Stay Fit Think Lean Be Agile




delicious affordable and most of all

your ordinary

everyday food do you agree

five years ago i started experimenting

eating these types of food

to create a body like this and to

compete in bodybuilding

ok now you may be wondering jay

are red bodybuilders supposed to eat

just chicken breasts

and drink lots and lots of protein


well not exactly today i’d like to share

with you

that it’s possible to enjoy eating these

foods and still

get the body that you want i grew up in

the philippines

and as you can see i’m a little bit on

the skinny side

growing up watching bruce lee jackie


and van vanda movies i started

practicing a korean martial arts called

harando and of course i needed to learn

the van damme full split

wanting my punches and my kicks would be

powerful i began lifting weights

after 15 years i got my black belt and

started teaching the art

but more than self-defense i was more

interested in helping people

improve their health and get fit and of

course to convince them

i needed to get fit myself and not just

fit i wanted

six pack abs and big arms so

i started learning more about

bodybuilding by asking a lot of

bodybuilders and their first advice was

jay if you want to get big you have to

eat a lot

here’s me with my wife and we’re still


i got big all right but not what i


i gained like 50 kilograms

fast forward to 2008 i moved to japan

well not as a bodybuilder but it’s an


project manager and of course the first

thing i looked for was

a gym as i entered the gym i was


to see japanese bodybuilders aged in

their 50s

60s and even 70s getting ready for a

natural bodybuilding show

so i’ve asked myself how is that


what’s in your japanese tea so

this really got me thinking here i am

half their age and if they could do it i

could do it too

so after three years of intense training

i signed up for a bodybuilding show in

follow the advice of eating eight small

meals a day

training for hours and it work

i got first place i appeared in

magazines and

featured on tv wow i felt like a

filipino star in japan

and people started sending me messages

jay jay

how did you do it could you train me

you know what finally i’m starting to

inspire people

so i started by coaching a friend we

went to the gym every day

but after a month he ended up quitting

and i coach another friend but same


after a month he quit but

not only my friends a lot of people quit


every year we tell ourselves this year i

will do more exercises

lose sweet or improve my diet here’s an


let’s say you bought a stationary bike

you’re so excited right

you want to use it every day but a

couple of weeks

this happened looks familiar don’t worry

i’ve done it myself so

why did my friends quit and why

do people quit well the answer sort of

came to me when i competed again in

that time i got too busy with my job

that long hour workouts

and eating eight small meals a day were

no longer possible

even my boss told me json

stop eating all the time in the office

the office is starting to smell like 2-9


plus i got tired of eating the same


over and over again it felt like

bodybuilding was no longer my priority

and as a result i got eliminated in the

very first round of the competition

so the guy who eats sleeps

and thinks nothing but bodybuilding

became like everyone else i realized the

methods i’ve been using

will not work for most of us

so in the next four years i started

experimenting i’m trying to discover

ways to make fitness easier and

enjoyable for everyone

now let me share with you the top 3

reasons why people quit

and what we can do about it number one

life gets busy you know

most people will tell you you know just

spend less time watching tv

spend less time on social media and

you’ll have time to go to the gym right

but the truth is once we get busy with


new job start a family

new opportunities it’s not about we

don’t have time

but we’d rather spend those times on our

new responsibilities

but even if you work out you’ll be

thinking about these things

here’s an example let’s say you’re in a


and you’re doing your bench press right

oh i have to submit my report later or

my boss will fire me

you lose your focus you stop enjoying

your workout

you leave the gym and probably will not

come back for some time

i realized that two hour workouts were

no longer

possible i needed to adapt to shorter


so in 2016 i started doing

30 minute workouts doing only exercise

that i know that will give me the best


reducing my rest time splitting my

workouts too

chest day back day leg day and putting

on my headphones

so i can focus on that 30 minutes

and amazingly i was still able to


while doing my mba having a full-time


spending more time with my three kids at

the age of 40.

