Danger of Vaping


i love bubble gum

but when i heard that companies are

manufacturing products

such as cigarettes and vapes to contain

flavorings such as bubble gum

and other seemingly child friendly


i was shocked the only thing i could

think was

why are companies making these

hi everyone i’m trey and i’m here to

talk about waving

vaping amongst youth

vaping can cause a lot of diseases in

the respiratory system

but another main thing it causes is lung


24 of all cancers are lung cancers

and you can avoid most of them by simply

not vaping

cigarettes and vapes deliver nicotine to

your brain through your blood

and lungs when you vape nicotine goes

and sticks in a part of your brain

stopping you from enjoying any pleasure

activities besides vaping

a survey of 445 teens showed that just

over 30 percent of them

had tried or are vaping

so why are so many teens attracted to


well here’s the first main factor

the bright colors modern relatable

designs and sweet flavors are used to

lure teenagers into vaping

the second main factor advertisements


somewhat cool looking teenagers they

show things people can relate to

or are popular people feel like they

want to be like the person

in the advertisement and the last main


unlike regular cigarettes these new

waves feel less harsh

so they’re less likely to turn me

first-time users

these new waves also deliver nicotine to

your brain in a way that makes bonding

with the lungs and brain itself

easier therefore having a more

dangerously addictive

effect some brands pack as much as 40

secrets worth of nicotine

in a single vape case deceptive right

using nicotine in teenage can affect

parts of your brain that are

that control attention mood learning and

impulse control

when you learn some things strong

connections are built in your mind

and nicotine can change how those

connections are formed

for example a young smoker will have

more trouble focusing on activities such


playing an instrument or solving a math

problem because

nicotine will be blocking receptors in

their mind that are responsible for


not that during most of my talk i’ve

answered the first question

why are companies making these the

answer being to learn teenagers into

becoming smokers and vapers

it probably leads to another one why are

companies putting so much

time effort and money into luring


into becoming vapers and smokers in the

first place

well for any company to be successful

they need customers and they need the

customer to stay with them for as long

as possible

so the customer can pay the company for

as long as possible

so by having early customers say around


companies will be sure to have the

customer for a longer period of time

therefore having a longer term paying


okay so i know all of this was a lot to

take in at such a short amount of time

but here’s an easy way to remember all

of it

please take a deep breath in

and out when a healthy non-smoker’s lung

fills up with fresh air

it looks like this thousands of tiny air

pockets fill up with fresh oxygen

and do what they’re supposed to do


when an unhealthy smoker’s lung fills up

with the same fresh air it looks like


some of the thousands of tiny air

pockets have popped

causing nearly half of the lung to


and the whole lung is blue to

black due to a chemical inside nicotine

called tar

but if you stay away from smoking and


your lungs will remain healthy and you

will be able to continue

so many of the activities you might love

like playing sports playing an

instrument solving a math problem or


chatting with your friend without losing

your breath thank you