Unleashing the Super Learner in you

billionaire investor warren buffet

spends 80 percent of his day reading

books even at an age of 90.

elon musk attributes his success to

daily habit of reading books

the average number of books read by a

ceo in an year

is around 50. now you must be wondering

you know why i am telling you all these


well this is the information age wherein

we are living

and this is the age wherein not your it

is not your muscle power

but your mind power that matters it is

not your brute strength but your brain

strength which matters

right and i’ve even heard that the

better you learn in this information age

the better you earn and i’m not talking

about earning only financially

but then the holistic person the

successful person you become

when you hone your ability of learning


now we are talking about success here

right now success is a tricky thing

and it does not comes from luck or fade

or magic

but the good thing about success is that

it leaves clues

it definitely leaves clues and if you

can model those strategies and traits of

the successful people

and work towards them by taking a big

action of massive action

no one can stop you from becoming

successful and this is not

my personal concept or my personal

theory in fact tony robbins has been

doing this

for years now right he has been coaching

and teaching

only this particular stuff for years now

let me talk more about these successful

people whom you can see on the screen

and if i ask you to identify some common

traits amongst them

which makes them successful what would

they be

now i i am sure you you must agree with

me here

i’m sure that you know they are

celebrities they are billionaires

they are world leaders right they are

passionate they are they are committed

to to whatever they are doing

but you know there is one common trait

amongst all of these

successful people which is the most


and that is that they are lifelong


now this is exactly the point i want to

make and lay stress upon

we need to hone the mindset of being a

lifelong learners

you know the strategies and techniques

comes later in the picture but then

before that

if we have that mindset clarity of this

being a

lifelong learners that will actually

help us a lot

you know what’s happening currently in

current state of affairs most of us have

this attitude

that you know i have graduated from the

college and i’m i’m having this

comfortable job

and i’m settled now now just pay

attention to this word guys settled

you know many a times we use this word

the settled right settle thing

now if whenever you say this particular

word settled

you send a message to your subconscious

mind that you know there’s no need to

learn more

and i’m okay where am i um i am right


in class seventh or eight you must have

learned about a concept called


wherein the mud settles down in the

water and once it settles down it stays


and does not rises the point i want to

make here ladies and gentlemen is if you

choose to settle

you cease to grow if you choose to

settle you cease

to grow you know what even employers


prefer to hire individuals who have this

mindset of continuous learning

whether that is you know these hard

skills of ai machine learning blockchain

etc or whether they are soft skills like

communication collaboration team


you know although all these skills the


smart is what these organizations are

looking for the new smart we must have

heard about the new normal in recent six

months eight months but then this is the

new smart what

organizations are looking for in in the

times today

so let’s debunk this myth about this my

bad mindset of you know settling into a


and staying there forever and let us

embrace this new reality by developing

a mindset of being a lifelong learner

guys my name is pomik and today in this

talk i will be talking about my favorite

and time proven strategies which can

help you to become an effective and a

smart learner

you know we are surrounded by smart

devices like smartphones smart tv smart

watches and even now smart houses right

but then have you ever thought that how

brain smart

are we have you ever thought of that or

how we can become

smart learners right well if i have to

name one skill

one skill that can make you help you


brain smart and have no limitations in

saying that

it would be learning how to learn that

is the one skill you need to master

which is learning how to learn and i

personally i

personally feel that this is the most

important skill

of the 21st century guys over here right

now let me tell you to do an exercise

with me okay

uh i would like you to bring out two

fingers here

like this right put them on your head uh

yes just follow me and just put them on

your head put them on your forehead

put them on your eyes put them on your


on your nose on your chin

guys chin or cheek

this is cheek my dear friends right now

this is what

the basic learning the basic component

of learning is right that is

attention in other words we also say it


say to be you know concentration as well

now we all

know that you know we need to

concentrate to to

to learn the information which is which

is in our hands right and since of a

childhood right

all the elders whether it is our parents

our teachers

all the elders they have been telling us

only one thing and they have been

telling us to

concentrate to focus to pay attention

but unfortunately

no one has actually told us how to do


