The universe inside your mind. Your limits arent mine


good evening everyone

such a pleasure to be here and to see

all your faces under those masks

i know we wish could be different but

let’s make the best of it

um as we have seen um today i’m gonna be

talking about the universes of your mind

and how do i think that your limits are

not the same as mine

we start i have to make uh two


first of all i’m a theater fan and

because i’m a theater fan

i will be developing in different acts

so i will try to make an act one act two

i will try to reach a climax and then i

will try to reach a following action

therefore what i’m going to be making is

i’m gonna be making a bit more

interactive and hopefully along the way

you will be able to make connections

about what i have been doing

and how and what which type of meaning

or significance i want to express

a second clarification is that i’m not

like a rule or any type of wise person

with the knowledge of showing you

different type of things

or learnings or lessons about all type

of psychological things

so that’s why i’m not aiming for you to

like literally change

your life when you walk out of here

today but i just want you to

at some point take my personal

experience just build it up

and hopefully you will be able to learn


as my act one i will just say this

a good place to look for wisdom is where

you least expect it to find

in the mind of your opponents you can

see your higher capacities

do you understand what i mean with this


no let’s do something let’s keep just

doubting the earth

and let’s continue and move on

now i just want to say something to open


your brain is extremely extraordinary

and now you wonder why well

do you know what these two like pretty

pictures here i haven’t seen one

or have in common well

actually one is a photo of the galaxy

and the other one is a photo of your

princess it’s really cool well

well what i think about this and

something i found out

is that there’s something known as the

neural forest

the new forest consists on all the

connections that your neuron makes

and because of all these connections

you’re able

to remember all different things maybe

for 20 years

you haven’t been able to i don’t know

sing a song

remember a specific event or just being


to i don’t know smile because of a

simple aspect or i don’t know something

about your life

but that’s why the mind is so incredible

that at some point somebody will shut up

and say hey do you remember when we did


you’ll be like oh my god that’s true i

remember that

so that’s why today um

i just want to tell you something that

the mind

a lot of scientists are trying to

explain how much

storage like if we are type of like

laptop or something

we have inside of our brains even though

it’s unknown

they say we have around uh one million


and now you’re thinking well chris can

you like start talking a bit more of


come back to english because this is a

bit complex

well let’s assume you have a video

recorder and let’s assume because i

don’t know who has a video recorder


um because of netflix and disney posts

and whatsoever but let’s assume you have


okay so you turn it on and you wanna

record it

24 hours for seven days a week

for literally 12 months and then

you’re going to do that same action for

300 years

that’s how much it will take you to fill

a million gigabytes of storage

and now it’s still like what does still

mean or what

i’m referring to this specific thing


um in 1 million gigabytes

you can have around 2

592 hours of content like

that’s the amount of like hours of video

you will have

well um let’s say you like um game of


well game of thrones from season 1 to

season 8 has

72 hours of content well

i mean it might be cool and it might be

enjoyable to watch game of thrones from

start to the end in marathons and


but now let’s put it like this what if i

tell you that with the capacity of


or the capacity of your mind i just

talked about you can watch

game of thrones from season 1 to season


36 000 times and you will still have


in the back of your mind to be able to

keep watching more

and more and more

well now you’re thinking am i in a brain

101 with christian

and like i’m here to talk about the

brain and

neuroscience and whatsoever and the

answer is no i’m not here for that

um but in conclusion about what i just

thought about the brain and scientifical


your brain is amazing and that’s what

makes us human

that’s an amazing gadget and tool that

it will be a bit of a shame if we don’t

take advantage of it

now there’s something i don’t


agree with with either how we’re


or either how we are expected to act

in different type of either academics or

social interactions

um just open up with something

the fact that uh we can only use the ten


of our mind it’s a myth it’s not true

and you actually use ten percent of your

mind only

and even when you’re dreaming like when

you’re asleep you’re already using that

ten percent just imagine what you’re

right away

so now i just want to make this small


um to all to all people who are here

please can you raise your hand if you


ever felt that you have been close or

you have met someone who is at least

a little bit smarter than you um me


i’ve met a lot of people and

i mean that’s really cool like being

able you know to meet someone who has a

higher capacity or

intellect in some sort of irs but that

doesn’t necessarily mean

that the person is smarting you in all


there are ways in which you can actually

prove yourself improve others

even though it’s not necessarily that

high value you house a person

now um let’s reach

what i call the climax and it’s time for

a story time

um and let’s go a bit deeper and

personal in this part of the story

so at some point of my life

i start thinking that my brain has the

only capacity

of having perhaps 200 gigawatts of


i closed my mind in saying well i cannot

learn more than here

i already been studying five hours i’ve

been already gone through half of the


and that’s it that’s my limit i will not

be able to go beyond

and i start thinking a lot of things and


highly affected my self-esteem in such a


i one morning woke up and said myself

why did my national committee send me


um like it could have been

any other guatemalan uh from my


who could have been he sent here and

said hey um

maybe that person will be doing

something better than what you’re doing


and then uh during the last summer break

i started thinking that all these type

of things and and just have a big moment

of realization

and thought wow the fact that i’m not


to do this doesn’t mean that i cannot

shine and be as good as i can be in

other areas of my life

perhaps for me one of the things i’m

able to do is

in here standing up and talking to you

but perhaps for somebody else

is doing an amazing drawing for somebody

else is writing an amazing poem

or for somebody else it’s just

expressing yourself and being

who you are

this moment of realization hit me so


that i just start thinking wow

i can actually make a change even though

i don’t score

the highest um scores perhaps in math or


maybe that’s not the point that i’m here

or i was made for

i’m not saying i’m giving up but i’m


that even though here i’m not in my

highest point

that doesn’t mean that tomorrow i cannot

make a change it doesn’t have to be a

big change but perhaps as long as i

change those people who are around me

and i can do it in a positive way i

think it makes a really good sense for

us to try

do other solutions what i can tell you

about this

perhaps just stop a moment

and say well why if i stop judging

myself so hard

why is if like i don’t know the person i

see my i see through the to the mirror

and i said well

boy girl or i don’t know um

non-binary person um i do believe

that you have something special in you


um we most have to learn to appreciate

our brains

because as i told you it’s an amazing


now how this all what i’m talking about

is actually related to the opening quote


you heard about it and you actually

thought about it just a little bit

and what i want to say right now is that

even though sometimes

we are in front of those who are

actually and

even demonstrate that they can be smart

in solaria

rather than feeling oh my god um they

are my opponents there are my enemies i

should beat them

uh and actually quoting what puna said

i do think that like together

we’re stronger and you and so that’s why

i think that even though there are so

many factors so that has to come into


we are still a beautiful person who has

so much capacity to do so many things

as the last thing from my side this is

something we have enjoyed today

but if you can tell your story then you

will heal yourself

but at the same time you will help other

people to do the same

this has a coba and drab cannon that i

read and

it’s one of the things that inspired me

to stand up here in front

and just share a personal story about

how i overcome

something and hopefully we’ll keep

growing because this is still not the

end for me

so thanks for coming to my channel