Future of talent in an era of AI

can you guys hear me

okay awesome um so yeah speaking about


data impacts human emotions uh two

things i learned today i don’t have the

inspiration like our

first speaker i don’t have the charm

like our previous speaker

but yeah i’m here to talk to you guys


something that i feel is going to impact

the way not just what we’re doing or

or how we’re living today but some

things are really gonna

that’s something that’s gonna drive the

future of the way we just operate and

the way we just exist

i’m gonna talk about the impact of

artificial intelligence on the future of


i think it’s a topic that is very

pressing it’s something that

is going to impact the way we just get

into the job market and perform our

tasks so it’s something that

is really crucial to the way we start

forming our thought processes around


artificial intelligence for those of you

who don’t know is

one of the drivers of the fourth

industrial revolution

which means that it’s going to impact

every single process

every single um product every single

function that we know as mankind today


i want to take a walk down memory lane

to tell you guys

my first interaction with technology my

first interaction with

robots and how that sort of shaped me to

sort of start loving

technology in many ways how many of you

guys watched this cartoon

awesome jetsons one of my favorite

cartoons as a kid

and i really thought that they had some

super cool stuff that that really

inspired me to love technology

so three things that i really took out

from that

cartoon show one is video phones right

so george jetson would sort of come

and do these or do these talks or or

he’d like

communicate with people through a video

phone i thought that was really cool

they also had a personal assistant

called rosie who would actually do the


and the house work and stuff like that

another fascinating thing that i thought

and the third thing that he had was a

digital watch where

he could not just like have like a video

conversation with someone on it

but just the fact that you had a digital

screen on your wrist with something that

was really cool

but things that we thought that would

not really exist over a period of time

which is why they’re actually showing it

in the cartoon

is something that is a part of our

everyday lives today

and when i actually saw jetsons

i think i was probably maybe seven or

eight years old

um 10 15 years later you started seeing

these technologies in every days

in in our everyday lives and in

everyone’s hands right

uh everyone has a video phone that can

do skype facetime

uh pretty much anything you have robots

as assistants and you have digital

watches through which

you can also not only just check out

your your

heartbeat or or or have access to let’s


weather and stuff like that but you can

also make phone conversations which i

think is really cool

but in such a short span and a span of

time you can see how

everyday technology is actually

influenced by

things like machine learning and

artificial intelligence

so looking at stuff like this is where i

felt that technology was just our


and not something out to replace us

however hollywood actually showed us


we’re always at a war with this new uh

information with this new piece of

technology with robots right

terminator showed that to us the age of

ultron and avengers actually showed that

to us

so we’re also constantly thought that

these guys are things that we have to

be in a battle with you know in an

everyday scenario

so taking a vote of people in this room

how many of you guys feel that

artificial intelligence is actually good

very cool so good to see a lot of

like-minded people

and how many of you guys think that

artificial intelligence is bad that

technology is going to like

just eat all of us up

okay so good that we have ai optimus and


ai pessimists um but in many

in many talks that i’ve actually given

on this topic the crowd is more or less

split right some people actually feel

that artificial intelligence

is out there uh to sort of get after

what we’re sort of doing and replace us

in many ways

in fact scientific community and

academia at large

is also conflicted with this thought

where you have like guys like bill gates

and zuckerberg on the one hand who feel


ai is super cool and it’s gonna really

transform and change life

and on the other hand you have guys like

elon musk who actually feel that

uh artificial intelligence is gonna

replace us

okay so talk about technology failing

when you needed to


so zuckerberg one of the greatest ai

optimists he feels that if you’re

against artificial intelligence and if

you’re against technology

you’re actually against the essence of

mankind so you’re against

uh smarter let’s say gadgets you’re


uh solving viruses like coronavirus

through technology or against the

essence of humanity

and then you have guys like musk um

okay i just guess that technology is

failing us today

okay and you have guys like must who

actually think that technology is gonna

is really gonna get out of our uh get us

out of our comfort zones and get us out

of the jobs that we’re doing today

um but whenever i sort of look at this

debate right i’m taken back to the

industrial revolution

where there were many people who

actually thought that

these machines are actually going to

replace human endeavor and we’re going

to be useless and redundant

so this is one of the photos that

actually was the first

organized revolt against industrial

revolution it’s very funny because it

happened 100 years after industrial

revolution actually started

where you had guys in new york actually

trying to

create and organize labor against um

against guys from putting machines in


i think you’re gonna have to just like

do this for me

great but when you take a step back and

you look at the impact of industrial

revolution you’ll actually see that


and mechanized ways of production had a

positive effect on human life

so you can see that life expectancy was

somewhere around 30 years of

people living to 30 years around the


and now that’s about like 75 to 80 years

you can see its impact on gdp as well

right so

not only did the productivity of the

world sort of increase rapidly when

industrial revolution started being


but you also saw that countries like the

west that were the proponents of

industrial revolution actually grew a


faster than the rest of the world there

was sort of laggards in adopting

new technology and new processes

let me come back to the topic of today

right is

is artificial intelligence really out

there to replace us

so mckinsey did a study recently on the

future of jobs

what that report actually revealed is

that less than five percent of

percent of the jobs um have tasks that

are actually hundred percent automatable

if you look at the stat in a way it’s

good makes us feel that

that we we’re still going to be required

however that same report had another

