Why are so many autistic adults undiagnosed

fun fact about

me i’m autistic just from how i’m

presenting myself to you

right now could you tell probably not

up until a couple years ago i couldn’t

either however

i was lucky i had access to tons of

resources which gave me the opportunity

to figure out that

my brain isn’t broken just running on

a different operating system

imagine trying to navigate an iphone

with instructions for

an android also everyone just thinks you

have a

weird broken android and only people

with specialized knowledge can even

recognize an iphone as a different


basically it’s society constantly

telling you that you’re

existing wrong for taking different

paths to meet the same

needs or goals that’s what not knowing

your autistic

is like now

try to imagine how many other autistic


still feel that way because they don’t

have the same access

to medical professionals or information

guess what you can’t because we have no


how many undiagnosed autistic adults

there are at this time

hi i’m kim and today i’ll unravel why so

many autistic adults are on diagnose

this comes in two main parts

not being able to figure out your

autistic and why getting a diagnosis can


so difficult someone in your life

could very well be an iphone struggling

to fake their way through life

as an android that person can even be

you so before we get started

i’m going to describe people like me as

autistic people

instead of as people with autism since

that’s the language most people in the

autistic community

prefer you see being autistic

isn’t really separable from who we are

as people

it would be ridiculous to say for

example that i am in my

person with chineseness as if i

sometimes leave my ethnicity at home

when i leave the house

in the same way it doesn’t make sense to

say with

autism i’m chinese

i’m autistic

firstly what even is

autism well like i previously described

it’s a

different brain operating system for

autistic people this means we typically


communicate perceive and generally

interact with the world

and ourselves differently than allistic


allistic is the word for non-autistic

these differences lie in areas such as

sensory and information processing

contrary to popular belief there isn’t

something inherently

wrong with us we’re just

different for instance the current model

of autism characterizes us

as having social deficits but

a study focused on social interactions

between autistic adults

indicates that we can usually

communicate with each other just fine

even if it may sound weird and

unintuitive to

holistic folks news flash that’s what

you sound like

to us however we’re expected to

constantly adjust how we act

while holistic society typically doesn’t

accommodate for our differences

that lack of accommodation is the real

source behind a lot of the issues that

adult autistics face not something

that’s inherently wrong

with us so let’s look back to the


why do so many autistic adults not know


autistic simple they don’t know what

autistic people

can look like

imagine an autistic person one that


me or any other specific person

hold that person in your mind

what kind of person do you see how do


behave odds are you’re going to think

of a north american white boy or man

some people may imagine a non-verbal boy

who needs help feeding himself and

screams to communicate

while others may think of a man who

doesn’t care for social norms lacks

empathy but is

brilliant at math typically though

it’s a white guy

so if you’re a person of color or

someone who isn’t a man

and you don’t identify with either of

those stereotypical behavior templates

you’re not likely to realize you’re

autistic based on mainstream ideas

are you

let’s say you’re an autistic person who

doesn’t identify with those stereotypes

but you’re questioning

why you’re different from most people

around you

you have the privilege of good medical

access so you go

to a psychiatrist medical professionals

internalize and perpetuate the same

misconceptions of autistic people

as everyone else which means that you

could end up with the diagnosis

of borderline personality disorder or

obsessive-compulsive disorder while

autistic people can have these mental

illnesses they typically aren’t being

given the full picture of who they are

or are being misled entirely

a lot of people get stopped there but

i’m going to be

generous for the sake of example

regardless of whether you have any

previous diagnoses or not

let’s say you somehow end up learning

that many ideas of what autistic people

are like

are stereotypes not facts

that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to

connect being autistic back to yourself

especially when there’s so much

variation in autistic behaviors

like i was reading autistic content on

a semi-regular basis for over a year

before i even considered that hey

maybe this applies to me too

contrary to popular belief autistic


are just as diverse as holistic people

for example i don’t like fireworks

they’re too bright and loud for me since

i tend to be hypersensitive

to light and sound but other autistic

folks may find the noise and lights


navigating all of this information can

be difficult

especially if you process information

differently which

is characteristic of many autistic folks


if you’ve had poor access to education

that’s also assuming you have consistent

internet access

since most autistic resources are online

and that you can read english since

that’s the language most resources are


my last point here is probably one of

the most significant factors

and is called masking now

what’s masking well it’s exactly what it

sounds like

many autistic people tend to put on an

holistic mask

to camouflage ourselves in order to be

accepted by society

this can be motivated by wanting to

build relationships but

oftentimes autistic adults learn to act

holistic from very early childhood

because they are disciplined ostracized

or abused otherwise

abused as in it’s not irregular for us

to be mistreated physically

or psychologically as a way to force us

into acting

holistic imagine

being a young child and undergoing

significant pain because your parents or

teachers think you’re communicating


they don’t believe you when you say

it hurts making eye contact

can be physically painful for some

autistic people

but in many cases they’re forced to do


anyway this is reality

for many of us it’s not about how

