Teaching Learning Tips Experience Extralong subtitled English listening practice

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy today I’ve got a very

special guest this is Harry and he has

erm well along with his friend Charlie

who can’t be here today

yeah very sad and they have the English

language channel real English with real

Teachers firstly I must apologise for my

voice or if I cough because i’m getting

over a bad case of bronchitis

at the moment I’m quite enjoying the

voice and it’s also quite sexy sex it’s

like raspy

thank you yeah yeah yeah especially in

person today Harry and I are going to

have a little chat

this is going to be really good for your

conversation skills because you get to

analyse what we’re saying and how we say

it is also going to be great for your

listening skills because i have lovingly

written subtitles for you so make sure

you since they’ve done and if you really

want to improve your listening try

watching once without subtitles and then

once again with subtitles so that you

can see what you didn’t pick up so Harry

tell me how did you get into teaching

English ah so I went travelling okay in


I went to Southeast Asia amazing which

countries did you visit there I went to

thailand cambodia vietnam and laos well

Oh what can you say in Cambodian? robot robot

gnome Harry about Neil you say you are


cool thanks ok so if you’re Cambodian

and watching this let us know how we did

yeah sorry to those really wrong so you

around a man-made you guys so I just

stayed around Asia ok but one day I said

to my friend JJ who i was traveling with

I said a gay

yeah joe has she

barium large oh yeah so we were we’re in

Cambodia and I said to JJ already wanted

to do some volunteer voluntary voluntary

teaching ok and you did it for free

I did it for free how honorable and

honorable yeah and so I I found a school

ok I was like JJ that why don’t we go in

here and then we walked into school and

said we want to volunteer and you

literally pick a school walk-in walk-in

so they think their mental if there were

no one guarding that took a lot of bull

and theories board everywhere what they

kick a lot of balls

it means it took a lot of courage lot of

courage and something scary

you’re very courageous very courageous

yes and by monday so the third day and i

said i want to be a volunteer and then

by monday i had my own class of 20

streaming Cambodian kids sound like

dilek yeah it was it was mental and so

how did you learn the peach picking it

difficult because you guys might not

know this but in English schools in our

education system we don’t learn grammar

so i think both of us have had to learn

grammar ourselves yeah to be able to

then peace to you guys

so how did you go about teaching

learning grammar so I basically

struggled through the voluntary

experiences but love the process of

teaching ok and it nice seeing their

faces light up when they learn something

and I really enjoyed that so then when I

got back from traveling i did a teaching

qualification which qualification is he


I did be pinch salt which ok i did the


ok it’s not LOL ok we do the Trinity one

between a few on vacay

yeah yeah so you have teaching practice

sound teaching practice they’ve assessed

yeah I’m similar yeah yeah and how many

hours in total with you I it was done

from one month I for one month intensive

985 course yeah really

so most english as a second language

teachers will have done a 120 our one

month intensive course it’s pretty

intense than that I mean what yeah


yeah it’s difficult but it means that we

we understand how to teach grammar but

that’s not enough on it though you

really have an extra reset which is how

i go into YouTube because i was watching

videos and how to explain this crowd of

people and then I thought that I’d like

to do that good so I thought it’d do you

have absolutely why did you thought

youtube app so and me my friend Charlie

who met at University we both studied

psychology and analyzing me

absolutely yeah I know to show bit

stressed at the moment yes i’m a little


how did you know so we’re you know very

good you’re working too much

oh yeah maybe so we may university we

got on really well yeah and then we get

kept in contact after ok at Charlie went

to today where his started working as a

temple teacher

ok and after i went traveling i did my

qualification I went to Spain and being

there yet

where did you go insane i was in the

basque country so in the menore yeah

yeah and I’m the only South yeah baby

yeah baby yeah the valley and there is

very different climate it sounds ago I

never went to northern thing and I’ve

ever been and it’s on my bucket list are

you need to go it’s amazing it rains a

lot in the backcountry it’s it seems

like it’s constantly raining

yes and if you’re making like yeah like

yeah liking then they want a big change

going there and thats into the weather

because England rains a lot as well but

yet back to how we going

the youtube stuff for Charlie my partner

reason here today because he is shoulder

he had and he was an online feature in

Chile 14a and he continued doing that

and he’s been doing that for brown three

years now

ok and i were in Spain and worked there

for a year in the basque country and

then I started doing some online classes

as well and we set up the youtube

channel to give current English at 22

the world because we realize that having

used textbooks and all the language you

learn isn’t very current

absolutely and we don’t really need it

anymore now i take the agree as soon as

the book is published

it’s out of date do you know the phrase

sorry just one question the phrase it’s

raining cats and dogs

you always know about girls know and the


it’s like the prime idiomatic example

yeah and it’s just no one uses it that

everyone knows the phrase exactly what

would you say instead of its raining

cats and dogs in a more English way i

would say it’s pissing it down and if

it’s really raining

no don’t look at what would you do

food so already its pouring it down haha

ok or its chucking it down okay that

would be a better yes pissing down you

probably know that with your friend my

friend yeah yeah yeah okay yeah or you

could say it’s bucketing it down

marketing it down or Uranus throwing

bucket starting to look at that again

but it sounds fucking about yeah yeah so

I’m a big advocate that the real English

would really look real teachers channel

i’ve said a lot of their videos on my

social media and the reason I do that is

because i think that you guys a really

unique i think that the channel is

