Talk About New Years Resolutions Learn English

good good good good but yeah okay

getting everything set up okay good I

think you’ve just hit the button so

we’re gonna get going here in just a


I see YouTube hi Happy New Year

I think we’re recording now it’s a Happy

New Year everybody I hope you had a very

nice New Year holiday Yeah right I see

my face on YouTube and Facebook is

coming up happy new year welcome back to

our live stream it’s our first live

stream of 2018 so I’m very excited to be

back after a nice 1 week break I hope

that you also had a nice break we’re

going to get started in just a moment

Facebook’s coming up I’m going to send

that tweet do all right hello good

Facebook is up excellent excellent

and YouTube is up hi everybody Miguel

Pierre Hugo Evelyn a chip cambio someone

from Egypt

I cannot read your name I’m very sorry

and on Facebook Kajal Arman Richard

Happy New Year from Iowa hi Iowa Richard

from Iowa and Theresa on YouTube hi from

Vietnam Lysa Tosi hi oh hi oh oh oh


okay yeah great everybody’s here Happy

New Year again fantastic good to see you

all thank you for joining our first live

stream of 2018 I am excited to be back

and we are excited to start off the new

year with some good things our producer

is excited to be back as well great

everybody is very excited so today today

our topic is going to be New Year’s

resolutions a very nice topic to begin

the year with I think so while we wait

for everybody I want to share a couple

of things oh we have a picture New

Year’s resolutions live that’s what

you’re watching right now this is it

right now so very exciting I’ve got some

fireworks here but this is this is our


stream topic for today so I hope that we

can enjoy today’s topic oh okay so I

want to share just maybe I I did a few

things over the new year maybe you did

as well I guess I’ll share I prepared

this I tweeted this yesterday last night

I think but I don’t know what you did

over the weekend or the long weekend I

suppose for many of you but I I just

cooked and slept and hung out at my

house I had a very very low-key nice new

year it was very very relaxing I suppose

oh thank you I can see it big now so

yeah said happy new year and then I used

the expression I had some fun I had some

fun I gave my apartment an update I

cooked and then I said I slept like

crazy so in other words I slept a lot I

slept a lot but I said I was looking

forward to getting back to work so I

cooked a bit you can see a couple of

these photos here like these are a few

things I cooked I enjoyed a beer and a

place I’d been wanting to go to for a

while so quite nice I had a I had a very

very low-key new year so what did you do

I don’t maybe we’ll talk about that a

little bit later yeah sleep I slept a

lot it was very nice I would like to

continue sleeping a lot okay but

everybody’s here now so please remember

as you join of course hit the like

button the thumbs up button on YouTube

and the like button on Facebook to

satoshi yeah hi well oh gosh I can’t

read everybody’s comments quickly enough

but today we’re going to talk about New

Year’s resolutions

so New Year’s resolution is a specific

phrase we use for our goals for the new


so specifically at the new year what is

the goal what is your kind of target for

that year maybe you have a few of them

so that’s what we’re going to talk about

today but I do want to mention let’s see

maybe I’ll skip those so the word

resolution though is kind of used

as a set as a set phrase in New Year’s

resolution like it’s sort of we always

say that New Year’s resolution we can

you can say like New Year’s goals I

suppose but typically we say New Year’s

resolution also if you use the word

resolution in other situations like my

resolution is to blah blah blah it

sounds a little bit too formal typically

we only use this New Year’s resolution

in a phrase like this your New Year’s

goal so I want to talk first about how

to explain your New Year’s resolution

how do you talk about that so there are

two questions that I want to talk about

first is just asking somebody the

question being do you have any new

year’s resolution so you watching now

please start thinking about that we’re

going to talk about it later and sharing

that later and then you can also ask

what are your new year’s resolutions in

the plural form or what is your new

year’s resolution in the singular form

both are okay so um to give kind of a

basic pattern for this you can say this

year I want to or this year I’m going to

or you can use the contracted form this

year I wanna this year I’m gonna but

before we talk about how to explain your

goals something that many of you have

asked about and I’ve talked about a

little bit in like ask Alicia and here

and there on the website is setting a

goal so I want to talk about something

quickly to begin the year may be a nice

topic to begin the year there’s a word

acronym so acronym is is a word made

from the first letters of words so this

acronym I’m going to explain it’s called

smart this is how to like this is a way

of setting goals that you can think

about in the new year so see you can see

Smar t this is called an acronym so from

the first letter of these words we make

a new word the word smart so this is an

acronym so I want to talk about using

this it’s called smart goals making

smart goals so like many of you who will


I want to improve my English or I want

to speak English or I want to do this

sort of very open kind of broad idea but

it’s really hard to decide like did I

achieve my goal did I reach my goal or

not so this is a way that can help you I