you know how to concentrate well if i

tell you to go and play to go and swim

to go and ride a bicycle you exactly

know what to do you know

why because you have that mental image

in place when i

when i ask you to do those specific

things right but then when i ask you to

do concentrate

when i ask you to concentrate on your

studies there’s no image which is

getting there

right and that is why we don’t know the

meaning of concentration

what what in this world is concentration

right so here

i will be unfolding the definition of

concentration to you right

now tell me tell me a movie which you

saw uh before the kobe that is you know

eight good eight nine months back in the

in the cinema hall what was that movie

and if i ask you about that movie i am

sure that

70 to 80 percent you guys would be able


you know tell me the entire story the

entire screenplay the dialogues

songs etc 70 to 80 you will be able to


now tell me did you did you concentrate

while watching the movie

did you apply these blinkers like this

to to watch that particular movie

right or did you revise those movies

that that particular movie you know n

number of times

i don’t think so right you tend to

remember that movie

because you enjoyed that movie right and

similarly if

if you like a particular subject for

example you like science right

and the science teacher teacher enters

and the next next lecture is of science

uh of course the the teacher enters

your body language is like this wow the

next 40 minutes would be awesome

i would be enjoying these next 40

minutes and you know what

those next 40 minutes just run

and you you feel like a jiffy they just

run in a jiffy

and the most important point is that

whatever the teacher has taught in the


you are able to absorb it absorb it as

well at the same time

but then imagine likewise if you do not

like suppose say history

right and history teacher enters the

class uh now your body language is like

oh my god

again next 40 minutes how will i be able

to you know cope up with this 40 minutes

and next 40 minutes become really

horrible for you

right so this is this is what what

actually happens right

concentration is actually the state of


wherein you can tap into the tap into

the unlimited potential of your mind and


it to learn something new well all

learning i would say all learning is

state dependent

you know whenever uh and your state of

mind is has

actually the direct or direct impact on

how better you can learn

and hence in whatever subject you get


the concentration flows automatically

you know wherever your interest goes the

concentration flows this is this is a

million dollar fact guys

that our mind tends to concentrate


automatically on the subjects of its


now this is the new definition of

concentration which i just told you that

it is

it is related to the state of mind it is

a state of mind and it is

not a verb now in my talk i will be

sharing two secrets of concentration as

to if you can apply those secrets

to any subject to any information you

want to learn you will be able to learn


quite fast and in a smart way so let’s


and hear about those two secrets of


now when we understand that our for our


interest is an important ingredient

right it is the basic ingredient

and we understand that and if we you

know try to understand what all

are those things wherein our mind gets


automatically it will be a big win for

us right

now let’s try and understand how many of

you remember

the stories from the childhood which are

there on the screen for example this

daughters and hair story the greedy dog

the thirsty crow

how many of you remember these stories

and i’m sure that you know i would be

seeing a 100 show of hands over here

that you know

yes i remember i remember i remember now

if i

ask you how many of you remember the

integration and differentiation formulas

how many of you remember the

trigonometric formulas

you know based on my experience of what

i have been taking the sessions on

probably 20 to 30 percent of the

audience say

yes i do remember them but you know uh a


bit hazy and you know and even even

though those 20

are those who are still using those

particular formulas in their day-to-day


now the question here is a very

important question here is that

these stories were taught to you when

you were in kindergarten

right and these stigmatic formulas these

this integration differentiation were

taught to you much later

ideally you would you should be able to

remember the trigonometric formulas much

more robustly

than these kindergarten stories but it

is exactly the opposite

you know why because the way the stories

were taught to you

you know they were colorful images they

were colorful images they were animation

they were

they were emotions related and there

were some bizarre things happening you


animals talking to each other where in

world that happens right animal talking

to each other

so the the way that information was told

to you

was really unique right and that is


you got to learn you you actually got to

learn them and remember them so

beautifully that you still remember them

and you know unfortunately what happened

as we progressed

uh through time and you you know we

actually jumped onto bigger classes

these images

and movies were replaced by the text

which was boring

which was exactly boring and hence the

problem started because of our mind

our mind understands better comprehends


