Disrupting the Stigma of Starting Over



i remember pulling back the curtain to

look outside

and seeing all the flashing lights it



our apartment building was surrounded by


in that moment the best way i could


how i felt is that it was like an

out of body experience

things had spiraled so quickly and our

fight had escalated

into a six o’clock news kind of breakup

one that marked not only the ending

of a relationship but the beginning

of the messi process of starting over

it led to letting go of the sporty car

and the perfect shade of blue that we

had shared

and in its place borrowing a an old

yellow vw bug

with a two by four piece of wood

attached to the place where the bumper

used to be

it meant driving

a car that was super tricky to shift

and the gas gauge didn’t work

but it ran

most of the time

having a less than reliable car led to

losing my job at the bank and along with


came trading in the pride

of earning a paycheck for the


of receiving food stamps and a welfare


and it didn’t end there i also was

evicted from my apartment

thankfully friends took me in

and i moved into the unfinished basement

of their home along with my two-year-old

little boy

he thought it was pretty cool to sleep

on a fold-out chair

in his ninja turtle sleeping bag

me well i was

happy he was still little enough to

think it was fun

that was 1988 and i was

  1. and honestly i’ve lost track of how

many times i’ve started over again

since then but what i can tell you

is the most recent time which was the

january of this year

at age 51. you see in 2016

i left a 20-year career in human


to start my own business and it was a


come true not only did it give me the

opportunity to be doing work that lit me


i was really excited to be leaving

behind the workplace

drama and looking forward to a type of

freedom that i’d never

experienced before

and it did all those things

but as it turns out that was a bit of a


now don’t get me wrong it’s not that i

miss the drama

but what i hadn’t considered is

how much i’d miss the do you have a


kind of interruptions that sparked


around what was going on in people’s

lives with their

kids with their pets maybe even just a

recipe they had tried the night before

i missed the spontaneous laughter

and i really missed the meetings after

the meetings the ones that didn’t have a

thing to do

with policies and procedures

i missed the connection that came

with being part of an office environment

the everyday ordinary things

and as a result i began to feel

isolated and depressed

and i got to tell you i was shocked


i considered myself an introvert so i

never even considered

the possibility that i would miss the

energy of being around people every day

tried to focus on things to fill the


and was successful in

small pockets of time but i couldn’t

sustain it i wrestled with this feeling

for three years

so in november of 2019 when i saw

an ad in the paper about a part-time

human resources job that had flexible


i found myself wondering if i should


now if you had been listening to the

conversation going on in my head in that


it would have sounded a little something

like this

are you nuts you have a business

supporting other business owners

no less what will your clients think

what will your entrepreneurial friends

think it’ll kill your credibility and

what about your schedule

what makes you think that you could

actually pull something like this off

without it

hurting your business and lynette really

really do you want to go to work for

someone else again

well when i had courage to

ask these questions out loud to give

them voice my husband

lovingly looked me in the eye and said

what is it that i hear you tell other

people all the time

just because you apply for a job doesn’t

mean you have to accept it

why don’t you follow that advice and see

where it leads

right i do say that don’t i

well played husband of mine well played

following that bit of good advice i went


applied for the job and ultimately

accepted the position

i didn’t need this job in the way that

i’d needed jobs in the past

but it was a much needed strategy

to improving my mental health in the 30

years since my first starting over


a lot has changed with the world

and with me

but there’s one thing that hasn’t


and that’s the stigma we attach to

starting over

and it’s kind of weird right because

starting over is a

shared human experience it’s

something that touches all of us at some

point in our life

think about it in your lifetime you’ve

probably done things like

change college majors or made a shift in

your career field

maybe you’ve packed up and moved across

the country

and maybe you’ve started over because of


you didn’t count on

things like divorce illness

company restructures and

unexpected things that happen along with

things like

a global pandemic

so if this is a shared experience then

where does the stigma

originate it’s been role modeled for us


we’ve seen it present in our homes and

our houses of worship

in our workplaces and at school

it’s become an ingrained pattern in our

thinking a habitual

thought one that influences the way we

think about

others but more importantly

it influences the way we think about


now here’s the good news in that

just like any habit we can disrupt

these negative thought patterns to put


on a forward path

and so i wanted to think for a minute

about choosing new thoughts i want you

to imagine for a moment

that your brain is like a record album

now i know some of you probably have

never seen a record album before that’s

why i brought along this visual

i want you to notice the flat round

piece of vinyl

that is the album notice

the grooves in the vinyl

that is where the soundtrack lives

when you put this special needle on

the record it will follow the grooves

all the way

to the end unless you

pick up the needle and move it to a new


choosing a new thought is like picking


the needle it’s creating a new

track in your mind it’s creating it’s

the catalyst

for a new neural pathway

in your brain it’s one that takes you

from that well-worn

path of negative messaging to positive

thoughts now to help you

in choosing new thoughts i want to

introduce to you scan scan is an acronym

that i created to help me remember

a simple four-step process that’s really


to help move the needle and choose that

new thought

so let’s take a look scan

is stop consider

align and nurture

so first we’re going to talk about stop

stop is just

exactly what it sounds like we want to

disrupt the negative thoughts in our

minds so we are going to stop by saying

something out loud like stop or

cancel but you may be in a room of

people where

it doesn’t feel really comfortable to be

talking to yourself

so you can do other things like having a

band that you wear on your wrist

that you can snap or creating some other


cue like gently tapping your head

next we’ll stop to consider consider

what are other possibilities how is it

that this choice in front of us

could help us to meet a current need

to provide unexpected opportunity

to create a positive impact so we’re

going to consider

what will that be next

is a line the third step is to align and

when i talk about a line

what i want you to do is to think about

the things you just

considered all of those possibilities

and then start to align your thoughts

and actions with those that’s where we

pick up the needle and move it

lastly but i really want to emphasize

this is one of the most

important steps it’s nurture

and this is important because this is

the place where we meet ourselves

with kindness and compassion

it’s where we take the time to remind

ourselves of

some powerful truths things like

i am worthy i am resilient

i am wildly capable i may be a beginner

at this thing i’m getting ready to do

but i am not

a beginner at life

these four steps of scan help us to

create a new

soundtrack in our mind the reason that’s

important is because until we turn down

the volume

on these negative messages we continue

to stand in our own way

and it dims our light the light

that could be transforming

our families our communities

our schools our world

i want to invite you to think about the

places in your life

where you may be putting yourself on


standing back not giving yourself

permission to take that next starting


step i want you to shine a light

on the places where those old defeating

messages of fear and shame


then scan

disrupting the stigma of starting over

is important it’s necessary

and it can all start in this very moment

with you

