The Continuing Importance of an Arts Education in a STEM World

do you guys remember

the end of your high school senior year

you know

those last few weeks of your last year

before the sweet sweet freedom of summer

when you’re still deciding what to do

with the rest of your lives

yeah you have a few weeks of school left

to go

but let’s be honest you’re mentally

checked out of those weeks if not months


and yeah you have a summer full of

parties and beaches to look forward to

but they wouldn’t let me do a ted talk

on house parties

so i mean deciding on school by the way

that ted talk would have been

mario party 3 and flip cup but

i’m talking about the excitement of

researching universities or colleges

those stacks and stacks of pamphlets

littering your already disgusting rooms

sorry to all moms out there

i remember the absolute barrage of


that i got teachers

parents overly involved friends of my


suddenly everyone had an opinion on my

perfect future

they dig deep into my childhood to find

my perfect path

i didn’t just like one thing i liked


as much as i loved history and reading


but i had to pick one may like a lot of


i had to choose between two very dear


well the one advice that i did get that

was pretty consistent

don’t go into arts to be well-off arts

will hurt

your career prospects well

that made my decision easy i went in


screw him i dropped out three years


i was born i enjoyed my part-time job

more than i did my full-time studies

i was sick of taking the same class on

the same subject

over and over and over and i didn’t see

any point

to it i felt like i wasn’t getting any

real world skills from my arts degree

how is reading or writing essays

presenting my response to a poem or

reading stories from other cultures

going to help me land a cool

and impactful job i wanted real world


for almost a decade i was a proud

university dropout

but mama didn’t raise no quitter and

last year at the age of 30 i went back

to finish that degree

and in that time between my third year

and my last year

almost 10 years i learned two things

one the perception of art degrees that i

was given

that students every year here is so

unbelievably wrong

i want to share why art degrees are not

only still relevant

but more important and rewarding than

ever before

and two traditional university


and their stubborn adherence to this

arts versus science divide

is betraying the future of their


life isn’t like when medieval schools

created these faculty separations

that’s literally how old faculty

separations are as old as jousting and

older than toilets

how can we think that’s still the best

way to teach modern students

but we’ll start with the first topic

arts degrees are still relevant

and even more important than ever before

so what is an arts degree

our degrees are the creative and liberal

arts the humanities the social sciences

languages and culture included in arts

degrees you got political science

history education

legal studies drama our degrees aim to


to provide a more rounded education

focusing more on deepening cultural


and developing the soft skills like

writing and communication skills

critical thinking and understanding

human relationships

possibly because of this there’s a

stigma associated with arts degrees

exactly because they don’t teach

technical or hard skills

how can they possibly set their students

up for the real world

well the numbers seem to agree for 10

years in a row

enrollment in canada for arts fields has


year over year in the same time span

enrollment in stem that is science


engineering and mathematics that has


year by year by year this pattern

repeats across western countries

the u.s two years ago

the department of education proudly

announced that they had not only


president trump’s directive to redirect

200 million dollars of funding towards

stem education

and away from arts but they actually

voluntarily surpassed that figure

by an additional 79 million dollars

in australia they recently announced

that they would be significantly

increasing the cost

of arts courses while at the same time

decreasing the cost

of stem courses an effort they say is to

create more

job ready graduates

well why was an 18 year old version of

me right about

arts and trump wrong well

for a lot of reasons but specifically

with arts

i actually thought i was wrong too i

don’t think that now

i’ll tell you why here linkedin’s most

desired skills

of 2020 creativity persuasion

collaboration adaptability emotional


right up there with the heart skills

in a sign of the changing perception of

soft skills

2018’s list contains just

four soft skills and 25 hard skills

these soft skills are up there because

they’re so desired

because they’re high indicators of

lasting success

across multiple roles the specifics of a

of a position can be taught through a

comprehensive orientation

but being able to fit in with the team

adapt to novel challenges

in creative ways that is one

nearly impossible to train on the job

and two

very hard to find rather than memorizing

definitions and formulas

we are art students instead learn to

write reflectively and creatively

on abstract human subjects

describe to me in 5 000 words or less

the topic of revenge and love in two

different shakespeare plays

how is it different and what does

shakespeare reveal about himself

it’s exercises like this that teach us

art students to love literature

and expression beautiful and passionate


based on the shared human experience i

think that was the actual assignment in

third year

that made me want to drop out but

it does teach us to learn history what

makes people

love and fight we explore different

cultures different

world views emotions and motives

through that academic torture called

essay papers

we demonstrate are improving emotional

intelligence and abstract thinking

our soft skills developing and we don’t

even realize it

at least i didn’t not for years later

i remember my boss coming up to me

saying he had some last minute

very important documents that needed to

be done overnight

could i help well flashback to

university me

starting a 10-page paper the night that

it’s due sorry professor nikki if you’re


surrounded by cold pizza and warm energy

drinks i could write all night

i started appreciating what that arts

degree had really been teaching me

clear effective and fast writing

well thank you arts arts students can

pull examples like that up

everywhere how presenting in seminar

had helped them be better public

speakers and give them the courage to

speak up in work meetings

or how psychology electives have taught

them how to coach friends and family

through hard times

and endeared them around the office soft

skills like these

are becoming more and more important as

the pace of change continues

to get faster and faster it used to be

that what you learned in school could

last your entire career

but that just isn’t the case anymore the

average american will work 10 jobs by

the age of 40.

