know about a lot of those differences

between American and Australian English?

I think I get surprised by something

almost every day!

That you’re here! Yeah it’s still very new

for you, isn’t it? Yeah,

It’s just pronunciation, it is very

different. Yes. Yeah, yeah. But it’s fun!

Yeah? Do you find the Australian accent easy

to understand or is it sometimes quite


I think for the most part you can

understand it. There’s just, there’s that

I think the more harder things in

Australia is like using different words

for different meanings. Different

vocabulary, slang words and stuff like

that. Yes definitely.

Alright well if you would like to watch

any more videos about the difference

between American English, Australian

English, British English, I want you to go

and check out these two here that I’ve

just right on top of Allan right now.

Sorry about that

Allan but can you just hold these videos

for me? Right here. Yeah. Thank you that’s

perfect! If you would like to watch more

of these videos and get updates when I

release new videos, make sure that you

subscribe to my channel by clicking this

red button here and I will see you in

the next lesson. Thanks for joining us

and thanks Allan! Well you’re very welcome!

Thank you for having me. Bye for now!