Whats The Sexiest Language in the World

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ah maybe first you can pretend like you

know the person from somewhere okay

that always works nice of you Hey oh my


man dick abused Anja is corrector there

is 60 inside yeah


Mexican no no no Spanish no no did you

don’t know for us it that god yes

Portuguese no so maybe it’s pain it’s

finished like it was pain oh how did

they say it me but I don’t know how to

say in English

Pilates yeah come with us yeah mucho

Erato lado de los ojos see ya say

Vitalis a year to get up I was sayin now

we’re not gonna see us editor causes yet

rather me it wasn’t a negative Indian

Ocasek and I know Cynthia a second tapas

on he know she has to also do some

reason later on the Paris again you know

colada morada juntos Murcielago ESA her

demeanor idly follow me was a creamier a

learner who knows vinegar no sir very

vocab us do you not say I know wow this

is like love confession I have to admit

that it was like kind of romantic like

the pronunciation and stuff but lucky at

the content is a bit cheesy sorry mother

it’s Spanish language right

I don’t know you think so yeah yes at


exactamente what’s your one game you’d

say it again women see me hope they

don’t see me

you got no crime it was so sudden

this is easy are you willing to come to

my yeah just like to be kind of like

spice things up a bit like it’s

mandarine yes you know I’ve got a lot of

Chinese friends

oh la me on new Google okay

it means do you want to drop by my house

and eat instant noodle with me this

sounds like like something like Chinese

or Vietnamese to me they really use it I

was just like this line is from a movie

no actually everyone knows yeah ha

that’s it yeah ha Korean okay so let’s

say Korean please remember this like

Google a like okay this is usually used

by female oh I know

today I will try it yeah go girl a yes

Tokido watch the Qatari Moscow night my

was Congo is SHINee go handle this coca

Canada’s Kimmy amamori Cara

so I got excited and now I give a

discharge it means like I’m going to

protect you

yeah yeah if it’s like you know they

don’t say in real it’s two months yeah I

want to give a message from here to the

world don’t watch so much to come and

experience real life first right that’s

true yes a vodka soda azulon and i’m

leanna between wow this one is hard

you’re so beautiful okay you give the

son a recent Wow

it doesn’t look like something European

or I feel like it’s me it might be indie

oh yeah this is do not let pass smokers

on beam or kick failure will you bleep

do this okay like it looks so different

to me right now

like I feel like it’s something European

right now and like something German each

but not German and what’s the letter it

starts with letter it starts with yes

see can you say it again

this yeah no because I like to complete

I’m not about criminal Patrol sneak how

did it put leave speed okay this is like

something European because I hear no

criminal yes this is right

daesil they saw you hit the European

language yeah Swedish holy Swedish right

yeah yeah I know because I have friends

from sweater ah

hello again oh you’re a beautiful girl

tomorrow I thought it was a girl hello


difficult usually I’ve got some bad

stereotypes about like Spanish but the

Spanish one was quite good I think but

that’s not the winner to me like okay I

think it is Korean mainly because I

couldn’t understand like what it meant I

don’t know I just think Spanish sounds

maybe the most sexist of languages I’ve

heard today yeah I don’t I didn’t know

much of Catalan the sound of that and it

was really nice as well since my husband

is Korea Korean was attractive I think

because that’s why maybe I fell in love

with them right but also it’s really

hard to decide because kospi channel and

also the Canton language it sounds also

very attractive I don’t know maybe it’s

because of their tonation I don’t know

why but even though I like I don’t know

the meaning it sounds like very natural

very confident so I like that language

