Rewiring your brain into greatness



when they talk about their success is

their mindset they will always say that

it is because of their mindset that they

were able to achieve a lot

now the irony is that even after human

beings millions of years of existence on

this planet there are no set of rules

that are available

you know how you can train your brain

how you can train your mind to achieve

the best out of your brain

think about this

otherwise why does it happen that there

are so many talented people on this

planet so many you know skilled people

on this planet who are not able to

achieve a lot

and the biggest reason for that is

there’s no set of skills there’s no set

of rules that are available

how you can get the best productivity

out of your brain

my name is oliver nagar

there was a point in time in my life in


i used to earn

500 rupees per month for more than four

years and then

i changed my business model i changed

the things that i was doing and in the

last four and a half years

my companies have went on to generate a

revenue of over 21 credits of my own


over there i also realized that there

are so many people who are just like me

you know who want to do more achieve

more but they have no set path available

for them and i started with my own

southern bank university which is the

internet marketing university online and

over there they have been more than

1000 plus students or you can say

individuals and business owners to whom

i’ve mentored to achieve more than six

seven eight and nine figures revenue

online and in this talk of mine i’m

going to give you the strategies how you

can unlock the greatest potential that

can be unlocked with your brain

now before we come to the solution let’s

talk about the problem first because

before we actually know the solution

it’s so very important for us to

actually identify the problem because

until unless we know the problem how can

we come to the solution

so there are two biggest blockages there

are two biggest problems that your mind

faces when it comes to you know

performing in the best possible way

number one survival over winning

now to explain this thing to you let me

take the help of

charles darwin

his theory of natural selection


human beings they were not fully placed

into this planet it is said that you

know we have our roots going back to the


now think about it human beings were

supposed to be these newly formed human

beings when they came onto this planet

they were the weakest creatures out of

so many wild predictors that were there

on this planet

now just for the survival just for the

survival the biggest ability of these

human beings was that how how they can

avoid a lot of risk and how they can

avoid a lot of loss because these human

beings these newly placed human beings

had so very little in terms of food in

terms of shelter

in such india so ultimately they will

they will have no chance of survival no

chance of surviving think about it so

ultimately the ones who were good at it

in terms of taking less number of risk

in terms of avoiding the loss at any

cost were the ones who actually survived

and that’s exactly how we have evolved

as human beings so the ones so you know

those kind of genes have actually went

ahead and you know come inside a body

come inside as a human nature think

about it

that’s problem number one so basically

what happens is as a human being when it

comes to achieving more see achieving

more it’s it’s all a game of high-risk

high reward so when it comes to

achieving more we need to take more risk

and when it comes to taking more risk

our human brain it tells us to actually

you know step back to actually avoid all

the risk probabilities avoid all the

lost probabilities and that’s when we

take a back seat that’s problem number


problem number two

i will come to the solution in a moment

problem number two

the happy chemicals that are there

inside your brain we call it dopamine

it’s there inside your brain it’s there

inside every single brain

the dopamine is something that gets

relieved inside your body every single

time whenever you feel happy whenever

you feel satisfied so every time you

feel happy and satisfied your brain it

releases these chemicals inside your

brain and that is called dopamine

now think about it

right now

there’s so many things

that can help you achieve that dopamine

hit inside your brain

you can go ahead and watch the movies on

netflix you can go ahead and

play a lot of video games you can go

ahead play a lot of virtual reality

gaming there’s so many things that are

happening right now

think about it think about the

competition that you have when it comes

to the long term growth when it comes to

the long term achieving

in order to do that you have to do a lot

of work think about it you have to send

out a lot of cold emails you have to do

a lot of cold calling you have to do one

more sales call you have to do one more

presentation and there’s so much of work

against that in competition what you

have is you have this dopamine hit in

which you are playing let’s suppose a

video game think about a person who’s

playing a video game and he’s going

ahead and you know uh killing thousands

of terrorists thousands of pilots

just in a moment and think about the

kind of dopamine release and the

dopamine hit that he’s getting inside

his brain

there’s no competition in terms of

satisfaction that you are getting in

terms of putting in the hard work which

is good actually good for your long-term

growth versus doing the random

looking again your mind is dumb you need


and that’s the number one reason why

you keep on checking your mobile phones

for those notifications facebook likes

facebook comments because you get those

dopamine hits

that’s problem number two

now to overcome these two problems now

when we have identified these problems

now and to overcome these two problems

we will create a set of new belief


and after that i’m going to give you my

set of habits that’s going to help you

in forming new habits and ultimately

achieving the best out of your brain

belief system number one

david goggins

who is a very famous navy seal officer

and is supposed to be is called the

toughest person on the planet the kind

of things that he’s done

he has this rule

that he calls as forty percent rule and

by this forty percent rule what he says

is that

your body is

asks you to stop

every time

you feel tired every time you feel done

every time you feel exhausted but

actually whenever your mind tells you to

stop you are actually just at 40

potential which means

more 60 percent that you can go ahead

and achieve licking again since your

mind is trained to achieve you at every


chance in which you know your your body

can be at risk

your body sends you these signals but

actually you are at 40 percent at that

level you can actually go ahead and do

more if you have done let’s say 20

push-ups you can do 25 if you have done

your work then let’s say x amount of

time you can do actually more like it

again your body says

but again you can actually do more

that’s 40 percent do so keep this thing

in your mind rule number one keep this

thing in your mind when your body says

when your mind says

rule number one

rule number two dopamine how do we

overcome the dopamine

there’s so much of challenge how to

overcome something that’s giving you so

much of happiness so much of

satisfaction you have to create a new

set of reward system for your brain

only then you can overcome that think

about it

if you can create a new reward system

for the work that you are doing for the

long term work that you are doing

maybe maybe give yourself some brownie

