Whats your New Years resolution

what’s your year’s resolution

New Year’s Eve is always a time for

looking back on the year that’s

finishing and looking forward to the

year that’s coming the end of the year

is also a great time to practice English

verb tenses English verb tenses what did

you do last year and what will you do

next year practice with these questions

what was the best song you heard in 2015

what was the worst movie you saw in 2015

and then practice thinking about next

year what place do you want to visit

next year what do you want to stop doing

in 2016 what do you want to do better in

2016 so what’s a New Year’s resolution a

New Year’s resolution is a promise to

yourself just to yourself that you will

change something and do it differently

next year so you’re changing something

to make it better for yourself at this

time of year we reflect on and we think

about all of the great things that we

did over the last year in 2015 and we

also think about some of the things that

weren’t so great things that we would

like to change or do differently next

year even if 2015 was horrible for you

and you want to forget it completely

2016 is a new year and it’s a time to

think positively about all the great

things that you have and what you need

to do to make the most of them next year

so news resolutions are made at the end

of a year just before you start a new

year and here are some really common

examples I want to lose weight I want to

get fit I want to spend more time with

my family and friends I want to travel

more I want to speak English more

confidently I want to quit smoking and

quit drinking I want to pay off my

credit card I want to learn something

new like a language or a new skill I

want to help others I want to volunteer

at the local hospital you can have more

than one New Year’s resolution you can

have as many as you want but it’s a

really good idea to make them a bit more

specific than those examples so that you

can really make sure you achieve them

for example I want to make five

english-speaking friends that I can

practice with in 2016 so here’s your

homework find an English speaker they

could be online on Google+ or on the

English Facebook page or maybe you’ve

got a friend who you’re studying English

with that ask them what’s your new

year’s resolution practice of me now ask


my new year’s resolution is to make a

new video lesson every week in 2016 to

help my students practice and build

confidence speaking English oh I also

really really really want to make 1,000

YouTube subscribers in 2016 I feel a

long way to go so if you haven’t

subscribed please help me please help me


so now what’s your new year’s resolution

write it in the comments box below so

that I can help you achieve it happy New

Year to all of my wonderful students I

look forward to keeping our New Year’s

resolutions making sure they happen and

also to a wonderful year ahead with you

I’m so excited for what’s going to come

bye for now

subscribe to my youtube channel and

follow me on Facebook Google+ and

Instagram see you next year