How to Talk about Household Tasks in English

my name is alicia and in this week’s

live lesson we are going to talk about

how to talk about your household

activities so in this lesson we are

going to cover chores so that means your

regular household tasks we are going to

talk about sharing space with other

people so that means like how do you

express time alone how do you express

that you want time alone and how do you

express wanting to spend time with other

people and finally we are going to talk

about some everyday use household

expressions so as you join live please

please please please please make sure to

hit the like button and of course share

this video so that other people can find

the lesson okay so we’re gonna start in

a couple minutes but as always a few

quick announcements a few quick

announcements first is about this

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that is announcement number one

announcement number two as always if you

have questions for me

if you have a question

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you’re like i wonder you can send it to

me for our weekly q and d series uh this

is called ask alicia

it is on the youtube channel

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lately but it will be back soon uh you

can find the link for this at english


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you can find the link for instagram and

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okay that’s all for announcements i

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uh so this is the deal i am looking at

you facebook hi good everyone’s here i’m

on hello and oh my gosh facebook

ali and san hello azar lai lai milita

hello everybody good everyone’s here i’m

going to like

and share

the video and then let’s get going in

today’s topic hi everybody on youtube

ostoha and jasim dikra hello


jurandi am i christian no i’m not uh

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okay good everyone is here let’s look at

