LGBTQ in Modern India


i’m really happy to be part of this tedx

thank you for having when people ask me

that how did i enter the social sector

it’s a very big thing you know in my

life that right from being

a model coordinator being on the sets of


and then being in the field working with

sex workers transgender women

and the marginalized community where

there is no glamour

it happened so that with sabina we all

had started the

thai welfare society and i was one of

the board members but not very active

but slowly and slowly because i used to

meet the hijra community the trans


always in functions parties organized of

the community

and for the first time in my life

when i went to the red light district in


my whole attitude towards the community

changed i was shocked to know that


in those days when i’m talking about 98

99 when people

when hiv was one of the dreadful


infections i believe you know that time

doctors used to not even touch anybody

in that time

i was taken aback

chevina said why don’t you join be a

peer educator

then from being a peer educator and

being the president of the organization

was a long journey but i understood

that life looks glamorous from outside

but within there was a different story


which moved me completely to be with the


to stand together with the community


it’s not easy it’s not at all easy

to be in this world

without understanding the pain and who

was in pain

my own people my own community

when we talk about entertainment


the saddest part is that till date

the trans community has been portrayed

a position of mockery disgust

and non-acceptance there are serials

which are

you know people top stars have played

in the south india and north india but i

believe that the people should be more

sensitive now of course things have


there are few good movies and serials

which are coming but i believe that

there should be more sensitivity towards

the whole topic of

lgbtiq people should not be

used the creators in the entertainment

fraternity the producers the directors

the scriptwriters

should understand that they should treat

the community lgbtiq community with lot

of respect and dignity

we are not people from mars

your ideas shouldn’t ridicule us

in public it should be respectful

when you talk about entertainment and

when you talk about being respectful one

thing which comes biggest is education

without educating yourself you’re zero

ugc played a very important role for the

trans community

to acquire education they they created

all the platforms whether having

sponsorship whether

you know proper research

to be done about the trans community

people everything

loans on zero percent loans

i request that people from my community

should go and

shouldn’t be a dropout there are many

ways to acquire knowledge and without

knowledge we will be zero

i always believe that nobody

we all have the soul and the soul is

what decides with gender we are a man

has his own a woman as

his own i believe my soul had that

i always say it is the hedge in me the

hedge is my soul

the trance is my soul and that’s why i’m

a transgender

my soul decided to be a transgender


and i’m happy with that and everybody

nobody says what is normal abnormal i

don’t believe in these words

and now the world is also understanding

we all as as

human as anybody else nothing in this

world changes

what changes is the mindset and the

mindset if it doesn’t change

then we tend to

stigmatize discriminate and at time

we ourselves ostracize our own people

sad thing is there that the world

now today india is one of the leaders

in the transgender movement in giving

acceptance by judiciary but still

till we don’t change the mindset of the


till we don’t take our own initiative in

understanding the community

nothing will change there are many

communities there are communities

of the transgender venues there are

traditional communities the hijrahs

the kindness the


across india there are many communities

and all communities are subset

of the big transgender community

help when people tell lakshmi did you

receive any help yes i received help

i received help with people who

wanted the change to happen who were

ready to

accept without any inhibitions people

who wanted to see the change the first

help i received was from my parents who

accepted me as i was

the second help i received from all my

friends who didn’t threw me out of this


whatever i was whatever was my gender

and my sexuality was for me

not for people who loved and cared me

they all stood by me people who stood by


or who stand by you create the biggest


who knows the better pain of

ostracization than

trans people we had

those burns on our body but we learn to

heal it

with a struggle today in my community

there are many different type of people

from different cars creed religion

everything is different but one thing

which bind us is the pain

when people talk about orthodox india in

open india orthodox india was the same

india which

had created a space for trans people in


society i believe the orthodox

india is created by the british not by

indians themselves

the world is changing the

judiciary has shown such a big

door and pathway of change

and that change

was not is not enough

the change what judiciary has shown it

is necessary

that we there are many judgments right

from privacy section 370 same

nonsense judgment of the transgender

india has opened india has gone back to

its roots in accepting everyone as a


on the books by policies by act

but now it’s a time for we all indians

to not have that notifications in

ourselves or that cliche attitude

towards certain communities certain

humans or certain communities

it’s necessary that we change our way of


it’s necessary that we stop

saying that they and us the day

we stop saying they and us

and we learn this word of we as a


then india will be a different place and

then you don’t need to you know say

about advocacy and acceptance

we only have to learn one word

we as a community we as an indian

so much has changed the youngest civil

rights movement

of transgender or sexual minority lgbtiq

in this country

has got some space we have achieved so

much but yet

lot of things has to be achieved

we have just created a foundation the

building has to yet to be built

there are many things

there are many things what i said has

brought the change

there was one gap where people were

blackmailed for being gay

lesbian whatever section three judgment

has pulled out that fear of living

being an indian still living in fear

people blackmailing you people

ostracizing you people

bullying you but after reading down

section 377 things

changed the knowledge has regiment after


plus years of independence transgender

people got their right

it’s a change privacy act

is a change and we all in this


have witnessed the change we are living

in that generation of india

which brought lot of changes

beautiful changes the time of corona

also taught that what is more important

is our family and our neighbors

we as a society have to be strong

when we did the biggest

operation of providing dry russian to

the transgender community it was the

mainstream society

who came for help and they helped us out

of the world people have class

we all when you know people ask me how

how to understand lgbt how to um

know somebody you know why you have to

understand anybody’s sexuality or gender

why can’t you just accept the person as

the person is

a true friend is a friend who will never

change a friend

according to his friends and fancies

a true friend will accept a friend

as a friend is

if you start judging don’t forget to

judge yourself first

to understand lgbt iqp a person

you don’t require a big bible or begita

for it

you have to become human i

from this tedx platform

would like to again urge that we as


have to understand ourselves more how to

broaden our horizons to understand

gender equality to respect

people’s sexuality and to believe

and to practice that we all

are indians that’s the beauty of being

an indian

jai hind