Mindset Shifts During Times of Challenge


it was a normal saturday morning

i was lying on my bed watching a movie

until i heard the doorbell at first

i thought maybe it was just a restaurant

delivering food

but i was surprised to see a man dressed

all in black

holding a clipboard and what seemed to

be a package

with my name on it at first i was


but then it clicked my dance shoes had


arrived i had been waiting for weeks a

wave of excitement hit me as i grabbed

my package and tore it open

i was surprised to see these mini

jazz shoes the size for islamic doll

within a second i was hit with a strong

wave of disappointment

okay i admit it may seem funny now

but at the at the time it was actually

really upsetting

not only did they look like they

belonged to a toddler but i had waited

so long for them to arrive

only to find out that they were six

sizes too small

yet in that moment a shift occurred

rather than dwelling in the

disappointment i found another way

to approach the situation i gave myself

time to reflect

and i didn’t let this small incident or

shall i say

tiny incident ruined my day

and one thing became clear in that


it wasn’t the end of the world i simply

found another angle to view it

to find another way is to find another


this is crucial for advancement beyond

negative situations

and many people have not grasped the

depth of its importance

the way that you choose to see things in

your life can affect those around you

and can affect the impact that you leave

on society

therefore everyone needs to find another


during tough times which is

scientifically proven

to improve your health and overall

well-being as well as helps you find

your path in life

thereby resulting in the creation of

positive ripple effects

according to karen lawson at the

university of minnesota

in her article how do thoughts and

emotions affect

health negative attitudes and feelings

of helplessness

can create chronic stress imagine this

chronic further to this she notes that

other outcomes include cardiovascular

disease digestive disorders

high blood pressure and the list is


since the impact of negative thinking is

so severe

i dare say that there is no better

antidote to counter these

adverse effects than to find another way

to view

setbacks the mind is powerful

and positive thinking is crucial in

order to take control of it

have you heard your parents tell you

when you were younger that

it’s all in your head the is under your


in your closet and behind the curtains

now as we’re getting older we do realize

this is not true of course

well it’s scientifically it has been

proven to be

not the monsters but the part where it’s

all in your head

patients who are in doctors offices


about their fictional illnesses more

often than not of course i’m not

speaking about those real illnesses like


anxiety or others in case studies

once determined not to be a serious

mental illness

doctors give patients an empty pill


the placebo pill which tends to


cure these patients in this instance

it is truly all in their heads when they

believe that they are healing

they are actually healing themselves

without the help of

any medications now do you understand

the importance of funding another way

having an optimistic outlook on life

which is the general expectations that

good things will happen

may help people live longer according to

a new study from harvard school of

public health

the study found the most optimistic

woman has a nearly 30

lower risk of dying from any of the

diseases analyzed in the study

compared with the least optimistic woman

in this instance this reinforces how

much positive thinking and finding

another way

an approaching situation can affect your

health and well-being

now that the context of finding another

way has been established

we can see how it is applicable to all

areas of life

to successfully chart your life’s course

your ability to view

to view difficulties from multiple

perspectives is key

there are various articles and content

out there claiming to offer us all

the one secret to success strategy with

dictating your morning routine your

diet and workout plan your work and

leadership style or any number of

other self-improvement areas however

it is there’s no singular formula for


nor is there a one-size-fits-all


for challenges and turmoil the only

constant in ensuring success and

thriving turmoil

is your ability to find another way a

famous example of someone who managed to

find another perspective

is stephen king stefan is an american


who was known for his horror and fantasy


some of his most successful stories

include the shining its

misery and the mist his books have sold

millions of copies all around the globe

and many have been converted into

comics and television shows this was

not always the case for king he grew up

under poor circumstances

and experienced abandonment abuse

and neglect however he was not limited

by this

and found an alternative way to

creatively channel

his negative experiences which became

the novels that are

known and loved today he managed to

thrive in turmoil

and make the best out of his situation

and so

to improve one’s outlook on life

by finding another way or thinking

positively small

simple steps are involved such as

step one being patient with yourself

because it will take a lot

of mental training and touching thoughts

and this will require a lot of patience

step two avoid negative self-talk and

doomsday scenarios that will keep you in

a negative loop

step number three which is personally

one of the

most important steps brainstorming

think of alternate solutions write it

down document it

create a visual layout of or a vision

board of what these alternatives could

possibly be

keeping a vision of your goals and

revisiting them

would give you that daily positive boost

which is extremely important step four

developing an awareness of when you are

negatively thinking

then shifting your focus whether it is

snapping a finger to literally snap of


or counting down once you are aware find

another way

step number five and the final step

recognizing that finding another way

takes trial and error

and practice and patience reverting a

few steps sometimes

because this is not an overnight process

when your perspective is shifted it will

then impact your outlook on all areas of

your life once you have developed the


of viewing things from different

perspective it will help others

to do the same have you ever heard of

the ripple effect well it’s a situation

in which one action

causes another which then causes third

and so on

a ripple effect occurs when an initial

disturbance to a system

propagates out to disturb an

increasingly larger

portion of the system example you know

when you stick your finger in a pool of


and then it starts to rip it expanding

across or

when you have a trail of standing

dominoes and then

you flick one domino and watch as they

all satisfyingly knock off one another

but then there’s always that one

seemingly annoying domino

that ruins it all and the dominoes stop

falling and then you have to start all

over again

and realign all the dominoes keep in

mind that a ripping effect could easily

be a positive repeal or a negative repel

and sometimes in society people can be

influenced either

by their community peer pressure or

social media

we are always waiting for that one

domino to fall

so that we can all follow along the

trail in order to fit in

with society’s standards but what if

you’re that one domino that doesn’t fall

and breaks the ripple

then society considers you the outcast

the social reject

the odd man out we are living in a

society with high standards

unrealistic expectations but here is

when you find another lens

to view the situation you shift your

focus and engage in positive self-talk

so what if i’m different so what if

unless one domino that breaks the ripple

or interrupts the chain

so what because then i would be starting

a new repel

a positive one if they laugh at you for

being different then you laugh at them

for being the same

today by finding another way a more

positive way

no matter how small be the initial

disturbance of

a positivity that creates positive

ripple effects

it takes one small act one small act

one spec or drop of positivity to create


chain reaction of positivity today we’ve

spoken about finding another way or

finding another perspective

because of this we can improve our

health and overall well-being

and start positive ripple effects the

actions you do

or the thoughts you cultivate today

cement the way people will remember you

tomorrow so the next time that you hit

rock bottom and want to reach back to

the top

maybe you should start to see new ways

to approach a situation

and remember to always start small

because good things

always come in small packages sometimes