today’s lesson boards then fantastique

okay this is what we’re going to do

today you can take a screenshot if you

like this is our kind of basic we’re

going to talk about basic topics yes but

i want to cover some vocabulary words

that maybe are a little maybe some new

vocabulary words and new expressions so

part one will be chores your household


part two will be using space like with


time alone and time with other people so

how do you how do you express these

desires and finally household

expressions just things that we say

around the house so i hope this is a


i hope this is a good lesson just for

everyday practice stuff you can use

right away and so if you have questions

uh or want to practice with some example

sentences send them in the chat and i

will try to check live okay let’s begin

and if you haven’t make sure to like i

know it’s i tell you all the time but it

helps other people to find the lesson

okay let’s get started

first chores let’s begin so our first

vocabulary word for this lesson is

chores what are chores chores always

lists i need to do some chores yeah so a


a chore as a noun a chore is a household

task or perhaps you have office chores

also but chores refers to those everyday

maintenance tasks at your place of

work or the place where you live so

cleaning tasks or organizing tasks those

are all chores those little daily things

you need to do

to make your life clean and tidy right

so let’s talk about some

chore vocabulary and kind of expand on

it a little bit and cover some questions

that and some issues i see sometimes



first one is this one do

the laundry to do

laundry so sometimes people say do the

laundry sometimes people say do laundry

both are fine to use

this the refers to the laundry in the

house i guess if you want to be really

specific so to do laundry

we do not use like make laundry we don’t

really say clean laundry sometimes we do

say wash clothes i need to wash my


one common issue i see a lot in the chat

actually is a lot of uh

speakers and a lot of uh learners

use the word


i think instead of using clothes so we

don’t say

dress to mean all of our clothes we say

clothes uh when we talk about this so we

don’t say i need to wash my dress no

that’s a dress is one specific uh part

of our clothing yeah so please make sure

to say clothes wash my clothes or do the

laundry yeah

so do the laundry includes all of this



hang and fold wash dry hang and fold

these are all included in do the laundry

if you want to be specific you can say i

need to wash my clothes i need to dry my

clothes i need to hang my clothes i need

to fold my clothes but usually we say do

the laundry do the laundry


all right so this is our first one if

you have questions let me know

okay next one is wash the dishes wash

the dishes you may also hear do the

dishes to do the dishes cannot use make

here cannot use make make means to

create something yeah so wash the dishes

or do the dishes we typically do not say

clean the dishes we might use clean for

like one plate like hey can you please

clean this plate it’s dirty you might

hear that but we almost always say this

wash the dishes or do the dishes yeah

okay i’m looking for your questions

there are many people watching hello

everybody watching make sure you like

this okay

let’s go to the next one the next one is

actually three verbs for the same uh the

same chore the same task okay so we have


and pickup

and tidy clean pick up and tidy these

are all verbs yeah so clean

the and then the room i have room in

brackets here so you can put in the room

the living room the kitchen the bedroom

the bathroom i need to clean the

bathroom i need to pick up the bedroom i

need to tidy the bathroom whatever so

what’s the difference in this case not

much clean sounds very thorough so that

means we are going to maybe do

all the cleaning tasks in that room so

i’m going to for example in a bedroom if

i say i need to clean the bedroom maybe

i’m going to wash my sheets and i’m

going to

wash the windows i’m going to do


pick up

the room sounds like maybe there are

some clothes on the floor or maybe many

objects in the room that don’t belong in

the room i’m going to organize it yeah

so i’m going to pick up the room usually

pick up the room means like there’s

stuff in the room on the floor or in the

room that doesn’t belong

finally too tidy to tidy the room too

tidy tidy is used more often in british

english i feel but in american english

we do sometimes use it

to tidy the room is like the light the

mini clean so we’re not going to do deep

cleaning of the room but we just want to

a little a little maintenance to tidy

the room

so like i need to i need to pick up my

room i’ve got some stuff

around i need to put away some laundry

that’s always my task i always leave the

laundry too long

sergio says can we use cleaning to refer

to all of these activities uh yes you

can yes you can like if someone calls

you and you’re like ah i can’t talk i’m

cleaning my house perfect yes all of

these refer to cleaning

awesome sokun and no kalo i hope i said

your names right said i tidy the

bathroom or i need to tidy the bathroom

and i tidy the bathroom every day nice i

tidy make sure the bathroom every day


jonatha willian says what does folds

mean uh to fold means when you wash

after you wash your clothes your laundry

you fold the clothes

you fold the uh like your shirts or

whatever to put them away somewhere okay

okay let’s go to the next one next is

this group sweep

mop and scrub the floor sweep mop and

scrub the floor what is the difference


the difference is the tool so first the


is the bottom of your house yeah the

place where you walk that’s your floor

so we have three verbs here to sweep to

mop and to scrub the floor


is with a broom yeah this motion so i’m

going to sweep the floor so that’s where

you clean the big stuff like dirt

or i don’t know crumbs like small pieces