think kind of learn when when you’ve

like achieved your goal or when you have

it so what does this mean

let’s look so specific so your goals

should be smart in other words so your

goal should be specific like be specific

so not just I want to improve my English

but I want to make a business

presentation in English for example is

one it should be measurable so

measurable you see the root here measure

you can measure it you know like the

amount of something or you know the

number of hours you have studied

something so you can measure your

progress it is measurable so we’ve

talked about a bull Abel before able to

possible - okay next achievable so in

your time frame in the time period that

you have can you achieve the goal or not

so this means if you try to set a goal

that’s too tough so like for example I

don’t you’ve never studied Chinese

before but you decide you want to be

fluent in three months whoa is that

achievable I don’t know but make sure

it’s achievable so is it is it possible

to do that leads to the next one

realistic in the timeframe you have is

it possible is it realistic for you to

achieve that goal

and finally timely timely sound meaning

is this a maybe a good time to learn

this goal is this a reasonable goal for

you in your life so try to think about

these types of goals so instead of

saying I want to improve my English like

okay great like I want to improve my

language skills too but specifically

what do you want to do so if you can

give yourself a SMART goal maybe you can

achieve it a little faster because it’s

kind of clearer for you so please think

about this as you make your goals for

language study this year yeah so good

ones already coming in I want to study

abroad in the USA good Catherine yes we

have Facebook we have a Facebook page

where people sometimes write in the

comments you can check us out on

Facebook Muhammad on Facebook what is

your name my name is Alicia if you did

not know my name is Alicia hi um okay I

want to go to our first question for

today so in considering this please

consider this what I just explained a

SMART goal what is your new year’s

resolution what is your new year’s

resolution what is your goal what’s so

here’s what’s what is your new year’s

resolution so remember resolution new

year’s resolution is our goal for 2018

so my new year’s resolution is to one of

my new year’s resolutions is to pass the

top level of the Japanese language

proficiency test I’m very excited yeah

it’s tough it’s tough

I have level to you right now I would

like to get level 1 I’d like to get what

I need to study I really need to study

so that’s my SMART goal it’s a specific

goal I want to pass this level of the

tests I can measure it so meaning I know

when I have achieved it it’s achievable

I have like several months to practice

it’s realistic it’s like just

challenging enough for me and it’s

timely so it’s good for my life right

now I think okay so what is your new

year’s resolution Eric what are you

talking about I’m late we are talking

about New Year’s resolutions as is on

the screen thank you Eric um okay first

one on okay first one on I don’t

understand that one uh someone rates the

stage I’m not sure I understand that

ghoul interesting okay so anyway what is

your new year’s resolution so begin

explaining with my New Year’s resolution

is to so you should follow with a verb

phrase here is to pass the top level of

this test in my case or my New Year’s

resolution is to learn

to play a specific piece on piano my new

year’s resolution is to go abroad to

take as many trips as possible Theresa

nice cool

how many is as many as possible that’s a

good point our producer asks you what

does that mean as many as possible as

many as possible is it specific is

immeasurable No so think about it

specific rindra nice one on YouTube my

new year’s resolution is to build a

house that is a very smart goal that is

very smart a thing

Paolo says my new year’s resolution is

to stop smoking very nice very clear

okay um

monk TIG bot Tabar I’m very sorry if I

missed you

says my new year’s resolution is to pass

the IELTS very nice great um I want to

master perfect tenses great uh trang

trang is to speak english fluently like

we just talked about not a very specific

goal try to make a specific goal

specifically what do you want to do

speak English fluently is not a very

specific goal think about what do you

want to do do you want to do Richard

says my new year’s resolution is to get

my master’s degree in vet school very

nice good luck with that very nice yeah

lot of people okay I just explained I

just explained my new year’s resolution

is to learn English yeah I know but it’s

not as like be specific what do you want

to do like you’re writing to me now you

know some English now right so be

specific how are you going to challenge

yourself like what is the next step what

is a specific thing you want to do do

you want to go abroad and order a pizza

in English like maybe that’s your goal I

don’t know or what do you want to do

Andres has a good specific one my New

Year’s resolution is to lose 10 kilos in

the first six months woo very nice okay

other specific goals please think of

specific goals my New Year’s resolution

is to finish my English course that’s a

very specific goal to finish my English

course is a specific goal nice ok very


so these are just a few things please

think about

when you set your goals so try to be

very specific with your goals think

about this I think this is very nice I

like to think about this so let’s take a


