English Expressions for the Beginning of a New Year

all right i think we are rolling hi

everybody and welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and this

is the first stream of 2021. welcome


in this lesson i’m going to talk about


for the new year that means i’m going to


on goals and resolutions and then we’re

going to talk about

making plans so that means making plans

to achieve your goals and we’re also

going to talk about

goal deadlines so by when

will you achieve your goal the grammar

points for this lesson i’m going to

focus on

the grammar points i’m going to focus on

for this lesson are

will and going to for making your plans

and for your goal deadlines i’m going to

focus on

by and until so we have a lot to do this


so as you join please make sure to hit

the like button

and share this video so that other

people can join today’s lesson and find

today’s practice session all right

i’m getting everything loaded so while

we wait for other people to join us live

a couple

quick announcements as always first

thing first

uh this banner at the bottom of the

screen uh

free pdf cheat sheets uh i talk about


all the time but you can find free

uh downloadable printable uh pdfs that

you can use to study

vocabulary this one is school there’s

i know this one’s really popular the

business english one

these are vocabulary and expressions and

questions you can use

in a variety of situations so on the


you’ll see uh like in this case this is


travel one maybe it’s a tough one to use

right now

but you can pick up a whole

conversations you can find a


expressions there plus vocabulary so

check this out from the link below the


on youtube or above the video if you are

watching this

on facebook you can find this for free

you need your name and an

email address to make an account and

then you can download these there are a

lot of these like

some i don’t have printed out they’re

new so please go check them out you can


all of them for free that is

announcement number one

announcement number two as always if you


questions for me if like there are a lot

of questions

i can’t catch them all in the live chat

if you have questions for me

you can send them to me for this series

this is a screenshot from the ask alicia


a question and answer series you can

send me your vocabulary

grammar culture questions whatever i’ll

read it and maybe

answer it for this series so if you want

to send me a question

you can send it to me at english


ask hyphen alicia there will be a link

in the youtube description if you’re

watching on facebook you can find that

in the youtube description there and

also if you would like to find me on


you can find that here there is a link

for that in the youtube description

as well okay i think everything is ready


so i’ll say hello to you youtube hey

youtube what’s up

welcome back happy new year youtube uh

felipe rosio

one of our members hi marcelo hello

everybody tran

ja zhao hi welcome nelio hello

fantastic i see you uh facebook

where are you facebook where are you

facebook are you alive facebook i’m

coming for you

if you’re watching uh for the first time

in a while i

am broadcasting from home uh

due to the world situation oh there you

are great

facebook is here fantastic okay so


i’ll say hi to you facebook hello happy

new year uh bank oh my gosh so many


alberto hello lourdes hello welcome

fanaporn hello

tang morning teacher hi great

everybody’s here

let’s look at our lesson boards we have

a lot to do

so let’s take a look boom this is what

we’re going to do today this is today’s

uh study topic study topics rather uh

first we are going to look at basic

expressions for the new year

so resolutions and goal expressions you

can send me your resolution

live in the chat or send it in a comment


second we’re going to practice your

plans talking about your plans what are

you going

to do in 2021 we’re going to focus on


going to and will lastly we are going to

talk about your deadlines when are you

going to

finish your goal when are you going to

achieve your goal we’re going to use

by and until to practice these okay

so with that let’s get started there are

many comments

if you have a question send it live in

the chat

uh i will try to answer it but please

remember there are many messages

so i may not see yours okay let’s get


basic expressions let’s start with basic


happy new year happy new year many

people are writing happy new year in the


perfect so happy new year you can use

this until

about the middle of january i guess

usually the first time you see someone

you can use happy new year

and then like after mid-january it

sounds a little weird

you don’t have to say it you might also


this expression here’s to a good

year this is here is here is

here’s to a good year is like it means i

hope it’s a good year i hope it’s a good


here’s two is a common way to say like

let’s hope together here’s to

something so you might hear here’s to

uh other like uh celebration

you might hear this expression used it

means like let’s hope together

for something okay all right so let’s

get to the important stuff here

first in blue for today’s lesson i have

these key

questions for you to practice and use so

make sure you remember these questions

and ask other people these questions

okay so first what’s your new year’s

resolution what’s your new year’s


resolution this means goal so your new


resolution means your goal for the year

it’s very common to choose a goal for

the year

in january resolution

is the word we use for this type of goal

a new year goal okay so let’s look at

some examples

with this pattern you can send me your

resolution in the chat if you’re joining

live that’d be cool

okay so my resolution is to

infinitive verb phrase so here

when i say infinitive verb phrase i mean

a phrase a goal phrase that begins