very shocking statistic what it said is

that 60

of the jobs of of today and the future

are actually going to have one third of

them that is going to be replaced by

some form of technology

so essentially our jobs are safe

but the way we’re going to perform those

jobs is going to be very different

let’s summarize the discussion so far

including the fact that technology


um ai is not necessarily good or bad

uh automation is spreading at a rate

that we cannot even imagine

technology i believe will augment human

effort is going to make a lot of what we


a lot better a lot more efficient and

we’re already seeing great signs of that

and there is still however a clear

societal impact of artificial


coming to the workforce and and the way

people just

invest their time if you’re looking at

from when ai is adopted to

not sorry so when mechanized production

is actually adopted to now

what you sort of see is that there is a


um intensity of agriculture and a


adoption of guys and services so what

that’s actually telling you is that

automation really displaced labor

uh from mechanized stuff that they would

do but is

now making us to actually think about

how we can actually apply ourselves


but low skilled labor is actually going

to impact or be impacted first

through new technology if i had to look

at a study of the american population

about 50 percent

of them were earlier employed in


that statistic is actually down to less

than two percent today

now think about the impact of artificial


into or or rather machine replacing

human effort in a country like india

right you’re going to have

wide scale um just because of the fact

that the lowest

form of labor is going to be replaced by

technology you’re going to have a huge

gap in in income you’re going to have

more rich you’re going to have

more poor and that gap between them is

just going to keep increasing

that is actually going to cause a lot of

societal tension you’re going to have a

greater socio-economic divide

and that is going to create a lot of

people wanting to revolt the guys

who actually have a lot of things gifted

to them on the plate right so that’s

going to create

like a strain on the national on the on

the nation’s fabric

starting a report from dell eighty-five

percent of the jobs of tomorrow

don’t even exist today which means that

we don’t even know what we’re going to

head out into

but one thing is actually clear right so

there’s not going to be a shortage of


but it’s going to be a shortage of

skills required to perform those jobs

which actually makes us wonder what are

we doing in institutions like this right

how relevant is what we’re studying

today when we sort of enter the job

market of tomorrow

so i’m a non-technical student in the

sense that i never actually studied

computer engineering but i lead a data

sciences team

because i’m able to i have a grounding

in statistics that sort of enables me to

understand how to look at problems


but when i was in college and when i was

in school right things like artificial

intelligence and machine learning

weren’t even heard of

um i read another statistics from the

world economic forum that actually said

that 50

of the knowledge that you are taught in

a first year

engineering degree is actually going to

be redundant by the time you’re done

with that program

which is actually a very startling fact

because then you sort of question

the relevance of the stuff that you’re

actually taught in classrooms today

now if we are feeling this ourselves

right think about those who don’t even


what artificial intelligence is like our

drivers our cooks

uh our support staff they don’t even

know technology the way we do

so if you are going to create products


and technology that’s actually going to

replace them they don’t even know it’s

going to be headed

and now as you go further down the value

chain you’re going to find that this is

actually going to become

a huge problem in a developing country

especially like ours

having said that i feel i am an ai

optimist i feel that there’s a lot that

we can do with technology

just the fact that uh translation

solving diseases things like that are

actually being enhanced by technology

means that humanity is not actually

doomed not actually headed

um for a doomsday per se but you’re

still going to require the human to

govern that technology you’re going to


a guy to operate that robot to see that

robot is actually

doing the right thing or not so in many

ways i am an ai optimist

uh vibes like this from the government

and and programs that they create

this one is by the niti ayog actually

shows that there is thinking in that


the lesser fortunate part of society is

actually being looked at

so i’m quite positive about the future

however when it comes to skills

that we require right i don’t think it’s

the theory of what we study in a

classroom that actually holds us in good


but i feel that it’s skills that will

actually keep us in a good place in the

workforce and i don’t think

there is going to be technology that’s

actually going to replace that part of


um one is adaptability that you should

be able to

thrive in any situation that you’re

thrown in and that’s a skill that’s

going to

really be tested as we go into the


the next thing is devising a broader

outlook you’ve got to be able to step

outside a problem and look at it from a

holistic point of view

and i think that thought process is just

going to be enabling you to sort of come

up with solutions that you couldn’t have

even thought of before

you have to constantly be hungry for

knowledge right

be it nutrition or acting or theater or

whatever it is there’s always something

to learn there’s always something new

that i didn’t know today

heck i feel that i learned so much more

just sitting through two talks today

right so

i feel that you have to constantly be

wanting to learn and wanting to grasp

new knowledge

that is a skill that i feel that you’re

not going to be replaced by technology

with it

and be a team player you have to know

how to work not just harmonize your

efforts with people but now with robots

you’ve got to find a way how to make


actually be working in a direction you

wanted to rather than being overwhelmed

by it

these are skills that i feel that are

really cool however when we look at

education systems like the world’s

best in finland there are three more

skills that they actually talk about

the first one being critical thinking

that you should be able to evaluate

problems and come up with solutions

uh at a very rapid rate the next is

communication if we’re not able to

understand each other if we’re not able

to understand situations

we’ll never be able to solve a problem

together and the last thing is


you’ve got to constantly be innovative

in the solutions you come up with

and you’ve constantly got to adapt

yourself i feel that if we possess these


there’s no replacing us and the world is

not doomed after all

thank you