Reparations for Foundational Black Americans Racial Justice

the united states are operations have

sent into american slaves the wealth of

america was and is based on the economic

exploitation of the descendants of

american slave

black people on the street now because

of police violence white supremacism and

institutional racism are all in place as

a main center of prosperity for white


and the subjugation of black people the

poverty that we faced was systematically


and was not accidental thus we

descendants of american slave also known


also known as foundational black

americans require reparations across the

board to correct these evils

in my speech i’m going to talk about why

find foundational black americans

deserve reparations who qualify what

reparation is defined as and the black


here’s a brief history of why foundation

of black americans deserves

reparations foundational black americans

are the sense of the black people who

survived one of the greatest atrocities

in recorded history

american slavery foundation of black

american order descendants of

the black people who built the united

states from scratch but contrary to

popular belief this history did not

start in

1619 the history foundation of black

americans started almost 100 years


the first document of foreign sellers in

the new world of north america were

enslaved black people

who were brought over by spanish

colonizer lucas van

der alleon in 1526 shortly after alliant

and the 600 other spaniards arrived to

the area which will later become

south carolina georgia coast enslaved

black captains launched a successful

revolt forcing the few remaining spanish

and slave youths

to ultimately flee from the air back

towards the caribbean

deliberating black people amalgamated

into the local native american society

and this will become a new historic

chapter in which will ultimately become

the culture of foundation of black


since 5026 the culture of foundational

black americans have been that of

building resistant perseverance and

fighting for justice

descendants of american slave also known

as foundation of black americans

are the only ones who are eligible for

reparations a foundational black

american is any person

classified as black who can trace their


lineage back to the system of american


to be designated as a foundational black

american at least one pair must come

from a non-immigrant background

in the united states of america sources

like the 9

the 1870 census and the 1900 census are

both good verification resources

to see if someone is a the senate of

american slave that was just a brief

history lesson

now back to the topic of operations

reparation is defined as a 20

trillion dollar check to a central

american slave while only the sense of

american slaves are eligible for


steps to dismantle systematic white

supremacy and stop white supremacy

violence is a

right of all male native people of

aboriginal african descent

reparations are not just financial we


education no reparations to correct the

crimes american schools have committed

against black children

we require judiciary operations for past

crimes such as the killing of emmett

tills and trevor martin

who killers were allowed to walk free

with impunity as well as the ongoing


of the white supremacist court system to

continue de facto shadow slavery

which is a hallmark of the prison

industrial complex

we require political reparations to

address how a majority black era can be

ruled over by confirmed

white supremacy politician and with that

i go into my first point

my first point the agenda must address

black people and only black people

any discussion of addressing black

people needs

must focus solely on black people while

it may seem obvious

the problem is the government and the

media have embarked on a campaign to


all efforts to focus on black people by

diverting attention away from black


and put it on trick words like people of


and minority which they have choices so

much that minority can

include white people women gays white

identifying latinx people and

others their strategy to deny black

people resources

affirmative action is a perfect example

of this my second point

black society’s top priority is economic

empowerment virtually all of black

americans ills can be traced directly

back to a lack of economic resources

from education to health care to housing

the lack of money is the prime factor

behind those issues

america has waged a never-ending war to

prevent black people from having

economic resources

for the exploitive benefits of the rest

of society there needs to be a marshall


for the descendants of american slave

parent after the marshall plan that was

initiated in japan after world war

ii public and private entities must all

be incentivized to require to

participate as well as practically all

of american

public and private entities have

benefited from keeping black people

economically oppressed

twenty percent of public and private

contracts should be reserved for black

businesses for several century america

has done

business strictly along ethnic lines it

has embarked on a campaign

of bombing black business district like

the verge black wall street

as well as using racial regulations to

target black businesses today for


all this is done to protect white

businesses and preserve

white economic privilege to correct this

the public and private sector that have

all profit off of

economically disenfranchised black

citizens should repay the death

by instituting a mandatory minimum 20

contract requirement with businesses

that are black

sole proprietorship or corporation that

are 75 percent

black owned city contracts municipal


equity states in these private companies

tax credit or exemption from tax owed

land grants and set asides 0 percent

financing as well as

direct cash disbursement are all

suitable methods

of addressing these debts the united

states government was able to

instantly allocate 10 trillion dollars

to deal with the covert 19 outbreak of

it didn’t require a study a commission

or a vote from

the general population it was done

because it was deemed necessary

it is an insult to tell black people

that all of a sudden all types of

examination and delays are needed before

we can be given what a virus was given

without a thought

the united states owe a great debt to my

people a debt that must be

and will be paid in full the united

states have committed a unforgivable

genocide against my people

reparation is the first of many steps to

correct these wrongs

thank you