The Art of Overcoming Yourself

the biggest victory

is the one against yourself

these are the words my grandmother said

to me three years ago

back then i didn’t know what she meant

or how important it was

we all have problems things that we

might change

but struggle to get it right that is why

we settle for what is

the most comfortable for us and gets the

minimum done

but we also have dreams

we have dreams to fill a void or a sense



we crave fulfillment in stark disparity

of the bad decisions we sometimes make

on muscle’s hierarchy the

self-fulfillment needs are way at the


some people live in the psychological

needs some in the basic

some struggle to get to the basic it

doesn’t matter where you are

what you want as long as it’s it has

purpose and it’s important for you

then that is already a goal worth

fighting for

but what are you fighting against what

makes it so difficult to

study for the exams to consistently

exercise and become

financially stable

your brain it is so easy for your brain

to deceive you

how when you put your body and mind into


unfamiliar situation you feel out of


uncomfortable early this year i started


i did a little every day and a few

months into it i was confident to try 36


it was very different for my body when

the time ran out

i wasn’t dying nor was i severely ill

sure i was tired but i pulled through

experiencing this obstacle was not easy

the thought in my brain was you cannot

do it

you’re young and don’t have the power

what’s the point just give up

my mind made me feel like i’d collapse

but in the end i felt better than ever

that is what it’s like to overcome


darren rouse a blogger once said

do the uncomfortable become comfortable

with these acts prove to yourself that


limiting beliefs die a quick death if

you will simply do what you feel

uncomfortable doing but what if you

fail when i moved school i had to adapt

to a new curriculum which was very

difficult for me i got ease for months

i literally felt like i was in a pit of


in a cycle of self-loathing and shame

both emotionally and psychologically i

was crippling

and i thought to myself i’m never going

to climb that wall

here how do you move on and fight

your competitive self your body and mind

and spirituality and feelings to stand


you need to have a fiery inner drive for

that target

that is why it’s so incredible to pick

yourself up

whether you are crawling or running that

little glimpse of light

enlivens you i kept studying

every day and in the end i ended up with


however balance is vital

if an opportunity if a once in a

lifetime opportunity presents itself to


don’t question anything commit to it

however if there’s a habit you want to

adapt into your routine

take little steps for consistency

make your dreams possible not only by

fighting yourself

but also analyzing the easiest yet most

effective way to achieve that

i’m encouraging everyone here to learn

from my experiences

take what i am sharing but how do you


when i was eight my father took me

running every day

and i really hated it

my father pushing me again and again and


threatening passion for running made me

achieve 10 times

more of what i began with

we all know that the next generation are

the future leaders so young people

find that fire in you and let it ignite

we can do this and parents

give them that tough love they need to

push them even further

you can reach limitless heights if you

overcome yourself

thank you