Artificial Intelligence Winners and Losers.

artificial intelligence

winners and losers in the brave new


an important talk like this involves a

lot of preparation

there are a lot of critical decisions to

be made and in a pandemic

there is a big dilemma the real social



do you go outside and get a haircut or

do you get a home haircut

and look funny like this

artificial intelligence is a very

important topic but it’s also a complex


it means different things to different

people and each of us

has our own perception of what ai is and

what ai’s impact will be

we’re just like those blind men in the

old fable trying to make sense of the

elephant in the room called artificial


a lot of anxiety about ai is because of

these differing perceptions

let us try and clear the confusion if

you want to learn about a topic

your first stop usually is google so

let’s go to google and search for

artificial intelligence

you can try this out now but there are

more than 130 million results for

artificial intelligence

too much information overwhelming how

about we pick a book

so let’s go to amazon and search for

books on artificial intelligence

40 000 books wow information overload


or as hell 9000 would say

i’m afraid i can’t do that

have you wondered how we form our


about ai who teaches the world about ai

i know the geeks and nerds among you are

thinking about professor andrew ying

note that i’ve had this haircut even

before zuckerberg

professor andrew’s courses on ai have

about 3.4 million enrollments

but everyone who signs up for an online

course knows

we excel in what we excellent dropping


only about three percent complete the


i’m sorry andrew we can’t do that

then how does the world learn about ai

from where

do we get our knowledge there are two

main sources

the first one is hollywood

yes from movies professor arnold has

taught more folks about ai than

professor andrew

these movies are all about humans versus

evil robots

robots taking over the world world


apocalyptic scenarios robots that fight

their creators

sorry i goofed up here my bad my

apologies to all the rajini fans

this definitely super intelligence

movies are also about love stories

they teach us how humans fall in love

with ai and androids

our relationship with ai it’s


these movies are great fun but they’re

far from reality

i tell you our professors are misleading


so we don’t have machines or robots that

have consciousness

free will feelings and emotions

or what we call artificial general


our next main source of misinformation

i mean information

the news media

the media they try hard but that


it’s all about being sensational if


is about the end of the world media is

about the end of jobs

so the media is preoccupied with how ai

is overtaking humans

how ai will replace humans how it will

lead to massive job losses

again the reality is very different yes

ai is definitely getting better but our

fears of massive job losses to ai

are overblown in reality media hypes up

the current capabilities of ai

the media narrative is that ai is a

solution to practically everything under

the sun

from tapping renewable energy to curing


from improving education to saving the

planet from solving for climate change

to ending world hunger

don’t believe me just read the newspaper

journalists also don’t question whether

ai is indeed the right solution to such


media also does not acknowledge the

debates about ai

its side effects such as biases and

unintended consequences

to be sure ai is useful in many of these


but is it really the hero or the


to sum up for hollywood ai is superhuman

for media ai is a superpower but these

two narratives

don’t give us the real picture of ai at

this point in time to give you a clear


i will discuss a few questions that are

on the top of your mind

things like what actually is ai what are

the skills of the future

what’s the advice for students what’s

the advice for professionals

how should countries prepare as

artificial intelligence becomes more


very tough questions how i wish there

was a well-read ai

that can give us good answers to these


surprise ladies and gentlemen the next

part of this tedx talk

will be given by ai yes that’s right


media people watching that’s a good

headline ai gives a ted talk

ai that is very well read yes it has

read all those millions of documents

the ai answers these questions based on

what it has seen in

the millions of documents it has read


it’s our high tech version of monkey c

monkey do

because the answers it gives range from

the excellent to the unmentionable

humans are needed to separate the pearls

of wisdom

and the bs

the questions are mine but the responses

are from this ai software

called gbt3 a shout out to tech


bashar khattar and the team at

some of whose content i will be using

today so let’s go

hello ai let’s start with the basics

tell us a bit more about yourself

what is ai


artificial intelligence is the science

of making machines

do things that would require

intelligence if done by people

intelligence is a simulation of human

intelligence processes by machines

ai is the ability of computers to digest

large amounts of data

which is impossible for humans at that

scale and get to accurate results and

decisions in a short period of time

the central tasks of ai include

understanding natural language

recognizing objects and scenes in images

playing games

and strategies

hope you like my robot voice

we’re off to a good start so let’s

continue we all want to know how the

