Your Career Is Your Business Manage It Like a CEO


good evening guys

how are you guys doing great well i was

hoping to see you guys in person

but then this pandemic happened and here

we are

my name is karan bhandari and i’m a

really common guy like most of you are

here today

same school same studies then you guys

must be wondering what i’m doing on the

tedx platform

well uh let’s let’s start with this

thing what’s the timeline for tedx

ideas worth spreading so i’m definitely

sure that

your organizers must have liked my idea

and that’s why i’m here today

well uh to start with

what i’m gonna talk about here today is

something that will

impact most of you guys if not the

hundred percent i can say at least the

90 or

90 odd percent here i’m not talking

about those guys who are going to become

the entrepreneurs or the influencers

but i’m talking about the rest of you

who are going to end up in the most

competitive world out there

the corporate world and the professional


well yes today my focus

is on how i can convey the

mentorship how i can convey the message

that i have learned across

in my corporate career so that you guys

get a leverage when you enter the

corporate world well once again

my name is karan madari 26 years old i’m

a chartered accountant and an mba

and most of my career i have worked with

one of the largest consulting companies

in the world

and right now i’m heading the tax

function at one of the largest public

sector entities in the uae

now why i chose this topic today like

take a chance from our school days

how many people you think actually

become entrepreneurs or influencers

few of them where do the rest of them go

to the corporate world

few of us are introverts we are not so

open to talking to public and you know

we we

close we like being closed so where do

we go

to the corporate world so you know the

majority of the people

in the world go to the corporate world

and that’s why it’s one of the most

competitive world out there

well today my focus is how do i convey

the message

that how you can excel in the corporate

world and by excel i mean it’s a pretty

weird term

excel is a pretty vague term but what

i’m trying to focus here is

how do you grow in the corporate world

how do you climb the ladder in the

corporate world

and lastly but not the least how do you

make sure you achieve that seven digit

salary package at the earliest

well corporate world in itself is a

journey it’s not an overnight sensation

or it’s not an overnight thing that


you learn you fail and that’s how you

grow upon

so uh sit back and relax as i take you

through my corporate journey as well as

my learnings

and we see what what can

you take out of this one i’m going to

talk about three major things today

the first one setting your goals right

you guys are the best stage of your life

where you need to decide

where do you want to end up being in

your career where what do you want to

end up

at the end of your work and at the end

of your studies at the

start of your career where do you want

to go and

the same was with me what i wanted when

i was in my 12th i had decided that what

i want to do

is get my mba from one of the best b


and get a good high paying job but then

getting into mba was easy cracking a

gmat or a

cat and getting into the college and


fracking the interview and getting into

the job but

this the thought struck me when i was

thinking that whether i will be able

to justify the job that i get into

because i had no previous experiences

i i didn’t think of any work experiences

that i should go through before

i get into the job so then it struck me

what should i do and that’s when i ended

up taking a cda course the chartered

accountancy goes

trust me it was one of the best

decisions i took out of my life

i started my ca journey when i was in my


and it took me almost four and a half to

five years to complete the ca

course but you know in the four and a

half years that i

spent doing the ca it turned me into a

different man altogether

you know i had learned

business skills i had learned financial

skills but most of them

ca gave me three great life lessons

three life lessons i think which will

remain with me all

throughout my life the first thing

staying up without the help of caffeine

well you know because we study almost 18

hours 16 hours a day

so at the time of exam so that that

really gave

me the learnings of how to stay awake

without the help of caffeine

and you know just stay study and focus

on what your goal is

the second thing overcoming the failures

i think you guys must be knowing that

the passing percentage in

ca is like three percent five percent

seven percent or sometimes max to max 10

then but then what do the rest of them

do do they quit do they drop out

no they they focus they study and they

try to come back

overcome the failures and that’s how

ca gives you a different perspective in

life on how to overcome the failures

and the third thing this designation ca

karan mandari

remains with me for my life and well

i cannot be less thankful for that one

well the second most important thing

is experiences actually i would say this

