I want to help but I do not know how

some days ago

i wrote a text for this event trying to




but then i read it

and i felt like me giving you answers

was not the right way i mean how could i

know better

so i thought forget it

i’m just going to ask questions

questions about me

my generation and our future

from my point of view our century will

be dominated by three major topics

the first one being climate change and

everything that comes with it

the forest in cali burning faster than

you can run

the big hole in our ozone layer the

amazonas being burned and cut down in

order to make space for social fields

the diesel scandals and the pollution

being cleaned by fake numbers

today the 10 biggest companies are

responsible for around 50

of the co2 emissions so what to do

if the economy would be able to change a

cycle as we know it

going from production to consumption

ending up in the ocean

to something that would rather look like

a circle could already have an

impact on the climate of today but where

to start

it’s always the same question and


i don’t know i don’t know if we have to

first change the production lines

we have to stop producing a bangladesh

four penny get the stuff shipped all

around the world sell it to someone that

will wear it twice

get a hole in it and throw it away i

don’t know

i mean those people in bangladesh they

need jobs

so maybe we should change the product

itself make it more robust better

quality stronger fiber so that doesn’t

fall apart after being worn

but there will be higher production

costs right

therefore less profit margin right

so what if we designed the products in a

way so that after being used they could

be taken apart and you remanufacture

them and give them out again

that’s no mind-blowing idea here it’s


but this stuff you know so what else can


do and at what’s gay

i mean i can change my meat consumption

there are alternatives tofu sedan beans

and many more

i can invest my money in an electric car

or even further

a hydrogen driven one i can take care of

not wasting too much

at a small scale we can all impact the


but how can those changes be implemented

in society

that’s the question i think it’s pretty


95 percent of the people dress act sleep

talk and behave like the famous five


the five percent they look up to so why

not give these five percent away to

spread awareness about daily consumption

our impact on this world and i know that

some of them are already doing this

but sadly not other idols behave like

life don’t look up to

some politicians are still not

recognizing global warming as an issue

which brings me to my second topic

fake news according to the new york

times fake news are 70 percent more

likable to be retreated than real news

and i mean there’s some logic in behind

lies are more attractive

some blonde old we are president or how

to use this to their advantage

it has come so far that it’s not

important anymore what is said

it’s more important what is believed

false claims are making it difficult to

spread the word about stuff people may

not like

climate change for example but how to

change that

how to make people believe the truth

they can just believe whatever

they want because someone said it fake

news are spreading around the internet

and if you are part of the group that

believes in the lizardmen you are more

likely to be shown results that you may

consider true

climate change is a hoax presidential

candidates wants to kill all the cows

how to change that i mean if we can’t

make the distinction between real and


how could computers for example and this

brings me to my third topic

ai artificial intelligence

something that sounds like future but

it’s already so present

ai is choosing for you which will be

played next on spotify

which advertisement will pop up in the

right corner of your screen

and also which news you are more likable

to read

you can choose that but not yet make the

distinction between real and fake news

you can calculate which of them you’re

more likable to enjoy reading

but the trustworthiness of the source is

not considered

so how to change that i mean do we

really want to depend on those things

do we really want to depend on

algorithms to choose for us

should it depend on where you live to

what answer you will get when you ask


a lot of people don’t know much about

this specific issue

it’s so confusing and neither do i

all i know is i want to change the

present to have an impact on the future

that’s why i’m asking questions and so

many people want to make the world


because we all know if we continue like


we are going to crash the problem is how

how to make the change so maybe we could

create a website called something like

i want to help but i don’t know how.com

could list ideas project brands all

having in common the healthy impact on

this world

i mean it’s just an idea but there are

some crazy people out there having even

crazier ideas

some scientists want to build a pair of

sunglasses for the earth

two students develop the drone delivery

system in africa that delivers

medication to the points that are

difficult to access

some guys from uni presented their

entirely sustainable fashion brand last

week to us

there are solutions i think we just need

to communicate

but people don’t have time and remain

ignorant i’m ignorant

so we need to see see what we are doing

see what we are gaining by not doing and

all that explained as easy as possible

so that frank the farmer can understand

it as well as behind the manager

we need to act carefully us

the youth we are building a social


we will change the future but we are not

yet in the position to have a huge

impact on the present

so listen to me parents you are our


our five percent the ones we look up to

the ones who’ve been telling us since we

grow up you have to take care of the


you have to think about what earth you

want to leave behind because we did not

let me tell you one thing we will make

the change don’t you worry about that

but before i rethink my future i feel

like you should set the example and we

think you’re present

thank you