nature of work will change

as ai is more widely adopted and how we

should repair

so my next question is what should


do to succeed as jobs are increasingly

being automated


the future of work will be a combination

of automation ai

and human skills the keys to success

will be to get the right balance between

the three

as well as to acquire the skills that

machines and ai cannot do easily


smaller monkey by the way is gbt2 the

previous generation of this ai software

a lot of our friends listening today are


so this question is on their behalf what


should students study to be successful

in the future


the future of education is not about

acquiring siloed skills

but about acquiring skills that are

relevant and transferable across a range

of disciplines

this means that those who can operate in

an interdisciplinary way

using cross-disciplinary skills are the

ones who will be more successful in the



that’s a very glib response i know where

it is coming from

i think this ai is a fresh mba grant

it has all the right words it knows

everything yet it knows nothing

by the way this gyan is not free

it costs about five rupees for each


my mba was so much more expensive

isb we need to have a chat

here is the all important question which

skills will be in greater demand in the

next five to ten years


in order to understand what skills can

be in demand in the next five to ten


we need to know what kind of tasks will

be done by machines

we can figure this out by looking at the

components of the automation technology

we can think of automation as a three

level pyramid

at the top are super intelligent

machines that are able to replace humans

in almost

all tasks in the middle of the pyramid

are machines that are able to replace

humans in a specific type of task

finally at the bottom of the perimeter


that only replace humans in a very

narrow category of tasks


wow that’s a good response i see what

you’re trying to do here

you’re giving us a framework to think


that’s what consultants do

there is even the rule of three

hey vacancy and other consultants you

better watch out

is coming after your work

so here is a serious topic we hear a lot


bias and discrimination because of ai

software so how can we reduce the bias

in ai software


bias can be found in three basic ways it

can either be built into the data that

is used to train the algorithms

it could be the result of the algorithms

themselves or it could be in the people

who train the algorithms

algorithms are trained to make sense of

the world using examples

if your training examples are biased

then so will be your algorithm

we should do everything we can to ensure

that our training sets

are as diverse as possible we can reduce


in machine learning by being more aware

of the limitations and biases in our own



wow that’s a great response i don’t

think i could have done a better job

articulating that

so we’ve talked about the individuals


employees so let’s talk at the countries

i don’t know

what should countries do to benefit

fully from artificial intelligence

there are many things that countries

should do to benefit fully from

artificial intelligence

first they should invest in ai it is

important to realize that ai is not just

a technology it’s a new way of thinking

about problems and solving them

it’s a new way of organizing people and

machines to work together

it’s a new way of doing business second

they can also invest in education

it is important that people learn to

work with machines it is also important

that they learn to work with other


third they can invest in research ai is

a fast-moving field

it is important that we understand what

is happening why it is happening

and what it means we should also invest


ai for the public good we should invest

in ai for the environment

ai for health care and ai for the arts


wow that’s like ai monkey bath

niti ayog and other think thanks i hope

you are taking good notes it’s been nice

chatting with you but it’s time to wrap

up this interview

i had a lot of fun but one last question

it’s about the future

your future where do you see yourself

five years down the road

okay what does the future of ai look


the future of ai will not look like

skynet from the terminator films

it’ll be quite benign as long as we make

conscious choices about the future of ai

we need to make sure that the benefits

of ai are broadly shared

and that we use these technologies to

support the need for care

compassion and creativity we want to

have a future with more jobs

and fewer people being left behind

that concludes the first ever ted talk

on ai by

one more thing

as humanity now we are at that crucial


that tipping point at the creation of ai

humans are able to show empathy

compassion and morality

these are not traits which ai possesses

humans are able to form

emotional relationships with other

humans this is something that ai will

never be able to do

humans also have the power of

imagination which enables us to create

new concepts and ideas

artificial intelligence is a great tool

that can help us in many ways

but if we fixate on a vision of ai that

is not here

or may never be here or if we

uncritically cheerlead or overstate its


we will miss a golden chance to make a

better ai

ai is not a superhuman ai is not a


just like electricity it is a great tool

that we can

harness effectively if we use ai to

augment our capabilities

if we make ai more inclusive if

we use ai responsibly humanity will be

the ultimate winner

thank you