Are you ready to get out of the CAVE

i want you to imagine

we are inside a deep cave

prisoners from the day we are born

our bodies cannot move

i cannot see what is happening around

the cave my head

is only looking straight

fixed in one position

facing the wall of the cave

i’m capable to move

i hear only some noises but i cannot

turn behind

gray and black it’s the only colors that


see the people on the back

carrying models of wooden stone

of trees animals people

figures now what you see in front of you

this is a shadow of an eagle

look a shadow of a horse and a shadow of

a cree of a tree

all grey somebody’s coming to get me he

drags me to the exit

and slowly slowly i open my eyes

and i see the true colors i see the true

colors of the sea

the sea is blue the sky is blue

the trees are green and look

there is an eagle flying

you are living in a falsehood you need

to go to the light you need to see the


truth you need to go

out this electronic cave what you see in

front of you

is this real how you will feel if you

are operated by a doctor who is not

really a doctor

how you will feel if you were taught by

professor that this is not really a


and how you will feel if you fly with a

pilot which is not really a pilot

knowledge is power that can help the

people to live a better world

but how we can gain knowledge knowledge

is formulated out of data emotions

and feelings and all of this

is the base of our decisions and

lead us to the wisdom how you will feel

imagine if you have true immutable


information and transparent

are you gonna make the same decisions

no because now you will have the power

did you know in 2018

the u.s department of health and human

services announced

the largest health care fraud involving

600 people among them

165 doctors

and medical professionals for

falls in billing but

also for calling diagnosis of

more than three thousand patients

2013 according to bbc

there were 3 000 certificates sold to uk

buyers and

they were including mscs and phds there

in 2020 pakistan

international airlines granted 150

pilots over the claims that they may not

hold a valid license

every day records are stolen

or lost in this stage

every day 6 million every hour around


000 and every minute around 4

  1. because my background is risk


as you heard from a young age i learned


develop a mindset to always exploit

opportunities and manage threats

i always remember myself having this if

then statement system in my mind if this


what so if you ask me today

what is the best tool of storing

managing data in a chronological order

immutable secure validated

and which is the best tool of fighting

the risk of fraud

mismanagement information but also

exploit opportunities

of collaborating with people it’s called

blockchain so when i used to work in


i used to lead a project for low

probability and high

impact risks for the global supply chain

so this this project

made me to realize and understand how

important is for organization to be


and be proactive and be reactive

so this process gave me the opportunity

to understand the importance of a


of immutable information in case of a


believe me it’s very crucial

earthquake it gave me the opportunity to

see how important

is to be prepared trust your colleagues

suppliers and be in an ecosystem that

can work as a part of

the whole in other words as we greek


viola so

covet made us to rethink the way that

we operate communicate collaborate and

this situation

pushed us more where to our electronic

cave did you feel that

so isn’t it time to get out is any time

to rethink

how we use technologies for improving

what are happiness

the happiness of the whole of the olin

so blockchain is bringing us one step

further where

to the old so what is blockchain

so blockchain is an append database

as my as pro marinos and mr claire’s

just described it

yesterday but for me it’s a magic book

so a type of a distributed ledger which

involves both

independent parties the nodes

is a technology which its architecture

is based on a network on an

internet infrastructure that we allows

all the parties to be involved to


and exchange validated information

so the power is distributed

to the nodes so the power is distributed

to the all long to the whole so

each node holds the exact copy of the


in time so it’s

impossible it is impossible

to remove it from the database

and a hashing function is really really

important that

on that but there is nothing more like a

time stamp you know

have you do you know when i was in

england i used to ask my mother okay i

need to save this document in time and

she said okay just go to the post office

seal it send it with us a national post


just make a picture next to a newspaper

and it is time stamped as well

so this is the timing stamp action for

very fine atheisticity of the document

and actually this is invented back on

the 90 by harper destorneta so it’s

nothing new

so remember blockchain is a change of


each blocks two leads to another

so each block incorporates the hass

impaction two of the previous one

and we can trace back to the first block

which is called

the genesis again i know i’m greek which

is called

it’s the work the greek work which is

symbolize the bed

so documents can be hashed and stored

in the blockchain like this so in

general blockchain is a peer-to-peer

system that makes the use of the proof

of work

in general i know there is other types

when a new transaction is initiated is

communicated to all the nodes

participants in the network

each node collects the data

and solves the proof of work the first

one that is going to solve the proof of


it’s a case communicated to the rest of

the nodes and the rest of the nodes

accepting validating the transaction

and they work on developing the next


in the chain so you may hurt him

satoshi nakamoto is the father

of the blockchain just to let you know


protocols and internet protocols were

invented back in the 60s

so the a decentralized way was already

invented on the city

60 so what satoshi nakamoto did

he work on a cryptographic hash

in a peer-to-peer network for

transmitting the transferring


with trust so some they call it the

trusted layer of the internet

so is this the tool that we will bring

us back the color of the eagle

and the color of the of the sky for many

blockchain is synonymous with bitcoin

but this is the only its first


another application very important that

it is now widely used is called them

smart contracts

itself executed immutable

contracts which do legal documents that

stored in the blockchain

this way will allow untrusted parties to


in a in an agreement so the future

we’re never going to say anymore save it

but we’re going to say block it

so there is definite most around and you

need to use

whatever blockchain platform is better

on the situation that you are in

so what we use in the british university

in dubai

back in 2017 we worked with the

university of nicosia

and we implement one of their solutions

uh for uh for academic certificates

but university nicosia is doing that

from 2014

they’re also accepting bitcoins by then

as a form of payments

and it’s a simple process simplicity is


is just what you see a document a


that is issued by us with digital


with with a blockchain proof and

disseminated to

our students in a form of a pdf

with metadata if somebody wants to

validate this process you need to go

back to our internet web page upload

this pdf

and then voila the validation

but you know what blockchain is not only

that blockchain is an asset

that can open us the opportunity and the

potential of a new model in education

so i imagine a university

the university of holland

university that all internal operations

and administration

process will run with the use

of blockchain a decentralized university

that will have decentralized research

that will have decentralized

programs will have decentralized


a worldwide university that will allow

knowledge to be created

and communicated and to be available

to all because knowledge

its power is power and its belongs

to the all the whispers

of blockchain depending again on its

simplicity on your engagement on the

people engagement

on the government support and we are


we living in dubai which is embedded


in the blockchains in their strategy

from 2016

we are all a part

of something greater

of ourselves we are part of the whole

the older but to live well

we need to function as a part of olon

you know a damage to a cell

can cause a damage to the whole organ so

we have a responsibility

to be true real

and keep the whole system healthy

and knowledge is our weapon plato

taught his students that all of us

want to be a part of something higher

which the world that we see is only a

small part

all of us he said need to crawl out of

the cave

of the darkness and ignore us and walk

into the light

this is the way to happiness for an


and a society
