Easy English Conversation How To Talk about New Years Resolution English Speaking for Real Life


new year’s resolution

simple future tense

new year symbolizes motivation for many

new beginnings

new year’s resolution is a promise a

person makes for the new year

it is when we all make plans to change

our life for the better

do you have any resolutions for the new

year yet what is it

julia bella lewis and daniel meet at the

bar they usually go to on new year’s eve

let’s see what resolutions our

characters make for the new year



what time is it daniel

it’s 10 p.m

two hours left until 2022

i feel so excited

shall we make new year’s resolutions

that’s right we make new year’s

resolutions every year

oh come on

i don’t want to talk about it


let’s do it together

yeah it will be fun so louis

what will be your new year’s resolution

i will lose weight

last new year’s eve you also said that

you would lose weight

and now

you are still the same


you’re wrong

what does it mean

last year i was 180 pounds

now i’m

179 pounds


one pound

you have no idea how tempting food can


i know

but you need to lose weight bro

being too fat is not good for your


i know

i will plan to lose weight i’ll have a

perfect body

a fit body also makes it easier for you

to find a girlfriend

and you daniel

don’t ask me about that

i haven’t asked yet

i know what you’re going to ask


bella what new year’s resolutions do you


alc completes the incomplete goal from


great a big goal takes two years to



ah it should have been done in 2020

because i set this goal in 2019.

oh it’s been three years


2020 2021

yeah this year i will definitely

complete my goal

i believe you

thank you and julia how about you

i will eat clean and wake up at 5 30 a.m

every day

i’ll sign up for a yoga or meditation


that’s cool


no lewis

i won’t answer questions regarding new

year’s resolutions


what’s wrong with you

nothing at all

come on we’re best friends

just share with us

i need to go to the restroom

what’s wrong with him

no idea


um i remember

what is what is it

last year daniel divorced his wife

he made a new year’s resolution to

forget her


i remember too

he hasn’t forgotten her yet

he still misses her

why did they divorce

she left for a month then she came back

she said she wanted a divorce without

saying why

why did she do that

daniel must be very sad

no idea


is that daniel’s ex-wife


it’s her

what a coincidence

you guys are daniel’s friends right


hi mary

good evening you recognize me

of course

will daniel come

i don’t know

he said he was very busy

yes he is so busy

hi i’m back

hey bro

long time no see


how have you been daniel

good to see you again

it’s been a long time


what’s wrong with you guys

hi daniel

why are you here

i just want to say hello


have you talked about new year’s

resolution yet



i will lose weight

i will complete my goal

i will eat clean

and you daniel

daniel will not answer that question

i will forget you

and you mary

what will be your new year’s resolution

i will apologize to daniel

and ask him to forgive me




i was wondering

shall we have dinner tomorrow

i’m free at 8 pm tomorrow

can i pick you up

old address

i’ll be there

i have to go

my friends are waiting for me


happy new year

happy new year

what just happened

daniel and mary are going on a date

tomorrow night

do you still want to forget her daniel

i guess i must break my new year’s


will you two get back together



i want to hear her explain first

five four




happy new year

happy new year


simple future tense

we use simple future with will to

protect the future

promises requests refusals offers

we can use it for future facts

and for things that are less certain



subject plus will


plus base form


i will lose weight

i will eat clean

i’ll sign up for a yoga or meditation



subject plus will not


plus base form


daniel will not answer that question

i won’t answer questions regarding new

year’s resolutions


will plus subject plus base form


will daniel come

what will be your new year’s resolution

shall is used mainly in the forms shall


and shall we

you use it when you want to get

someone’s opinion

especially for offers and suggestions


shall we make new year’s resolutions

shall we have dinner tomorrow

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