Move Over Gen Z Gen Alpha is Here

now before we start

we’re going to ask you guys a series of

questions if you find

any truth behind statements we say

please raise your hand

how many of you guys think that gen z

was anyone born from the years of 1997

to 2010

are more rebellious and defiant from a

behavioral standpoint than other


such as parents grandparents and any

other generations

how many of you guys think that gen z is

more independent than when other

generations were at gen z’s age

when we’re talking about independence

this is defined as taking charge of

monumental events of adulthood

how many of you guys think that gen z

smokes slash vapes or does drugs more

than other generations

at its ages

and last question how many of you guys

think that gen z

is more happy and grateful for their

lives the future

and what’s to come in our fastly

evolving and growing world

now if you raise your hand to any of the

questions that we just asked

studies show that you are wrong

turns out gen z is not more rebellious

or defined to rules than our


our parents used to talk back to others


push boundaries further and take hold of

crazier activities than we’ve ever done

turns out gen z is not more rebellious

or defined to rules than our


our parents used to talk back to others


push boundaries further and take hold of

crazier activities than we’ve ever done

we’re not more independent than them if

we count independence as those

monumental events of adulthood

such as getting a driver’s license

getting your first job voting

and other activities that mark your

maturity as an adult we see a huge

decline in how gen z

participates and goes after those things

than previous generations as well

drugs this might be a surprise to you


but well enough drug usage smoking and

underage drinking

have declined a lot millennials boomers

and gen xers

had a way higher high school drug usage


gen z does and lastly is gen z

more grateful and hopeful for what the

future holds in terms of happiness

no clear studies show that mental health

issues anxiety and depression have

insurmountably increased

and if you haven’t picked up on it by

now there seems to be this common trend

that these previous generations tend to

be the wilder crazier more independent

life of the party attitudes

while gen z is shockingly just the


more tolerable less crazy more easily


can be told what to do better and more


and what’s the main factor that caused

all of this

you might ask well you guessed it

it’s technology gen z is the first ever


in history to grow up in a society that

is submerged into technology

from the start i bet you none of us

remember the time before we had laptops

gadgets later phones and all these other


we have proactively lived in the digital

age and

had access to all the newest pieces of

technology and software from the


the year of 2010 was when the burst


the ipad was first released instagram

had just launched

and the word app was the american

dialect society’s word of the year

from around this time onwards it was

believed that the omnipresence of


is what increased digital literacy and

comfort which is why we know the world

the way we do today

technology is no longer seen as a tool

to help us achieve

tasks but literally integrated as an

everyday part of our lives

so what exactly are some of the in-depth

effects of technology on our generation

well on a good note technology allows us

far more connectivity and outreach

with the world around us in numerous

aspects of networking

however negative effects also include

social media affecting depression

and anxiety rates changing gen zhir’s

perceptions of themselves while the

effects of gen z

are never ending and are still of utmost


it’s time to divert our attention to

coming generations as well

new generations are slowly uprising and

it’s time to understand them more deeply

to not only prepare ourselves but allow

us to effectively help them in the


learning more about them can allow us to

make more informed

decisions for their own benefits and


generation alpha our children born from

the years of 2010-2025 they’re the first

generation entirely born

within the 21st century being the

children of the millennials

so what are some aspects that make gen z

and gen alpha so different from previous

age groups

members of gen z are extremely more

diverse than any other previous


and they’re on route to becoming the

most well educated age group yet

they’re also digital natives who have

little to no memory of the world as


before the internet they’ve always had

the latest technologies at their


and have had a continuous desire for

upcoming innovations

born during the introduction of the ipad

these children

are more comfortable swiping a tablet

than speaking to their close adult


i for one have a little sister at gen

z’s youngest

age group she finds more comfort in

playing on my mom’s iphone than talking

to her older grandparents

choosing technology over familiar

relationships is only one example

of the many ways being obsessed with

technology affects how gen z functions

interpersonally with one another

then we have generation alpha gen alpha

is considered to be the most

technologically infused demographic

up to date they are the tech savvy

children whose influence and reputation

can make gen z nothing more than just an


technology will define them this

generation will have great comfort with

technology such as swiping tablets and

clicking buttons

or playing music on their new iphones

they will quickly understand the

situation around them

they’re more likely to start dieting at

a younger age

believe in healthy eating and doing

regular exercise

they’re going to learn how to be

independent faster than

any other previous generation

but at the same time they will present a

unique parenting struggle as well

getting parenting advice and tips to

help nurture this vastly differing

generation will no longer be easy

this new generation will require

deficient methods due to their differing

lifestyle compared to previous


they are going to learn how to be

independent faster than any other

previous generation

it is important for us to know how to

prepare ourselves for the future they

will bring

as these children will already be

compassed in everything related to


we must also ensure that they are able

to develop real personal relationships

by constantly decreasing screen time and

spending more personal time

this will greatly increase your speaking

and communication skills with one


education will also be a major conflict

for this generation

traditional methods will decrease and

new methods will have to be implemented

for this generation to further succeed

more workplace learning and hands-on

activities will have to increase

to reduce funding information online to

help them get through classes

another large area we must prepare for

future generations is the effect mental

health will have on their daily lives

their constant use of technology will

drastically increase depression rates

among these younger children

their mental health problems will rise

and overall cause many negative health


among this age group this is an

essential thought to share

because it gives the public more

knowledge about the future of their


understanding each other’s views and

values will allow different generations

to increase their appreciation of one


this in turn will lead to better

communication and collaboration

because people are now talking from a

sense of appreciation and


starting to divert attention to and

understanding gen alpha

will allow parents and teachers to be

prepared for what’s about to come

they will have the opportunity to help

and guide this new generation

on the right path because this new

generation is technologically advanced

and seems to put gadgets before personal


learning about them can help solve these

problems more effectively

we must know how to handle these

problems before they arise

we must spend our time and money into


more about these future generations and

we must know how to prepare ourselves

for the future

whether it’s about health education

relation or whatever they bring for our


in the near future