is the most important thing

why because you know degrees help you to

enter the job market

but when you have to climb the ladder or

you have to jump the ladder

all that the other person cares about is

what experience do you bring in

so trust me the experience matters the


at the larger later part of your career


uh let’s let’s take this thing why do

you think

most of the job course things or the job

advertisements have minimum work years

of experience

why because people have a tendency to

you know

believe that when you come from a

certain place with certain years of


you bring in the knowledge you bring in

the learnings and that’s what they are

counting upon

when they want to hire you or they want

to work with you

so that’s the that’s the power of


you know let me bring an example of

my my internships days when we used to

you know literally print 300 400 pages

of you know documents and stuff like

that i used to wonder that you know why

have i joined such a huge company to

print pages

but then those are the learnings that i


that i got that that are still remain

because you know that for

that waiting for those 400 pages to be

printed to make sure they are in


when it goes to the client the the way

we staple the way

that we punch in it’s also systematic

that that is still there in me

even if today i’m stapling a document i

have the same habit

and that’s what experiences builds upon


the second thing learn from people’s


see our journey is not just not our

journey but our journey is all

we have to keep a watch on other people

also because this world is cruel

so when other people are keeping a watch

on you you need to keep a watch on other

people you need to

just not learn from your experiences but

you need to learn from people’s


you need to see what others are doing

you need to see

what good they are doing than you and

you need to incorporate that in yourself

and that’s what i’m trying to focus here

in the second part

is learn from people’s experiences from

your friends from your relatives from


colleagues everyone just try to learn

take their experiences

make it as you have lived the

experiences so that

you have that portion to quote somewhere

when you are being asked upon the last


confidence booster you know sometimes

the corporate world gets boring

your daily going on the same job eight

to five

coming back home and tired and stuff

like that so

it kind of gets boring also so what do

you do quit one day and

just leave you know few of them might do

also but

most of them cannot because we have

commitments we have responsibilities and

other things in life so what do we do we

need to keep our confidence rolling

and how do you do that is interviews

yes you heard it right interview as soon

as you crack an interview

it gives you the confidence that yes

there is still a demand for you there is

still a

need for you in the market and

nonetheless if you do want to move

at least you still have a base to

renegotiate at your current job

that boss i’m getting a good package

outside either you give me a good salary

here or i’m moving out there

so you know don’t take interviews as a

negative thing take interviews as a

confidence booster

and trust me it works very well to be

frank i give interviews every three to

six months

once in a while why why because you know

it keeps my confidence rolling you know

it keeps me

uh searching hunting for new

opportunities and you never know you


it just makes me feel that okay i need

to reevaluate my market value i need to

reevaluate what is the market demand for


what is the market uh is the market

looking out for

professionals like me and when i see

that i can crack an interview and i see

the acceptance

it just makes my confidence more uh you


going uh going more confidently moving

more confidently into the market that

okay the demand is there there is a need


i need to be happy i need to be

confident when i am performing at my job

and this is how i do it and lastly

if you don’t track an interview it is a


it is a learning that we still need more


more redesigning on ourselves because we

need to take

the learnings from the recruiter or

from the interviewer that why did he not

select us

what went missing and take that learning

into you

incorporate that into you and trust me

the next time you will be able to crack

the same interview what you were looking


so don’t take interviews as a challenge

or jinx but

try to take it more as a confidence

booster and trust me you will be able to

do wonders with it

so yeah these are the few things that i

wanted to convey to you guys you know

because this is the right age you guys

are getting out of school you’re gonna

get into colleges

these are the right times when you need

to set your goals right you need to

decide upon what experiences you want to

gain upon

what where do you want to end up in your

career and what do you want to do in

your career

what learnings from your experiences you

need to take

and you know things like that and lastly

but not the least

keep your confidence rolling guys

because that’s what is going to keep you

rolling in your life

thanks for hearing me out take care guys

bye bye