growing up as a preacher’s kid

i was taught that you don’t drink you

don’t chew

you don’t use the f word and you don’t

go with boys that do

well i can’t say that i did everything

that my parents taught me to do but

there was this

one thing that resonates in my mind over

and over

and over again that’s actually proven to

be an accelerator in both

business and life it’s called the one

percent factor

and it has the ability to actually shift


biggest f words of your life including


family finance fitness and freedom

and well i’m living proof that it works

you see i didn’t go to college i don’t

have a fancy pedigree

i wasn’t raised in a rich family or rich


and yet what i’m about to show you has

enabled me

to travel around the world share the

stage with five us

presidents sing at the olympics be able

to help grow companies into the hundreds

of millions

and even build sales teams into the


of thousands so how does the one percent

factor work

well it’s a method of mental mastery

where you actually retrain your brain

to think progress instead of pressure

in fact you turn pressure into progress

or movement forward you turn setbacks

into comebacks well how do you do that

think about how many people you know

right now

that actually cave under pressure

and then there’s other people who go

through far worse things

and they turn the pressure into some

type of progress

or epic stage of success think about

oprah winfrey

born into poverty later molested she’s

pregnant by the age of 14.

has a life of setbacks and yet she

somehow turns all that around and builds

a multi-billion dollar empire

was it luck was it privilege

or was it her perspective on how to turn

setbacks into comebacks think about

bethany hamilton

just 13 years old had a dream to be a

world champion surfer

she gets her arm bitten off by a shark i

don’t know about you but most of us

probably would never have gone back in

the water

but what does she do she applies the one

percent factor

she got back in the water and every

single day she just got a little bit


a little bit better a little bit better

one percent every day until she finally

wins that world surfing championship

you see your perspective on pressure

determines your progress but see this is

not a natural way

of thinking we’ve got to retrain our


think about it right now if you think

that life

is unfair then you’re gonna spend your


trying to prove that to other people if

you think that you’re disadvantaged


well you’re gonna spend your energy

trying to say to other people

it’s not fair but if you can see life

as an opportunity and that every setback

is a potential comeback

then you can shift anything in your life

i mean think about the bow and arrow

it’s the pressure or the tension

behind that arrow that actually creates

the trajectory

think about the sonic boom or or the

breaking of the sound barrier

it’s that pressure that’s built up that

when the plane breaks through the


the pressure creates the boom so

everybody do this with me just say boom

oh no say it like you mean it say boom

boom means breaking out of mediocrity

let me give you an example so growing up

i was teased and bullied a lot by the


because i was a skinny scrawny

tomboy scrapper i didn’t have any


athletic ability but i had this dream

i was going to be the first white girl

on the harlem globetrotters

so my dad sits me down and he says baby


i’m never going to tell you you can’t do

something just because you’re a girl

or just cause you’re tiny but i am going

to tell you that if you want to play

this sport basketball

well you’re going to have to out think

outwit and out practice

everyone else so that day i remember

fifth grade

i determined that there wasn’t going to

be any boy that was going to tell me

what i could or couldn’t do

and i certainly wasn’t going to let

someone else’s opinion of me

dictate my future so i started

to learn the one percent factor my dad

said baby girl just get better every day

by one percent

so every day i practiced a little harder

than anyone else

i shot more free throws than anyone else

i practiced my ball handling skills more

than anyone else

until eventually i was averaging 23 to

28 points a game

and i got picked up for the junior

olympic basketball team

but soon i realized this doesn’t just

work for sports

you can actually apply it to those

biggest f words in your life

faith family finance fitness and freedom

i mean think about it in the area of


what would that look like maybe just as

simple as just pray a little bit more

spend more time studying things that are

good and lovely

what about your family maybe progress

every single day is just

saying i love you just a little bit more

and being intentional

with your words maybe it’s coming home

30 minutes earlier from work

so you can spend more time with your

kids before they go to bed

see this type of method of mental

mastery it actually requires us to

rewire some things

it requires us to start to resonate

things that are good positive progress

well what does it mean to resonate the

word resonate actually means to

amplify or multiply so let’s go back to

the family example

i’ve been married 24 years and i learned

early on

that if you resonate negativity anger

hatred then it magnifies or compounds

into division and potential discord and


however if you make it your intention to


or amplify love joy

peace forgiveness kindness gratitude

then all of a sudden you have a family

of greater unity

see your perspective impacts

your progress so what are you resonating

it’s it’s like

geometric progression right you know the

story of the penny it’s something so

small and yet a penny doubled

every single day for 30 days can become


5 million dollars

problem is this is not our natural way

of thinking

you know researchers actually tell us

that we have something called

the negativity bias which means that we

tend to naturally

our brains naturally resonate negative


maybe that’s why we replay that negative


over and over and over or we replay that

trauma that happened to us years ago

over and over and over again and it will


to replay unless we boom everybody say


breaking out of mediocrity you see

i’ll never forget one day i was coming

home i had two little babies two little


and i was coming home from the grocery

store i turned the corner to our


and i saw a big black billows of smoke

coming out the top of our house now


i immediately started to resonate every

negative emotion you can imagine

where are my kids what about the dog i

see my husband out there with a water

hose trying to put out the fire

and i immediately realized this is


but as soon as i realized that my kids

were okay my husband’s on the outside of

the house

and i realized that i don’t have to be

in panic mode

i shifted into critical thinking see i