in form of images information in form of

images and movies

rather than text and this is a really

really good point

a very important and a vital point now

if we understand how our brain

works and if we can follow the same

strategy for learning

it will definitely help us right and as

i just told you that our mind our brain


images and movies better than decks let

us try this

this small experiment if you can just

close your eyes for three seconds right

just for three seconds and think about

an elephant

okay now open your eyes and and let me

know or you know or tell yourself what

did you see

did you see an image of an elephant or

did you see the spellings

spelled out of an elephant

e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t what did you see

i’m i’m pretty much sure that you know

100 of you guys would be

would would have seen the the image of

an elephant and not e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t

so if these images you know these sounds

these movies these emotions are so


why don’t we add these these images and

movies back to our curriculum

and make them interesting and once it

becomes interesting

the concentration will flow

automatically into

your learning process right even in the

subjects you seem to be

you you you know you don’t have interest

and you say no it is boring

even in those subjects you will be able

to learn better and smartly

right and this process of adding the

images sounds

emotions and you know these bizarre

bizarre things is called

visualization right and that actually

takes me to the secret number one

which says visualize any information by

adding these modalities by any of these

modalities not not necessarily all the

modalities and make it interesting

you know once you make it interesting

the concentration will flow

automatically it will actually flow

automatically over here right

so this was this was the secret number

one which i wanted to share

now coming to secret number two now

imagine there’s a nice afternoon here

right and you are alone at the home

and dope bell rings you see through the

window or the door hole

there is a stranger out there now tell

me will you let him in

absolutely not right but imagine at the

same time your dad calls you up and says

that there will be a person named so and

so will come to the house and he

would be dressed up in a particular

manner manner so

give him those papers which are there on

the table and let him in as well

now tell me will you let that stranger


definitely you will let him in right now

the point here i want to make is that


happens with our brain when we try to

learn a new concept or a new information

you know whenever our whenever we try to

learn the new information over here

a new information tries to enter our

brain our brain resists it

it says no i don’t know you you are a

totally unknown thing

a totally unknown information stranger

information to me

i will not allow you now here if we can

somehow if we can somehow

relate associate this particular unknown


to something which is known already in

our brain

it will be a win for us you know if you

associate this particular unknown

information to something which is

already known in your brain

the information will be yours forever

now this brings me to the secret number

two which says

associate associate any new information

which you want to learn

to already known information already

known and existing information in your


and it will be yours forever now now

when we have learned

learn these two secrets you know

learning without application

is like you know nothing so let us apply

these secrets right and this is what i

have been doing for

for many years now you know uh one of

the area where

students really struggle is is the

english vocabulary right they want to

improve their english whether it is

spoken written

uh or you know the listing skills of


one thing is common to all and that is a

good vocabulary right

so let’s let’s apply these two secrets

to see

how you can enhance your vocabulary for

example you have to learn this word


okay now now understand i’ll be applying

those two secrets the second one first

mitigate is a new word to me mitigate is

definitely a new word to me i don’t know

it’s meaning there’s no image being

formed when i

listen to this word mitigate right now

what i’m doing i’ll be doing is

let us break the word mitigate let us

break the word mitigate into mitigate


mitigate now mitigate is something which

is there already known in my brain right

there is an image there is an image

there is a there is a movie

or or image over here of mitigate right

now mitigate you have linked it to what

mitika gate now we will be visualizing


just close your eyes for for takes 30

seconds and imagine that you are sitting

on a mid

you are sitting on a sand beach and you

are building a mythical gate you know

the sand castles you are you are

building a mythical gate

and your friend is coming and pouring

water onto it and you are scolding your

friend that

don’t do that otherwise mitti the the

strength of the mittika gate will go

down will listen right now you can open

your eyes and you must have seen this

particular image right

now what what will happen next time when

you come across this word mitigate you


your your brain will directly take you

to the mitiga gate and again this

particular story this visualization

will come into your brain automatically

you know why automatically

