Sustainability is no rocketscience

when we look at the history of mankind

progress always seems to be

about thriving and about evolving

basically about getting better

with all the new technologies that we

implemented throughout the centuries


all the additional complexity

that we brought to our societies

at least for me it always seems to

be all about serving mankind and it was

always for the greater good

to help us

to become healthier to live longer

to maybe even have more fun in life

that changed we are now at the point

where technological progress

the increase of our economies

and of course the increase of us

of our sheer numbers

are about to threaten the very existence

of humanity i give you an example

between the fall of the roman empire and


sailing it took 13 centuries

to add 250 million people to the world’s


now it takes just four years

when i was born in the early 70s well


we had a population of around 4 billion

people back then

in the 2000s we had six billion

and i’m probably witnessing in my


that we are going to break through nine


people that is amazing

population population growth though is


much higher in the developing world

than in the developed but

i think that’s not the problem there are

two things that are going on

the one is the population

but this is also about consumption

in terms of the impact on the planet

what’s much more important is the growth

in consumption levels

and these are far higher in our



the average person in the european union

consumes about four times of the


of the average person in india

but it gets worse the average person in

the u.s

even consumes seven times as much

and this shouldn’t be an excuse for us


our world is in a crisis our economies

are in a deep crisis mode right now

because of covet 19. we are in

recessions all

around the world and that means

our governments must invest

to get us through this wouldn’t this be

an amazing moment in our history where

we can now

invest into a cleaner

and more sustainable future

and even create jobs while we’re doing


i give you some examples how about


all of our old buildings what about

getting solar panels solar cells on each

and every roof in our cities

i mean this is wasted space that we

could use

to produce clean and renewable energy

what about working on the public

transport systems

and investing into them that

it just doesn’t feel any more like


getting on a subway that was built in

the 1920s

well most of them are that old

and unfortunately they even look that

old and sometimes

they even smell like they’re from the


imagine the amazing impact

this would have on on our economies

if we get our production workers to

help us work on a

new idea of low energy buildings

retrofitting them like i mentioned


working on the public transport system

make mobility

in our urban centers accessible

and more affordable for each one of us

mobility always was and always

must be a human right

by investing into our public transport

system by lowering the ticket prices

by making it more accessible

we will drive more people towards these

ecosystems and infrastructures in our


which will help our urban areas

our city centers to become more


we also need to start producing

affordable food

we waste 40 percent of the food that

gets produced

40 percent and unfortunately most of it

gets thrown away

after it already landed on our plates

that is

absolutely pure insanity it means that

products went through the whole value


they were grown they

probably got their fair amount of


you had to harvest them sometimes they

were even

shipped and transported all around the


maybe even wrapped in

those plastic bags that are

ultimately polluting our oceans

just to get flushed down the drain or

the toilet

because our stuffed bellies send a

signal to our brains to make us say

sorry that’s it

i’m full i can’t eat

all of this and we have so

many amazing examples think about

vertical farming

we need more of those crazy ones

that one steve jobs mentioned in his

famous speech

in 1997 the ones who

see differently and are crazy enough to

think that

they can actually change the world

we need the best truly the best

of our engineers to show

that sustainable economies

can create profitable businesses

because basically this will create the


wing beat of this green butterfly

effect this world needs so


we need you guys to prove to the world

that this change starts right now

that it’s a change for the good

for a more sustainable a peaceful

and ultimately a healthy future for all

of us

so i mean what are we waiting for

it’s about each and every one of us to

make sure

that our governments put the wide

regulations in place

financially stimulate sustainable


and reward those who are willing

to make a change who are willing to


we need new priorities because there is


much to do on earth which is obviously

the only the only planet

we have for the foreseeable future

it truly is

wouldn’t it be amazing to

see those scientists and engineers on

the cover

of the global business magazines

that are solving the global energy

or sustainable food chain problems here

on earth

but guess what we are doing

instead we cherish those who build


and talk about the evolutionary step of

of building a multi-planetary society

flying to a planet that won’t be


for thousands of years to come

is probably the most ridiculous idea

considering the problems we have

to solve on earth

a planet with breathable air drinkable


and almost eight billion people

who want to make a living

god damn it forget about mars

let’s fix earth

there is no greater challenge for


no bigger problem to be solved

and no other disaster

that no one can hide from

and that’s climate change

it affects all of us

if we change if we are willing to change

our behavior

we will write the biggest success story

in our history and that’s

saving this beautiful planet

sustainability is no rocket science

it’s much more important than this

thank you