The Risk of Too Many Smart Devices

it happens to all of us

those sudden moments that we realize we

forgot to bring our phones

in those moments we panic and we quickly

try to find them

as if our life depends on them moments

such as those

prove heart dependent we have become to


and electronic devices

we rely on electronic devices with all

aspects of our lives but has it occurred

to you that these

smart devices could spying on us

24 or 7 believe it or not they are

monitoring us

constantly and they know all our secrets

we have become dependent more than ever

on electronic devices and unfortunately

covert error has contributed to it even


we are using our smartphones and

personal computers for

literally everything these days starting


attending school classes or work


to hanging out and mingling

with our friends online says using

applications such as clubhouse or a


or even shopping online and

our lives are tied up with so many

smart devices such as fitness trackers

autonomous vehicles smart appliances or


smart tattoos a collection of these

smart devices

forms the internet of things or in short


iit brings new opportunities

and in iit every device is

connected to to the internet and they

can potentially be connected to each


it opens the door to a smarter homes and

smarter cities and it

it enables us to having as such more

capabilities that

each of these individual devices cannot

provide us by their own

however iot increases the attack

surfaces due to the increased


and their huge connect

complexity and because of that

complexity the risk of cyber attacks

has increased more than ever

there are by end of 2021 there are

more than 47 billion

iit devices around the world

and you can relate to it by looking at

your own devices

you can see that that we can easily have

seven or eight

uh devices and this is not an

exaggeration that huge number

so these devices are collecting

monitoring analyzing and communicating

our most intimate data

such as health related data or financial

data to be able to provide

real-time aid on daily basis

but have you ever thought that this


collected by these users by these


can be misused or even sent to

bad guys it’s not an urban myth

and the reality is that every time that


choose to add a smart device in your

daily life

you are losing more and more privacy let

me talk about something that happened

for myself

and i think that several of you have

come across the similar scenarios

a few months ago i was talking to my

friends regarding

purchasing a new laptop we were talking

about different brands such as

apple hv lenovo it was a small talk that

can happen

every day but later that day

i actually

got some relevant recommendations and


on my facebook and amazon accounts and

i believe it kind of made me to really

think that maybe

these infrastructures are they can see

what we say

and they can use it for personalized


there are several of these scenarios

reported actually around the world

the first example is about the fitness


called straw in this fitness

in 2018 they decided to release the heat

map of

the running traces of their most active


it was a commercial act but somehow

it disclosed some of our nation’s


so it happened that using these heat


we can find some of the location of some

of our military bases

so the soldier involved they had higher

exercise requirements so they made

them most active users of this fitness

tracker and later on

google map satellites could be used to

go and see what are the roads and

buildings that they

these soldiers use more frequently

another example is about a security


that has been designed and manufactured

in china

there was a security bug in these

security cameras that

it actually direct the video of

this direct data stream of the videos

uh in uh collected by these security

cameras and it

just sent them to somebody else randomly

and in this figure you can see that

the video of a baby

has been directed to somebody’s else


randomly another very similar

and very recent example was about

security camera

called vercado this this

startup the security cameras that they

have developed they had

some kind of security bars that

attackers could use the underlying


and they could access to the video of

customers in this figure you can see

that they actually access to the video


tesla in one of the warehouses in


the main motivation behind most of these

attacks is either to

steal or expose data to

create a target financial assets

or to be able to access to user accounts

every day there are three millions

attacks happening around divorce

most of these cyber attacks they are

targeting the vulnerabilities at the

software level

for example a bug in your facebook


or in the windows operating system

could enable attackers to overthrow your

device or your icon to be able to take

over it

however these software vulnerabilities

can be

patched using some updates for probably

you have seen

a set of security update notification


when you wanted to turn off your laptop

and whenever you install those update

your system will be immune toward these

relevant attacks however you may not

know that all of the iit and iit devices

are built on top of a set of hardware

like integrated circuits including

processors and memory chips

these hardwares are acting as a brain of


integrated circuits and they

are storing a set of our digital

information such as

passcode texts photos and you know our

user credentials

and they are acting as a root of trust

the question is that what if the


actually exists in the hardware

so previously hardware components and

you know digital chips were believed

that they are

static secure and trust force

and we were focused more on software


however research has shown that these

hardware components are not invincible

to security active flaws and design bugs

and they can be used to launch

more and more attacks research has shown

that if the security vulnerabilities

at the hardware levels are blocked the


system vulnerability will be reduced by

43 percent

which means that a big portion of cyber

attacks will be blocked

if we are addressing security


at the hardware however security

vulnerabilities at hardware

are more

critical than software vulnerabilities

the reason is that they are

fixed and when you are building them we


change them in that case so we

do not have the option of installing

updates and patching those


an attack that targets a vulnerability

at hardware level

can be successfully repeated on

every instance of that chip that it

is that is being used or deployed in

different iot devices and we cannot do

anything because we

there is no updates to be patched to

prevent these attacks

so let us talk about how these

vulnerabilities are going to be

introduced in hardware designs

a company in united states will design a

product but

not all aspects of the design happens


as you can see here the

supply chain of integrated circuits

are highly dispersed and globally

distributed so

several countries and companies around

the world

are involved in designing a hardware


this long and globally distributed

supply chain

make these hardware chips vulnerable to

an array of

security and integrity attacks

so for example due to

time to market and cost a

constraint a company united states may

decide to outsource fabrication

and send its design offshore to some

asian countries such

as such as china and korea

but not everybody in this fabrication

facilities they are necessarily trusted

so they have access to whole design so


can steal the design they can claim it

as their own

they can over

produce more than the numbers that are

ordered and they

create some products over their own

brands and sell them in black market

but worse than anything they can

insert malicious functionalities in the


and this is a real concern last month we

heard the news that the shortage of

computer chips reach to the crisis

level shortage of chips means

that we need to rely on the chips

that they are fabricated and designed

in some other countries so it means that

not only we do not have any control

over fabrication process we do not have

any control on the design process and we

do not

know what kind of malicious

functionality may exist in these chips

and it may create some security and

integrity and confidentiality

issues for us further

it’s extremely difficult to distinguish

between an authentic

and counterfeit cheap it’s been a very

one of the most challenging problems

that we wanted to address to be able to

guarantee that we are using an authentic


the market of a counterfeits is sizable

and growing such as in 2019

that market size was 75 billion devices

and traces of this counterfeit


was confirmed in 169 billion devices

such as airport landing lives

lights or network routers

so the consequence and risk of using

these counterfeits range

from generating incumbents

inconvenience to injury or loss of life

there are a lot of recycled ips also

they can be used

in and deployed in iit devices

using recycle ips makes the iit devices

less and less reliable and more

vulnerable toward security attacks

it has been always a kind of battle

between providing better security

and having the best performance the


always there have been several efforts

that we wanted to just

make the best performance with minimum

overhead on

some requirements of the design such as


life time however addressing the


always comes with

overheads and the big issue is that

how we can balance and find a sweetest


between these two important parameters


not only that we can have the best

performance but at the same time we can

have less overhead and security

and we make sure that because of

performance we do not create security

vulnerabilities in the systems

so what can we do i here i present one

of the possible solutions

for example for counterfeits we can use


or x-ray machines to be able to identify

whether a design is authentic or is a


we can also use advanced artificial

intelligence algorithm to be able to

distinguish these devices

so in short we need to develop a set of


to be able to evaluate hardware design


see that how vulnerable they are we need

to create a set of

tools that those tools are

can be able to address this


automatically at the same time we need

to create

a set of awareness between the

users of these potentially vulnerable

iot devices

i believe the government academia and


they need to work hand in hand to be

able to

create an ecosystem that delivers these

secure hardware designs from the design

to consumer market

this is the only way and this is the

only and only way that

we can make sure that we have secure

devices and we can use iot and smart

devices with ease of

mind without being worried

about being a spy

or bridge of our security and privacy

in university of florida my team

and i we are trying to address these

challenging questions here is the list

of my phd

students that they are dedicated to find

answers for these challenges and help us

to have

more and more secure smart devices

thank you