completely different and they’re not

feature mutti doing very similar things

sometimes i’m part of that as well and I

like that there’s two of you so you have

conversations you go out in the real

world i mean you’ve done a video out on

the streets of London mmm

you guys can click at the card up here

and you can go and check that out the

really good video I think it’s not big

it’s just hit 10,000 yeah anything yeah

exactly and then maybe I don’t as an the

learner of spanish the most valuable


I think foreigner is having a video of

native speakers speaking at a normal


exactly and having the luxury of having


yeah and better even pictures who can

pick out the interesting phrases that we

use yeah I those native speakers if you

guys do a lot of knives

youtube videos that you know you know

what every wednesday absolutely yeah and

wednesday and i like these live videos

always said into my students because

they’ll do what about idioms or

something do that in context explain the

meaning and it’s a really natural

organic way to learn English thank you

yeah around every Wednesday redo these

live left leave and we originally

started studying songs in class i think

the other week we did be Sam Smith song

staying with me

yes and before that we did an edge

Sheeran song and and so we were given

your language which is used right now by

pop stars by famous people in the media

and by normal native speakers and and we

analyze that and give you the chance to

participate with us much like Lucy

government on a Sunday

yes yeah I do i do a couple of life

lessons I think I’m changing the day

actually coming right there won’t be a

fun day anymore because I need my


very good yeah unfortunately things are

getting away so and so you’ve worked in

quite different countries he went to

Spain and in Cambodia that mean and what

are the different struggles that your

respective few prospective student news

that all feel respected their respected

student had with English so now that I

work online an online teacher my

students are from everywhere

mathematics he have i’ve got Turkish

student how Koreans of South Koreans and

the enemy of going lots and lots of get

other knots and not of spanish students


Latinos i have Italian students my god

and students are whole grains rushing

literally from everywhere and but the

majority mushrooms are Spanish okay

because I can speak some spanish yet

which helps yeah absolutely you can

understand why they’re making specific


ok so you teach loads of different

nationalities use but is there one thing

that you think everyone struggles with

he yet so for those speakers who speak

phonetic languages and for example

spanish or italian is quite connected

and Turkish can be the world and that

yeah it’s not completely like a Spanish

I don’t think we have the same

information points on their written

language but yet very phonetic because

the english isn’t so that’s always a

struggle but i think that’s that’s quite

obvious and not some spanish people know

that they have difficulties with that

but I also think grammar is a big thing

yes they are not with spanish people

yes well one thing I always think is my

finest students are fantastic at grammar

okay yeah always

I mean they can tell you that pluperfect

whatever you have everything

yeah okay so what they can’t do is put

it into action

yeah absolutely they know what a theory

but the practice in there and I don’t

know if it’s related to their education

system they’re very exam based your and

practical and I think that shows in the

English is very true and having taught

so many Spanish people i think the way

they use the present in spanish is a lot

more flexible yeah than ours and for

example there’s three ways i’ll give you

three sentences in spanish and which are

using the president in English we

wouldn’t use the president you have any

of them so I’m my boy for example we

would say I’m going yeah yeah there you

got to tell you though so i will help

you yeah i’m dead after a fan you get

bukkake exact like believe all that

means I’ve lived here for three years so

they’re very flexible of that so i often

find that might need to say I’m living

here for three years

yes they do the translation daily don’t

question it to me

yeah so that stuff often issue and you

have at all

turkish people know you’re not really i

I really only have taught Spanish news

ok base in England and got really good

Spanish community in London so you can

teach them in London yeah yeah okay so

we went out whenever I meet teachers I

always like to ask them if they’ve ever

had any really embarrassing teaching


ok have you had Ali I’ve had I’ve had a

few um no yeah what happened yeah and

well once when i was teaching spain i

was i was the last pitcher in the school

on Monday evenings

ok so i had to lock up the school and

the receptionist would leave about nine

o’clock and i would leave at ten o’clock

and when the receptionist left she would

always lock the door and I was in my

classrooms two lovely ladies to students

and this wasn’t planned and then I

realized I had forgotten my keys so I

was stuck in the school with these two

girls like shit how time deciding were

you there for an hour of different hours

you have these girls them to come back

yeah we had to wake up one of the the

managers at the school to come and let

us out of school so that was really that

was really embarrassing but luckily

they’re very forgiving

back ladies and I’ve I appreciate them

to this day

ok and i also want to test your language

skills do you speak any Spanish but I’m

not that much of a winter are you even

got their guards up

ok can’t get there get there when I can

see on michiana that all better in gonna

sento milano or-or-or espanyol he gonna

miss you can we come on say not say okay

a la la Carmina at all ok Oklahoma after


ok baby got came in more out of order in

and out of quarantine go

it’s cari no shadow Quinn don’t move

your camera cuesta everybody but I don’t

have to do anything yet i’m going to see

all you get with neither one of y’all

all a thank you so much for that Harry

that was beautiful i think im gonna get


I don’t think we can get along so hope

you enjoy today’s lesson I hope you

learned something

don’t forget to check out Harry’s

channel real English with real teachers

and because we’re going to do some

videos on there as well

absolutely yeah they’ve got great

content and don’t forget to connect with

me on all my social media

I’ve got my facebook and my instagram i

will see you soon for another lesson and

we have to be like this now that this
