How can we all Be The Change




rise and open your

eyes now is the time

for you to shine won’t you help me sing


rise and open your eyes

now is the time for you to shine

yeah what’s up world it’s your boy

saul paul musician with the message uh

the hardest thing in the world for me to

do is to explain

what i do i do a lot i do the most but i

do it well

how about this i’ll just say i entertain

i inspire

i empower i love people and i use

music to empower them to live their best

lives i always say that

and i get to impact all types of people

before i came here i was speaking to

some young people

and i told them that i had a tedx talk


like the first thing these young stars

said was

who’s ted so after i explained that ted

is not a person that it was a thing and

that i’d be performing

then they were like are you going to

freestyle and i was like no probably not

they were like oh you got a freestyle

you got to freestyle

and i told them i would so because i

said i would

i will because i recognize as an adult

what i say to a young person

matters so um

how about this i’ll do a remix to my


be the change special didn’t exist

before this moment

i’ve been thinking about it i should be

the change

ain’t no doubt about it’s time to be the


after this tedx you shouldn’t be the


no cause now is the time to be

the change be the change be the change

hey i told y’all i got you okay cool so


now that we took care of that let me

talk to you

how will you be the change you should

it’s key see we’re all in this together

we’re all on this big blue marble

floating through space and what you do

matters what i do matters

see my approach to be the change is this

the fact is

we all live on the same planet the truth

is we each live in our own world

and me i just encourage people to be the

change in the world they live in

it’s something that i learned from my

grandmother see

my grandmother raised me because my mom

passed away when i was three years old

she died in a car accident before my mom

even died my dad

had abandoned me i was in foster care

but like wonder woman my grandmother

swoops in she adopts me

and she made sure that i had the


to be successful in life what i learned

from her

is that no matter how much i have no

matter how little i have

if i have something i have enough to

share with others and that’s

that’s in my dna that’s just how i move


my why she’s my why and uh

right now would be a great time for me

to share a song about her check this out

it’s called mama

everything you saw in me

true you were gone don’t get it confused

this is not a sad

song i’ve been shining oh so bright

simply cause you raised me


collins may she rest in peace c

b y i beat me my moraine’s the monster

left the world with the beast


did you know rap is an acronym

stands for rhythm and poetry and if you

were to take away the rhythm

take away the music you’d be left with

the poetry

so see i could perform a song about my


or i could share this spoken word i’m

gonna go spoken word some poetry check

it out

no mama no daddy no bro no cysts i grew

up in only child

just me and this chick someone called

her big mama some kyle to miss

i call her the only reason i could have

all this

she gave me the game when she laid the

foundation i didn’t took that thing

and founded a nation she told me never


be a leader she’s why i know i’m a


people say saul paul what’s your secret

i just laced you let those that have

ears peeping

see it cannot be made no plainer i put

that on what i love with no disclaimer

p-e-a-r-l-i-e a columnist collins may

she rest in peace

y c-sh be me mama raise the monster left

the world with a beast

i’m her legacy see she passed away even

but me recognizing that um

she made all these sacrifices so i could


i recognized that i had to do more than

just do me

also looking at it like yeah i succeeded

and i was able to overcome and i’m this


outlier i’m this anomaly because when

people come from where i come from

they don’t get the results that i’ve

been able to achieve

that’s not normal i want to normalize

that it shouldn’t be that special

and me as a leader i don’t have to feel

like oh that’s what makes me special


i’m the one it shouldn’t be that way and

so that’s why i use my life and i use my


to create uh to make the world a more

fair place so everyone

can succeed and i do it like me with my

style and my flair

because i recognize to be successful you

really have to be

okay with being different we’re all born

on purpose with a purpose we’re all

unique but you have to own that


i wrote a song about that it’s called

i can only be me


hey lord i tried hard

still i fell so far


you will have to own your uniqueness if

you want to be as successful

as you can be and me i just encourage

you that when you succeed

don’t just do you like do it for


create a platform for others to shine me

that’s what i did

even recently uh a personal highlight is

when they

uh they wrote about me they featured in

the new york times

like major it’s amazing and they talked

about my

most recent album be the change because

see for me

everything starts with the music so i

created this album called be the change

and it was all about um leadership

social justice diversity equity


a bunch of big words really to the

average listener if they heard the music

they’d just be like hey that jam though

you know what i’m saying like that jam

you know cause i think that’s how it

should be when you make

music like art first but i’m a musician

with the message so even though art

first even though it’s music

i still infuse that message what i had

to ask myself was

how can i change the world and it came

down to this

i needed to create something simple but


something big enough so that others

could see themselves in it

and easy enough for them to grab it

grasp it and go do it on their own

so i came up with the be the change


very simple concept easy for people to


and now we’re in right in route to

billions of people

like me changing the world because

that’s the goal i want to change the

world you change your world

i wanted to do it big like that’s just

how i approach life

so it’s this website people go to the

website you sign up you make a pledge

and then you go do 30 days of uh

acts of kindness it’s that simple and

then you share with somebody else and

you challenge somebody else

cool stuff but simply put it was my

unique way to empower people

to rise and be to change so as i


your eyes rise

and open your eyes

now is the time for you to

shine won’t you help me sing rise

rise and open your eyes

now is the time for you to

shine yeah


i’ve been thinking about it i should be

the change

ain’t no doubt about it’s time to be the


there ain’t no way around it if you’re

tired of the same


oh yeah yeah

just felt i needed a little beat on this

one so let’s take it out like this

question we all human right then we

should all have basic human rights and

if i’m doing right and if i’m doing well

then i probably shouldn’t sit and watch

my neighbor fail we get all prevailed

we could all succeed but i gotta be the

change i must be

the lead so i guess i lend a helping


show love to my neighbor and help them

stand cause i’ve been thinking about it

i should really


ain’t no doubt about this time to be the


ain’t no way around it if you’re tired

of the sign

whoa now is the time

to be the change be the change

be the change


in conclusion i simply want to share

with you

the fact is we all live on the same


the truth is we each live in our own

world i

encourage you to be the change in the

world you

live in
