Do the green thing Andy Hobsbawm

great creativity in times of need we

need great creativity discuss great

creativity is astonishingly absurdly

rationally irrationally powerful great

creativity can spread tolerance champion

freedom make education seem like a

bright idea great creativity can turn a

spotlight on deprivation or show that

deprivation ain’t necessarily so great

creativity can make politicians

electable or party’s unelectable it can

make war seem like tragedy or farce

creativity is the meme maker that puts

slogans on our t-shirts and phrases on

our lips

it’s the Pathfinder that shows us a

simple road through an impenetrable

moral maze science is clever but great

creativity is something less knowable

more magical and now we need that magic

this is a time of need our climate is

changing quickly too quickly and great

creativity is needed to do what it does

so well to provoke us to think

differently with dramatic creative

statements to tempt us to act

differently with delightful creative

scraps here is one such scrap from an

initiative uninvolved in using

creativity to inspire people to be

greener you know rather than drive today

I’m going to walk and so he won and as

he walked he saw a thing

strange and wonderful things he would

not otherwise have seen a deer with

like a flying motorcycle father and

daughter separated from a bicycle by a

mysterious wall and then he stopped

walking in front of him was her the

woman who has a child had skipped with

him through fields and broken his heart

sure she’d aged a little the fact she

dates a lot but he fought all his old

passion for a return for he called

softly that was her name don’t say

another word got thee she said but that

was his name I know a tent next to a

caravan exactly 300 yards from here

let’s go there make love in the tent for

it undress she spread one leg and then

the other gusty enter her boldly and

made love to her rhythmically while she

filmed him because she was a keen

amateur pornographer the earth move for

both of them and they live together a

happily ever after and all because he

decided to walk that day

we’ve got the science we’ve had the

debate the moral imperative is on the

table great creativity is needed to take

it all make it simple and sharp to make

it connect to make it make people want

to act so this is a call a plea to the

incredibly talented Ted community let’s

get creative against climate change and

let’s do it soon thank you what does a

machine know about itself can it know

when it needs to be repaired and when it

doesn’t in industries like manufacturing

and energy they’re using predictive

analytics to detect signs of trouble

helping some companies save millions on

maintenance because machines seek help

before they’re broken and don’t when

they’re not that’s what I’m working on

I’m an IBM er let’s build a smarter