with an infinitive verb so infinitive

verb means the base

form of the verb like the dictionary

form yeah

let’s look at some examples here my


it’s hard to see my resolution is to

start a business

my resolution is to start a business


is the infinitive verb okay all right

please don’t flood the youtube chat with

the same question

gerunds are not the topic for today’s

lesson send it for ask alicia thank you

okay my resolution is to start a


okay so that’s one example of a very


new year’s resolution yeah another one

my resolution is to save

ten thousand dollars so maybe you have a

money saving goal

yeah okay or my resolution

is to stop eating junk like to stop

eating junk food okay so

make sure you use this infinitive here

to stop

to save to start and so on okay

uh many people are writing about

language learning resolution so

conwell says my new year my new year

resolution make sure

uh my new year’s apostrophe s yeah

my new year’s resolution is to learn

french is to

learn english with alicia don’t forget

this too yeah

to verb my new year’s resolution

is to make a lot of money okay um my

resolution is to earn

some people let’s see elban wrote much

money we can’t use much

uh we don’t use much in positive

sentences earn

a lot of money uh okay wow there are


comments coming in my resolution is to

start a new job guillerme instead of

join a new job

start a new job on facebook um

poovey my solution is my solution oh is

to start to practice

english for my test make sure not


resolution there’s an re at the


resolution resolution okay all right

other ones there are many ones there are

many comments on facebook i’m sorry i

missed a few

kian said my resolution is to improve my

english skill more good and remember

specific goals are good goals right make

it specific

okay um all right let’s look at the next

pattern though

this one is a is more general so

to answer this question you can use the

word goal

it doesn’t have to be resolution i’ll

talk about the difference

here resolution goal what’s the

difference so resolution

as i said sounds official yeah so we use

resolution at the beginning of the year

a new year’s resolution goal

can be used at any time of the year for

something you want to achieve

yeah so you can use this at the

beginning of the year also that’s fine

so my goal for the year

is to infinitive verb phrase so you can

use this pattern

also some examples my goal for the year

is to buy a house or my goal for the


is to open a store or

my goal for the year is to run a


so again you can use my goal for the


or my resolution is something

so these are basic expressions we can

use to talk about our resolutions

and goals you can use this pattern any


of year except well just change year

to like month or week yeah my goal for

the week

my goal for the month my goal for the

summer you can change

year to a different time period some

more examples are coming in

ruby says my new year’s resolution is to

improve my

english good my new years don’t forget

this little apostrophe s

new year’s resolution um

saeed says my resolution is to start


confidence good okay that’s a good one

nice um

let’s see my goal for the year is to win

a trophy says babna

great great okay excellent raquel says

my goal for 2020 is to get

my visa to canada don’t forget your verb

is to get

my visa to canada fantastic okay you


are doing a great job with that so we’ll

stop there for part one

and go to part two now how to express

uh your plans then so quick break

if you missed it earlier i showed you

the free pdfs the vocabulary and

phrases expressions that you can use to

practice your vocabulary to pick up some

new words so check this out

uh i showed you a few of these earlier

if you like music you can check

this one out it has lots of music

vocabulary oh sorry

music vocabulary if you uh

are feeling optimistic about travel you

can pick this one up too

so there are many different topics for

you to check out you can download

all of them for free so check the link

below the video if you’re watching on


or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook to get

this okay fantastic so

let’s go to part two for today’s lesson

i’ll show you today’s lesson boards you

can take a screenshot

are you ready if you’re ready boom

okay so expressions uh for the beginning

of the year we just talked about

basic expressions uh happy new year

resolutions now we’re going to talk

about your plan

so we’re going to focus on the grammar


will and going to i’m not going to talk

in detail about the two grammar points i

just want to refresh

your mind and give you some examples

to think about so let’s take a look

going to and will the question the key

question for part two here

is what are you going to do in 2021

what are you going to do in 2021 so that


like what steps are you going to

take to achieve your goal yeah so the

small parts

yeah like every day or every week or

every month

we can use going to and will

to express these yeah so let’s look at

some examples

and then after let’s talk about the


between these okay first going to

so you might say i’m going to write

a book i’m going to write a book or

i’m going to study three times a week

or i’m not going to drink alcohol

so many different types of gold right

negative this one is a negative

i’m not going to drink alcohol so

these express a plan we had before the

conversation this is when we use going

to we’re sure that’s this that’s the

feeling of going to

i’ve decided this is my plan i’m 100

sure okay let’s compare this to

will will so for example

i think i’ll start a new

hobby i think i’ll start a new hobby

here’s will

i think i will i’ve reduced it i’ll

is i will i will i think i’ll start a

new hobby

or i’ll probably go to

a language school i’ll probably go to a

language school

or i don’t

think i’ll watch a lot of tv

