Life Success and Taekwando


everyone wants

some sort of success and fulfillment in

their lives

it can and will come to you if you


but if it’s truly worth it it may not

come easy

the price of success is hard work

dedication to job at hand and


that whatever the task may be at hand

we will give the best of ourselves we

may win or we may lose

it doesn’t matter hello ladies and


i am tarashiyaman and i am radhma anand

yes we’re sisters

and we are fortunate to understand the

meaning of

life and success in our journey to

become black belts in taekwondo

sports is a hobby for most until the

routine grows on you

and becomes a part of your working and


so it was for us taekwondo is a korean

martial art

i as a nine-year-old and she as a


took it up to prove ourselves as victors

or else remain vanquished forever

it is an experience that made us


and fiercely disciplined little did we


that it was going to shape the way we


to govern our lives it is said that life

is the best teacher but for us it was


so let’s move on to our journey of this

martial art

and unravel the invaluable treasures


we gained as a result lesson number one

you save yourself or you remain unsaved

as a fifth grader my parents tried to

save me

from the harsh realities of life

i but i could not escape from hearing

the gory stories of brutality against


i used to wonder why why women can’t

protect themselves

what change is needed when i share these

thoughts with my mother

she encouraged me to join taekwondo


when a woman is able to protect herself

she feels that freedom i was no longer a

dark boy

i had grown wings that could take me to

the garden of my choice

possessing a skill and practicing it


gave me the confidence it made me


20 rounds of jogging and 10 rounds of

frog jump

and duck walk seemed like a lot it was a

monumental task

but what matters is the consistency

that we should lesson number two

challenges and mistakes

are what create opportunities to put

positive momentum

growth and success in place

unlike others i was not in shape an

ideal taekwondo student would be in

i was accustomed to eating junk and

watching cartoons

anyone who even talked about going out

in the sun

met with a lot of resistance from my end

but one fine day my family decided

to channelize it into something


and consequently i was also enrolled

in these evening taekwondo classes

attending classes thrice a week was not

any less than a challenge to top it

waking up at crack of the dawn on

sundays while others were resting

seemed so unjust

but gradually i won over my lazy side

that was pulling me back ever since that


i’ve worked hard and taekwondo became my


my initial days were full of struggle

since i was a complete amateur

and flying kicks were something i used

to run away from

rising for a half a millimeter for a

split second

was enough flying for me but soon it hit


that being light weighted is a necessity

for this spot

it wasn’t an easy transformation i


being asked to become a hurdle which

would be used up

as a block from which other students

would jump over

instead of getting disheartened i used

to take pride in it

that not everyone has the power to

remain steady

while others take your support to jump

and soon i realized that i

didn’t need to listen to these things


there were days when i heard giggles

from behind as i tried to perfect my


but it didn’t bog me down instead

encouraged me

to be where i am right now

lesson number three nothing great comes


and nothing easy can be equated to


don’t try to find the easy way out

because if you seek

easy you won’t be able to polish

yourself into a sparkling gem

that you can be in order to gain some

you have to give some in our case

we gave our altar to the taekwondo

there was no sleep and no comfort

holidays and pleasures

were for others but we we had to focus

on the game

and we had to restraint our desires

there were days

when we couldn’t even walk there were

days when we didn’t feel like going to

the training at

all but what mattered is that we did not

give up

that’s what made us today strong

resilient unbashed and stoic

lesson number four without great mentors

people can never reach their maximum


a coach is someone who helps you find

hope in yourself

i cannot emphasize more on the

importance of a great mentor

and we were blessed to have won

throughout our journey

with each punch that he landed on our

stomachs our course

got stronger and more enduring he was

never lenient

and always used to bring his a-game

during the fight

after getting defeated by him

innumerable times

if there comes a movement when one of

your moves

did catch him off guard it would make

you happy

but believe me it made him a hundred

times happier

his dedication to his art made us

practice it with even more

zeal i always remember him saying

that keep doing until you have no energy


to do it anymore and when you reach your

saturation point

do it just one more time

and that’s where magic happens

we bore the fruit by following his path

when the grand master of india dr

rajendra balan

appreciated me after vigorous hours of

black belt test

and this turned into celebration when he

awarded tarushi

at delhi state tournament this brings us

to our last lesson if you have the zeal


persist you will definitely reach the

zenith of success

for us the path to earning the black

belt was definitely not a straight one

but what matters is that one last try

that one last kick and that one last

switch to break

that made all the difference and

it was all worth it when you stand at

the podium

with a medal around your neck and you

see the pride in the eyes of your


and the admiration from the crowd

struggle brings progress whether you


or fail you either advance or learn from


if you learn from it remember that


are a proof that you are trying you

are working on growth don’t be afraid to

face the challenges

for it is such encounters that actually

tells you the potential

that you have so unleash your inner


to realize the real magic that is

you if we can do it you can do it too

thank you