Getting a Paper Airplane to Fly Forever


my name is phil rosoni and today we’re

going to get a paper airplane to fly

forever in this video we’re going to do

what the wright brothers did

we’re going to make an airplane which

stays flying and

can be steered we’ll do it with just a

piece of paper

a sheet of cardboard and you

as the pilot the paper airplane will

soar like an eagle

under your own power but most important

it will fly under your control

cut out a 14 centimeter by 4.5

centimeter rectangle of light paper such

as phonebook paper

to fold the glider take one of the rear


fold it up just a little bit and then

fold it all the way across

from one end to the other then turn it


and do the opposite edge in the opposite

direction so one goes up and one goes


next to do the half end fold

the short ends flatten out these folds


and then fold it up a little bit more to

about a

quarter of an inch and the same with the

other one

and that’s your tumblewing glider

we will rule the wind but to do so

we must eliminate all other winds which

will easily overpower the wind that we


to launch your glider make sure the

glider is straight up and down like this

make sure that the top fold is facing

away from you

and just hold it by that top fold

and let it go away we go if the glider

is turning too much to the left

then you need to increase the folds on

the right side

here so increase these here both of them

the forward one and the back one

and then decrease the folds on the left


and let’s see how that works let’s see

if it goes to the right ready

go there you go a properly launched

paper airplane



an airplane that can be steered was

probably the wright brothers greatest

contribution wilbur wright said if you


looking for perfect safety you will do

well to sit on a fence and watch the


but if you really wish to learn you must

mount a machine

and become acquainted with its tricks by


trial getting a paper airplane to fly

forever does not require you to mount a


but you must get off the fence


now you know what you need to keep the

paper airplane flying under your control

may you fly friendly skies stay tuned

for more paper airplane designs you can

