The Business Model Puzzle How brands thrive beyond crisis

what do plastic bricks and yoga pants

have in common

as a business strategist i’ve been

sitting with this question for some time

more broadly speaking trying to unlock

what makes brands

sink or swim during and beyond a


recent times have opened up a pandora’s


from the global pandemic to the racially

spurred riots and protests

to the fires that devastated communities

from australia to the u.s

what these events punctuate for me is

the overdue need

for reform and to answer the question

what’s next i’d like to flip the script

and ask what’s your role as a consumer

in that reform

and what’s the role of business

the reality is we’ve entered a new era

of consumerism

with the pandemic we’ve also been asked

to sit in collective stillness

to press pause from our nine to five

lives to cocoon

to slow down this has gifted us both

space and time to reflect

to play to express

to reform and in that to transform

if you look closely it’s the brands that

arm us with the tools to transform

that are thriving in this climate and

will continue to resonate with the

post-pandemic consumer

since i was a child i believed in

pushing outside my comfort zone

in working to be the best version of me

a philosophy model by my dad growing up

as a teenager i channeled this through

sport and entrepreneurship

i bootstrapped my first startup at age


helped along by a business-minded mom

lindsay’s microwave mitts

protect your delicate fingers from hot


a must-have in every 90s household

from there i went on to compete as an

ncaa athlete at drexel and george

mason university then on to growing the

biggest yoga wear company in the world

lululemon i resigned from the 9 to 5

corporate world six years later

to once again pursue my entrepreneurial

dreams of founding my

own consulting practice i live and

breathe the pursuit of personal growth

but having studied the consumer

landscape and crafted the playbook for a

variety of brands

what i’ve discovered is that striving to

be one’s best self

is not only a personal pursuit it’s a

business model

as a growth strategist i help companies

figure out where they’re going and how

they’re going to get there

a critical part of that requires peering

into the future

identifying key trends in the consumer

arena and the why behind them

and what we’re seeing is that not only

are we playing and practicing

mindfulness more

we’re creating more we’re expressing


we’re mastering our skills more we’re

hobbying more

how many of you have discovered a new

pastime the last few months

biking maybe some of you are also


and then there’s pokemon never have i

known more about the pokemon revolution

purely through observing my niece and

nephew taking their art form to a whole

other level

covert 19 hit and boom toy sales soared

building sets and crafts up 75 games and

puzzles up 228

and what about that great bread making


who would have thought sourdough starter

kits would go viral

who says millennials are undomesticated

so what binds all of these trends


a paradigm shift known as the

self-actualization economy

a movement of people looking to be their

best selves and investing their time


and dollars there something that was

prevalent long before the pandemic

and even more so now what’s driving this


the primal needs we all share as humans

to unpack that let’s time travel back to

psychology 101

and abraham maslow’s hierarchy of needs

a model many of you will recognize

a model intended to describe how human

needs evolve

if we look back to the beginning of

humankind we’ll note that most of our

energy has been spent in the bottom of

this pyramid

on our basic needs water shelter

food then we graduated to the middle

where we began prioritizing our social

and psychological needs

love belonging esteem enter online

dating apps enter facebook twitter


the world of social media

the past five years has brought a slow

graduation towards the top rung

self-actualization the search for growth

and purpose

enter the mindfulness movement the age

of personal growth immersions

the gig economy understanding how human

behavior drives consumerism fascinates


when i first began this body of research

that same fascination

led me down a rabbit hole keen to see

what updates had been made to maslow’s

pyramid since the original

in that discovery i came across a number

of creative iterations

such as the tween’s version of maslow’s


the vegans version but perhaps most


is this edition what i like to call

maslow’s best kept secret

it turns out years later maslow added a

rung to the pyramid

self-transcendence the realization that

you’re a small part

of a much greater whole this makes sense

when you think about the movement


corporate social responsibility giving


sustainability the growth in


this is more relevant than ever right


in fact across 14 countries around the

globe survey says climate change

outpaced or tied the pandemic as the

most frequently

mentioned major threat

so i think of this whole upper section

