Interact with any device using your mind


this is my cousin sam

sam was born completely paralyzed

he’s unable to speak or controllably


because of severe cerebral palsy

he’s completely dependent on his parents

and caregivers

for everything while being fully lucid

i want you to imagine what it might be


to be completely dependent on others yet

to not be able to express yourself

and to be unable to interact with the

world around you

this is what i was imagining at my first

tedx auckland some years back

under the punchy slogan of make

happen we the audience were asked

to complete a sentence if i ran the


something something when i was done

my answer card read allow

paralyzed children to have equal

opportunity in the world

and the second card underneath said

create technology that allows them

to speak at this point

this was a big dream with absolutely

zero support for execution

luckily just days after that event i

came across a video demonstration of a


that could read the electrical activity

of the brain

and with some training allowed a person

to move a box on the screen

using their brain activity now it seemed

like there could be a way to get to that


the initial idea went something like


you take that device or similar


to then bypass the limitations of

physical disability

and directly access what’s in the

person’s mind

so they can control a computer and


plus there was a bonus and this might


some of you everybody has a brain

so if this worked for someone like my

cousin sam

then anybody could also communicate

and interact using their mind

in academia and research this is called

brain computer interfacing

and outside of those more recently it’s

also been referred to as brain sensing


here is a very quick overview the basic

premise is to

observe the activity of the brain and

then interpret it

into control commands or other inputs

for computer systems

these observations can be done either


by surgically inserting electrodes into

the brain to detect the electrical

activity of neurons the brain cells

or non-invasively using different brain

imaging and monitoring techniques

for example functional mri that uses

huge magnets

in room-sized machines to look at

changes in

blood flow that are associated with

brain activity

or electro-interferography eeg that

looks at the electrical activity of the

brain using an array

of sensors that is placed on the outside

of the scalp

to me this seemed like an easier option

comparing to brain surgery or

multi-million dollar mri scanners

especially if we could get a less



fast forward a couple of years and i and

several people much smarter than me

started a company called thoughtwired

at thoughtwired we use this kind of

technology to create a non-invasive

commercially available brain computer

interface for everyone

the ultimate goal is to have an

interface that will enable

anyone to intuitively interact with any


using their mind

last august years of our research and


culminated in launching our first

product now’s blink

now’s blink is a wearable that

translates eye movement signals

into actions while sensing brain


a combination of an advanced biosensor

and our unique machine learning


allows anyone to control a computer by

blinking their eyes

with it people like sam can type out

text browse the internet

operate smart home devices basically do

anything that can be done

with a click of a button

one of these people is daniel a vibrant

creative 27 year old

danielle just like sam lives with severe

cerebral palsy

before now’s blank she could only

communicate yes by looking up

and no by looking down she had tried a

number of

different types of assistive access and

communication technologies but none

worked for her needs during development

of naos we spent

a year co-designing the system with


and her support network this process

ensured that what we were building

suited her needs and the needs of those

with similar conditions

now danielle uses now on almost daily

basis to play games

communicate complete puzzles create


even take sneaky photos of her dad and

friends while they’re snoozing

it is the first time she’s been able to

independently communicate

in her life those of you

paying attention now may be asking

you are building a brain interface why

does your first product work using eye


the answer is electricity and


our bodies produce different kinds of

electrical activity

there’s brain activity muscle

activations even eye movements have

their own signals

and all of these can be detected using


let me demonstrate

excellent i did bring my brain perfect

the headband that i’m wearing is

actually a biosensor

it is manufactured by our partner and it

is the part of

the now system on the screen

you can see the signals the sensor is

picking up

from my forehead it is the combination

of my brain activity

eye movements and muscle activations

this bar chart is the breakdown of that

activity into frequency bands

and each band correlates to certain

types of brain activity and states

and we’ll come back to that in a little

bit and if you look at the line graph

you will see spikes there you go

like that that is me blinking my eyes

during our work on translating brain

activity into computer controls

we also created technology that can

detect these eiplinks

and more importantly differentiate

between the

natural automatic blinks and the

intentional purposeful ones

we take the signal data and transform it

into commands for controlling computers

this blink detection capability was

ready to be shipped before anything else

that we’ve built and so

we put it to use for people like