No so it’s the first I guess why our

first break of the new year but we have

as always free stuff for you guys this

week this week we have our free PDFs the

cheat sheets and so on so many of you

are saying my goal is to learn English

so if you’re thinking specifically a

specific goal that you have what is

something you need to learn so if you

know like I’m traveling this year or I’m

gonna be spending time with my friends

and family this year and I want to I

don’t know explain things in English to

them whatever think about what you need

to do and check out these PDFs so please

go download these you can find the link

below the video on YouTube and above the

video on Facebook these are free if you

don’t have an account you can make an

account really quickly and grab and get

these and get these very fast so maybe

you want to study it away from your

computer or away from the internet these

are PDFs so you can put them on your

phone you can of course study on your

computer but if you need some extra

vocabulary help these are great to do

that so please check these out please go

download these the link is below the

video on youtube and above the video on

Facebook so maybe these are some

specific goals if you’re looking at this

now and you think oh I don’t know those

words maybe just go download that just

go check it out it is free it is free

these are free PDFs

if you have an account on the website

you can get it free if you do not have

an account you can make a free account

so check it out check it out oh hey so

now now that we have talked about your

goals let’s continue to the next topic

for today so we have our goal yeah

so we have our goal I want to lose 10

kilos or I’m want to pass IELTS whatever

so now the next topic oh yes

oh by the way if you are just joining

today’s topic is New Year’s resolutions

New Year’s resolutions oh there I am

that’s an old picture of me but today

we’re talking about New Year’s

resolution so if you have not already

liked the video it’s very helpful for us

if you like the video so please like it

so other people can find it of course

but now that we have talked about our

specific our SMART goals let’s talk

about how you’re going to achieve the

goal so what is your plan for achieving

the goal so many of you are saying like

I want to pass a test or I want to do

blah blah blah in English so people

might ask like why do you want to do

that how are you going to do that so a

few things you can do

it’s you say like I want to pass the

IELTS or I want to see the money I want

to finish my English course for example

some people might say why like why do

you want to do that so here are some

examples we can use I need to or I want

to so if you’ve been watching this live

stream over the last six months maybe

you know you remember the difference

between these two so I need to means

there’s some requirement I need to do it

for work I need to pass this test for


or I want to learn something new I want

to learn something new I think I saw

somebody on Facebook said I want to

learn something new that’s a nice reason

to do a goal I want to I want to learn

something new or maybe if you want to

lose weight somebody said they wanted to

lose 10 kilos you could say I want to

get healthier I want to get healthier so

these are some reasons you might want to

use you can explain your reasons for

doing these things with goals so think

about why do you want to achieve that

goal so this maybe you can think back to

here like why do you want to do it like

realistically or timely so um I’ll talk

about my reasons in a little while so

please think why did you choose

or New Year’s resolution so of course

you can make your reason a little bit

more specific so for example many of you

say like I want to study English but

like why do you want to study English

you could say like I want to study

English so I can understand my favorite

movies for example or I want to move to

a new company so I can get more job

experience for example or I want to lose

weight so I can run a marathon so you

can be very specific with your goals

please think about that so given with

your goal you talked about your goal

before your specific your smart goal

before then think about why why so let’s

discuss so next question for today will

be why why did you choose your new

year’s resolution why did you choose

your new year’s resolution so this is

this should be your goal the goal you

described in question number one today

and here’s a reason for it so in my case

I said I want to pass the top level of

the Japanese language proficiency test

that’s my goal for one of my goals for

the year so I could say I want to pass

the test so I can become a more accurate

and faster translator mmm Richard asked

what do you mean timely about about this

so timely timely is like something

that’s it’s kind of like a reasonable

time period for you so depending on

where you are in your career or in your

life like is this it is this is the

timing for this goal appropriate for you

so like if like I like I just like this

is my job

but if I suddenly decide like I’m going

to go to culinary school and become a

chef it’s like is that a very time legal

me this is the right time for me to do

that so I don’t know maybe for somebody

but timely means like is it a good time

is it an appropriate time for you to be

considering that goal yeah yeah okay so

why did you choose your New Year’s

resolution so like I said I want to pass

test so I can become a faster and more

accurate translator hello nice I want to

learn English so I can get a good job

get a good job get a good job don’t

