Air pollution and how to avoid it.

uh hi

my name is maria i’m 15 years old and i

live in kiev

a very large city and today i want to

talk about

air pollution and how to avoid it

so why did i choose this topic

i have a friend that is suffering from

asthma and while she was living in

ukraine her health was getting worse and


but when she moved to cyprus her health

was magically uh better

i thought why is that uh

is our air getting more and more

polluted every year

yes and today i want to talk about how

to avoid it

so first of all what is air pollution

air pollution

is the emissions of bad components into

the air that

are bad for our our health

it is really bad for people that are

suffering from

some health issues and it can also

develop some health

issues such as asthma brawn hits

or even cancer we don’t want that

uh so recently there has been a serious

case of air pollution in kiev

uh on the left bank of nepal people were

told to close the windows and children

were told not to go to school why is


because of the large dump in darnitsky


which is not really easy to extinguish

change it up i want my work to help

highlighting the problem to help

educating people about what is air


how we can deal with it and take

our air to a level

of the environmentally safe european


air pollution sources are first of all


combustion of fossil fuels such as oils

that are used in the

vehicles um it produces a lot of

emissions such as nitrogen

and sulfur dioxide that are really not

good for our health

then agricultural activities

third one is waste production and the

last but not least

is emissions from industrial factories

my idea so i wanted to start an

educational project with

where i will tell young people and teens

about what is their pollution how to

deal with it

because there is not a lot of

information not a lot of people know


and i already created a social media

platform as you can see

where i tell about air pollution where i

explain what is it how we can avoid it

what to do with it

and last but not least introduce special

lessons lessons

on pollution here you can see the photo

with my class where i

introduced it and

what uh students can do

here i have a little tips for students

first of all you need to educate


about the topic about the air pollution

because it’s really vital

then spread awareness about the problem

tell it to your friends to your family

you got it then try to be more


that’s understandable and the last but

not least

love and you respect your country


i love kiev and i want my city to be


thank you for your attention goodbye