had been spending years

teaching my brain how to resonate

positive outcomes

i began to immediately assess the

situation and realize that

people process trauma very differently

right like some people were crying

some neighbors were freaking out and

then there were other neighbors who

literally pulled out their lawn chairs

and beer coolers

and they watched our house burn for


but that day i sat in almost an

out-of-body experience of

complete and total peace what was going

through my mind was all things work

together for good

all things work together for good i

don’t know how but this is gonna somehow

work together

for good and just this sense of peace

and gratitude overwhelmed my natural

negativity bias

a reporter walked up to me and said

ma’am why is it that you are

you’re so calm i looked at him and i


this is a chapter of my life

but this is not the end of our story

and as he walked away i stepped back i

found a little curve and i sat on it

and i’m sitting there and i’m watching

my house burn down

i’m watching our possessions so many of

them go up in smoke

and yet gratitude and thankfulness was

filling my heart

and i sat there that day and i wrote

this little song that just goes

thanks for the joy

that you’ve given to me

thanks for your love

unconditionally oh

thanks for peace

in the midst of this storm god

i thank you yes i thank you

cause you’ve been faithful

faithful to me god you’re

faithful and your mercies are seen

and when i look back on my life

the message is clear god

you’re faithful and i’m

just grateful

and that day despite the trauma

i found this place of absolute peace

in the midst of the storm but i have to


it has not always been that way for me

ten years before that fire

i was an award-winning country music

artist i married a rodeo cowboy

and in seven months of marriage he left


broke my heart i spiraled into such

negativity my self-talk my shame

my hatred my anger i was not practicing

the one percent factor

and i certainly wasn’t resonating

anything positive

i fell into anger and discord and i just

wanted to

have my way and get back and suddenly it

got darker and darker

until i spiraled down into a state

of complete suicidal depression and i’ll

never forget the day i was in the worst


of my life and i turned on the tv

and a commercial came on and it was a

commercial for a motivational spiritual


and i remember being so mad looking at

the tv and saying all right god if

you’re real

then meet me at that event or else

that’s where i kill myself

well i went to that event and obviously

something happened because

i chose to live and not die

and i had an awakening of consciousness

that day

that reminded me of the one percent

factor reminded me of the things i had

already overcome

and that day i made a decision that i

wasn’t gonna give up

let up or shut up instead i was gonna

use my life

to help somebody else get up from

similar circumstances

i determined that there was not a

circumstance i could not

overcome and so that day i left that


and i began to apply the one percent


of getting a little healthier every

single day i started studying the brain

i started studying psychology


i started studying my scriptures again

and i started studying spirituality

until finally i realized

that my pressure the pain is actually

the source

of a platform from my power

and i realized that day that even though

we might have a negativity bias

we can either stay in that negativity

bias or we can choose to get up

and that day you know what i did

everybody say boom

okay say it like you mean it say boom

that day i got up and i broke out of

mediocre thinking

and my son when he was only 11 years old

we started to see how this duplicates to

other generations

when he was seven years old he got stung

in the middle of the night

four times by a scorpion now needless to


that was a traumatic night in fact it

was a little freaky for all of us we

couldn’t sleep for a couple of weeks

why because we were resonating the fact

that there could be more scorpions

underneath our sheets right

so we realized very quickly that fear is

a natural

emotion in fact it’s a positive emotion

if you’re being chased by a bear

but fear if you meditate on it or


fear it can become debilitating

so that night we sat down with our son

and we said listen we want to tell you a


there’s a little boy he was a shepherd

boy named david and he actually had to

kill a lion and a bear in the middle of

the night to protect his sheep

but they were a setup that lion was a


that was a set up because one day

david was gonna have to kill a giant

named goliath

and it would give him the rulership as

king over a nation

well that night we told our son you know

that scorpion it’s your lion

and it’s preparing you to one day slay

greater giants in your future

well two years later my son comes home

and he walks up and he’s just come home

from the pet store

and he says mom dad i have a new pet and

he holds out a six

inch emperor scorpion i looked at him

and i didn’t say just no i said hell no

you’re not bringing that into my house

and that day i looked at him and he goes

mom dad

this isn’t about a scorpion this is

about me overcoming my fears

and proving that what used to enslave me

i now have dominion over and i walk in


we recognize that day that our son was

having an awakening of consciousness

and he was applying that one percent

factor to his own life

two years later he takes that same story

and he enters a national speech and

debate competition

and he ends up winning first place


and goes on to become a serial


see i don’t know what it is right now

that you’ve got going on that is a

pressure that has enslaved you

i don’t know what one of those five

areas that you need to focus on

just a little bit more every single day

but what i do know is if you just look

at those areas let’s look at faith

again can you pray a little longer your

family can you be a little nicer

your fitness maybe just turn off the

news tonight go for that walk you’ve

been putting off

and do it consistently finances maybe

you do need to start your own business

maybe it’s just as simple as putting

away some of those extra expenditures

and applying it towards your debt in the

area of freedom

well i don’t know what is enslaving you

or maybe you’ve got addiction

but maybe one percent is just waking up


and joining that recovery group whatever

it is

do something every single day one


get better every single day and remember

when you have a setback

don’t take a step back but get ready for

your comeback because sometimes

a setback is actually a set up for you

to rethink

reboot recalibrate or even reinvent

your faith your family your finances

your fitness or your freedom what do you

need to change today

whatever it is give it at least one


every single day thank you