forget your article they’re great uh

John he says I want to learn English so

I can live in Canada in two or three

years very nice very specific good um

what else

mmm nothing else yet I want to

understand and learn English okay so why

why so I can so what is your reason what

is your reason I want to learn English

so I can move ah ah zoo here hi on

facebook says I want to be a scientist

so I can help humanity ooh very exciting

CS Li says I want to keep up with my

work so I can be more professional very

nice let’s remember remember be specific

be specific what specifically do you

want to do what specifically do you want

to do trying Trang says I want to keep

up with my classmates so I can go

everywhere and meet everyone and be more

confident nice nice great other ones

lots of improve English improve English

so why why so again helping like we’re

thinking about why you want to do these

things why do you want to do these


Jason says I want to move to another

company so I can improve my skill set

and get more money so very nice

I want to move to another company so I

can improve my skill set and get more


nice nice hahaha our producer very nice

so yeah very specific immeasurable goal


maybe realistic and timely for you nice

one Jason excellent very excellent

Nelson says I want to exercise every day

so I can get healthier very nice that’s

a good goal too many people have that

goal I think um Rosario on Facebook my

new year’s resolution is to get a job

yeah great good luck good luck so Marcio

says I want to get a better job too our

mom says I want to bring peace so I can

live comfortably

and Iman says I want to pass PTC B exam

what’s great okay lots of good goals so

please think about the reason why do you

want to do why is that your goal why did

you choose your new year’s resolution

alrighty then um let’s go to break

number 2 for today a break number 2 huh

relax your brain for a moment and if you

missed it the first time today the team

has prepared again our cheat sheets are

PDF cheat sheets so please check these

out if you missed it if you have not

downloaded it yet now is a great time to

check it out at the beginning of the

year many of you your goal is to learn

English so maybe you can say I need to

improve my vocabulary or I need to I

want to learn 500 new words for example

so these could be some good resources

for you so if you know like Oh

travel words are difficult for me or

maybe I have a hard time remembering

words at work or business-related

English these cheat sheets these PDFs

they are free and they can help you

improve your vocabulary a little bit you

can pick up a few things or maybe review

some things here too so please go

download these from the website they are

free you can put them on your phone or

on your computer on your tablet whatever

is convenient for you so the link is

below the video on youtube and above the

video on Facebook please go download

those those can be helpful for you as

you work towards your goals of learning

English this year oh right so please do

check it out alright so welcome back so

today if you missed it today our topic

is New Year’s resolutions New Year’s

resolution so on today’s news this looks

like a news broadcast like this so

today’s topic is New Year’s resolutions

if you’re just joining us please

make sure to hit the like button yeah

enjoying the video alright say useful

great hit like help it’s out it’s good

for us

um but okay let’s go to our last topic

the last thing I want to talk about so

first we talked about um how to set your

goals was one how to explain the reason

you chose your goal finally today let’s

talk about how you plan to achieve your

goal how you plan to achieve so remember

your goal should be achievable let’s

discuss a few ways to explain your plans

for your goal um so I think maybe time

is going quickly so I want to introduce

maybe a couple of different ways to

describe your plans so if someone says

how are you going to do that how are you

going to study you could say I’m going

to ba ba ba

or I’m planning to blah blah blah like

these so I’m going to and I’m planning

to so let’s think about the difference

between these two I’m going to sounds

very confidently I know this is my

course this is what I’m going to do it

has been decided before the conversation

by the way if you have missed this point

this grammar point check our past live

streams will and going to I think there

might be a whiteboard lesson about it

too so for more on this grammar point

going to check the YouTube channel so

going to sounds like I have decided this

is this is really going to happen I’m

confident my plan 100% I’m planning to I

am planning to it’s like in my mind this

is what I’m thinking about I’m planning

to blah blah blah but maybe like I

haven’t registered for a course yet or I

haven’t taken the next step yet so these

are a little bit different these are a

little bit different so if for example

like you say I want to improve my

English you could say like I’m planning

to study every day for five hours maybe

I don’t know and that’s one

I’m going to study every day for five

hours going to sounds more confident it

sounds like there’s a little more

emphasis behind your thinking so please

consider this planning sounds like maybe

it’s it’s only a plan it’s only a plan

it’s not in action yet so let’s use

these to explain the goal you talked

about them so our last question for

today then how do you plan to achieve

your goal for 2018

how do you plan Oh Denise says I’m going

to Florida ah to learn to speak English

