Why act now Kristen Bell Giant Ant

Transcriber: TED Translators Admin
Reviewer: Rhonda Jacobs

Why act now?

The best time to act was yesterday.

The second best time is today.

Every year that we don’t reduce emissions

represents another 55 gigatons
of greenhouse gases

that future generations
will have to scrub out of the air.

That would cost 8 trillion dollars a year,

almost half the entire US economy today.

And that price doesn’t include
the cost of people forced to move,

the natural world transformed
and lives lost.

It’s much cheaper
to develop new technologies

that don’t emit carbon dioxide

than to capture carbon dioxide
that we’ve already emitted.

Every ton of carbon dioxide we emit now
imposes a burden on us and the planet,

but also a debt that would
have to be paid by our children

and untold generations to come.

The sooner we start fixing this,
the easier it’ll be.

So do what you can where you can.

Vote, change your diet and your commute,

organize, plant trees, advocate for ideas,

advocate for science

and most importantly,
advocate for action today.


Take action on climate
at Countdown.ted.com]