we feel it’s just about making us look


think back to your childhood and how

kids treated those

who were perceived as weird

not great so

a lot of autistic folks consciously and

unconsciously modify how we present

ourselves to prevent

or at least reduce the degree to which

we experience this kind of negative


these behaviors can be so deeply

ingrained that we often have no idea who

we really are

until we figure out we’re autistic if


masking tends to be especially in force

in people of color

since we often don’t get the same kind

of behavioral leeway as

white folks this is particularly evident

in how black autistic people are treated

for example if a white autistic person

has a panic attack in public because

they’re experiencing

sensory overload they’re over stimulated


they’re likely to be interpreted as

mentally ill

however if a black autistic person does

the same

they’re much more likely to be perceived


a threat in general both

autistic children and people of color

have to behave in more socially

normative ways

in order to get the same treatment as

less normative white autistic

people okay

now that we’ve covered some reasons why

autistic adults may not figure out their

autistic let’s move on to point

two obtaining an autism diagnosis as an

adult is

incredibly inaccessible before we

jump into things know that not every

autistic person wants or

needs a professional diagnosis if i

hadn’t actively pursued one i almost


wouldn’t have ever gotten one the first

reason for why an adult diagnosis is

hard to attain is that

autism is often viewed as a children’s

condition which is

honestly quite silly since like what do

people think happens to autistic

children when we grow up

since we apparently stop existing once

we hit the age of majority

most resources are allocated to autistic

children and youth

at this point any region that has

any resources exclusively for autistic

adults is

doing pretty well which is kind of sad

next off starting the process of seeking

out an adult diagnosis can

only really begin if there’s a medical

professional in your area

who diagnoses autistic adults

less populated areas as well as regions

with especially underfunded mental

health care

are unlikely to have someone unable to

diagnose us

two other prominent barriers to adult

diagnosis are

cost and waiting less time here in the

lower mainland

for example few medical professionals

perform adult autism assessments and

many of them only do so through private


these assessments can cost between two


to four thousand dollars when

i contacted a private clinic when i was

seeking a diagnosis

they quoted a price within that range as

well as a wait time of

at least three months so that’s the wait

time for when you’re

throwing thousands of dollars at them in

comparison the handful of doctors that

are covered by provincial health care

have a typical waitlist time of one to


years remember all of this is just to


assessed there’s no guarantee of getting


even if you pay thousands of dollars or

wait a couple of years the real kicker

is that the system is probably one of

the better ones

out there public coverage is available

the private waitlist time is less than

half a year and

above all it exists

furthermore the diagnostic criteria is

based almost exclusively off

surprise surprise white boys so

even if you’re pretty sure you’re

autistic medical professionals may

shut you down since many of them see

autistic people it’s all fitting within

a neat

little box of autism built off of white


experiences instead of as people that

are as diverse and varied as holistic


i know autistic adults who want to get a

referral to a diagnostician from their


doctor only to be told that they can’t

be autistic because they’re a woman or

they’re asian

or they’re black that’s how

explicit the bias can be

remember how i talked about masking


yeah that plays a role in lack of


too many autistic adults learn

and observe socially normative behavior

in order to

fake it many of us become

so good at it that doctors don’t believe

we’re autistic

this mask often becomes so

instinctive that despite how unnatural

it may be

it’s not really something you can just

take off

it takes conscious effort and energy

to learn to be yourself when your family


and society as a whole have taught you

that being

yourself is unacceptable

most of the issues i’ve covered

ultimately has to do

with people having wrong ideas of what

autistic people are like

in real life many people don’t realize


an autistic adult can look like or

behave like

this instead they just stagnate in their


since they perceive autistic people as

something that exists

but is something they’ll never

personally interact with like

antarctica or mars

so now you have a basic idea

of why so many autistic adults are


but you may be thinking what can i do

about it

the vast majority of you are probably

not medical professionals

let alone ones involved in referring or


autistic people so a lot of this

information can be applied to

your life right

nope actually a lot of what i said today

can be condensed into

one sentence and this applies to

autistic people as

a whole are you ready

re-conceptualize how you think about


and autistic people i’m gonna say

it again just to let it squish into your

brains better reconceptualize

how you think about autism and autistic


consider the kinds of assumptions you

may need to stop

making since there’s likely to be a lot

of those

i’d like you to focus on one right now

in your head

and think about how you can work and not

making that single assumption

maybe it’s that we all fit the

stereotypes or that most of us get


heck maybe it’s that people of color

can’t be autistic

sit on that for a little bit

now consider how many people you’ve

interacted with family and friends


and colleagues service staff and clients

as of 2018 1 in 66 children in canada

are identified as autistic

think of how many autistic children and

adults this number

doesn’t include think

of how many autistic people especially

black autistic people

are being called aggressive and

disruptive because

no one knows that they communicate

differently including

themselves think

of how many of us are misunderstood and

are implicitly taught

there is something fundamentally wrong

with us

instead of learning that we are

inherently different but never

ever less thank you for coming to my ted