maybe for hot on YouTube yeah smart you

can totally apply it and this is not a

language only goal this is not a

language only go yeah anytime um an

awesome YouTube says how can I get the

cheat sheet someone tell me yeah so if

you saw the cheat sheets if you’re

watching on YouTube there’s a link below

the video on youtube click the link

below the video if you’re watching on

Facebook click the link above the video

to get the PDF cheat sheets if you don’t

have an account just make an account it

can it’s like 15 seconds okay so what

are you going to do um Johnny says I’m

planning to study five hours per day

every day wow that’s a lot is it true is

it true um si yes Lee says I’m going to

practice learning English at least two

hours a day so I’m going to practice

English I’m going to study I’m going to

quit smoking okay good that’s a very

clear specific goal Denise says I’m

planning to I’m planning to get a new

boyfriend that’s funny alright good luck

with that very nice good luck with that

um other things I’m going to get a job

good I’m planning to learn French

okay so many of you again to go back to

this your I we have your goal set so

like I’m I’m going to learn French I’m

going to learn English but now we’re

zooming in so to achieve that what are

you going to do so I’m planning so I’m

going to study vocabulary for 30 minutes

a day five days a week is my goal it’s

like that’s how

I’m going to achieve my goal so think

about the small things what are the

daily things our producer says I’m going

to watch the new Star Wars movie ten

times to improve my Star Wars knowledge

okay so she has a very specific goal

sure goal is to improve her Star Wars

knowledge so she’s going to watch the

new Star Wars movie ten times good so a

lot of you are still saying like I’m

going to study English I’m going to

learn English yeah great fine

specifically specifically what are you

going to do to achieve that goal I’m

going to study with PDF cheat sheets

three times a day I’m going to like

watch videos every evening some of you

do that so specifically are you going to

do to achieve your goal

so Kajal nice one I’m going to study

English for two hours everyday great

great okay other things I’m going to I

trying says I’m going to watch your

videos everyday thank you thank you

thank you we’re going to make a lot of

videos this year we’re going to make a

lot of videos Richard says I’m planning

to get my English 101 account to improve

my speaking skills thank you thank you

yeah so what is our goal this year what

would you say like we’re our goal is to

make our goal is to make a lot of new

content this year our specific okay I’ll

make a SMART goal to finish today’s

lesson so our goal is what to make how

many new videos this year do you think

365 just kidding our producers joking

and saying 365 new videos this year but

I think we could do a hundred right we

can do a hundred new videos yeah okay so

we can say I am going to my like our

maybe our new year’s resolution is to

make 100 new videos for the English

Channel for example so that’s a specific

goal so how are we going to achieve the

goal so we’re going to do live

broadcasts every week and we’re going to

shoot whiteboard videos every week and

do other shoots in this room actually

to achieve our goal to work towards

achieving our goal oh yeah in my ask

Alicia series and then I’m going to make

videos at my house do as you as some of

you have already seen so the next ask

Alicia I finished updating I finished

editing late last night so you’ll see

that on Saturday okay Hugh there’s a lot

to do this year as you can see so I hope

that this is helpful for you like

someone said no it’s not just for

language learning this is good in

general for like goal setting I think so

please consider these points okay I’m

late so we’re going to end today’s

broadcast here thank you so much for

joining in our first live broadcast of

2018 it was really good to connect with

you guys again and there are many

familiar faces and many new faces in the

chat today so that’s quite exciting many

new goals are coming in - awesome so

please think about that and what you

want to do and I hope we can help you

achieve your goal of learning English of

course - so we’re going to finish

today’s livestream but um this live

stream will be back next week next week

we’ll be back January 10th

Wednesday January 10th at 9 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time is going to be the next

broadcast that’s going to be so Eastern

Standard Time is New York City time New

York City time our topic will be

exchanging contact information how to

exchange contact information many of you

have asked about this so that will be

our topic for next week okay so thank

you all again for joining in today and

good luck with your studies this year of

course and I hope that we can help you I

hope that if you have questions please

ask us like you can submit questions

like to me for the ask Alicia series at

English class 101 comm / ask - Alicia

you can find that that’s a resource for

you of course your classmates our

resource for you the PDF cheat sheets we

talked about our resource for you and of

course you can check us out at English for lots and lots of other

things too so thank you so much for

joining us again this year we’re going

to continue to make lots of exciting

stuff throughout 2018 so I will see you

next week January 10th Wednesday 9 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time until then good

luck with your studies have a nice week

have a nice weekend and I will see you

again soon bye bye
