Pets Word Association with English speakers

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I’m actually a reptile person.

  • Whoa.
  • I’ve a pet snake, so.

You have a pet snake?

I do, a boa python.

Is it cheating if I use an echo?

Felines, dogs, mice.

I guess another word for a cat
is a feline or a cat is a type of feline.

Opposite of cats, dogs.

And cats usually chase mice.

I don’t know.

I have never actually
seen it before, but that’s –

  • That’s what they say?
  • Yeah. That’s what they say.


purring, if that’s
a word “purr”?


And whiskers.

And the reason why I thought of falling
was because cats are notoriously known

for always landing on their four feet
every time they fall from something.

Purring is because that’s the sound
that cats make when they purr.

I can’t really make the noise,
but purr.

And whiskers because cats
have whiskers.

Do you like cats?

Its starting to grow on me actually.

I wasn’t originally a cat person,
but a lot of my friends have cats

and every time
I go over to their house to, like,

not even to play with their cats,
but usually just to hang out,

the cat’s always come up to me
and it’s like hard to push them away

and, like, I just forced to accept it.

And then I started growing on me

so I guess I could say I like cats now.

I think of tabby cats
and I think of pumpkin

and I think of cats hiding
under the bed.

I have a feeling you have a cat.

My grandparents have
a lot of cats

and my ex-boyfriend had a cat
named Pumpkins.

So, that’s why Pumpkin.

So, yeah, my grandparents
had tabby cats

that hid under the bed
so that is why.

  • Okay.
  • Tabby and under the bed.

Golden retrievers,
Shiba Inus, Pomeranians.

All types of dog breeds,
I also have a Pomeranian,

Shiba Inu native to Japan.

What was the first?
Oh, golden retriever.

And an iconic dog, classic.


Wag, let’s see, fetch.

Yeah, wag,
because that’s like what dogs do

when they’re excited,
they wag their tail

and fetch
because dogs are known

for fetching objects
if you throw it, so yeah.


Yeah, I’m definitely a dog person.

I’m more of a dog person.
I always wanted a dog.

Actually, I had a dog
when I was a little kid.


I think of Sadie, poodle and toys.


Sadie, my dog.
She’s a toy poodle.

She has a lot of toys?

She does have a lot of toys
about the same sizes of her.

Like she has toys that are
the same size that she is.

Does she have any bigger?

It’s funny to see a little toy poodle
with like huge stuffed animals.

When she was a puppy,
she had ones that were bigger

and they were like this big and so.

Food and squirrel.

Food, because my dog
will literally eat

anything you drop
in like less than a second, it’s crazy.

And squirrel because he loves
to chase squirrels too.

What kind of dog is he?

A Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

Oh, wow.



Bark, because dogs
make barking noises.

Carnivals, orange, short lifespan.

Back by my home town
we used to have a carnival

where you could always
scoop up goldfish

and you win the little bags
and take them home.

Never lasted that long,

but all of them were
a beautiful bright orange color.


A small fish tank,
even though it’s like two words, but so –

  • That works.
  • Yeah.

It works, right?
Like small fish tank and a tiny castle.

But, you know, that’s another–

It’s another two words.

Usually, I thought of tiny castle
because like usually

my image of fish tanks
with goldfish,

they usually have like a small
little tiny castle inside of it.

And the small fish tank is usually
because that’s like the most famous home

for a goldfish, in my opinion.


I think of Lipstick.
I think of death.


And I think of my sister, Kristen.

So, let’s unpack those three.

Okay. So, my first goldfish
was named “Lipstick”.

And my sister also had a goldfish
and her goldfish killed my goldfish.

How? It’s intense.

Why Lipstick, first of all?

Okay, so its name was Lipstick
because it had these really red lips

and they were really big so Lipstick.

You know, five-year-olds, lipstick.


So, and then it died
and I think of my sister

because my sister’s goldfish
killed my goldfish.


Tank and water.

Tank because just like
the association of fish in a fish tank,

I guess goldfish are usually
more of a bowl, but still.

Water because that’s where
goldfish dwell.

Yeah. They need it for life.


Swimming because goldfish
love to swim.

Because that’s what fishes do.

Easter and–oh, boy.


One of my friends actually
used to have an albino rabbit

named “Marshmallow”
they live forever.

Easter, the Easter Bunny.

Bugs Bunny, if I can use that.

That’s a good word.

Well, I’m kind of cheating
using two words, but “hopping”.

Bugs Bunny,
we all know Bugs Bunny,

he’s a the most famous rabbit
you could think of.

And hopping, that’s what rabbits do,
they’re always hopping everywhere to go.


Okay. So, I think of fire alarms,

I think of Mickey
and I think of breaking my arm.


Okay. So, my sister got a bunny

and when I was in the first grade,
his name was “Mickey”

and he died while our fire alarm
was going off.

And then like a few weeks later,
I broke my arm.

Did he die in a fire
or that was timing?

It was just timing.

He died because he stopped eating.


So, a boy pushed me down a hill
and I landed on my arm.

  • Wow.
  • Yeah.

You had an fascinating childhood.

But everything’s okay now, right?

Yeah, everything’s fine now.

  • Ready for the next one?
  • Uh-hmm.


Hat, magic and hopping.

A hat because magicians
pull rabbits out of hats,

magic because magicians
pull rabbits out of hats,

and hopping because bunny hop.


They receive carrots.

Cute, shells.

I always think they’re really cute
with their little beaks

and they’ve got lovely
different sorts of shells.


Shell, I want to say Master Splinter.


Yeah. Shell because, of course,
all turtles have shells

and that’s like their home
and their main protection at all times.

Master Splinter because of
the famous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,

he was their master and their sensei.

So, thank you Master Splinter
for being there.

I didn’t have any turtles.

I think of snapper turtles.

I think of orange
and I think of roadsides.

So, in South Carolina
there are a lot of turtles

that you see on the side of the road

and they usually have orange streaks
through their necks

and they’re usually snapper turtles.

That’s the orange streak
is just their natural color?


Have you ever seen somebody
stick like a stick on a snapper turtle?

  • No, I haven’t. No.

  • Right in front?

  • They bite it and–

  • Yeah.

It’s crazy, very powerful.


Green and easy-going.

Green, because that’s the color
I associated with turtles

even though they’re not all green.

And easy-going
because if I had the opportunity

to talk to a talking turtle

then I would assume
he’d be very easygoing.



Turtles are typically
not the fastest creatures.

Slow because turtles
move very slowly.

Turtles are always known
for going slow

but that doesn’t mean
that they always lose the race.

In the race between the turtle
and the rabbit, the turtle won,

so being slow isn’t always bad.


Drop in some wisdom, let’s fit it in.


Any last thoughts on pets?

Do you want to sell the glories
of reptile pet ownership?

Snakes are a lot friendlier
than you think,

I highly recommend it,
low maintenance, good companions,

take him out and pet him
every once in a while.

Better than a dog.

  • Better than a dog?
  • You’d be surprised, yeah.

Wow, because that’s a strong stance.

He’s a good boy.
He’s name is Buddy.

I’ve always been a Bugs Bunny fan,
a Looney Tunes fan.

As a kid I always watched Bugs Bunny
and Daffy Duck cartoons growing up.


The goldfish kind of reminded me
of the TV show, “Fairly OddParents”

because they was always
in the form of a goldfish

and Timmy turned his room,
so that’s kind of where also got

the little–the small castle idea from.

I had a lot of pets,
a lot of bad experiences with pets.

In a lot of outliving, a lot them dying.

Yeah. A lot of outliving
and lot about dying

and a lot of life lessons with pets.

Alright, nice.

No, I think I’m good.
