Artificial Intelligence

thank you

hello i am isabel schmidt and today

i would like to present to you my topic

on artificial intelligence

but before we get started what is

artificial intelligence well in contrast

to natural intelligence

that humans and animals possess

artificial intelligence is when a


mimics the human mind especially the


decision making and learning processes

and so in 1950 alan turing

wanted to figure out whether a machine

would have strong or weak artificial


and weak artificial intelligence is when

a machine is capable of imitating the

human mind

but is not capable of thinking for


while strong artificial intelligence is

when the machine is capable of imitating

the human mind so well

as though it seems to think for itself

and so the test went the following there

would be three rooms

in the first room there would be a human

and in the other two rooms there would

be another human and a machine

and the first human would communicate

with the other two

at the same time and if he was unable to

figure out

in which room the machine was by the end

of the corresponding

it was said to be that the machine would

have strong ai

also known as artificial intelligence in

short and this is because

it was capable of imitating the human

mind so well

as though it seemed it could think for

itself like a human being

but how is artificial intelligence

relevant to me

well when i get up in the mornings i’m a

little bit cranky

and i really like listening to music on

youtube and when i just type in the

first two

letters of my favorite song pops up

right at the top

because my computer knows that i like

listening to the song a lot

and it gives me another song as a

reference that i might enjoy too

this is a form of artificial

intelligence but i’m sure i’m not the

only one that sees and uses artificial

intelligence every day

some of you might have seen chat bots at

airports that direct us to the right


or even language translation sites like


or google translate and especially since


governments have been using disease

mapping which helps the government’s

track phones

to see where human has been in the past

few weeks this helps the

stop of the spread of the virus but

not only do we all use and see

artificial intelligence every day

but many sectors in our society use

artificial intelligence too

by 2023 it was said to be that there

would be 8

billion voice assistants worldwide and

if a business would use artificial

intelligence it said that their

productivity increases by 40 percent

and 77 of all machines

we see and use today contain one form of

artificial intelligence or another

now one sector that specifically in the

last few years has been using artificial

intelligence more and more

is our industry for example the canadian

company mindstar

they did a small experiment to see how

long it would take

a group of people to develop an entire

project idea

and how long it would take a

supercomputer so artificial intelligence

to develop a project today

and yes it takes the group of people six

to eight months

to develop an entire fully fledged

project idea

but it takes the super computer 72

hours to develop an entire project idea

incredible right our industry also uses

artificial intelligence in the form of


to monitor equipment also

artificial intelligence is used in our


for example job applications have been

done by artificial intelligence now

because artificial intelligence can scan

these for

key words or key competences that

companies want their future employees to


it’s also used in the medicine because

artificial intelligence can be used to

develop drugs faster which can help

our entire medical services prevent

people from dying

this is incredible but there’s one issue

that is incredibly difficult

for our population and society to

conquer today

and that is our growing population now i

like to eat every day and i’m sure you

do too

in fact i think all 7.8 billion

of us over the entire globus want to eat

every day and so we need to use

more advanced technologies in our

agriculture because as we know resources

are scarce

water is scarce water is required for

our agriculture section

but also our climates have becoming


this all affects our agriculture and


we can use artificial intelligence to

help us

increase the amount of crops and

products we get from agriculture

they do this as when farmers can give in

the input of all the different climates

and soil conditions and the water usage


for example a specific app and gain the


possible way to gain the largest amount

of resources we need

so that we can eat every single day

but especially since corona i’m sure

some of us have been doing

our education online for example i spent

three entire months

doing all my school work on my computer

and i’m sure a lot of you have been

doing that too

so therefore artificial intelligence has

been becoming a key

factor in our education as we have

access to many

online sites and platforms that help us

develop our learning every single day

but artificial intelligence can do all

of these things due to its

great benefits that it has to offer for


it is extremely logical as all of its

decisions that it makes are logical

but how is this a benefit well a lot of


humans make are emotionally based but

this could be a negative as a lot of

emotionally based decisions

leads to resources being lost or maybe

wrong decisions being made artificial

intelligence is extremely resourceful


as it does not waste time or resources


due to the fact that artificial

intelligence doesn’t show weaknesses

it can also stay awake 24 hours

help our industry but

another key factor or benefit of

artificial intelligence

is its fast learning capabilities if we

look at the education

of a human compared to the education of

artificial intelligence

we notice one large difference

and that is time i mean it takes a human

12 years to finish secondary education

plus maybe additional years to finish

college or university

to specialize into one profession but

artificial intelligence can gain all of


knowledge within minutes hours in an


a transfer of data this is incredible

but what does this lead to

well this could lead to many jobs in our


being transferred from humans doing them

to artificial intelligence doing them

for us

and therefore professor pistono wrote


book called robots will steal your jobs

but that’s okay because he believes

that even though yes artificial

intelligence is doing all the work for


apparently according to him we will

still all receive

a universal basic income and

this could lead to us having more free

time for self-fulfillment or family


if we look at this graph right now we

can also see that the human capabilities

are much higher at the moment

compared to the capabilities of

artificial intelligence

but scientists have been believing that

over the next few years

the capabilities of artificial

intelligence will overtake the

capabilities of the human

and although scientists say yes this

can be good in some forms as yeah

artificial intelligence could be doing

some of the jobs for us

in developed countries it could mean

that in developing countries

where they do not have access to as much

artificial intelligence

as developed countries do this could

lead to mass unemployment

but this isn’t the only negative that

artificial intelligence has

for us for example artificial

intelligence is extremely expensive to


as it requires scarce resources that

aren’t found all over the world today

it also requires specific people needed

to program it

as well not all of us can program a

robot right

but the fact that it lacks emotional

intelligence can also be seen as a


let’s take an example of a psychologist

for example

do you think artificial intelligence can

take over the job

of a psychologist like a human could

probably not right

because humans allow empathy to

another human while artificial

intelligence does not have emotions

and therefore is unable to give the same

support another human could have

but the fact that artificial

intelligence could be used in the

military later on

is also an extreme negative as some of

us might have not even thought about


but let’s say only developed countries

have access to artificial intelligence

and our resources are becoming more

scarce by the second

and while scarce resources could lead to


conflicts and possible wars in the


but what happens when only developed

countries have artificial

intelligence on their side and

developing countries still have humans

in their military

this could lead to well developed

countries gaining more resources

while developing countries are lacking

resources and struggling

this could increase the poverty gap in

our entire globus in the future

and the fact that superintelligence

might occur in the future

could be a negative two as

superintelligence is the point where


intelligence starts thinking for itself

it’s the point where

it does not want to do what humans do

anymore but it can start developing its

own thought

continuing its own algorithm but what

happens when this happens right

what happens when super intelligence


well at the moment artificial

intelligence does what we want it to do

it we program artificial intelligence to


us but what happens when artificial

intelligence doesn’t do what we want it

to do anymore

and it might even come to the idea that

okay what if we want to save this planet

what if we want to keep us alive

as long as possible what if we want to

save as many resources as we can

and it might jump artificial

intelligence might just jump to the


well what is the source of all these

resources being wasted

what is the source that is polluting our

entire globus

well as you might already guessed it’s

the humans right

but what could happen

once humans are in this position

well it could lead to a potential robot

versus human war as we might have seen

in many movies

and so harare who wrote the book hamadel


the only way that we can prevent us

from succumbing to artificial

intelligence is to know ourselves

so i suggest for all of you to know


so once you go home tonight i want you

to go digging deep down inside your


and start knowing myself unless you want

to succumb to the power of artificial


and so the question i want to leave you

with today is can we be sure

that artificial intelligence will always

want what is best for humans

thank you