The future of crypto is in Africa

i’m called michael chiberu nagender

i run multiple it

startup uh tech initiatives

in africa that is uganda mainly that’s

where we started with chip here

nigeria rwanda

and i’m glad to share with you about my


in the different spaces my topic is

the future of the future of crypto

is in africa i want to break it down a


when we talk about crypto

for me i’ve been working for top


in germany deutsche bank lidl

sixth in switzerland also american

corporations when it comes to

big data and

every time i walk through those

organizations i’m just standing amazed

looking at technology looking at what

impact what transformational impact

it does to different organizations um

we have seen different challenges in

different organizations

uh when i’m at deutsche bank it’s partly


other areas i can’t talk much about

in the financial industry where i

entered quite strong in the last few


i’m amazed to see

how technology is transforming

the industry i’m standing amazed

when i’m in africa looking at

the third revolution where we went from


analog to digital i see the potential

of transformation different technologies

we have today at hand

can do when we look at

the fourth industrial revolution

i call it transformation because


sometimes comes with blood and power

change and i like to actually say

transformation the transformational

power we have in

the third and the fourth industrial


amazes me let’s talk a little bit about


in the fourth i’m jumping a bit the

third but the third we have the internet

it’s not more than 100 years old we all

use it

day by day we have

different uh shift from mechanical

basically to electronic digital

especially um we have the innovation of

the internet inventing of the internet

that’s just 1989

2005 and the internet would look very

ugly in the beginning it was just a page

and even updating it

was i don’t want to look back to it i’ve

seen it

as i said in the third industrial


uh we moved from mechanic and analog to


in the fourth transformation uh with


big data ais artificial intelligence

intern of things machine to machine

these are all keywords maybe

not ringing bells immediately but


a covet locked down without your

whatsapp without your youtube

without your netflix and so many other

things that actually

allowed us not to get mad it couldn’t

help us maybe much to not

add kilos i added but

at least you can imagine what it would


without those technologies at hand but

the underlying technology is

powering those and i had the chance and

the luck

to see some of them in different

culprits i’m in

but where are we in africa let’s talk

about africa

today we talk about the global village

it’s not anymore

i’m coming from the mutamba huh i’m just

a ugandan

huh raised here i left actually

after i think 10 i was in germany but

our global village it’s not anymore just

the local village

interconnected but not just that

we have certain cultures we have some

certain understandings which is

different from

maybe other continents not just the

village not just the country

but we’re talking even in bigger

contexts of africa

as a whole so in the digi in our in our

village let me call it there’s some

different understanding

that we have and i want to

jump to now crypto more uh looking at

that time

um while i want you to have that picture

of decentralization you know in the


one by his land everyone knows this is

the owner of the land

the knowledge not in one head it is in

different heads

in the village we don’t raise a child

just by the mother and the father

not in our african context we raise


our children as a village they can walk

to their grandma

they can go to their uncle actually the

children call everyone uncle

and auntie sometimes with our background

with europe we say ah well

it’s a challenge our children think

everyone is anti

but indeed we have that respect it is


and from that context i want to talk

about crypto

crypto has made a lot of changes and it

started all with bitcoin about 12 years


is when it was born and with bitcoin

different looks different comments

different understanding went through

their heads

one was oh it’s all only for criminals

the others did not understand anything

at all

the other one called it a scam the other

one called it

will just a child born will die

it’s now 12 years over 12 years

in the industry and a total game changer

that’s what i want to talk about a total

game changer

only years later we actually learned

what really bitcoin is

in the beginning understanding was not


the underlying technology on bitcoin

which we only understood later is


blockchain is more or less a registry


okay peer-to-peer distributed

cryptographically secured append only

immutable means extremely hard

to change and it can only be updated

when there’s a consensus

what does that mean there’s a lot of


we actually teach every second week i’m

teaching about blockchain cryptocurrency


and staking and i can’t do it all at

once here

but i want to get you interested

blockchain is currently the number one

industry in the whole world

in the whole world i’m a cyber security


but my interest shifted a lot to


it is a combination of different

technologies when

appear to appear machine talking to a


removing middleman distributed all over

you kill one they still find a way to


you can’t stop it at least very hard

when we talk about immutable one time

you’re written in it can be removed

imagine your birth certificate could

move could be changed any other time not

with blockchain

once it’s written it is written i can


update when we talk about consensus

that’s when i

come back to our african village

when the land is transformed to someone

else there’s an agreement

a consensus amongst at least

two people at least but usually

more than that the internet

enables exchange of information

blockchain allows the exchange

of value the internet

i write my wife wherever she is

i update her where i’m going my shopping

list is sent by her when i go shopping

my whatsapp my what my what information

exchange information

but i can’t really before at least

exchange value and

share it like an sms with someone else

that’s what the blockchain enabled

more than that blockchain is a trust


what does that mean i told you once it’s