of food the big stuff with this motion

yeah we sweep


mop to mop so mop is a verb and a noun

mop is the name of the tool we use and

it’s the verb we use so a mop

is a wet

kind of brush on a stick

it’s a mop so we clean the floor with a

wet tool to make it clean yeah

so final one is scrub

scrub to scrub the floor this is the

most intense floor cleaning i scrubbed

my floor a couple days ago

it was good

so to scrub the floor means to use some

like a cloth towel or something and

cleaning supply cleaning water and you


on the floor like this with your towel


really really intensely cleaning the

floor these are the three verbs we use

to talk about floor cleaning

to sweep the floor to mop the floor and

to scrub the floor


hollis nguyen says i’m learning this

vocab in my el lesson at school oh

that’s so cool oh that’s awesome so i

hope this is good practice for you

thanks for sharing that


all right

gennaro herreria says uh scrub is like

deep cleaning yes we use scrub for like

floors we also use scrub for like skin


yeah like it means a deep cleaning you

have some like a product that you scrub

in your face or you scrub on your skin

it’s like deep cleaning that’s the feel

with scrub you can use it for your car

too like scrubbing your car clean




awesome cesar says i must wash the

dishes every day yes we must but

sometimes we get lazy

okay let’s go on let’s go on to the next

one the next one is dust dust this is a

verb and a noun to dust and dust so

first let’s look at the noun form dust

is the

really really really small

pieces of like dirt fuzz

it gathers on

like a table or a shelf so

when we i don’t know i have no dust here

i was cleaning i guess recently but when

we have

dust it’s usually on the top of a table

some place we did we have not touched

recently so there’s little dirt or fuzz

or something here so to describe that

when we find oh there’s this

dirt there’s dust here

we would say there’s a lot of dust on

the shelf there’s a lot of dust on the

shelf here it’s used as a noun there’s a

lot of dust on the shell so maybe

there’s some dust on my shelf somewhere

i should check this lesson makes me want

to clean my house okay


we use dust as a verb to mean to clean

dust yeah for example i dusted the shelf

i dusted the shell so to dust as a verb

means to remove

dust yeah with like usually a wet towel

or some other cleaning towel we usually

do this motion we use dust to mean to

remove dust i dusted the top of my tv

yeah or i dusted the shelf yeah this

means to remove dust

someone on facebook i can’t read your

name i’m very sorry he says there are

there are a lot of dust on my book close

dust we use there is there is it’s a

singular or yeah it’s we use this as a

singular noun there’s a lot of dust so

like a mass noun

yeah uncountable uncountable

there is a lot of dust on my book okay

nick nick says can i say the room is so

dusty yes yes you can say that

absolutely my house is so dusty my room

is so dusty

uh gabriel says when i need to use an

iron on my clothes how do i say ah to

express that yeah nice one i think

there’s a little space down here i’ll

add that there’s a little space left so




clothes we use the verb iron to iron

clothes yeah

i’ll talk about that last okay

cool then let’s go to the last two we

have to take out the trash

or to take out the garbage both are fine

we use trash and garbage in american

english if you’re studying british

english you might know rubbish to take

out the rubbish yeah so to take out the

trash so we usually say the trash to

mean the trash in my house right now

take out the trash okay

nando says do you use the word debri in

american english yes we use debris for

american english but we use that to mean

the small pieces of um

like machine or maybe dirt and stuff

like that usually like after an accident

or after some kind of maybe like um like

a fight like in war

so we typically don’t use debris in our

house unless maybe unless maybe there’s

been a huge accident in the house like i

don’t know maybe i made a big like

explosion in my kitchen

then i might say oh there’s debris

everywhere it sounds really serious



jonathan says can i say there is a

plethora of dust on the table we would

not say plethora plethora is usually

used in more formal situations for like

a huge amount of stuff like i think my

favorite example is like a plethora of

treasure in uh the egyptian king’s tomb

so we don’t really use plethora very

much in everyday speech but you can say


uh there’s a lot of dust plenty of

sounds kind of positive and

dust is generally

not a good thing okay oh my gosh


lee and

anita hi says how about telling the kid

to put the trash in the bin ah yeah good

one so bin is another one we don’t use

bin in american english it’s used in

australian and i think in british

english as well

so you can yeah tell your kid put the

trash in the bin yeah for sure or put

the trash in american english we would

say put your trash in the garbage can we

use garbage can or trash can we don’t

say bin in american english


phew great questions everyone let’s go

to the last one we just added to iron

clothes to iron clothes so that’s when

you want to make your clothes smooth i

have like a wrinkle in my shirt i didn’t

see it i started so

we have this if we want to make this

smooth we would say i need to iron my

shirt so that’s with the hot iron

obviously on a surface to iron your


and if you have a steamer you say to

steam your clothes that’s when you have

the hot iron and water inside to steam

that’s your

sound effect okay phew that was a lot oh

my gosh that’s only part one we need to

continue so let’s go on to part two okay

if you missed it i will show a

screenshot uh and you can watch this

live back later okay

real quick super quick break if you

missed it earlier there’s free stuff for

you from the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube and above the