i don’t think i’ll watch a lot of tv

this is the negative

i do not think i will i do not think i


or maybe i probably won’t watch a lot of


so will is used to express

things that we’re not 100

sure about we have not decided yet we


in the moment in the conversation yeah

so should i use will should i use going

to this is a very common question

remember will not 100

sure plan decided in the conversation

so for example this one i think i’ll

start a new hobby

this i think is very common with will

it’s like saying i’m not sure but maybe

i think i’ll start a new hobby

this is also very common i’ll probably

i’ll probably also one point i notice

many learners

don’t say this sound clearly

many of my former students said i


i probably don’t say i probably please


i’ll probably i’ll probably

i’ll probably do something okay

um good again in the negative you can


i don’t think i’ll watch a lot of tv

or i probably won’t to use

won’t in that pattern then in comparison

going to

we use going to for 100

sure plans so we’ve decided we

thought about it before the conversation

we chose

the goal we made the resolution yeah 100

sure plans decided before the


so i’m going to write a book that sounds

very confident

yeah or i’m going to study three times a


okay so very sure very confident plans

all right i’m going to check some of

your examples now

uh madrista on youtube says i’m going to

give up drinking beer

nice example sentence okay um

let’s see babna says i think i’ll start

a new restaurant that’s a good example

sentence too

um some other ones uh it’s very bright


um some others can you give the form of

will and going to i’m not sure what that

question means can

you phrase it a different way reyna says

i’m going to work out every day

very nice example okay orlando says i’m

going to stop

smoking cigarettes i’m going to stop uh

stop and start this is i don’t have time

to explain this in

this point in detail but for for like

goals and resolutions

stop and start often are followed by

a a word that has an ing at the end


working or stop smoking or stop drinking

stop followed by the noun form of that

word so stop

smoking cigarettes okay

okay um manuel says i’m going to study

uh a master’s degree so i’m going to

maybe study

for a master’s degree okay uttam says

i’m going to make a new

film very very nice okay um

other examples there are many lots of

people are talking about

language learning fantastic okay sounds

good to me

so will and going to these you can use

to express

uh the smaller steps in your plan

also we’re going to review this topic

next week in more detail so

uh please join again next week if you

want to practice this one

some more okay fantastic so this is part


for today uh i don’t see other questions

but i do see many

good example sentences which is super

cool all right

so let’s take one more short break and

then we’ll go to part three

focusing on by and until to

talk about your deadlines okay so if you

missed it earlier

i will show you one more time uh the


stuff that you can download from the

link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video

if you’re watching on facebook uh this

one’s upside down

you can find free pdfs uh to

help you expand your vocabulary

about many different topics so this

one’s family and relatives

also just meeting people for the first

time some conversational phrases so

check these out

there are many many different topics

that you can take a look at

i’m looking for another one here sports

and exercise some of you are talking

about working out and uh like going to

the gym

in your resolution so maybe this is a

good one to pick up

you can find key vocabulary about the

gym here

it’s perfect right so check it out uh

find the link below the video or above

the video you need your name and an

email address and you can download


for free alrighty so let’s go to

part three for today also if you have

not please make sure to like this video

and share it so that other people can

find today’s lesson that would be super

super cool

okay all right let’s go to part three

i’ll show you

our lesson boards one more time and you

can take a picture

if you want to boom all right so we


uh let’s see in part one resolutions and


in part two we covered going to and will

and now we’re going to talk about our


how to express uh when we’re going to

finish our goal or when we when we plan

to finish our goal so we’re going to


using buy and until in part three here


let’s take a look all right

so when are you going to reach your goal

when are you going to reach your goal so

what’s the plan what’s your schedule

really so many of you for example write

and say you know i’m going to improve my

english or i’m going to

uh maybe start a new business or


but you have to also give yourself a


right you have to take steps inside the


to do this so how do we express that

we can use by with a point

in time to do that this expresses a

deadline let’s look at one example

i’m going to write a chapter

in my book by the end of

january i’m going to write a chapter

in my book by the end of january chapter

means one

part of the book one part of the book so

by the end of january here’s my buy


buy plus my point in time the end of


is my point in time so this means

uh to imagine on a timeline i

start my book now or i start my chapter

in my book now and i work work work work

work work work

and sometime in the period

before the end of january

i finish it the end of january so


31st is my deadline that’s the last

possible day but maybe i’ll finish it


i want to express some action that will


between today and the end of january

i want to express the deadline for it i


buy to do that okay i’m going to write a

chapter in my book

by the end of january

another example i’m going to run

five kilometers without stopping

