Humanity in a Digital Age



technology is a

great enabler

if you’ve got a smartphone and an idea

you can start a micro multinational


you can become a creator and reach a

global audience

or you can get us a really important

social message out there largely

unedited and unsensitive

yet the digital age is more than ever

a human age sounds strange coming from a

google guy

let me explain why i say that using a

story of wonderful personal connection

the story starts in mitchum in south


pretty poor part of town with this guy

quasi court quasi grew up

with good parents but they split early


and it was kind of messy he didn’t have

much access to

information much access to education

much access even to positive role models

but he had a big dream his dream was to

do music

he’s a fantastic lyricist he can sing

and he can rap but he didn’t know how

to do that to do music you need time

and you need money so like many in quasi


he fell into a nefarious lifestyle

he turned to the streets

he felt it was the only way that he


buy himself the time and earn himself

the money

to realize his dream he knew it was

wrong he didn’t want to do it but he

didn’t feel

there was any other way he was a



he’s also a very curious and well-read

guy he reads a book a week

very smart and he

lived this life of

two worlds

he’d have a shotgun on one side of his


for self-protection and the latest book

he was reading on the other

every day he would put

his life at risk

and he’d then put that money into doing

what he loved

eventually that risk caught up with


his friend was shot in the head and


his cousin who was just 15 at the time

was stabbed

he survived fortunately but he

got a hot head and he went around in a

revenge attack and killed

the person who had attacked him

and got prison time

in combination this was the wake-up call

quasi needed

he was determined to do music

but not like this this was not his


so quasi took the brave decision to

withdraw himself from the street life

to cut his ties and to take the long

and hard road doing some freelance work

here and there scraping together as much


as he could along the way to pay for

studio time

photography videography

we met through a mutual connection

a guy called joe binder

joe’s a privileged guy from north london

quasi a talented artist from a poor

suburb of south london

and they connected because they had

something in common

they were both youtubers joe started a

youtube channel when he was at cambridge


vlogging about what it was like to be at


impressive university

quasi used youtube to get his music out

and they met in soho where quasi was

filming joe recognized he was probably

making youtube content and they struck


a conversation joe knew

technology could help quasi

so he connected us actually over


quasi and i had a first meeting and

struck up a mentoring relationship

he was helping me understand what life

was like

growing up in less privileged


in a poor neighborhood in south london

i was helping him as much as i could

think through things like

how to think of a budget how to make a


how to construct a marketing plan how to

build an audience

through social media

and we hatch this plan to

raise some money quasi wanted to do an

album he’s got this wonderful mixture of

grime which is a type of wrap and rock

and he puts them together

he calls it grok and he wanted to do an

album of his work and his unique sound

so we hatched a plan initially to help

him raise money through a crowdfunding

platform called kickstarter

the problem with kickstarter is

you can campaign for weeks and weeks and


and even if you get 90 95 percent of

your budget target

you won’t get anything you have to hit

or exceed your

target i also felt that the budget that

quasi had set out with was

unrealistically low

i came home after a long meeting with


about this project and i asked myself

what can i do to make a difference

i invest in small companies i’m an angel


i don’t know much about music or at

least i didn’t at the time

but i know a lot about digital and

technology and that’s largely where

music lives these days

so i thought why didn’t i think about

this as a business

so i literally googled how to start a

record label

and i found a company called ditto

based in liverpool that did record label

in a box

i’ll have one of them

so big community records was born

it’s a business on a social mission

to surface and celebrate fantastic

creative brilliance from lower

socioeconomic communities

ditto helped me set the company up they

gave me a stack of standard

music contracts they helped register

me with all of the royalties and rights

management companies around the world

and i signed quasi

as our founding artist and we set out

to realize his dream

that dream came true in july

2020 with the release of quasi’s debut

grok album

blood on the english carpet

a wonderful album with eight

beautiful tracks along with five videos

all released over youtube it’s had sixty


streams so far

and over six hundred thousand views of

the videos

but these days it’s not enough to put

your art out there and reach people

you have to be noticed

so that’s what we’re working on at the

moment and

you know we’ll continue to do that until

we reach a point

where this is a sustainable income

for quasi he can do what he loves and he

can earn decent money from it and it’s

not just about quasi we’ve built a whole


around him

all of whom have two things in common

first they’re brilliantly creative

and second they’re also from lower

socioeconomic communities

and they need their start

we have subi su malanga

he grew up in zimbabwe

he taught himself to code he saved up

he bought himself a computer

he then taught himself how to do special


his dream is to be a filmmaker

so sabisu has done all of our music


jada bruni a wonderful graphic artist

from croydon in south london

jada’s done the logo for bcr

as well as all of the album art

we’ve got ben nyonga ben was a sales guy

at john lewis

a department store here in london lost

his job

during covert his dream is to be

a marketeer he’s studying marketing in


so ben came over and he leads pr

and zina bamra see and i worked together


at google and

z just loves music she’s always wanted

to be involved and she’s been doing

our artist liaison work

so technology is a great enabler

joe and quasi wouldn’t have met had they

not had that youtube

connection quasi and i connected

over whatsapp i figured out how to start

a record label

with a simple google search

we’ve released all of the music

over digital streaming platforms 200 of


around the world and that’s how people

listen to

quasi’s art all of the videos

are on youtube and now we’re building an

audience using social media

but the golden thread and the real

secret source

that links this story is the wonderful

human connection

and the unexpected collisions along the


so next time you’re sitting on that

train or that bus

take the chance to strike up a

conversation with the person next to you

reach out to somebody who you would


not perhaps meet or or mix with

you never know where it will take you

and that’s why the digital age

is more than ever a human age