The Liking Situation

i’ve seen

a lot of things i’ve seen the time when

women’s jeans came with fake

pockets i mean come on

if you’re just gonna make a little flap

or a pocket that’s only one

inch deep why even put it there

i’ve seen people put peanut butter on

one slice of bread

and then spread the jelly on top

you put peanut butter on one slice jelly

on the other

and then you put the two together not


people i’ve seen people

debate that climate change doesn’t exist

i mean i guess we were all going to die

sometime soon anyway

i’ve seen so many things that i decided

to post about it on twitter

i consider myself a crusader

eventually i realized that sitting in

the bathroom and angrily tweeting how i

couldn’t open a pickle jar

didn’t make me an activist

it made me the former president of the

united states

but i’m not alone we all seem to think

that by merely

liking something on social media we are

activists toward a movement

for example when i first heard about

george floyd’s death

i remember myself posting articles on my

instagram story

trying to spread awareness on the issue

we all did

we were all mad at the lack of the

action on the issue

we posted black squares we changed our

profile pictures

we were disgusted

but with this joint of emotions that we

all felt

i noticed some things we lack to do

people that foreign george floyd breona

taylor ahmed arbory and so many others

like them

after we post about a movement we seem

to entirely forget about it afterwards

this leads me to my central concern


by trying to spread awareness on the

internet and other online platforms

we deem ourselves activists we’ll

analyze this problem through three steps

first we’ll look around for our real


and see how deep of a problem this is

next we’ll take a bite into our


made sandwiches and taste how this

problem was made

and then finally we’ll debate some


and bring an end to this liking


now kind of like how trump messed up the


we messed up the ideology of activism

public streets and spaces from time out

of mind

have been reserved for the purposes of


these places have been part of the

rights privileges

immunities and liberties of citizens

set the u.s supreme court ruling in 1939

when defending the ability to go out and

protest on streets

today we believe that by clicking on a


post with them the same amount of action

as going out and participating in a


we don’t realize that some actions

are more constructive than others

today there is a lack of real activism

instead replaced by slack division

angenie morizov in his book to save

everything click

here define slack as an app term to


feel good online activism that has

zero political or social impact

this zero impact can be seen especially

around the world today

when we heard about the numerous covet

cases pop up locally

nationally and globally we deemed our

work done to contain the virus as soon

as we used

hashtag flatten the curve

but did we even hold our own family and

friends at hannibal when they wouldn’t

even wear a mask

just recently when we heard about the

race the recent spike in asian

hate crimes we deemed our work done

as soon as we pulled out our thumbs and


asian lives matter

but did we ever google

the victim’s names the repercussions

they face right now

and the after effects they’re suffering


right now media muslims are being forced

into concentration camps where they are

forced to renounce their fates by the


who knows the next thing that’ll capture

our attention

and allow us to remain in our states

now kind of like how i feel like i’m

doing work when i’m

actually cheating off of my friend next

to me we feel like we’re doing work when


say hit that like button but

why do we feel this way david b feldman

an associate professor at santa clara

university explains

as humans we have a sort of

psychological desire

to partake in political matters this

itch can only be satisfied if we are

under the illusion

that we are taking action

slacktivism is dangerous because it’s

enough to satisfy that illusion

thus the more spread selectivism is the

more inefficient action results

inherently promoting no activism at all

but other than our desire to take action

there’s also our seek for others


when we’ve seen that others have seen

that we like something

we feel confident that we appear good in

their eyes

thus with our desire to be as good human

beings being fulfilled

we don’t see any need to commit to doing

anything else

in fact in a recent study published by

the university of british columbia

it was seen that those who partook in a

form of public token support

were just as likely as to take action

as those who hadn’t been even exposed to

the movement at all

that means that if you were to only go

like something

you’ve done the same amount of action as

someone who didn’t even know the



but then there are those of us who truly


that by liking something or double

tapping a hashtag

we’ve done the best that we can do

that that is the most that we can do

in response to this likely situation

former president barack obama well

summarizes the issue with these words

that’s not activism

that’s not change

if all you’re doing is casting out


then you’re not going to get that far

in order to cast something more than

stones or

likes in this situation we have to

realize that there is something more

that we can

always do now in a gamer sport

in order to win you have to have a game

plan on how to win

if you don’t well that’s how you end up

like me

in speech and debate a plan gives

certain ideas on how to edit

some form of action something that

many movements don’t have in order to


activism we have to do something

now i’m not saying to completely abandon

the idea of social media

i’m just saying that only

starting something on twitter isn’t

a movement that only liking something on


isn’t an action while those things may

bring attention to a cause

they don’t constitute for it

to understand this situation mary

frances barry

a historian at the university of

pennsylvania and one of the key founders

of the free south africa movement

helps us realize that for the media to

cover something

the people in it have to do something

which is why showing up is still


something that we can all do whether we

realize it or not

is to go vote

this year we’ve had the highest turnout

in the country’s history

and we need to keep holding each other


maintaining that it remains that way

we as the public have the power to

decide who comes into office

and makes a change we

have the power to decide if we want to

make a change

last year i was only 17.

but you better believe that this year

and in the future i will be the scariest


that you can imagine i will be a woman

i will be a muslim and

i will vote

i will make a difference because i will

be there every day

we all can we can force politicians not

to dismiss

us as likes

but as people who care and demand action

and will vote

today we’ve explored how we’ve lost the

ideology of activism

due to our lack of knowledge and

illusion of action to combat slacktivism

we have to be present in the movement


just online we have to bring an end to

this pseudo-action

and call upon real action

then can we bring it together and all

band together

and bring an end to this liking


thank you