points let’s suppose you like eating ice

cream let’s suppose you like you know

like eating brownies

can you do something like this that only

and only when after you have ticked off

all your work for the day after you have

ticked off all the checklist for the day

only then you are going to reward

yourself with those brownies with those

ice cream with those points with those

rewards that you have set for yourself

there has to be something for your brain

to look up to to feel satisfied to feel

happy there has to be a reward system it

can be anything but there has to be a

reward system that will help you in your

brain in again you know in tricking your

brain into feeling that level of

happiness that’s belief number two

now with the help of these two belief

systems and with this set of

habits that i’m going to share with you

we can actually try and do some damage

in terms of achieving more potential

let’s talk about the habit because see

after you have built your belief system

after you have built your belief system

with these two habits it’s actually your

daily routine it’s actually your daily

set of habits that’s gonna define you

and that’s something which is so very

important to form in the right way

because ultimately human beings are made

out of their habits

let’s talk about the habits

number one number one your why

any human being

whenever he or she tries to do something

there is a reason behind that there is a

why behind that why he or she starts to

do something let’s suppose you start

going to a gym or when somebody starts

going to a gym it’s not because they

want to get fit majority of them

something happens something triggers

something like you know they they were

ridiculed at a party they were laughed

off in front of their girl they went to


bathroom and have had a look at them

from the side view and they saw that

tummy coming out something like that

something triggered but then what

happens after that motivation gets over

after that why fades away after some

time you stop doing that activity for

example going to the gym so that why of

yours is something that’s so very

critical for your achievement of things

and it has to stay in front of you all

the time you need to figure out a way in

which that why of yours is always

present in front of you so that it keeps

pushing you for the work that you are


and you keep

going for that

that’s habit number one


when i am in my work zone

there are no phone calls no chit chat no


nothing at all no whatsapp nothing

nothing my phone is in the airplane mode

and i’m only and only working

again nobody can disturb me in my work



it’s like zero distraction 100 focus and

that’s how i’m able to do more

unlike so many other people that’s habit

number two habit number three

the way you do one thing is the way you

do everything there was a point in time

i was actually invited for the college

workshop and uh i had to take a facebook

ads presentation over there it was like

five to six years ago and over there i

was i was assuming that there would be

hundreds thousands of people who will be

sitting over there but it was optional

workshop and what i saw was there was

just one student sitting over there the

one who was organizing the event

now again

see i had a choice

i had a choice he had i can keep it as

an excuse

nobody’s there i can just take a very

random workshop quickly and just move

out of it or

i can do something

and i can still

give my best so here’s what i did i did

a fully packed power packed four and a

half hour presentation

and gave my best gave me gave my all

ultimately ultimately the way you do one

thing is the way you do everything and

let’s suppose you are given a target of

let’s say 20 push-ups and if you have

into a habit of let’s say giving up

right over there you’re going to give up

at every single place in your life and

if you don’t give up at any place you

will give you will not give up in your

work in your life at any single place

and the same thing is right over there

the reason that i gave that presentation

in front of one person is exactly the

reason you know i have been able to give

my talks in front of hundreds and

thousands of people and today i’m giving

this tedx talk because i’ve always taken

my work at that serious level of

commitment and that’s how i go about it

habit number four showing up and being

accountable for your work

but somehow what happened uh the flight

returned back from goa there was some

technical issue and we landed back in

mumbai at 7 25 pm again

i had

a valid reason to say

because of this xyz reason

at 7 25 pm the moment we landed i

contacted the air staff i told them that

just take care of my luggage of course i

knew they are gonna figure out a way to

make it reach to me right

and i rushed off the airplane i rushed

off the security line broke all the

rules over there and straight away went

to the first cafe that i saw inside the

airport and took my presentation again

it you can do something like this in

which you can say that okay you know

what i have a very simple excuse for not

doing something and you can say that i’m

not going to do it but again you have to

be accountable for the things that you

have if

things that you have planned if things

are there on my to-do list for today

they are supposed to happen we don’t

sleep with a no

next habit

change and uncertainty

we were doing the work back in their

doomhammer coupon silicon business that

i told you in which i was earning 500

rupees per month

after that after working over there for

four four and a half years

i started getting some good


i i could have done you know more things

over there but then by then i had

figured out

the bigger outcome the bigger potential

is there in the online world and i made

a switch from the offline business to

the online business after working over

there for four and a half years the

biggest lie that you can tell to

yourself the biggest

problem that people have a lot of people

have is when they say something like

this that we have always done it this

way and when you say something like this

to yourself

you’re doing yourself a massive disfavor

because things are changing all the time

things they keep on changing today the

things that you’re seeing did not even

exist a few years ago and you have to

consistently adopt

now before i end my talk

i want to share with you a very

beautiful mind hack a very beautiful

life hack that i implemented in my life

and the same thing i would say for you

to implement so basically

it was around six years ago when i

imagined myself that who do i want to

become let’s suppose in 10 years later

time and the person whom i imagine think

about it i’m imagining

how the naga will be after 10 years and

i imagine that house this uh this

version of naga is going to talk how

this voice is going to react to the

situation how this voice is going to


and from that day onwards from that six

years earlier version myself i started

reacting the same way i started walking

and talking in the same way although at

that particular point of time i did not

have the results

all my clothes associates were able to

see that change in myself in my

personality in the way i talked in the

way i reacted in the way i did things

and that has actually made me become

what i am today


and then on top of it create a set of

habits for yourself that’s gonna take

you to the next level and honestly

from earning 500 rupees per month for

four years to this journey of mine

exactly economically

and this is the same thing that i’m

asking you to do

and honestly if i was able to do all

these things and was able to become what

i have done because of these things if i

can do it you can do it