because this is something which is of

interest of your mind right

and you will you will actually come to

the conclusion that mitigate means

to listen right so this is how i this is

how actually i

you know uh have a build an ebook as

well for this

which has 200 words explained in the


manner well that was that those were the

two secrets of concentration i hope you

like them

now let me talk you through and take you


probably towards the most wonderful gift

that we have and that is our brain

now let us understand this a bit more

you must have heard about the two

hemispheres of the brain left and right


now the left brain you know it helps in


it helps us in thinking like logic you

know the sequencing the linear thinking

the mathematics the facts whenever you

have to

indulge yourself into these things your

left brain comes handy

and whenever you have to think about you

know you you have to imagine you have to

do some intuition or you have to do some

art some music

musical music music instrument you have

to play something related to feelings

visualization daydreaming

your right brain comes into picture now

you know

what happens here now this is this is

actually a very good thing that you know

a very good a very good tool that we are

carrying here but you know what happens

with us

is really bad what happens is that when

we sit for study

our left brain understands the logic

right it says yes i should study to have

good grades to to earn good grades right

but then our right brain what does it

say it

you know right brain wants what fun

right brain says i want to see the movie

because it is funny

because it is fun for me right the left

brain says i need to finish the chapter

the right brain says oh no no i want to

finish the netflix

netflix series i want to finish this

particular series right

i want to see who was the villain who

was the murderer who was the culprit

left brain says it’s important for me to

study the right brain says

it’s important for me to update the

facebook status

as well why because i’ll be getting

those likes and that will be giving me

fun and gratification and i’ll be

enjoying that

and you know what happens just because

of this thing there is a constant divide

there’s a constant conflict which is

running between left and the right brain

it’s just that you know your left brain

knows where to go but your right brain

actually distracts you a lot and it

tells you that no i i’m not going that

way now if there is a way that you know

your left brain is aligned if there is a

way you can also align your right brain


towards your goal that would be for your

success and that is called whole brain


and there are some steps to achieve the

whole brain learning right

one is definitely creating interest

right as i said as i just mentioned

in the secrets of concentration as well

if you create interest

this is what exactly happens your left

brain is aligned and your right brain

also gets aligned and

it is there on your goal second is

reward yourself you know

when when the left brain says that you

need to study right brain asks you

what does it mean for me you know what

is what is that i’ll be getting if i

if i uh you know adhere to your uh

you’re saying

now you need to reward yourself and that

is where

that is where you know when you reward

yourself there is a there is a chemical

called dopamine which gets released

in in the in the brain and that is a

happy chemical and whenever you

you have that happy chemical coming in

your right brain

becomes active the third point is goal

setting very important now this is again

a magnified version of the point two

which is reward yourself

you know whenever you are telling your

brain to learn something new

to to you know study for your exams

it must be aligned to your long-term

goals right and which should be a big

pleasure that you should be showing to

your right brain

so once you have those images those

visualizations being done

as to what you will be achieving in

future if you you know

invest your time in studying today your

right brain will be aligned

to to you know that particular task and

the easiest way easiest way to have your

left and right brain aligned

is doing super brain yoga now what is a

super brain yoga let me let me


that to you if you just uh you know hold

your ear lobes with your uh

thumb like this you know in a cross

position like this

right and what you have to do you have

to do squats

you have to go down you have to come up

and while going down inhale

while coming up exhale while going down

inhale coming up exhale

now this is again that patek which our

which our teachers

made us to do right so and this has a


scientific backing that you know when

you do this particular thing exercise

do do 30 30 you know reps over here

at least two or three times for for 40

days this will actually you know bridge

the left and right

hemisphere of your brain all together

and this is a really good way of

you know combining the left and right

brain together and you know achieving

the whole brain learning now this brings

me to the end of this talk and i would i


like you like to you know leave you guys

with this particular thought which says

uh from elvin toffler who says the

illiterate of 21st century

will not be those who cannot read or

write but those who cannot learn

unlearn and relearn so guys i’m leaving

you with this thought

this is pomex in signing off thank you

very much