by march first i’m going to run five


without stopping by march 1st

march 1st here’s my point in time yeah

by march 1st

so that means i’m going to practice

running i’m going to do training

sessions i’m going to go to the gym

uh whatever so i’m expressing

march 1st is my deadline so

this means maybe i will reach this goal

maybe i’ll reach this goal

before march 1st that’s okay that’s

correct in this sentence

i’m expressing the deadline here with


i’m going to run five kilometers without


by march first okay good some of you are

writing your example sentences fantastic

i’m going to apply for my study visa by

january 1st

january 1st it’s already it’s already


we’re what january 6th or 7th depending

on your time zone now

next january okay all right

uh chosen win on facebook says i’m going

to study

level one korean class by the end of

february okay

maybe i’m going to take level one korean


all right nice then let’s continue one


example i’m going to finish my job


by next week i’m going to finish my job


by next week here’s my time my point in

time next week

i’m going to finish my job application

so you’ll notice

these are all just basic going to

statements right i’m going to do


so your your plan your step plus

by and a point in time this expresses uh

your steps

okay uh some other ones madrid

madridista says i’m going to build my

house by march

first nice okay uh other ones i’m

gertrude it says i’m going to travel to

canada by july 23rd okay that’s very

specific all right

nice nice uh other ones

um ross says i’m going to kill it by the

end of this week do you mean like kill

it like

do a good job or like some you have to

do something else i don’t know

okay uh someone’s him out says i’m going

to eat pizza

next week or maybe by the end of next

week okay is that your goal for the year

no judgment all right okay let’s go to

until then until so what’s the deal


in this uh in this lesson i’m going to

cover i’m going to talk about

using have with until

so we use until in sort of a similar way

as by we use until plus a point in time

you see i have have here have until

point in time so let’s look at an

example what do i mean here for example

i have until april

to write my thesis i have

until april to write my thesis

so this means that there’s some

deadline outside me so my school’s

deadline in this case or my professor’s

deadline my teacher’s deadline

and i want to express the total

amount of time i have

i have until april

to write my thesis so

yes this means april is my deadline i

cannot say

i uh i have by april totally incorrect

totally incorrect you can say i’m going

to write

my thesis by april that is 100

correct that is totally true this

expression i have until april

just it shares the total time

the time period you have available i

have until april

another example i have until

summer to choose my college i have until

summer to choose my college so again

you are expressing the total time you


so that means from now until summer

that’s it marks the end point of


one more i have until tomorrow to study

for my test i have until tomorrow to

study for my test

so again we’re expressing a time period

inside which we can do something

i have until tomorrow to do something

all right

uh i have until may to apply for my

study visa nice example

okay i have until 2020

to spend time with me um

2020 has finished so that doesn’t make

sense we have to use

a future point in time here i have

until uh maybe next week to spend

time alone for example

all right uh oh shang on facebook’s

i was waiting for my friend until

5 pm i was waiting for my friend until

5 pm okay chosen win says i have until

july to study

20 lessons on youtube very nice very


asd says i have until june to drink my

whiskey oh

okay very specific and interesting goal

okay uh jantani says i have until summer

to drop my winter shoes what do you mean

drop are you going to sell something we


dropped that’s like a cool like stylish

way to say

release or launch a new product is to

drop something

i’m gonna drop some new shoes okay all

right very nice example sentences nice


so we have to finish there because i’m

out of time but

i’ll show you one more time today’s

lesson board so you can take a picture

uh and you can review this later okay

lesson boards here we go boom so

today we practiced uh expressions basic

expressions for the new year

resolutions and goal expressions we

talked about using

going to and will and we also talked

about using

by and until to express our

deadlines okay so this is today’s topic

but next week some of you are asking as


uh about the next lesson what is the

next lesson i’m here every week

every week for many years um this uh

next lesson will be january 13th

next week uh wednesday 10 p.m eastern

standard time if you don’t know your

local time please

google it uh or just set a notification

on facebook

or on youtube you can do that if you

follow me on instagram i always share

a link and a reminder about the topic so

you can do that it’s in my stories check

that out

next week i will talk about how to talk

about your 2021

goals in detail so that means scheduling

and the steps you’re going to take

so uh like today’s points about going to

and will we are going to review that

and we’re going to talk about uh those

small steps

to achieve your goals so many of you

said you want

to improve your language skills so we’ll


some expressions you can use to describe


next week so please join me again next

week that would be super super cool

all right i will say goodbye for today

so thank you as always for joining me

good to be back in 2021 uh

thanks very much for liking and sharing

this video and make sure to check the


below the video or above the video to

get your free stuff

enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the

rest of your week have a good week