video if you’re watching facebook you

can find vocabulary practice pdfs and

some example

dialogues this one’s for beginners which

one is this one ah this is the crush

your goals sheet so if you need some

help planning your goal you can do that

so check the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook uh

to get this so uh there are a lot of new

pdfs that i don’t have here the team is

making the team makes new ones all the

time so please check the link and i hope

you find something interesting okay we

need to go to part two so let’s go to

part two using your space alone or with

other people right so if you live alone

or if you want some alone space

alone time what do you do

let’s continue and if you haven’t please

please please make sure to hit like yeah

and share the video so other people can

join thanks for your great questions too

it’s super super awesome


gabby says we are celebrating our

independence in mexico oh it’s today

mexican independence day oh

congratulations that’s cool okay um

other questions

oh my gosh there’s so my gosh the chat

is going so fast today uh

i so i lost the name i’m very sorry

someone says what’s the difference

between wash and clean clean is more

general like we use clean for a room

yeah we use wash for like an object so

like wash a window wash a dish uh wash

clothes yeah um so

there is some overlap between those two



clean sounds more like a general thing

we use for like a room


uh all right we need to continue oh my

gosh so let’s talk about using your

space with other people so uh part two

is yeah communicating with the other

people in your space like your roommates

your family members your partner

whatever so

time alone i have time alone and time

with other people

so first let’s talk about how to express

when you want time alone or when you

plan to take time alone okay

first i’m gonna i’m going to i’m gonna

take some time for myself i’m gonna take

some time for myself so that means i am

going to be alone now goodbye

so i’m going to take some time for

myself so you can use this at home i’m

going to take some time for myself

tonight like have a good evening you

could say that to your roommate yeah

it’s maybe kind of maybe it’s like a

little bit serious sounding maybe you’ve

used this when you feel stressed or

really tired but if you want to express

you need some alone time you can do this

another one this is the key word i

wanted to practice today

i need to unwind i need to unwind i’m

gonna take a bath i need to unwind i’m

gonna take a bath okay what is un oh i’m

gonna sneeze

sorry okay

unwind so this is a key word i wanted to

introduce today u n w i n d to unwind

what does this mean so

on means not right so to wind something

like when we wind something i’ll use my

hair as an example it’s like this we

twist something yeah we cause stress to

that thing so when we unwind we relax

right so unwind is a kind of casual way

to say relax

i need to unwind

yeah i’m gonna take a bath i’m gonna

take a bath

so this is a good keyword yeah so uh

unwind means release stress or relax

chill out i need to unwind


next is

everybody can understand this one i

think i just want to watch netflix i

just want to watch netflix so this is a

great response and the key here is this

just yeah so this sentence is correct i

want to watch netflix perfect sentence

but when you feel tired like the end of

the day you’re stressed out you don’t

want to do anything

really difficult you’re just tired

so you could say

i just want to watch netflix that’s the

only thing i want to do or hulu or hbo

or whatever whatever you like to watch i

just want to watch netflix

i don’t want to think anymore i just

want to watch youtube


cool and then

this one you can express you want just

alone time or you want to just shut off

everything with this i don’t want to

think about work

school or anything right now i don’t

want to think about work school or

anything right now okay so that’s like


no just i just want to be alone yeah i

just want to shut down so shut down we

use for computers we use it for people


okay then the other on the other side

time with other people when you want to

talk about spending time with the people

you live with like your roommates your

partner or your family members so

do you want to make dinner together


uh an inquiry yeah do you want to make

dinner together or do you want to make

lunch together so this one do you want

to blah blah together is a good way to

make an invitation do you want to make

dinner together that’s how we say it at

native speed do you want to becomes do

you wanna do you wanna do you wanna make

dinner together

or we use these let’s patterns let’s

watch a movie later let’s watch a movie

later or let’s go to the park leader

or let’s play

basketball later whatever you like to do


let’s do this later or let’s do it now i

suppose but later

is nice for a suggestion later in the



cool let’s go to the next one why don’t

we this is the pattern why don’t we blah

blah why don’t we get some exercise to


why don’t we get some exercise to unwind

here’s that unwind again yeah why don’t

we get some exercise in order to relax

that’s what this means why don’t we get

some exercise to unwind

and finally let’s have a relaxing night


let’s have a relaxing night in this inn

means at home

yeah so the opposite is going out like

to a restaurant or to a party or to a

bar to a club right an exciting night


or a relaxing night in now let’s have a

relaxing night in

maybe you can have an exciting night in

if you have a big party at your house i

guess but usually we say like an

exciting night out and a relaxing night




that’s it for part two we’re oh my gosh

i’ve talked so much i talked so much

about part one oh my goodness let’s go

to part three then very very quickly uh

and then we’ll wrap up for this week

okay so we’re going back to we’ve talked

about using your space when you want to

be alone and with others cleaning your

space now i want to talk about just some

general use

household expressions okay so if you

haven’t please please please make sure

to hit the like button yeah it will help

other people to share

shahan says can you show pictures well

please don’t send lots and lots of

messages in the chat yeah like i can i

can read so

let’s have other people have a chance to

to check the chat i i don’t i can’t put

pictures for everything here yeah so

let’s continue on

to the last part okay

the last part here uh household

expressions everybody has uh just kind

