The Price of Freedom Is It Worth It





what would you say if i were to ask you

when your patriotism was born

is that a question you can answer with a

specific date on the calendar

or a memory in your mind i bet if i

asked my grandfather he would tell us

december 7th

1941 when the bombings of pearl harbor

infamously brought his generation into

world war ii

my own mother would likely have two very

vivid memories to share

november of 1963 when president john f

kennedy was assassinated

and the summer of 1969 when neil

armstrong took a giant

leap on the moon now most of my high

school and college classmates would

claim september 11

2001 as the birth date of their


it was on that tuesday morning that most

of our college professors told us to

close our textbooks

and turn on the television to watch

history being made

me what would i say if you asked me when

my patriotism was born

i’d have to take you all the way back to

i was a ten-year-old student in john

walsh’s fifth grade class at mockingbird

elementary outside of omaha nebraska

now part of the fifth grade curriculum

is american history

american heritage the american way of

life the american dream

but what was happening in our lives at

that time

was the persian gulf war was unfolding

in the middle east

and mr walsh had a way of taking what

was in our textbook our

history lessons and combining it with

what we saw on the nightly news

for current events and teaching us what

it really meant

to hope for life liberty and happiness

what it really meant to seek liberty and

justice for all

what opportunities we really had to be

able to even know what the american

dream is

what really made those lessons hit home

for me was knowing that another 10 year

old in that class

was a young boy named abdullah

abdullah was from afghanistan abdullah

and his family had recently fled their


and the soviet army looking for a better

way of life

they were looking for life liberty

and the chance to pursue happiness they

were looking for hope and opportunity

they were looking for that american

dream now i was just a kid but i felt

something inside of me

spark and it wasn’t just the kind of


in my american citizenship

it was more than that it was a sense of

gratitude for my freedom

it was awareness that those freedoms

come at a price

and it was a commitment to never take

those freedoms for granted

so how about you have you given it a

chance to decide when your patriotism

was born

what if i were to take that exact same

question and switch it up just a little


and instead of asking you when your

patriotism was born

i asked you when that patriotism came to


now for me that’s something i can answer

to a very specific moment in time

i might have been a self-declared

patriot since i was a kid

but that declaration came under fire on

the morning of saturday

november 3rd 2018

my patriotism was put to the ultimate


in the very moment i was told my husband

had paid the ultimate sacrifice while

serving as an american soldier

in afghanistan to be short

my patriotism came alive the day my

husband died

in a few days it will have been 22


22 months since my husband major brent

taylor was killed

in action 22 months since i sat down

with two army officers in full dress


to tell my seven young children their

father would not be coming home

22 months since i joined members of my


my faith and my community to attend the

funeral services of my sweetheart of 15

years just

two days before our baby caroline

would celebrate her first birthday

22 months to think to grieve

to ponder and to wonder and to ask

myself the very same question

i’m about to ask each of you

is it worth it

is it worth it hundreds of thousands of

lives have been lost

in the fight for freedom since this

nation was founded

that american promise of life liberty

and the pursuit of happiness

has been preserved by the shedding of

blood for almost 250

years our country’s ongoing quest

to become a more perfect union has

always come at a very heavy price

and so i ask is it worth it

our founding fathers who signed the

declaration of independence did so with

the pledge of their lives their fortune

and their sacred honor

they planted seeds of patriotism of

independence and freedom

knowing full well we would be the ones

to sow the fruits thereof

now that’s not to say that those who

went before us did so perfectly

or that every decision they made or

every battle they fought was without


or human fallacy but

those who have gone before us have

genuinely sought

and even willingly fought to leave a

better path

in front of us

we often use the term the greatest

generation when we speak of those who

survive the honors and the horrors of

world war

ii and rightly so

but what is it that made them so great

as a generation

could it be argued that their collective

greatness was founded in their shared

payment of that price of freedom

i mean think about it nearly every

american alive at that time

was helping to pay the price of freedom

because nearly every american alive at

that time

was personally impacted by that war

either they suited up and shipped off to

the front lines themselves

or sent their son or sweetheart into

harm’s way

nearly every american alive at that time

knew someone who

died in battle at that time

world war ii affected the type of jobs

people could have the clothing they

could wear the groceries they could buy

everything was regulated and rationed to

support that war effort

every american alive at that time was

pitching in to pay the price of freedom

and to keep the american dream alive

even if it cost them their lives

so perhaps it goes without question that

we celebrate them as america’s greatest

generation but is america’s greatness

exclusive to the world war ii generation

or is it our turn is it our turn to


to make it worth it the way they lived

their lives and bore their burdens the

way they fought to defend freedom and

protect peace they prayed we would

someday enjoy

is what made it worth it to them

is it now our turn to decide

and is that even possible can we really

decide whether or not their sacrifice

will be worth it

abraham lincoln thought so when

president lincoln delivered the

gettysburg address it had been

exactly four score and seven years since

the signing of the declaration of


in that address he teaches us how it is

that we make it

worth it he says it is for us

the living to take upon ourselves

and carry on the unfinished work of our

honored dead

by taking upon ourselves an increased


to the cause for which they gave the

last full measure of devotion

yes the price of freedom has always been


but what if that price were not to be


in the 22 months that have passed since

my husband was killed i have come to the


that we best honor those who have gone

before us

by deciding to make something of

greatness and honor out of the lives

they have given

to us that

is what our founding fathers pledged to


that is what abraham lincoln called upon

us to do

that is what every fallen service member

from the dawn of this nation has died

for us to do that is what the very stars

and stripes in our star-spangled banner

remind us to do

and that is what america and this world

needs us to decide to do

it’s our turn to decide to make it worth


it’s our turn to decide to make

something of greatness and honor out of

our lives

by living on purpose and with a purpose

it’s our turn to decide to make

something of greatness and honor out of

our lives by strengthening our homes

our families and our communities it’s

our turn to decide

to make something of greatness and honor

out of our lives by turning toward each


rather than turning on each other when

difficulties arise

it’s our turn to decide to stand up

to rise up and raise up the next

greatest generation of americans this

world will ever know

and so i return to my original question

when was your patriotism born

and have you decided to let it come

alive in you

does the way you live your life and

chase your dreams bring honor to those

who would give their lives and

every one of their dreams simply to

preserve for you

the chance to pursue yours

is it worth it

the life you live and the choices you


the dreams you chase the paths you take

every single day will decide if it will

ever be worth

the price that continues to be paid

believe me the price of freedom feels

incredibly high

to those of us who have loved and now


our individual soldier sailor

airman or marine

but the value of freedom is immeasurable

to all who know

and love america and the indivisible

principles upon which she stands

i have no question that we best honor

those who have been willing to give

their lives for us

by making something of greatness and


out of the lives that have been given to


so will it be worth it

it’s your turn to decide


