Educating Leaders Changing Futures



what do leaders do

they tell people what to do

they march somewhere

they put people in lines

go in front of a line

take charge of something

do you know someone who is a leader

yes george washington

no my teacher

the principal

tom brady

i guess a teacher is a leader because a

teacher tells us what to do

are you a leader why or why not

no i am not the best on the basketball


yes i’m a door holder

no no i’m just

a kid yes

i’m a line leader

these are all real answers i heard when

asking children these questions

leadership has to be nurtured yet

leadership is not taught in most

elementary schools

and most children are never truly

exposed to what it means to be a leader

as someone who has studied and

researched leadership theories

i believe that in order to develop

future leaders

we need to start introducing leadership

to children

as early as preschool and kindergarten

there is both an opportunity and

responsibility to introduce leadership

at home and in classrooms and by doing


we can create lasting and positive

change in the life of a child

we can all debate the quality of

leadership in our country today

what is obvious is that every leader was

once a child

and children of today will become

leaders of the future

if we want to develop those leaders of

the future we must be more intentional

with developing

leadership today

most researchers point to age six as a

critical milestone in a child’s life

due to that child’s ability to begin to


and their optimism about being able to

master a variety of new skills and


the middle childhood years are also

extremely important for leadership


because that is when children are

setting their own goals and making

independent decisions by the time we’re

in our 20s we have significantly shaped

our identity

but introducing leadership to young

children rather than as young adults

allows us to engage in that process


retired u.s navy four-star admiral

william mcraven had an interesting

response to the question

what is the number one national security


in america today

if you’re unfamiliar with the admiral he

commanded the special operations forces

that captured haddam hussein in 2003

rescued captain richard phillips from

the somali pirates in 2009

and led the mission that killed osama

bin laden in 2011.

his commencement speech at the

university of texas went viral after

telling graduates that if they want to

change the world

they should start by making their bed

admiral mcraven said the number one

national security issue in america today

is our country’s k-12 education system

a surprising but profound answer

while the education system is a topic

for a different tedx talk

admiral mcraven’s point was what and how

we teach

children is critical and can be


i believe that every step of school is

to prepare a child for the next step

social skills life skills leadership

development and having the right mindset

are just as important as content-based


my earliest experiences with leadership

and how i came to understand what a

leader was

was by watching adults and authority

figures in my life

like most children i simply believed

leaders were adults who told other

people what to do

growing up i was fortunate enough to

have parents

teachers coaches and scout leaders who

believed in me

and wanted me to succeed in school

throughout my elementary school years i

learned that there was not one specific


characteristic personality or behavior

that defined a leader

and i realized that good leaders used

their authority to have a positive

impact on others

i aspired to be like those leaders who i

looked up to

when i was in high school i volunteered

with a literacy program for at-risk

students led by our local united way

and what i saw really opened my eyes to

realizing that there are many many


that do not even have books in their own


after distributing over 5 000 children’s


and reading to thousands of children

over several years

and having conversations with so many i

began to realize that those

children lacked more than just books

they lacked dreams any vision of being


they lacked hope

the kids who tugged at my heart were

kids who believed

a good day was food in their bellies

before they went to bed

i didn’t know what i could really offer

but as others did for me

i wanted to believe in them and more


to have them believe in themselves

most children didn’t have any idea what

leadership was about but perhaps as a


the idea of leadership could inspire and

engage them to think

differently all children have strengths

gifts and interests and we need to help

them find their thing

as admiral mcraven suggested what and

how we teach children

is critical so i began to wonder

why isn’t leadership taught in most


and the fact of the matter is that

leadership is an intangible concept

it’s hard to explain and so it’s often

ignored or overlooked for young children

i brought up these thoughts with my

academic mentor while in college

dr matthew sachek and he encouraged me

to do more research

so i interviewed 100 children in grades

kindergarten through third grade

across three large local elementary


and asked them the following questions

do you know someone who is a leader who

are leaders important why

what do leaders do and are you a leader

why or why not

most children believed as i initially

did that a leader was someone with a

position of power and authority

rather than seeing leadership as a

process involving influence

relationships and working toward a goal

additionally most children did not think

that they were leaders or had leadership


because they were too small too young or


athletic i did learn that tom brady is a

good football player and a pretty good

looking one at that

using what we learned about children’s

mindset on leadership dr sachik and i

co-authored the line leader a


children’s leadership book to serve as a

resource for

parents and teachers to introduce

leadership to their children

and show children how they can

demonstrate leadership in their daily


in the line leader the teacher mr owl

says that there is going to be a

classroom party with special leaders who

will be visiting the classroom

and each of the students has to do a

particular classroom job

every student wants to be the line

leader because they think

that the line leader would be the best

leader of all the students

the main character spider delegates jobs

to each of the classroom animals

but there are no more jobs left for


in the end the party celebrates everyone

in the class

and they realized that spider didn’t

have to have a position of authority a

classroom job to be a leader

but that you can be a leader by being

humble helping others and inspiring them

to be the best they can be

like spider many children believe that

they cannot be a leader because they are

too young or too small

we want to illustrate that you do not

have to be big or powerful to be a


each child has a gift and when they use

it they are leading

learning and growing

after reading my story to children they

had a different mindset on leadership

and answered my questions differently

they realized that leadership is not a


leading others and leading good lives

can be life-changing

as a children’s book the line leader is

simply a resource

but provides an opportunity to begin

that conversation with children about


but i would advocate that so much more

needs to be done to create leadership

resources for children

i believe that if we are more

intentional about introducing leadership

at home and in classrooms at an early


and throughout childhood that we will do

a better job

educating the whole child empowering


and creating a wider pathway for success

as students begin high school college or

entering the workforce

their future and society’s future will

be better if we do

thank you