david deming of the harvard kennedy

school has been researching stem careers

and the changing skill requirements of

modern work

put simply stem graduates take a big


on salary in their first job compared to

their arts peers

that’s what’s created that stigma but

that advantage

is erased by the age of 40. deming has

two explanations for this

one technical skills become obsolete

as younger graduates are taught the

in-demand tech of that year

older graduates must try to learn it on

the fly while still working

of those top 10 heart skills on

linkedin’s most desired list

only three from the 2020 list were on

the same list in 2015.

and that’s just a difference of 5 years

imagine 15 or 20.

as increased competition drives down


and increases worker supply a larger

proportion of stem grads

exit their fields compared to other


the 2014 u.s census found almost

three-quarters of stem grads

aren’t even in stem jobs anymore

second reason deming found was that soft

skills become

appreciated more as a career goes on

at the same time that hard skills taught

years ago

are becoming obsolete the soft skills

needed for management

and leadership become valued not all


need a wise leader just like the hobbits

needed aragon

to get from bree to rivendale so do

these graduates need someone to take

them to those greener pastures

someone who may not know the specifics

anymore how and when to make second


but can manage conflict provide clarity

and passionately convey goals well hello

soft skills

clearly aragon is an arts alumni

speaking of alumni let’s look at the

education background of the fortune 100


three quarters have bachelor’s degree in

either arts or business

business makes sense they are in

business after all

but business and arts share a common


about 800 years ago it was part of the

faculty of arts

they share a lot of the same teaching

philosophies businesses regarded as a

social science

which is an arts degree but let’s just

focus on arts just for fun

two ceos of finance companies have

degrees in history

at mexican bank of america goldman sachs

nike target cisco ceos degrees in

political science

the only noticeable pattern is most tech


have ceos with stem degrees and that

makes sense

but even there we find exceptions slack

is led by a philosophy major youtube

by a lit major like me

but it’s not all sunshine and daisies

bill gates founder of the second or the

biggest public company

by market cap he was a hater in 2011

when he said we should reduce spending

on arts because it doesn’t create jobs

well the current president of microsoft

an arts grad by the way

he had this to say at one level

ai will require that even more people

specialize in digital skills and data


but skilling up for an ai powered world

involves more

than science technology engineering and


as computers behave more like humans the

social sciences and humanities will

become even more important

languages art history economics ethics

philosophy psychology

and human development courses can teach


philosophical and ethics-based skills

that will be instrumental in the

development and management

of ai solutions

critical philosophical and ethics-based


sounds a lot like soft skills not a bad

endorsement right

well i got one better and it’s tied to

the second overall point of my talk

the first one was that art degrees have

a bad rep that they’re actually a safe

and lucrative choice that you can

recommend to your kids

second point is that the divide between

arts and sciences in universities is


you saw that quote that’s the president

of the biggest

public company in the world warning us

about some terminator cell takeover by


where only arts stands in the way it

isn’t john connor that saves the world

it’s shakespeare but

let’s get an opinion from the founder of

the second biggest public company in the


famous rivalry apple and microsoft

three days after bill gates pooped in

the arts in 2011

steve jobs had this to say it’s an

apple’s dna

that technology alone is not enough it’s

technology married

with the liberal arts married with the


that yield us the results that make our

hearts sing

is anyone familiar with apple’s history

your screens i can’t actually hear you

apple was founded by steve jobs and

steve wozniak

steve wozniak was the electronics

engineer the brains behind the

computer’s brains

it was was that created the software

that led to the first

ever popular home computer the apple

ii it actually saved apple from going

into bankruptcy

jobs though he was the university


like me he did go for one year

focusing on art studies did you look at


he credits a calligraphy course as his

most transformative class

it’s actually what inspired the

invention of different fonts

being available on word processors

a major selling point on that apple too

imagine a world with only times new


that’s terrifying jaws is the face of


he’s the outspoken leader with a vision

it was him that combined masterful


with animated presentations and

innovative projects

to make a ding in the universe the ipod

ipad itunes iphone heck even pixar

would not be here if it wasn’t for his

communicated vision

jobs and was show how arts and stem

should work together an

interdisciplinary one-two punch for

students to make the most

of all of their talents not just half of


when we defund arts and discourage arts

because we don’t see any value in it we

have an educating problem

when three quarters of stem grads aren’t

in stem

jobs we have an educating problem

and when we make kids single out one


to follow for the rest of their lives

because a

literally medieval old system tells us

that’s the best way to teach

we have an educating problem arts and


together is the only job ready graduate

out of the 36 classes that i needed to

take from my undergrad degree

only 10 could be outside my faculty

10 out of 36 it’s a failing grade

for providing a modern lasting

and desired education

stem graduates could benefit from the

soft skills that arts teaches

and is proven to prolong careers to keep

stems grads in the field that they love

art students we could benefit from the

technical foundations

and analytical knowledge needed to

relate with stem

in order to create and bring to life new


that 18 year old version of me was right

to go into arts

the 21 year old me that dropped out

could have been kept better interested

with a better mix

of practical and engaging stem courses

why nurture one passion when you can

cultivate two

when it comes time for me to give advice

on what someone should do for school i

just hope

i don’t have to force a decision between

two passions

i say follow them both and make the

world’s heart sing

thank you