and recently i have discovered another

way where we can save more time

six months ago most of us started doing

work from home so why not

work out from home at first

i thought it’s hard to get motivated

training at home and always tell


if you are serious go to the gym but

like everyone else i had no choice

all the gyms were closed and in a couple

of months

i’m giving a tedx talk about fitness so

i have to remain fit

but building a home gym is a challenge

first houses in japan are not so


second how will i be able to convince my


and honestly convincing my wife is a

bigger problem

so i started small i approached her

honey i’ll just buy some dumbbells

and after a week i secretly brought in a


and when she found that i told her um

look look

it’s foldable and after the pandemic we

can store it inside the closet

but you know before i knew it something

amazing happened

she started working out with me and

enjoyed it more than i did

so yes our lovely looking

living room is now a hardcore home gym

good thing i took that negotiation

course at columbus university

shorter workouts plus home gym

gave me back a lot of my time let’s look

at the second reason

tired of eating the same things

i hear this all the time i hate going on

a diet

i remember one time in the gym one of my

japanese friends

approached me and asked me

i was surprised it’s a strange question

you know

to ask while working out and then he

told me json

i know you have a great body but are you

enjoying your food

oh and you know what he’s right

i’m not i’m sick and tired of eating the

same things

and this is why rebound happens people

were deprived of their favorite foods


weeks for months and once they try it

it’s hard to stop it’s a fact that we

all love to eat

this is why i started eating at

convenience stores to prove that we can

still enjoy delicious foods while losing


but there’s a catch well all you need to


is more about calories and it’s very


let me show you calories consume and

calories burn

as you can see here it may take you more

than two hours in a treadmill

to burn a burger and a fries meal and if

you want to lose weight

just consume less calories than you

normally would

or burn more calories the more calories

that you burn

the more you walk every day the more you

do your exercises

the more you can enjoy a variety of good


here’s another example let’s say

tonight you got invited to a party

now stop saying no just because you’re

on a diet all you have to do

is eat less during the day do some


and you can enjoy the party

you can enjoy your wife’s cooking

no more cheap days because you are

cheating every day

and you know what in japan there’s a lot

of selection for low calorie food

you love ice cream then grab one of


not only has 84 calories but 5 grams of


so from today make it a habit to check

your calories

and adopt your diet to fit your


now let’s look at the biggest reason why

a lot of people quit

i don’t see any results nothing is


so you started working out and went for

a diet

but after 3 months you hardly see any

changes then

you give up the question is

why wait three months to discover you

might be doing something wrong

you know as a project manager i have

adopted a methodology where

i can discover quickly if i am building

the right things

the methodology is called agile

agile uses the concept of build

measure learn cycle or also known as a

feedback loop

where the goal is to turn uncertainties

and assumptions

into knowledge and learnings it makes us


our mistakes early on in the process to

turn failures

into success as with agile

don’t wait for three months to see the


as we build our body experiment with

different types of exercises trying out

a new diet

we must constantly measure our progress

using a weighing scale tape measure

and especially body fat measuring


to get an immediate feedback so we can


and adopt quickly while

experimenting with different exercises

is important doing it correctly should

be your priority

let’s say you’re doing a basic exercise

like a barbell squats

how hard could this exercise be right

from here you just go down

and up down and up but in reality

you have to arc your back you have to

know where to look how deep you should

go down

and some people they put too much weight

that they go down for like

10 inches it is a complicated exercise

and doing it incorrectly will not only

hinder your progress

but you’ll also be prone to injuries

no wonder people skip like days it’s

vital to perform the exercises correctly

ask help from instructors get a coach

or watch a lot of youtube videos as with


we must constantly continuously improve

and challenge ourselves albert einstein

once said

insanity is doing the same thing over

and over again

and expecting different results this is

same as working out

you see same people in the gym use the

same equipment

use the same five kilogram dumbbells and

wonder why their body’s not changing

progress will motivate you and this

will help you reach your goal faster

but the best thing about agile

it sometimes allows you to fail

no results not getting stronger

miss a couple of workouts that’s okay

just evaluate what happened maybe you

lack sleep

maybe you’re not eating right or maybe


and just go back stronger the next day

in our fitness journey i guarantee you

that reaching your goal will never be a

straight line

you will experience setbacks and changes

happening all around you

but you will respond to those changes

and as you continue repeating the entire


as you achieve those small goals

eventually this will shatter your old


and turn them into bigger visions

so to those of you who are thinking of


i leave you with a challenge

stop using your stationary bikes as

clothes hangers

and don’t deprive yourselves of your

favorite food

to lose weight instead

be agile and start to adopt

fail make a mistake

learn improve

do it again and do it better

and enjoy a lifetime of health and


thank you