of those things they say around the

house yeah so

some very common ones

are related to cleaning yeah this place

is a mess this place is a mess yeah so

this place refers to your house or your

apartment this place is a mess

so when you need to clean something you

can you can say it with this okay

and then

my house is squeaky clean

my house is squeaky clean what is

squeaky clean this is the common

expression that we use squeaky clean

refers to when something is very very

clean oh maybe i can do it

oh maybe i can’t do it it squeaks i

can’t do it oh i can’t do it when we

when we touch like a

car that’s really clean it makes a

squeaking sound oh i can’t make it sound


when it’s very very clean it’s squeaky

clean it’s so clean it makes it

sound it’s very very clean


all right


uh this next one is one we use when we

feel happy about coming home

it feels so good to be home it feels so

good to be home so at the end of the day

you’re tired from work or from school

you can come home and say it feels so

good to be home or i’m so glad to be




all right onward next one

i get a cleaning one i say this a lot

maybe everybody does

i really need to clean plus the object

or the room so the object or like the

item to clean like i really need to

clean the kitchen oh no it’s a mess i

really need to clean the kitchen or i

really need to clean the windows or i

really need to clean the floor

so you are maybe you’re thinking out

loud to yourself oh i really need to

clean the windows look how dirty they

are so you can use this when you talk to

yourself yeah this is a really really

good one you’re thinking out loud yeah

okay on to the next one

uh this next one uh is for

uh when you

need something and you want to ask

someone else to bring it to you this is

a super super useful pattern i think i

wanted to include this

the pattern is

can you bring me



location can you bring me that thing

it’s in the bathroom let’s look at some

examples of this and review some


we’ll do this to finish today’s lesson


first example is can you bring me the


it’s in

the office

can you bring me the tape it’s in the

office so a request to like your kid or

your partner or whatever can you bring

me the tape it’s in the office

another one

more complex prepositions can you bring

me my coffee

it’s in the kitchen on the counter

can you bring me my coffee it’s in the

kitchen on the counter

so here’s my object can you bring me my


it’s in

preposition in the kitchen

on the counter so we have two in that

sentence it’s in the kitchen

on the counter


all right finally

can you bring me my laptop

it’s in the kitchen

it’s in my bag next to the table can you

bring me my laptop it’s in the kitchen

it’s in my bag next to the table

so this is a good chance to practice

your preposition yeah


hhl says can you bring me the vacuum

it’s in the storeroom perfect very nice

very nice okay


all right

others other questions

i’m looking for your questions make a

video on based on kitchen basic objects

i think i have a top words video on

youtube that’s about uh kitchen objects

i think i do

so i do a search for like kitchen or

cooking on the youtube channel i’m

pretty sure it was a few years ago i’m

pretty sure there’s one



nick nick says how about can you pass to

me the sponge oh pass me

something something yes you can use can

so we don’t say pass to me

we use pass when we’re at like a table

yeah someone else can reach the object

so if i say someone’s over here i say

can you pass me the marker they can

reach the marker but i can’t

so pass is used when we’re all together

nobody has to

go somewhere else to get the thing yeah

so pass is used when the other person

can reach across and get something for


joe sanchez hey one of our members says

can you bring me my guitar perfect very



i need to clean my backyard because it

is full of bushes juran dear bushes

plural there yeah

uh gemeshu says what is i hope i said

that right gimmichu tadesa hi says what

is the difference between bathroom and

washroom oh bathroom is used in american

english british english typically uh

more often uses washroom yeah that’s the

difference you i mean there’s no

communication problem if you use

washroom in america in english but we

use a bathroom

typically okay all right i have to

finish i’m very late today that was a

lot part one was long oh my gosh so

we’ll finish there for today um

i’ll show you today’s lesson board so

you can take a screenshot part one had

lots of key vocabulary for chores i hope

you can use that right away here is

today’s lesson info so take a screenshot

we talked about chores your household

tasks we talked about uh time alone how

to express time alone or wanting time

alone and uh wanting time with other

people and we talked about basic

household expressions so my place is a

mess or my place is squeaky clean my

place i need to i need to tidy my place

that’s what i’ll do

okay uh we’ll end there for today but

i’ll be back next week next week next

week where is next week’s lesson

information here it is okay next week

we’ll be back as always next week’s

lesson will be on september 22nd at 10

p.m eastern standard time that is new

york city time wednesday night if you

don’t know your local time please google

it or use uh youtube’s notification

facebook’s notification or if you follow

me on instagram i always share a link

and a topic reminder in my stories next

week i’m going to talk about how to use

conditionals to talk about your dreams

for the future yeah we haven’t done a

conditional lesson in a while so we’re

going to practice conditionals next week

uh yeah so like

if travel opens up again where do you

want to go those kinds of things

dreaming about the future with

conditionals okay cool so we’ll finish

there for this week that was super

awesome thanks for your great questions

i love it when you guys send all these

awesome questions in example sentences

that was cool i hope you found something

useful so i will say goodbye for this

week i hope that you enjoyed this week’s

lesson uh enjoy the rest of your day uh

don’t forget to check out the free stuff

from the link below the video or above

the video all there’s like

i don’t know 25 30 of these for free now

go check it out if you haven’t recently

or if you never tried so check that

stuff out get your free stuff there uh

and if you want to find me on social

media you can also find those links in

the youtube description phew okay uh

check all of that out and enjoy the rest

of your day have a good weekend too and

i will see you