US vs UK English 3 American Expressions for Fluent English

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm today I have two special

guests for you they are Charlie and

Harry from real English with real

teachers and they are both from the UK

and I’m from the US so in this video

we’re going to talk about some specific

American expression I’m gonna ask them

to Charlie and Harry and see if they can

guess will they know what these

expressions mean can they get them can

you guess them what do you think these

expressions mean and then they’re going

to also help me to learn the British

version of these expressions so that I

can use them and you can use them

accurately in the UK

I also recommend checking out the

opposite video Charlie and Harry asking

me British expression on their channel

so I’m going to post a link to that

video in the description and also at the

end of this video so you can learn both

American expressions and British

expressions are you ready to meet

Charlie and Harry and enjoy this great

conversation let’s get started today I

have two special guests Charlie and

Harry Charlie and Harry are living

across the ocean so would you guys like

to introduce yourself hello hello there

yay my name is Charlie and I have a

co-host Harry for real English with real

teachers hello Harry

hello Charlie hi Vanessa thank you thank

you for having us today - pleasure to

speak with a real American well real

live American here today though my goal

today is I’m going to try to use some

words or phrases that might confuse you

we’ll see how it goes are you ready for

the test

yes we are it’s all yeah so well it’s a

winner right now in the US which means

it’s kind of cloudy and not too

pretty and in general my skin is kind of

white getting whiter and I wish that I

wish that I were Tanner I wished it I

had a better tan than I do now but you

know what it’s part of life

sorry Vanessa and do you do not mean

Mort and I don’t mean to correct your

English but it’s not more time well how

would you say that

well Britta the us-british we normally

say I wish I was more tanned or I wish I

were more tanned rather than Tanner

never heard Tanner before Tanner so you

would actually put an IDI at the end

tanned yeah ten naina Wow okay well you

sayin because maybe in the UK getting

the tan is not like a big deal yeah we

don’t have a tan so we can’t you as an

American yeah yeah yeah it’s true but

yeah we generally because can like you

have a tan so a tan is a noun whereas

our our adjective is tanned so we would

never say more Tanner so I don’t know

where at what point in history it got

confused yeah must have been a long boat

ride across the ocean going to the US

people were talking about hands and

they’re literally sick lucky with that

yeah so as I was thinking about talking

to my friend about getting tan I’m not a

big fan of getting a tan unnaturally but

a lot of people in the u.s. want to go

to a tanning bed and it’s kind of this

place where you sit in this machine and

it helps you to get a tan which i think

is kind of lame but she asked she said

to me oh Vanessa well if you want to get

a tan maybe we should go to a tanning

bed and I said oh no let’s table that

idea for the next time because that’s

not what I want

laughs table tanning bed yeah did you

put the bed under the table no so I said

let’s table that idea people a verb you

use table with a verb yes this is a verb

cabling something Wow it’s not like

table dancing have you ever used that as

a verb like let’s table that idea or

let’s table usually it’s used in like

business meetings there is some kind of

like with an idea professional thing not

not hello I never I’ve never table with

anything I’ve never shared and as you

know you could share in English we say

to chair a meeting or something all

right like to be the leader of the

meeting or something to lead it I am

yeah but Harry’s more of a table dancer

thank you not so much you’re not tabling

idea let me give you another amazing

another example and see if you can guess

maybe I’ve truly stumped you here so if

I said we’re going to have a meeting

today about our new market plan and

Harry says oh no I think we should table

that idea for now because we have

something much more important to talk

about instead okay okay so does that

mean that you are putting it to one side

and you will come back to it at another

point that more important then success

yes that’s what it means like postponing

something until later human I like that

to tell you something that’s quite

interesting yeah that’s it usually

that’s used like I like the second

example going to like a business meeting

or something where your table in an idea

but it’s interesting that you’ve never

actually used that as a verb because I

read that in some places in the UK it’s

used as in the complete opposite way

like let’s talk about it more let’s put

it on the table and let’s explore that

idea more exactly opposite yeah that was


yeah put some

on the table I know yes that would that

would be exactly what you said Harry can

you think of an example of this new

table includes ancing yeah okay but

you’re the English Learner here yeah I’m

the okay so I’m the learner and okay so

Charlie wanted to discuss our new course

and for making a video for IELTS as

students and but I wanted to prepare for

today’s a video with Vanessa

so I said Charlie can we park we site so

part can we get can we favor with idea

there you go I suppose that that’s a

British feel it Park it oh is that so

I’m gonna say Park Lake parking a car

yeah like mark an idea yeah yeah exactly

yeah that’s part of that for another

time oh I’ve never used that and I guess

I would understand it if you said it

like in the context but that’s

definitely not something that’s in my

vocabulary there we go

so you had a park the idea or table the

idea yeah don’t share it so I wanted to

ask you guys to when did you graduate

from school I think I left school when I

was 16 so that was 2016 oh wait don’t

think sorry so 3 times 6 2006 yeah okay

so you left in 2006 so what about you


yeah I’m the same age as Charlie so I

would have left school at 16 as well but

we didn’t have to graduate from school

did we charlie no no we we get given

freedom at 16 we don’t give get given a

certificate like a graduation or a


again why when did you graduate well I

graduated in 2009 but how old are you

I wasn’t sixteen I was twenty-two

twenty-two what uh from University yeah

okay yes hey I’m feeling creative goal

is anywhere that you’re sitting in a

classroom high school college university

anything right and for us Terry what is


well it’s school when you’re kind of

below the age of 16 and and then it will

be College where we do our a levels

which is what we do before we get into

university if you’re lucky enough to go