meaningful outcomes for users are far

more important than how capable or cool

your technology is

now’s blink systems have already been

deployed in eight countries around the


with individuals like danielle and

organizations that work with people with


and as we speak finally my cousin sam

and his parents are learning how to use

their own

nail splint system

but now’s blink is just the first step

connecting the brain and computers is a

very hard problem

you need large amounts of dynamic brain


captured outside of controlled

environments like research labs

so everything that our team is learning

and the signal data that

our technology is accumulating from

now’s blink users

is feeding into our ongoing development

process of that ultimate brain interface

as we work towards that vision we are

guided by the principle that if you

start designing with people who

have very specific urgent needs

then you are likely to solve problems

for much larger populations

in the long run some of the technologies

and products

that are used by billions today

were originally designed to address very

specific challenges

the typewriter was initially used by

people who were blind to write letters

and alexander graham bell developed the

telephone to help his work

supporting people who were deaf

when we empathize with others we create

things that otherwise we might have

never created ourselves we see past the

specifics of what we know

to create experiences that can actually

be universal

by following this process we created a

solution that is already changing

people’s lives and obviously we’re not

done there are thousands of people like

sam and danielle who need

our system so our immediate focus is to

make sure it gets out to them

but at the same time we’re already

thinking how we can help

even larger populations of people we’re

considering a number of applications

in areas like cognitive assessments

therapy and sleep

cognitive assessments rely on ability to


which people who need those assessments

often lag due to trauma or disability

today mental health professionals rely

on subjective surveys

and observations to assess whether their

interventions are working

these methods are notoriously biased


and inaccurate and in sleep health

people with

chronic disorders have to go to sleep

labs to be wired up to uncomfortable


to be diagnosed and treated

with the type of wearable sensors and

machine learning algorithms that we use

it is possible to observe levels of


stress cognitive load and many others

we can do that by analyzing the

composition of brain signals

those different frequency bands that i

showed earlier

and we already have the technological

foundation to do that

by building on it will be able to

provide accurate measures of

emotional state and cognitive function

real-time feedback on interventions

and progress to recovery or improvement

i’m especially excited by the

combination of the work that we’ve

already completed with these new

directions it will unlock access to

treatments and services for people with

severe disabilities who struggle to


among all of the other users this talk

started with

imagining and dreaming so let’s wrap it

up in a similar way

imagine having your smart device tell

you hey you seem to be

quite stressed and your attention isn’t

so great at the moment

so maybe let’s take a break go for a

walk and then you can come back to this

important piece of work that you need to

finish we can do this by analyzing those

same kinds of brain data

that we have to analyze for therapeutic

outcomes we will be able to

anticipate and predict user’s mental

states similarly to how google maps at

the moment suggests

different destinations based on your


then there are specific responses in the

brain that we observe

or experience for example it’s been

demonstrated that

detected can be distinct signals in

brain why error

is observed most of you just produced

those signals

while i did my best to keep the sentence

distorted for you

basically our brains spot errors in

language within milliseconds of


you could see how plugging this into a

this detection

into a smart device could eliminate the

need to

ever press backspace again

from there we enter the territory of


researchers around the world have been

achieving incredible results

extracting speech and images from brain


letting people control exoskeletons and

robotic prosthetics

using their mind even proving that

technological telepathy

brain-to-brain communication is possible

these examples are strictly lab results

in most cases achieved with surgically

implanted electrodes

this means that unfortunately none of us

are going to be getting a

mind controlled exoskeleton for this

christmas or that we’ll be

telling campfire stories telepathically

during the holidays

but it gives us a glimpse of

scientifically proven

possibility and it is our job to now

turn these possibilities

into reality we have a working platform

to get us there

and key principles to guide us remember

to start with practicality before

coolness of technology

think of the non-average users because

the average

doesn’t exist and design with people

and not four people

imagine a future where technology


and anticipates your needs and helps you


healthier more fulfilling life

imagine a world that is universally


to everyone at the speed of thought

this is the world that i and our team

are building and we want to empower not

just people like my cousin sam

or even me and you but everyone

to live healthier happier lives full of

independence possibility and superpowers

thank you