written it’s written

there’s a consensus you can’t change it

when i write it here in uganda it is

almost automatically written in china

at the same time and that’s why i’m

standing amazed

because i was working for example for

legal in europe at the headquarter

leaders like walmart or shoprite just a

bit bigger than that

and the challenge they had was to write

the store of

all the products in the one

store and have it synchronized to the

headquarter to know what to buy or sell

the next day what is overstock what is

where it’s talked what needs to be done

i mean there’s so many decisions that

have to be done

so they have huge databases by then they

were like the biggest

the biggest uh user of oracle which is a


with blockchain i when i look at the

industry the technology and i see what

blockchain brings

i’m just standing amazing i want you

also to be interested in this

because it’s not just a technology it is


transformational technology if we look

at self-driving cars they have data if

you look at university they have data

everywhere is data

we have to save it somewhere we have to

manage it somewhere

not only that um

in europe they spoke a long time i think

london was one of the countries that

really pushed it

into open banking that means you have

your app here

you make a transaction to someone else

and it just goes nicely through your app

wasn’t possible before because the banks

want the customer data the banks want

all the data and the owner

open bank and say hey guys allow the

fintech guys at least to access data

fintech is financial technology

which my company is in allow them to

access the data so they can do maybe

some more smarter things we need to

transform that area too

while they’re still talking about it


with decentralized finance

brought it already in action you can

basically take your

100 naira 100 ugandan shillings 50


put them on a system and the system will

manage your money automatically can you

imagine that

for me i stand amazed when i look at it

we call it also staking i’m just giving

some keywords taking

a few days ago i bought one of the

um new tokens we call them tokens

not just bitcoin bitcoin it’s a token we

call it cryptocurrency not every token

is a

cryptocurrency so i bought one of the

tokens and i staked it

and it pays me back about yearly returns

about 300

a bank gives you about 0.75 percent

and then you’re still lucky so your

money you put on the bank doesn’t work

for you blockchain

blockchain enable applications do it

lending is one of the technology


finance allows you can basically go on

the system

powered by blockchain and lend money do


do your business you should definitely

also do the payback

so in our work what we have done we

basically train about five

let me see about two thousand years

every year because i believe

that if we don’t take the youth on this


we’re losing out we had

i mean how what called him what

international universities you

started even was an exodus because

they’re learning what they cannot use in

the market

you need to learn what is usable and

important in the market

we company owners ceos etc we know what

we need in the

industry so we train the youth

every year we train over about 2000 news

we have different programs for that as i

mentioned every two weeks

we’re training them on webinars through

the coverage but we’re coming back

to physical very soon we’re building

currently actually

a location for excellence i.t

blockchain cyber security ai

it’s still in the making

why to transform africa

we have to do things different the truth

of yesterday cannot solve the problems

and the challenges of today or tomorrow

so i want to get you interested

to learn about technology but


blockchain cryptocurrency tokens

decentralized finance and much more than


i’m available currently in uganda i’ve

been in nigeria for some time

it’s a building also there when the west

and the east

i’ll be happy to take you on a journey

to understand what

this technology enables you to do

it is transforming every industry

in the world you know a plane is built i

don’t know about how many billion pieces

bill millions maybe not billions by

millions of pieces

they have to be monitored where are they

to be ordered

you put them in a database to make sure

when they arrive there we know they have

arrived there we’re missing this piece

we get the quality is not good here we

record it

etc that’s a supply chain and they’re

becoming more

and more complicated today when you

order on amazon a book it is gonna be


that is printing on demand it is


very highly complex systems behind it

even a machine is there to pick the book

and put it in the box

to ship it to you now we’re buying now

we’re building drones

why are using the roads and traffic and

all that drama

why not use a drone flight over air

deliver straight at your host

house door that is where it is going

but all that smartness data exchange

is utilizing digital money i’m working

with different governments we’re talking

to different ones

to actually look into removing this

this cash we have and put it into

digital rwanda is working on a digital

one and frank

uganda has some pro uh some some


or at least conversations that europe is

bringing out their own

we have created the biggest trading zone

in africa

but how are we enhancing the technology

to allow us to do it

in a transformational way in a way that

africa benefits from it yes i hear it

all the time we are poor we don’t have


we have potential our youth

is our potential our resources

is our potential but we need to do

what it takes to get there

so i always say that if you don’t move

you’ll be moved if you still think

living in a cave is the best you

are missing out so we need to move we

need to change our mindset we need to

accept the changes we need to

do that extra action to actually

be part of it so i want to end here

and i want some ending to amaze you

to make you interested to be

part of this transformational

shift that technology allows

you can open a youtube and learn about


there’s been events here at this very


so this we have such simple access today

to knowledge

i don’t know where we ever had it so i

want to amaze you and get you interested

for it thank you very much