and then we’re a university I mean a

university right yeah yeah okay so if I

said to you

oh I graduated I’m I’m 29 I graduated

from school when I was 22 in 2009

something like that would you think that

I was just dumb because I graduated when

I was 22 I think I think I’ve watched

best you two American movies to think

like that but yeah it was definitely

different and for learners it’s

something to recognize that British is

school laughter from 16 down and yeah

college and university yeah I know when

I was in the UK and I was studying

abroad and people asked oh why are you

here in the UK I said oh I’m in school

and they were kind of like oh is that a

really special program for young people

but really I was in university or

college I I was doing my bachelor of

English degree but they thought oh she’s

a high school student maybe they thought

you had been like put back a few years

in delayed

yes so I guess for people going to the

UK just be careful about using the word

school yeah and I guess it could be

confusing if you’re speaking to someone

you said I’m a school in a dynamic

school in Birmingham and you were

talking to a guy and he found you

attractive maybe he would think oh god

this girl is too young hmm sure what

about if someone were studying abroad or

not saying about like doing they’re a

professional and they’re taking some

time away from work to go to like some

English classes in the UK I would say

I’m going to school I’m going to school

even though it’s not high school or

university or college but what would you

say in that situation I’m taking some

English classes I probably know about

you Charlie I would specify what type of

school maybe I’m going to a language

school I’m yeah I’m taking English

classes here rather than just generally

yeah hi I know another one um that might

be different when we take a year out of

university we call it a sandwich year

why that’s been good yeah

why because it’s like the university is

the sandwich and the greatest year is

the meat of the sandwich I guess okay I

can see that on one side and either side

you have the same thing but if I said

I’m having us having a sandwich here

okay I’m having a sandwich okay would

you say taking a sandwich here how would

you over the verb that you used to take

yeah yeah yeah I would be quite confused

yeah what did you have a way of saying

that like it’s a family here oh we don’t

really do it that

often I think in the UK at least I met a

lot of people who take a gap year

between what I would say high school and

your college university degree but in

the u.s. like hardly anyone takes a

break between the two if you’re going to

go to college university you just go

right away so it’s kind of a it’s a kind

of fun idea in between in between

university years do you not sometimes

have a year out a close I’ve met quite a

few Americans in Germany and they’re in

between they’re doing a sandwich here

but they don’t know what I mean that I’m


taking a sandwich yeah III like then

which is ok oh yeah everything side we

do that sounds amazing

yeah maybe there are people who have

done it I guess if you met Americans

abroad who are doing that then people do

it but I feel like no one I know has

ever left and gone back because usually

you lose scholarship money or you lose

like some class credit if you stop so

there’s a lot of incentive to keep going

yeah I think in England it’s often a

year where you do some kind of

vocational training or work as like a

work placement and like my ex-girlfriend

she could did her sandwich year in them

in London and that’s consequently how it

end so be careful if you’re in a

relationship don’t take a sandwich here

sorry that your salad sighs baby oh I

don’t mean to laugh no I think I do well

I was also going to ask while we’re on

this topic of Sandwich how did you

pronounce that I feel like we say that

really differently I say sand-witch with

a D but I feel like you didn’t say that

sandwich yeah we suffered it that way

and which and it was like an N sandwich

Samet is exhausting sandwich sandwich

yeah maybe strange I feel like for me

though if I wanted to shorten it I would

just say in kind of a funny way sammich

like all those a million letters in the

middle that are just cut out but usually

sandwich with a stronger D okay there’s

one word that Americans pronounce

probably more phonetically or more

accurately means anything where we we as

a short version of sandwich we say sorry

sorry knee sorry

hmm yeah yeah one of the most popular

food if you are hung over from the night

before is a bacon Barney oh so would you

actually see that on a menu written like

that or would you just say it in

conversation either or either oh yeah

I bet in some cafes it would say bacon

and egg Sahni Libya Asami lifts a list

of Sony oh and maybe they’d have to have

like a little footnote for Americans

like a sarnie is a sandwich exactly yeah

it’s about sa r n I II saw me but yeah

yeah okay well I would be like even

though I was trying to teach you

expressions I learned a lot too haha

yeah this is molded quite an organic

conversation yeah so far we’ve got

Americans say I’m Tanner than you and

you say what I’m more tan more and and I

say let’s table that idea and you say

like Park Park the idea yeah Clark that

idea or put it to one side I guess okay

I would say put it to one side but not

part yeah I think we say Park I mean I I

know I said it but we know but I think

we do we did you Harry yeah let’s park

that for another day

yeah let’s it’s just Park that

cool and I say school for everything and

you would just use it for 16 years old

and under yes correct even though I

might want to have a sandwich you’re

taking a sandwich here thanks for

explaining your expressions to me and

we’re going to do some more right on

your channel absolutely yeah we look

forward to having you over on our

channel at real English with real

teachers all right for me buy from me

see you later thanks so much for

watching this conversation with Charlie

and Harry from real English with real

teachers don’t forget to check out their

version of this video they ask me

questions about British expressions some

of them I know some of them I have no

idea what they are so feel free to check

out this fun video I’m going to link to

it at the end of this lesson and in the

conversation below now I have a question

for you when did you finish school

remember that the American Way to use

school is any education it might be high

school it might be college university

master’s degree PhD this is all school

in the u.s. you’re studying in the

classroom at school so my question for

you is when did you finish school thanks

so much for learning with us and I’ll

see you the next time bye the next step

is to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye