What SmartGreenhouse is and why we need it

hello everyone

today i am going to talk about one of

the most challenges of our times

hunger according to world vision


8.9 percent of world’s population it’s

690 million people

go to bed on empty stomach every night

according to statics this people

a number of people impacted by hunger

has been steadily on the ray on the rise

since 2014. if it continues as its pace

by 2030 it will reach approximately 840

million people

there are no words how dangerous it is

for everyone

in our on our planet so the most

important question

is there anything we can do about it

actually yes my solution to this issue

is to produce more food

on less land with less effort

we will use program systems that will


and maintain on greenhouse operation so

we will be able to use the greenhouse

much more effectively

so we can call it smart greenhouse

however there are many weaknesses so

just imagine in summer there are 92 days

i spent two hours every day just to


and check the humidity and the

temperature values

and it turns out that i spent 184 hours

just to to do these things in whole


moreover it’s extremely tough that to

maintain all these variables such as

temperature humidity

with manual control

under and now imagine there is no need

to go to greenhouse

to do these things and we can um drink

and we can sit at your home drinking tea


this um your computer will display a

graph that

fully describes greenhouse operation


this greenhouse itself will water and

check this

temperature and the humidity values

inside the greenhouse

it’s amazing yes and now let’s take a

look at what makes

such simple and straightforward system


it’s called smart greenhouse and

the next slide in the next slide we can

see the process of our work

and we created the website that will

display all this data

and the graph in order to make it user


consumer can understand it

easily so and can

see the changes in greenhouse operation

uh it’s a like an implementation of a

project in real life

and the next slide it’s a full concept

of our system

uh we use arduino uno in order to

connect in order to use sensors that we


um humidity and the temperature values

and many variables

in the greenhouse and through the

rotor we connected the computer to the

arduino which which will be

took in the greenhouse so through this


through this router all the data

collected by

arduino sensors will be transmitted to

the computer

and it will and all the data will be

stored in appropriate way in the graph

in the database the process of creation

of this system

has been challenging but we have done it

uh and the most important question

is this project uh is it any is it

any project or will not be used in real


no we have already agreed to um

install our system in kenya in one of

the local greenhouses

and it will be our first real-life


of our project by installing this

system in in real greenhouse we can

determine all the weaknesses and solve

them immediately

however a number of greenhouses using

our system

does matter for us we will continue our


at upgrading our system as we see the


and the needs of our system for the


to the world so because um

the the the traditional way of uh

greenhouse controlling

should be replaced by a system that

works independently

without a human interaction who knows

maybe our project will bring positive


to our world