Start a TEDEd Club today

There are over two billion school-aged individuals

living in the world today.

That’s more young people

than any other time in human history.

That’s billions of minds

teaming with uninhibited creativity.

That’s billions of curious souls.

The world’s youth is the embodiment

of the world’s future,

and that future has no limits

because each and every young person

brings a completely new

and a completely unique perspective

to the world around them.

Ayana is passionately pursuing

the meaning of life, among other things.

What will life come to mean to her

and to her closest friends?

Will future smartphone owners download

a student-built mood app,

and will they prefer iteration number one

or number two?

Will Sophia become an Olympian,

a teacher,

an advocate for world peace,

or will she become all three?

And will Tyler’s obsession with space

and his pursuit of infinity

lead him to travel beyond the world his ideas

and the ideas of his peers

will most certainly define?

Picture the collective potential and the ideas

of over two billion passionate young people.

TED-Ed is thrilled to announce

a new program that aims to give them

the space and time

to pursue those passions

and to support them

in presenting those ideas

in the form of short, TED-like talks.

The program is called TED-Ed Clubs.

The mission:

to celebrate the best ideas

of young people around the world.

Here’s how it works.


and fill out the club facilitator application.

Once approved, you’ll receive access

to a set of free tools

designed to help you start a TED-Ed Club

at your school.

There are 13 suggested meetings.

Each meeting helps club members

gain a discrete presentation skill.

In the final meetings,

club members present their ideas

in the form of short, TED-like talks.

Teachers, you can nominate presentations

to be featured on TED-Ed

or at the annual TED Youth conference.

And students, the world is waiting

to be redefined

by your biggest,





most inspiring,

and most brilliant ideas!