of the pyramid including transcendence

as the self-actualization economy both

are about growth

but it’s important to note that the

journey up this pyramid is

non-linear it’s not like a video game

where you unlock one level to move to

the next

it’s fluid and reactive to our state of

mind and what’s happening around us

now what the pandemic has done in some

ways is

slingshot us back down the pyramid

we’re no longer as concerned with that

trip to hawaii

rather we’re worried about keeping our

jobs and putting food on the table

i.e our fundamental safety

however i’d argue that we have to move


down in order to move back up

for any liz gilbert fans in the house

ruin is the road

to transformation

so while we may feel like we’re

teetering on the edge of chaos right now

and in many ways we are

we’ve also been gifted the space to

transform and self-actualize

enter the collective stillness that i

mentioned earlier on

and it’s during these times that we as


rapidly develop that our growth


so net net we’re experiencing a movement

of people spending more

time energy and dollars on their


this movement is being accelerated by

the pandemic

and as a result the self-actualization

economy is

gaining steam this same economy has the

potential to unleash

the power of business in fact

when you look at businesses serving

their customers self-actualization

many are showing signs of outperforming

their peers

through the pandemic this includes two

brands i’ve had the pleasure of working


lululemon the darlene yoga wear and the

lego group

the toy brand beloved by all although

these brands appear worlds apart

look closer and you’ll notice a common


a purpose rooted in enabling their

customers growth and development

one through play the other through

providing customers the tools to fulfill

their potential

it’s this elixir that has and will allow

them to thrive

beyond crisis i’d advocate that not only

is this type of model

savvy business it’s the obligation of


in a time of need business is the

greatest tool

to affect change both during times of

normalcy and

crisis it powers our lives

but its superpowers are grossly


it’s time we remodeled beyond


building a self-actualization economy

will allow us to scale the consciousness

the events of the pandemic have given us

so what does this look like and where do

we even start

there’s a couple ways we can activate


at the business level the first step is

to answer the question

how do we enable our customers to be

their best selves

versus simply how do we make money or

what problem are we solving many of the

brands that are swimming versus sinking

in this pandemic

are those who have built their business

models around

that question such as beyond meat

helping solve human health and

environmental issues

through a different way to nourish


improve your health and happiness

through a meditation app

enabling people to be their most mindful


master class learn that new skill from

the expert in the field

yes business has made admirable strides

in the realm of social innovation to


from ethical manufacturing to minimizing

carbon footprints

to creating a more connected world i

applaud that

but the world is calling us to do more

i’m talking about making this stuff core

to every brand’s purpose

and business model i’m talking about

diving in to figure out what

self-actualization looks like for your


and then enabling it for them imagine a

world where

every business focuses on betterment as

a means to profit

where business is used to heal where

business is

wellness where business is wellness

small large business to business

business to consumer brands

i implore every business to think

through this lens

now you can also activate this at the

individual level

as a consumer you can define what being

your best self looks like

and embrace the products and services of

business as a means to help get you


to supercharge your self-actualization

as a consumer when i purchase a lego set

i’m not only purchasing

hours of uninterrupted play i’m

purchasing stress relief

learning connection these benefits are


they’re things that help me grow

what helps you grow i’d invite you to


the more we can adopt this model on both

these levels business and individual

the greater the ripple effect because

when we’re each our best selves

our individual stitches strong and not

the yoga pant kind

we’re able to more powerfully give back

to our communities and the planet

creating our very own self-actualization


on the contrary not embracing this model

will result in clipping the wings of one

of the most powerful forces

at our disposal commerce

just when we need it most recent times

have opened up

pandora’s box but this has armed us with

the collective consciousness

required to solve the problems facing us


i’d implore you as individuals and


to channel this moment to remodel your


and unleash your superpower

so what do plastic bricks and yoga pants

have in common

perhaps a lot more than you thought

thank you